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Posts posted by Chun-Li_Forever

  1. 3 minutes ago, delete_me said:

    I just realise that we've seen the entire launch roster now. I wonder if they're going to show the rest* before launch or if they have something else up their sleeves to hype it up until June.


    *edit: the DLC characters


    Either tease the DLC characters, show more of world tour, or do what they did with SFV in doing a character profile once a week until release.


    Not to mention Cammy's Zangief's and Lily's characetr themes, maybe we'll get a look at the rest of the cast's VS Screen walk-ins + faces, and more

  2. @Darc_Requiem It's pretty good, just a few inaccuracies within the vid, but overall a good presentation and the dramatic dialogue makes her story sound more interesting. 


    Some Inaccuracies/errors include:

    • HBTW says that Chun-Li resided in Hong-Kong, though her SF2 flag states she's from China, whilst Fei Long hails from Hong Kong. Chun-Li in the SFII V animated series does reside in Hong Kong, according to the wiki, but canonically, she's from China.
    • Chun-Li was influenced by BOTH Bruce Lee (film) AND Peking Opera (theatre), video states that she's was inspired by Bruce Lee's movie: "Peking Opera"
    • Doesn't mention any part of Chun-Li's or C. Viper's Aftermath story
    • Not really an error, but def spent way more focus than there should be when he talked about SF Ties that Bind. Chun-Li's involvement wasn't as significant, and he talks way more about what happened with Ryu
    • HBTW mispronounces Li-Fen's name, calling her by the DOA Chinese fighter "Leifang" 
    • I know there isn't a lot of SF6 story to go off on, but I think he also could've mentioned a little bit of Chun-Li's SF6 bio, where she is a beloved member of her community, and her kung fu classes are now open to students of all ages (as seen in the World Tour trailer). 

    But I thought it was a good video, definitely made Chun-Li's story more interesting, and the video does work in that it paints Chun-Li as if she was  the main protagonist of the story. The video does show that she does indeed go through an arc, finally making a transition at the end of her revenge journey.


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