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Posts posted by Chun-Li_Forever

  1. Bosch Theory (if no one has suggested it yet).


    I believe Bosch may have some connections to Naysall and the incident that happened between Ken and JP. That, or he's from Nayshall.


    Bosch has come to Metro City to become stronger so he can do whatever he can to help his hometown after it was impacted by the Nayshall incident. I'm thinking Bosch will either go the World Tournament route, where he will use his winnings to help rebuild and provide relief efforts for Nayshall. That or he'll want to use what he's learned from the streets to get closer to JP and or Ken.

  2. CjmXWa0.png


    Chun-Li to Dee Jay: " I think your music may be a little too energetic for my liking."


    Thoughts: Better than what you got for your SF6 theme song, babe.


    Interestingly enough, in Udon's Street Fighter 100 Ryu vs Chun-Li comic, while Dee Jay was DJing it up, Chun-Li arrives at the party and just mingles with her fellow fighting acquaintances. I'm not sure if Chun was ever the party dancing kind of girl. I know she liked to liven things up when she was trying to get back to her single life. But it would be interesting if she was.


    Though we are never privied to Chun's taste in music, I would find it plausible if she was more into the classical genre, especially since she got her first inspiration of kung fu from Peking Opera. So maybe Chun-Li's taste in music have always been mild-mannered, and only with the grounded intensity that came from the performances resembling combat. Very much how her old themes sound like.


    Maybe I see a bit of myself in Chun-Li too. As I get older, I'm finding I'm not a big a fan as the EDM/Electronic music genre that has been popularized by this generation, and I've always stuck with the music that has made me feel close to myself, or stuff that I resonate with.

    That doesn't mean Dee Jay's music is bad, oh far from it. He's a professional whose vibe seems to capture all of the hearts he performs in front of. 


    All in all, this quote is more insightful of Chun as a character rather than exploring or detailing any kind of relationship that Chun and Dee Jay have.

  3. Man, I haven't done this in months, Story Fam! 


    Cammy to Chun-Li: "Thank you for all of your help against Shadaloo. I'm sure that we'll fight together again someday."


    Thoughts: I'm glad Capcom still recognizes their friendship. I'm glad that there is still a mutual respect to each other. And I'm glad Cammy is showing gratitude to Chun-Li, as I'm sure Chun-Li would feel the same. With Chun-Li on the retirement side, and Cammy still on the job, it would make sense that these two's paths wouldn't cross as frequently anymore: Cammy is off saving the world, while Chun-Li is now a teacher. However, i feel this quote does affirm that Cammy believes Chun-Li has her back, no matter what. So if there comes a time when Cammy needs to call upon her fighting bestie, I'm sure that if Chun-Li would be right there to help her.



    Lily to Chun-Li: "You're strong, and always fight for what's right. The spirits say so."


    Thoughts: I think this can be simplified that Lily's guardian spirits can sense the goodness of Chun-Li's heart through combat. But here are some alternative takes to her win quote.

    Maybe the spirits have been alive longer than Lily, dating all the way back to SF2 when Chun and T-Hawk were in the same arena. Maybe those same spirits are just passing down what they've seen and felt with Chun-Li back then and reaffirming that her heart hasn't changed in 6.

    Lastly, and this  one may feel a little out there and a little existential, but hear me out. Lily seems to be a very spiritual girl. She has deep connection to the wind spirit and those of her land. But who's to say that she can't also feel a presence for other spirits as well? Like say, Chun-Li's father who has been watching Chun-Li grow up this whole time. Maybe Lily's win quote is his way of passing a message through Lily to tell Chun-Li that he is proud of what she's accomplished and become. (Again, a little out there, but an alternate interesting take)

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