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Posts posted by Chun-Li_Forever

  1. Personally, I love the addition of battle damage. Forget the blood, cuts, and blackened eyes. But the sweat gleaming off their skin (face and arms), plus their dirtied fighting outfits really give you that feeling that the characters were in a real and physical fight. Heck, in some of the Super/Critical arts, you can see some sweat flying.


    I guess I never really questioned it since they stopped doing it altogether in Alpha, 3, 4, and 5. But it shows Capcom is really taking steps to focus on the realism: when a character gets whalloped with a massive combo or attack, they DONT look the same as when they started the fight. I mean, how can you? Body parts coliding against each other, bodies hitting the wall and ground, each strike/fireball/grab looking like its making an impact.


  2. 50 minutes ago, Daemos said:


    Battle damage was part of Street Fighter well before MK ever existed.



    Between the blood and sweat flying, and the vomiting, plus the obvious battle damage in the Win/Loss screen. 


    Honestly, the battle damage in SF6 is reletively tame compared to what you see in SF2 and even SFIII New Generation. But I'm sure the devs will have an option to turn it off.

  3. I don't know about you, but I think SF6 Chun is the BEST Chun-Li has ever looked.


    As the resident Chun-Li Expert with a PhD in Thighcology and a Masters in Kick-nesiology , not to mention 30 years of love and  devotion to the Queen and Waifu herself, I think my opinion should count for something right?




  4. 1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:


    This is the English VA, right? This is sounding like a second language


    Yes, that's Kimberly's VA Anairis Quinones speaking Japanese. I don't know if the first taunt is a count or some kind of jutsu, but I'm pretty sure the 2nd taunt she's saying "Thank you, from the Bushinryu". 


    My guess is that since the Bushinryu come from Japan, it only makes sense that Kimberly, who is learning the ninjutsu art of Bushinryu, also learn their language and culture. So  rather than having translate those taunts, they kept it in the native Japanese language.

  5. 5 hours ago, BornWinner said:

    I’m probably stepping into @Chun-Li_Forever territory, but many of the in-game animations of Chun-Li emphasize her older & wiser status. In regards to the burnout state video posted above:

          • Her burnout stance is the closest to her regular idle stance compared to everyone else.

          • She looks the least tired of the cast so far. Even Ryu and Guile are keeping their guard up.

          • When the drive bar gets refilled, she doesn’t exclaim or make an exaggerated movement like the rest of the cast. She just returns to her stance in one smooth motion.


    The animations for this game have been and all of Chun’s look to wnchance how content she is in her life and how confident she is in her style. Like Capcom really wants to show you that she is a master.


    Well said



    Juri to Chun-Li: "The case ain't closed yet. There's plenty more playtime in store... Betcha can't wait!"



    Thoughts: Clearly, Juri wants this train to keep going, even though Chun-Li has moved on. Juri is also unaware that Chun-Li has retired from police work, so I'm not sure what case she'd be chasing at this point. Unless there is some story development, or Chun-Li is still checking on remnants of Shadaloo, I think the only person that wants Chun-Li to keep chasing her is Juri herself. 


    Interesting how Juri is projecting that Chun-Li must be itching to continue to play with Juri, to continue cleaning up after her messes, and to defend those Juri is assaulting. Clearly, Juri is obsessed with Chun-Li. Hell, she even copies her same "PERFECT KO" win animations. I'm curious if there is an underlying attachment that Juri has grown to Chun-Li, and now that M. Bison is gone for the both of them, the only source of genuine excitement and fun she can find comes from her favvorite rival: Chunners.


    From a humor standpoint, this could be seen as Juri being nothing more than a stalker ex-girlfriend, who can't get over her "school girl crush" on Chun-Li. But worstcase scenario, Juri still stalking Chun-Li could be dangerous for those around her, like Li-Fen or her kung fu students. Juri has shown in the past she is not above hurting innocents to get that thrill. And if Chun-Li is caught in the middle with Juri's obsessions that could easily turn into psycho, then Chun-li may be forced back into the fight once again.


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