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    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to CESTUS III in Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.   
    For what's worth just 1-2 days ago on story thread we talked about Chun blocking animations difference (normal vs burnout) showing to be way more efficient on normal state, so i guess make sense with the whole concept of it
    Personally i dig it, it's essentially a mechanic that simulate in SF the real life scenario of fighters handling poorly their own energies and starting to fight like shit (offense and defense) because they spent all they got without being able to KO their opponent
    Actually try to bait other guy into waste all in useless prolonged aggression and fuck him up when he's gassed/weaken is pretty common shit (typical welcome every brawler noob get in gyms), wonder if will become a style of play lol
    Rather than see it as useless shit i take it as SF applying to gameplay something well known/important in fight sports and martial arts without become a boring simulator, i like it
    My perplexity is that may risk to punish who takes the initiative, it may steal lot of momentum/pace from  matches... but tbh guess it's all about how they balance Drive Gauge tools, mybe they will be so powerful that if you try to defend yourself without use drive shit on your own, good chance you get overwhelmed and die lol
    PS: half OT, but for very similar reason i dig also the Drive Gauge starting full, after all begin it's the moment when you're still full of energies and it's up to you chose how to manage them, if burn everything quickly looking for a quick conclusion, or dose them wisely looking for a more methodical/cautious fight
  10. LOL
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    "Nice new Gi Ryu! It's nice to see you replaced that old raggedy one!"
    "Thanks Chun-Li. It was a little pricey, but it was worth it."
    "How do you find the money anyway, I don't recall ever seeing you working or anything."
    "Oh, nothing, it's just the drug money."
    "Oh, that's nic- Wait, what?"
    "Drug money! The local mafia hires me from time to time to protect their men when they're smuggling drugs or transferring dirty money or weapons."
    Chun-Li blinks
    "Just yesterday a local gang needed some help to guard their warehouse while they were getting rid of some witnesses' corpses. You know, the whole dissolving bodies in acid sort of deal. So they needed someone to make sure no one got close, and I'm like a bouncer or something. The smell isn't good, but the pay is."
    "Ryu, what the actual fuck."
    "Ryu, that's wrong."
    "No, no. I've suppressed the Satsui no Hado, the killing intent, by tapping into the power of Mu, becoming one with the flow of the worl-"
    "No Ryu, nobody gives a shit about that Buddhist mumbojumbo, this is about the the fucking mafia and drug thing."
    "Well, aren't you with the police?"
    "W-What? That's the whole poin-"
    "Like, isn't your job to beat the poor or something? That's pretty bad too."
    "Wha- Ryu, what the absolute fuck."
    "Er, look, I'm pretty sure I have to go now. I must keep searching for someone stronger then myself..."
    "Ryu, come over here!"
    "The answer lies in the battle, you know, that kind of stuff."
    "Ryu, stop right there!"
    "See you later Chun!"
    Ryu tatsumakis out of the way as Chun-Li pursues him
  11. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to YagamiFire in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Though we need to recognize that SFV gave us this
    This is pure platinum. I will fight ANYONE on this. This theme is absolutely god-tier
  12. LOL
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Sound like Ryu is the muscle of a crew that plans to rob Las Vegas on a fight night.
  13. LOL
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from SouthTownChi in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Sound like Ryu is the muscle of a crew that plans to rob Las Vegas on a fight night.
  14. LOL
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Doctrine_Dark in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Sound like Ryu is the muscle of a crew that plans to rob Las Vegas on a fight night.
  15. LOL
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Sound like Ryu is the muscle of a crew that plans to rob Las Vegas on a fight night.
  16. LOL
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Daemos in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Sound like Ryu is the muscle of a crew that plans to rob Las Vegas on a fight night.
  17. LOL
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from BornWinner in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Sound like Ryu is the muscle of a crew that plans to rob Las Vegas on a fight night.
  18. LOL
    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Hey someone has to get Ken out of debt and pay the lawyers for his child custody hearing. 👀
  19. LOL
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from ShockDingo in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Sound like Ryu is the muscle of a crew that plans to rob Las Vegas on a fight night.
  20. +1
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    Chun-Li_Forever reacted to CESTUS III in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    I think Chun is just lovely as ever with her
    Li Fen character design itself show a very playful side, colourful modern clothes, miniskirt, tech gadgets, funny sock etc... even the place where they spar, colourful and full of modern dressed people (possible Chun or Li Fen stage?) does'nt seems at all that getting older she started to have a more austere martial artist lifestyle or anything
    It's just during that very moment you're teaching/training/sparring and you're doing it not to grab some money from people that want an hobby, but to actually teach that person how to defend himself, after a while you will surely do it better leaving friendship/smiles/softshit out of the ring or tatami (or better, just out of the sparring session) because you're NOT supposed to give him/her a comfortable situation (unless he/she want zumba shit training)
    Trained person is supposed to learn to face hostility as general thing, not just the punch/kick itself... even at equal level of training people used to a playful instructor that's all smiles and jokes are likely to feel completely out of their element (and maybe even freeze) the day they end up face some angry guy that actually want to fuck them up
    Of course at bit more advanced level when that mindset has been achieved, two can spar hard throw bombs and still be bit more all laughs and hugs... but a novice better get the cold treatment
    Wich is why many times in good gyms noobs feel like everybody is bullying them, when on reality* people are trying help them grow some balls
    *of course assholes (and shit gyms) exist too, but this is another story
    Returning to SF lore, Chun there is teaching Li Fen (a young girl who's been already kidnapped twice) to face enemies... not sparring partners, not sport tournament opponents, not her mom... she's trying to get Li Fen used to face the feel of cold face enemy
    Even the fact she's doing with hands "tied" behind her back whole time it's not to show off or to ridicule Li Fen (both things don't fit Chun's nature) nor to make things "easier" for her, it's a way to make shit even more uncomfortable and demoralizing as your opponent seems to possess insurmountable skill level gap...  and that should not fuck up your mind (as nothing should, or you will perform worse)
  25. +1
    Chun-Li_Forever got a reaction from Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Not to mention that Chun-Li's father, in addition to working as a cop, was also one of her instructor figures in teaching her kung fu (as well as Gen). In a way, Chun-Li becoming an instructor and a mother fulfills the two parental roles that Chun had growing up: Since we know very little of Chun-Li's mother, and at best, we can assume she passed away at a young age, and Chun-Li's father being a dad and a teacher to Chun when she's at home, since he very well can't bring his work into his home.
    Chun-Li is becoming the mother she never had, and when she is no longer pursueing her father's killer, she continues to honor his memory by becoming exactly what he was to Chun-Li when she was growing up: a parent and a teacher. And that is an incredible way to continue to honor her parents and have her character go forward in life.
    Yes. I didn't notice it at first glance. But great observation.
    Li-Fen is also older, so the longer she's been with Chun-Li, the more she (or Chun) probably realizes that Chun-Li can baby her anymore. She can't hold her hand every lesson, and in order for her to improve (and have her kung fu potentially save a life one day, maybe hers), Chun will have to go serious when teaching her.
    Of course, Chun isn't like that 24/7. in her bio, she enjoys shopping with Li-Fen as well as days off to relax. So she has time in her day to have fun, show off that smile, loving, and motherly side. (Hell on the P2 side of the VS Walk-In cinematics, she's waving and smiling). But great observation of her demeanor in the trailer. 
    She's obviously stern, and less "Gomen ne" fun. But she does well to not hurt who she's teaching, even hilariously booping Li-Fen in the back of her head with her foot. A kick that would easily kill if Chun was swinging at full force to the back of someone's head.
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