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  1. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Fully expect that to be pushed back along with everything else. We are making progress but not sure how many people want to be in theater with a mask on or not just to watch a film with the virus still out there.
  2. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from Jurassic in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Fully expect that to be pushed back along with everything else. We are making progress but not sure how many people want to be in theater with a mask on or not just to watch a film with the virus still out there.
  3. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    It was left on the hands of EA leadership, this doesn't surprise me they would cut and run. I feel bad for those who worked so hard to make the game presentable but there efforts will be tainted by yet another major game this generation that had poor leadership leading to a massive flop.
  4. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    If either of Biowares upcoming flag ship titles fail than they’re going to be taking a trip to EA’s ever expanding graveyard 
  5. LOL
  6. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Considering they’re still holding Black Widows release hostage...don’t be surprised if spider-man 3 also gets delayed indefinitely 
  7. +1
    Wellman reacted to Maxx in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    I hope they do a home release. If I don't have the vaccine by then I'm bootlegging it
  8. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from RSG3 in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Marvel for a good number of female magic users but Magik and to a lesser extent Pixie are some of the finest and memorable.
  9. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Can we just get the KOTOR games on Switch now? 
  10. +1
    Wellman reacted to DoctaMario in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    That companies were willing and able to work with/for the Nazis makes so much more sense now after seeing the way corporations kowtow to CCP/China. Just wow.
  11. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Target being dumb as shit again. I have the Zelda Joycons preordered through them, right? Well, they already did the authorization charge and refund. Which is fine. But they just did another authorization charge to my account. 
    they did this constant authorization charge and refund shit when I preordered my Switch with them too. I don’t want the the joycons enough to deal with this until July. So I’m probably just going to cancel my preorder 
    edit: I cancelled them. Target basically told me the same thing they told me when this is happening with my switch preorder back in ‘17 
    “we can’t do anything about it. You’ll just have to deal with it” naw, I don’t actually.
    I’m not too worried. I’m sure another retailer will get more preorders in soon. 
  12. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to MillionX in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    yep I should've seen another delay coming.  It's sad that I already had more realistic hopes of actually getting to play the Vampire Battle Royale game that is planned...that actually has a better shot at coming out sometime soon, I think.  I still have hopes of being a badass Tremere-clan, Ventrue or Lasombra(DLC hopefully) fledgling doing generally awesome vampire shit in the city.
    Sadly, they're doomed to lose even more fan support this way; it's unavoidable. 

  13. LOL
  14. +1
    Wellman reacted to TheInfernoman in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    OMG I found a new profile to follow
  15. LOL
    Wellman reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    As ET's attorney, I've filed an injunction against Tom Holland.
  16. LOL
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    This thread is hilarious 
  17. LOL
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
  18. +1
    Wellman reacted to KingTubb in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    For real. And SNK being in MBS's pocket also stings. At least we got Bamco and ASW that haven't been tainted yet
  19. +1
    Wellman reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    SF2 bending the knee to China hurts my heart.
  20. LOL
    Wellman reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
  21. LOL
    Wellman reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Just messing with you man. I didn't call you Locoghoul. His photo needs to be given to Teagan Croft's security detail 👀
  22. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Modern Marvel Teenage Magik is my favorite. 
    im currently reading Strange Academy actually. I haven’t gotten far into it but what sold me on giving it a try is Magik being a teacher at the academy. 😆
  23. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from iStu X in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Marvel for a good number of female magic users but Magik and to a lesser extent Pixie are some of the finest and memorable.
  24. +1
    Wellman reacted to AriesWarlock in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
  25. LOL
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