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Posts posted by CDB2k20

  1. On 5/7/2021 at 11:24 AM, MillionX said:

    ..... absolutely loving this shit so far.  I'm in the Dimetrescu castle now, and left it there for the night... sheeeeitttt, besides how hot Lady D. is...the castle is pretty damn awesome.

    Made to the castle and took out one of Big Momma's daughters!!!

    So far this is combination of RE4, RE7, RE 2: ReMake and RE5 since the GOAT Chris is in this...and it is amazing!!


    RTX 3070 is handling this shit like a champ, only issue I had was whenever the daughters first arrive and attack you in fly form during their mini-boss battles.

    The FPS takes a hit but recovers was battle begins.





    Lady  Dimetrescu for SFVI, Capcom All-Stars and Mahvel!!

  2. 1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

    Just throwing this out there...the only thing that Annihilation has arguably to stand on is the fights.  Everything else is absolute shit.    Anyone who can actually watch Annihilation in its entirety while seeing Johnny get killed in 5 minutes, only 2 returning actors for the first movie, the shitty ass editing which included the use of Rain getting tossed in a pit of fire twice and the studio thinking nobody would catch it, Sheeva doing....????? then getting squashed (like Nitara didn't do shit in 2021 but Sheeva? lmao), characters coming out of fucking nowhere with no explanation, "MOTHER...You're alive?" "TOO BAD YOU....WILL DIIIEEE", the god damn metal gyro spheres used for transportation, that amazingly hilarious sudden shit explosion that occurs after Sony and Jax jump towards to scene to indicate the building exploded, "PRETTY COOL HUH???....IT'S MY ANIMALITY." and the very last being that god damn screech fest that happens during the climax between Liu and Shao that probably killed portions of any child's ear drums if they went to the theater to see it has lost their minds.  Saying you didn't like 2021?  That's fine.  Saying 2021 is bad?  That's fine too.   Saying 2021 is worse than Annihilation? need to get admitted to psych ward.

    The first 10 minutes with Scorpion and Bi-han back in the 1600s, was incredibly good and that alone nudges MK 2021 above MK: Annihilation.



  3. 1 hour ago, Maxx said:


    Seth Meyers Thank You GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


    7 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    I didn't mind Arcana except when it allowed Jax to "do what he did" , which retarded and made no sense.

    At least you got up to speed on that concept.

    Mortal Kombat lore has long established that the characters powered by either or combination of chi, mysticism, straight up magic and/or advance tech & cybernetics.


    I mean Fucking Arcana...



  4. 4 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    2021 just needed some kinks ironed out (more developed story, more Scorpion and less Cole) . It's a few hairs away from being good, which a sequel can easily address


    Some "kinks just needed to be ironed out" is an understatement. 

    MK 2021 is a Sindel hair length away from being anywhere near decent.



    One word for you.... "arcana"



  5. On 4/24/2021 at 1:11 PM, Psychoblue said:

    I don't know anymore.  Someone else who just saw it brought up that at least Annihilation had a climax and at least one relatable protagonist that you could hitch your wagon to, get a payoff to his conflict and last to the end (Jax). 

    I'll give you that.

    I have to knock MK (2021) down below MK Annihilation.


    On 4/24/2021 at 1:11 PM, Psychoblue said:

    It's the same reason I defended Monster Hunter, if you didn't like Milla, you had an actual likable protagonist who was funny and charming (Jaa) who you could get behind instead.

    If You Say So Reaction GIF by Identity


    Focusing on Jaa portraying Field Commander  is not going to make Monster Hunter movie watchable.

  6. 11 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

    Overall:  7/10


    A "decent" start. I hope Cole takes a backseat. Im sad about a certain klassic character's death since this person made his/her theatrical debut in this film.


    For reference..


    MK 1995 -   8/10  (Still the best)

    MK Annihilation    4/10  (Still the worst)

    MKL: Scorpion's Revenge      7.5/10


    Office Space No GIF

    7/10 is waaaaay the hell too generous for MK 2021.

    The Scorpion origin opening, Joe Talism Sub-Zero, the actors for Jax & Kano, are worth that.


    This shit earns MK Annihilation's rating.


    A compilation of MK 11's story mode & MK Aftermath in 4K quality is better than fucking MK 2021!!

  7. Now that the finale is out, and I can honestly say that I enjoyed Falcon and Winter Solider better than WandaVision!!



    I'm on board with Mackie as the new Captain America!! The suit is clean as F@#!

    Isiah arc was top notch, as was Bucky's!!


    Sharon being the Power Broker, which we all saw coming, sucks given her heroic family lineage. 

    Peggy Carter looking down from badass agent heaven in shame!!


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