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  1. LOL
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from DoctaMario in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    This latinx is so retarded 
  2. +1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from Hecatom in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    United States of America
  3. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from DoctaMario in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    MK11 is fighting game of the year
    These awards are utter shit as usual. 
  4. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    MK11 is fighting game of the year
    These awards are utter shit as usual. 
  5. +1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from TheInfernoman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    This latinx is so retarded 
  6. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    MK11 is fighting game of the year
    These awards are utter shit as usual. 
  7. +1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from globe in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    This latinx is so retarded 
  8. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Disciple0fAnrky in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I am tripping, I must have seen some mention of perfect dark being worked on somewhere like on youtube because I had a dream about that shit this week. 
    edit:  perhaps being exposed to b-tier opened my 3rd eye?
  9. +1
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    That seph trailer was sexy as fuck
  10. +1
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I honestly forgot about The Game Awards and it seems like I didn't miss much. Game announcements with zero gameplay don't get me hype. Also I'm laughing at all the Smash clowns right now. If wish they were as gun ho about going after the pedo's in the community as they are bitching about Nintendo not allowing them use emulate games at tournaments. Yeah, I see where there priorities are...
  11. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    "I'M SO MAD AT YOU NINTENDO...and I'll continue to be mad riiiiight after I buy Sephiroth."
  12. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to BornWinner in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I doubt this was the intent but quite fitting that he made all those the kids in the situation
  13. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Yes correct. That is indeed the argument. 
    If Nintendo wants to hold the crown forever as King Petty (and just this once I encourage it)  they should release Melee in the eShop as a GameCube classic, and don't do anything. Yea sure it makes it easier to get and play but not upressed, no online, full price, digital only. 
    I would laaaaaaauuuuuugh. 
    I'm a terrible person lol.
  14. +1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from Disciple0fAnrky in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars
    I just got a ps4 pro from ebay PS5 can wait. 
  15. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Disciple0fAnrky in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    TTRPG means table top role playing game fella fella, but thanks anyways
  16. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    These are the same chuckle fucks who missed the main theme of Ghost in the Shell, and it's right there in the fucking title!!! Lol
  17. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to KingTubb in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Had this convo with a buddy of mine yesterday 

    Anybody remember when MHW dropped and waypoint spent their whole review talking about vegetarianism and colonialism? 
    That's when I stopped reading video game reviews
  18. +1
    rukawa_kaede reacted to MillionX in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    a bit off topic here, but for the past several has been amusing how people have stretched the definition of "phobic" or "phobia".  It is an irrational fear of something...but anytime a certain "community" hears or sees something they don't like, it's labeled as "___phobic", when that's usually not actually the case.  It's oddly annoying yet funny at the same time... like how the words "cuck" and "incel" have been transformed into generic insults for people that disagree with you on something...instead of what those words actually mean.  Definitions of words apparently don't mean much anymore, since everything means anything in the next 5 minutes, I guess.
    Anyway--- I'm getting this shit day 1, most likely.... definitely leaning towards a character that focuses on any kind of hacking skills, and whatever gives me the most stealth and speed-related bonuses... and the "Corpo" path.
  19. Thrilling
    rukawa_kaede reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Forewarning to anyone playing CP2077
  20. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    God I hope M$ doesn't buy Sega...
  21. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Ah shit! Twitch gonna go back to being or be renamed Amazon streaming. 
  22. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to BornWinner in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Didn’t see this talked about here but Twitch has banned using the term ‘Blind Play through’ this week because it’s offensive.
    Someone’s already been banned for using it.
  23. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    The saga continues 
  24. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Disciple0fAnrky in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Wonder how long it will be before I get banned from twitter as well as facebook. 

  25. Insightful
    rukawa_kaede reacted to MillionX in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    ha, I got in on the sale for 1 last purchase just in time... it was only about 35 minutes left in the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales early this morning....  Tekken 7 ULTIMATE edition was 20 bucks, man... it's hard to say no to 80% off on an "ultimate" edition.
    HDD space is tight though.. I had to uninstall 2 games to make some room.  Sad thing is that this issue is even worse with the new gen of consoles at the moment.
    One of the many reasons I love the Switch is how it still has that advantage of old-era systems....back when we could play a game right off the physical medium it's on; no installations required, for most of them, at least.  Some games will prompt you for a day 1 patch ....and you can just ignore that shit and keep right on having fun.... I think Bayo 2 was like that... "day 1 patch.."  and I'm like "nah bruh" and kept going... completely offline and portable, btw.  System GOAT status right there, folks.
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