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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. I'll get back to Bayonetta 3 soon, if I could stop being distracted by so many other things at the moment, like Hogwart's Legacy and Diablo... Diablo 3 season 28 is officially on and poppin'... I got my Necro up to 60 so far... will likely be at level 70 quickly in my next play session. The new "Altar" this season gives so many changes it's crazy... one of the 2nd nodes you can unlock removes all level requirements on gear, which as one might guess is a ridiculous power increase to low-level characters. You could theoretically have all level 70 stuff equipped on a level 1 character. I already started crafting whatever is the highest I could get from the blacksmith; I'm assuming it's 70s already (not sure since this "remove level req." thing just makes everything show up as "level 1" now.) Necromancer as usual is the way to go to level up fast as a starting character...mostly because the "corpse explosion" skill is pretty much better than anything the other character classes have at low in no time, Necro can wipe out huge groups of enemies like it's nothing, leading to a much faster exp gain for your time. It's amazing to see how fast others are with this shit--- I checked the reddit board and some of my fellow Diablo fanatics are already into paragon levels....and this season just started last night. Rhykker also made a "best builds" vid just yesterday for the new season edit---ha, no time at all---level 70, paragon 24 already with a few Altar nodes unlocked
  2. Oh yeah...surprisingly that didn't come to mind right away----I suppose I'm a bit of a casual there. I didn't even know about it until the late 80s cartoon that blew up the popularity, and from there I just liked the original cartoon, the 2003 cartoon, the first movie (but not the others) and the games....mainly the games though. I love it much more in that format than anything else,'s like a story/concept that was destined to be such prime "beatemup" genre gaming material. I've played the hell out of that new one that was released recently. Also from popular horror...the usual big 3: Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and Hellraiser. I have the complete collection of Nightmare and the Friday franchises. Hellraiser is sadly much more hit and miss for's maianly parts 1 - 4 I remember and I don't care much for anything beyond that point *except* this latest one that came out on Hulu which appears to have saved/resurrected the franchise. Ohhh and how could I forget----DOOM and Saint's Row....yeah those are 2 big, legendary franchises for me.... too bad the last Saint's Row has effectively murdered the IP.
  3. A lot comes to mind usually separated by what realm of entertainment it came from (comics vs. movies, vs. shows, cartoons, games, etc) for me but these are the top ranks that came to mind right away: Vampire the Masquerade Warhammer - though I'm still just *recently* getting into this lore; I had a passing interest before and then that game "Space Marine" in the 360 era got me hooked a bit more. Diablo - I was just thinking about the total hours played again earlier today for D3... 480 hours just on Switch... at least 850-ish on the XB1...but it goes even further since I played a lot on 360, PS3 and the original PC version. Yes, it's quite insane. Dragonball Bleach Bayonetta Transformers X-Men Gears of War The Matrix Power Rangers/Super Sentai
  4. Yeah the first thing noticeable in that clip is that's one hell of a big "kid" there. I wouldn't be surprised if he's a natural bully simply because he's bigger than others in his class.
  5. ^Another bit of proof that confirms I made the right choice to NOT go with that career path of becoming a teacher. Imagine having to deal with someone else's trashy, worthless, dangerous kids on a daily basis....for years.....and to add insult to injury it's for a relatively low salary. Nah, that's foolishness. It surprises me we don't hear more stories of teachers committing suicide or flipping out in some other way. There is nothing positive to be had in that career... especially in the public schools at a typical big city.
  6. heh, good on ya, "Carl Winslow" Reginald Veljohnson for getting this recurring gig as "America's Dad" on those commercials... it's a surprise and refreshing to see a "dad character" in a commercial (or anything else on tv) that's *not* portrayed as the buffoon caveman of the family, a subservient goon to the all-knowing, all-powerful woman of the house. It was an odd thing how that guy got typecasted for a while too... he was always playing a police officer for some reason...even as Carl Winslow.
  7. Oh I am so surprised that the Suicide Squad game is another pile of "online-only LOL!!!" shit. That's 1 additional reason for me to disregard any notion of spending even 1 penny on that nonsense. I look forward to the inevitable videos poking fun at that as the next major gaming dumpster fire to watch burn. Ugly characters and it's gimped by forever being tied to a company's servers? Get all the way out of here with that mess. Maybe it's just that younger people in general never think of the long-term implications... but it's forever strange to me that people are ok with spending money on a game that you will NOT be able to play on launch when the servers are shitty (*watch what happens with Diablo 4. It will be a repeat of D3 in 2012)....or whenever there's maintenance....and of course...after it all gets shut down in about 2 to 3 years tops once it fails.
  8. Infinity Gems--- if you guys were limited to having just 1 or 2, which ones? (*assuming with the capacity to use them with no adverse effects due to being afflicted with this curse of being a "mere human") If limited to 2 I'm taking Time and Power... it's that ultimate combo of being effectively immortal and invincible for one...that's a main point of appeal to me...but also that lure of being able to see all points of interest that happened in the past... like seeing what a world of dinosaurs actually looked like in person...and then being there for the first hominids and ultimately the first of homo-sapiens. It would be fascinating to see whatever I want in person at any point in the entire timeline(s) due to having the Time gem. It may also be interesting to meet and speak with time-variants of myself. Other historical points of interest---imagine going back to see Gobekli Tepe being built...or the Great Pyramids in Egypt, or how it looked when they were putting the Statue of Liberty together, etc. etc....ooh, and I'd see for sure what was up with Atlantis and what happened there, etc.
  9. Guessing from the context about that clip since I can't really see it (annoying how there's more and more stuff twitter wants you to sign in to see; I'm still not interested in making an account for that; probably never will)... yeah that's an instant disqualifier for me if she's that hateful about her dude playing videogames. That's one thing I'm not budging on one bit... it's my favorite medium of entertainment, so no way in hell I'll stop playing games. "There's the door." She can kindly get the fuck out and stay gone forever if that's how it's going to be. My best friend from college definitely got a good one; she happens to also be at least casually into gaming, so there's been plenty of times we've all been playing something like Phantasy Star games, Halo, Gears of War, Borderlands games, etc.
  10. sheeeitttt, I regret not getting into a fight when I was a kid...back then, with my generation at least... that was when you could get away with beating someone's ass. A kid of today might actually get arrested as a result (even if the kid was a victim and retaliating against a bully)...or somehow the parent(s) would get charged... it wouldn't surprise me. There were some folks I remember having such a deep hatred for... I wanted to just go full savage mode until someone else pulled me away from them....fighting thuggery with thuggery. ...and that reminds me; if I had a kid, then oh yeah there's no way in the world I'd want them in public school systems. I'd do whatever I have to get done to afford sending them to some private with little to no "thug-life" garbage infestation. I would not want my theoretical son or daughter being in school with the same kind of gutter trash I had to tolerate. Well, I'd already be in a good position by just not being in Memphis in the first place (goddamn 3rd world shithole passing as an American "city")....that's already a huge improvement right there. ...another randomly disappointing thing about Memphis, btw... as a kid I thought it was so cool at first that we got a pyramid in the city! Fast forward to know what's there? BASS PRO SHOPS. They have some cool shit like a modern-day pyramid... and somehow it becomes a Bass Fuckin Pro Shop. Of all the things it could have become... it's like imagine some other cool landmark, like you had a fancy castle or a golden Taj Mahal-looking place...and years later it just becomes a Kroger. MASK again....that marathon is still on.... The required educational segments at the end of each MASK episode are funny... one of them was in a junkyard, and Matt's son Scott found T-Bob hiding in a fridge so of course that was the "lesson of the day"----Never hide in an empty fridge, there's no air in there! T-Bob seemed disoriented too, like he almost died..... even though he's a robot so he would presumably not require air to breathe.
  11. Currently on "Shout Factory TV" streaming--- M.A.S.K.! I didn't know they were showing this too... this "channel" is so good, that particular smart-tv is always set to it if I'm not playing games on there. They're often showing marathons of Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai/Power Rangers stuff, Mystery Science Theater episodes, old sci-fi and horror movies, and a lot of other things. This takes me back... unfortunately I didn't have many MASK toys...just the green motorcycle driving character with the "Lifter!" mask power, and I think Matt Tracker's car. I always wanted "Switchblade" with Miles Mayhem the most... that was the coolest of the vehicles....sadly I never got that one. *This is the first time I have seen the show since back when it was new... the voice acting performances on here are terribly bland, like all of them are just phoning it in....some sound like the 1 take is the very first time they saw and read the lines. *ohhh I forgot how hot the redheaded woman was on the villains side...niiiiiice Well ya know what that means----if for whatever reason Disney or WB ever decided to make a live-action version of MASK, I wonder what Black actress they'd get to play her. *ah yep and now I'm remembering how annoying Matt Tracker's son was. I realize now he and T-Bob were set up to be the comic relief characters but it was just tiresome... Matt would tell his son to "stay here" while they handled things...but his son would always try to watch the battles or get involved somehow (while T-Bob is all like "uhhh I don't know about this!"), ultimately getting himself into trouble.
  12. A&P on one of our favorite issues once again I love how there's some of a certain ideological side that seem to think no one would try to take advantage of the situation (*like with gaining access to women's locker-rooms and bathrooms... "Oh all I have to do is say I identify as female and I can get in there? I don't have to prove it in some way? Sheeeeeitttttt...")
  13. the latest from Tiana... she finally did a few backshots on this one
  14. ^Oh I can't wait to see how she somehow manages to get "probation"....or maybe 3 or 4 years in prison + community service at best. If I were the father of that kid, this joke of an American legal system would be the least of her concerns. Back on my nostalgia trip---- Another great thing about this older stuff like Battlestar Galactica (and American Werewolf in London the other day)... it takes me back to that time when there was still "high stakes" in a story, and not every scene was about 6 seconds away from a joke or "witty one-liner" like we're getting in the typical superhero shows/movies of the past few years (*this has become so annoying...if most of the characters aren't taking anything, even the most dire situations seriously, why should the audience?). Battlestar starts off with a bleak situation for the human race....and you see characters dying... people like the newly sworn in President of the colony having to make some tough choices in hopes of assuring their survival against a seemingly unstoppable enemy. ...after watching Werewolf in London recently---first time I've seen this one all the way thru... I now agree with my friend that this was definitely the coolest-looking werewolf on screen, even though you don't see that much of it; mostly closeups on the face and head.
  15. Kira's latest, this time with one of her girlfriends as a bonus
  16. I'm way late on this but yeah... Battlestar Galactica is indeed as awesome as I was expecting... I always suspected this show would be exactly my kind of thing; I just never got around to watching it until now. Oh yeah this is already worth the money. This "series collection" on dvd was 60 or 70 bucks at Walmart. I'm remembering now there was a "Live Arcade" Battlestar game back in the xbox 360 days that I played that was fun... it wasn't anything that sophisticated or deep; a simple space shootemup kind of thing if I recall, just with that name/IP slapped on there. Anyway, yeah---great opening episode, action, the special effects for the time (cgi for the spaceship/combat scenes, and certain "Cylon" visuals) looked pretty cool. Also, as per the usual rule of tv shows and movies, the lineup of hot girls is solid as well.
  17. So many good acquisitions lately for the movie/show collection... I also found 4k American Werewolf in London recently, then earlier today I found the complete Battlestar Galactica (*it's the later-era one that I think was on SyFy some years ago)... and a 3-season collection of Gummi Bears. I was there to get that Battlestar collection; the Gummi Bears dvd was a pleasant surprise I wasn't even on the lookout for....and that was cheap at just 10 bucks. I was watching my 4k version of The Matrix earlier today....of course it looks incredible....also took me back to those old memories of seeing it for the first time in the theater; I was there on the debut weekend and the audience hype level was off the charts, right from that first action scene they hit you with that features Trinity. The marketing campaign for that at the time was pure brilliance too, as it was everywhere but they left it a mystery.... I still remember they included Morpheus' famous line in the trailer-- "No one can be....told what the Matrix have to see it for yourself." It was a surprise that my Dad loved this movie as well; I always figured he would be far too annoyingly cynical and overly critical to enjoy something like that.
  18. Sheeeitt, the "Told ya so." moment will no doubt be pretty sweet the moment I see any gamer lamenting in the near future like "mannn remember those old days when Gamestop was around? At the end they had some random collectible stuff and dorky t-shirts... I kinda miss that, actually... we could still get physical versions of games back then!" *Diablo--- powerlevel just went up again; I finally got an ancient version of the belt in my "Guardian" set, so I augmented that and now have another 500-ish Int. points added (31k total.... 3 million "sheet" dps at this point. Yeah this character is the Ultra Instinct Goku of my family of characters... completely outclassing all my previous characters in nearly every way. The one weakness of this build for Necromancer is that it has a tough time killing a high-level Rift Guardian...I just finished a GR 126 though. ...I might go on to get D2 for Switch as well. It would really have been nice if they added Druid to D3; that's the main character class of interest in part 2 for me.
  19. Well, I look forward to checking this out a bit later... Asmongold has started playing the "I Am Jesus" game 🤣
  20. Oh yeah that dude in the clip is a dummy for even attempting to make it happen without the necessary funds though.... obviously he's playing the game incorrectly. I suspected from the beginning of the little hate campaign there was perhaps some jealousy at play though, generally speaking; with background or lack of funds blocking this off from even being an option for some guys, and it just hit me that child support is a likely obstacle as well: for some, it might be similar to that odd phenomenon where one kid *can't* get a certain toy or game system while his friends and peers can....then that kid resents said toy or game and may even start to hate it, like "eh, the PS5 sucks anyway... fuck that system." (...but really because he could not get it.)...or when a person can't get with another person then proclaims "ehhh no one wanted her ugly ass anyway...she ain't all that." (though just 5 minutes ago he was trying to spit game and make something happen)
  21. It just occurred to me....another reason some guys might have some smoldering resentment and hatred for the "passport bros" situation... Child support. Some are probably held up from getting a passport because they owe a certain amount of child the financial and legal obligations mean they CAN'T do what those guys are doing. This gets more amusing the more I think about the reasons behind it, actually. By the time they hit a certain age... they've been reckless and stupid enough to have spawned several bastard kids out there, and now they owe....and are thus forever locked down here as long as they still owe so much. It's a bit surprising I haven't seen people in the "manosphere" of youtube start really digging into this shyte just yet...just a few vids here and there wondering why some dudes are concerned at all about what other dudes are doing in terms of pussy and potential relationships.
  22. The Diablo season ending helped make my Necro even more powerful...since the paragon exp and characters get added to the off-season family of suddenly I had another 24 points or so....then I augmented 2 more items s now the "sheet dps" is crazy at 2.9 million. Intelligence stat is 30,000+ at this point...just silly. This game, man... it's home to some of the most busted player characters in rpg history; I love it. I just ran a GR121 and it was nothing. (*still with the Necro "death nova" +Guardian set build)
  23. I didn't know the giant metal ball could do that... it's been quite a while since I played I forgot how I even handled that scenario... *probably* killed it with the rot damage if it was killable. Dragon Breath Rot was golden... once I got that ability almost anything else seemed like a downgrade to's ridiculously strong (heh, and people thought sorcery was cheap? sheeeittttt), unless they toned that down in recent updates.
  24. that was funny that some people probably spent real money on avatar accessories.... when those avatars were rarely used at all. I vaguely remember maybe 2 or 3 games that made use of them. I think one of those Doritos Crash Course/Challenge games was one and it's no longer available if I recall. ...even worse---they used to have gamerpics for sale too. I still see that, actually....on reddit you can actually pay for accessories for that tiny reddit avatar. 😆 **Randomly thinking back to the masterpiece that is Batman The Mask of the Phantasm---there was 1 crazy nitpick I had for it... I'll admit I was the only one on this, most likely... it was slightly disappointing that the Phantasm turned out to be a certain person in costume, and NOT a supernatural being. Again, it's a super small nitpick though.
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