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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. haha that new MLK statue will forever be funny to me... from certain angles it's looks like someone holding up a large TURD: Imagine being there in the crowd as it was know there must've been several people in the crowd laughing at that shit.
  2. And now 40 years later... D&D cartoon figures! They look pretty damn good and accurate to me I saw the Venger & DM pack in Target a few days ago... it was 49.99 though; a bit pricey but I still may go back to get it. For decades now I've wanted a more cartoon-accurate Venger figure, and now this finally looks like it's up to my expectations. I'd buy that one solo (maybe not for 50 bucks though) but Dungeon Master being bundled with him is a nice bonus. *ooh, I doubt they will make a figure out of it since this is a minor villain character...but I'd definitely get "Shadow Demon" too; Shadow was a major henchman/spy that Venger used. Also it would be silly if they don't make a Tiamat figure at some point.
  3. There's 2 podcasts I watch that use this gold constantly and I finally found the clip myself Edit--- for those unaware of the origin story there----it's from this Law & Order scene...I wonder sometimes if Ice-T is even aware that it became a meme...
  4. Claire got a new one---31 minutes of this gorgeous goddamn PAWG meat: ATQ also just posted this: won't allow embedding of that one because they're being a cunt again Oh another one...this one's ok for some reason
  5. Oh yeah---Borderlands 3 is on sale too... man, I think this was another one I took time off work for when it came out... it was this and another big game that came out at the same time; major regrets there.... B3 was a terrible disappointment, especially when it launched in that sorry ass state like so many other "major", mainstream games these days. Co-op/multiplayer was consistently a problem, and the loading times on XB1 were absurd. (**haha remember they made the character FL4K a non-binary for some apparent diversity points 😆 bruh the character is a robot... so...of course?) I wonder now if Gearbox will ever find their way again... after this one, then there was the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands game, which was another disappointment for other reasons. At this point, if a Borderlands 4 or Wonderlands 2 is announced, my expectations are basically's a tough sell now. That brand of humor that's always in these games...that's another thing that's worn out its welcome, imo. Part of the reason I stopped playing Wonderlands regularly is that I'm tired of the non-stop goofball shenanigans... nothing is allowed to be serious for even 2 seconds; it's actually worse than the modern Marvel movies.
  6. I finally watched the first movie in that Phantasm collection I got recently... yeahhh it has not aged well at all imo. I'm not sure what most other people's reactions to this movie was at the time but I didn't like it that much. I only remember it showed 1 dude get killed by the metallic sphere; though at least that was funny. The villain concept here seems like something that had potential at least (the mysterious "Tall Man" and his minions)....I'd like to see what a much better writer and director/production team could do with that now. It's been so long since I saw whatever *one* of these movies I did back then, it's like watching this completely fresh at this point. haha I'm surprised Siskel and Ebert reviewed this but of course they didn't like it:
  7. ha, so Anthem on PS4 is on sale for 97% off = 1.79 😆 that's quite the sale price---even though yeah.... no one wants it at this point. Metal Hellsinger is on sale for 30 so I'm most likely getting that one next. Fire Pro Wrestling World is 10 bucks right now, so that's tempting as well....they continue to focus heavy on insane levels of customization, so by default that franchise is infinitely better than any WWE-related trash out there for the past several years. I finally played Starlink the other day; I bought it a long time ago but this was the first time playing; it's actually fun so far.
  8. ^Oh yes I am loving the delicious crash and burn of this Velma show. I haven't seen it and I don't plan to. I'm watching Dragonball Super again; I haven't seen this in a long time but I got the blu-rays recently... the Goku vs. Kale + Caulifla fight was better than I remembered; that main "Super" theme even played when he fought the merged form. ...but yeah it's cool to see this on my bigger tv now (55 glorious inches of screen). Ohhh I forgot he went ULTRA against her! DB Super was the most epic shit. I love that theme that plays for when he was first reaching the Ultra Instinct form. *Note---I guess if one were to fuck Kefla it would technically count as a 3-way.
  9. Oh yeah, the Psyker character class is definitely looking good in Darktide... I must have this game...
  10. Oh yeah if this hits blu-ray I'm definitely getting it day 1. I recently got the last bits of Dragonball Super on's always good to have your favorite stuff "for real" instead of relying on a streaming service, imo....I could see watching "The Fire" episode over and over many times....that was my favorite. Yamma's bankai so far is the most epic showcase in the series so far.
  11. It's good to be spoiled---just reflecting on some things, and noticed there's games on at least 6 systems (7 if I count that Ms. Pacman A1up machine as a "system") I play on a regular basis, now that I've gone back to playing Gamecube again. It is how I figured my adult life would be... like a big kid that can afford his own games; so the result is one hell of a collection that just keeps getting better over time....there's no such thing as being "bored"...or having "nothing to do"... that's impossible; I can't ever relate to people who say that. ...and oh yeah, I went by a store that specializes in old movies, games, music, etc. etc... and they actually had a Gamecube controller (and various other old ones too) was only 17 or 18 bucks and change; and fortunately it works! So this solves the problem; I only had 2 old GC of them has a dead R-trigger button....and the other has a dead directional button; none of the 4 parts of that work... so this is naturally a big problem for some games. For Phantasy Star, I recently had to go back and forth between the 2 when I needed to access the full menu from Start button (*since that dpad is needed to navigate your items). In battle, the R is needed to switch to your other main attacks/items you have equipped. I've already played a bit more of my new character in PSO just a little while ago, thanks to the new controller; he's just a level 3 (FOmar) at this point.
  12. Man, imagine the level of shame there... it's bad enough if the revelation is that she cheated on ya with 1 guy... but this guy's wife was like a free ride at an amusement park... everybody gets a turn, apparently. She was giving up the ass non-stop at work....going with the lie that she has an "open marriage" (a rather silly concept, imo) , when it appears he wasn't on board with all that.... and then to add further insult to injury---everyone knows, because this is something that ended up being covered in the news and all over the internet. Oh here's one of the most insane things I've ever heard from the History channel a little while ago.... Valentina De Andrade--- founded and lead a cult called the Superior Universal Alignment....which engaged in regular human sacrifice. The sacrifices were children, btw.... she and her cult believed all boys born after 1981 were evil and had to be exterminated. Of course, she was acquitted of all charges and went on to live her life as if that's all fine and dandy, I guess.
  13. I don't normally like the youtube "shorts" but Double Toasted had a laugh about that MODOK reveal Yeah, I realize there's not much chance on MODOK looking cool in live he's a rather silly looking character in the first place.... one of those characters that may just be better off left to comics, animation and videogames but never live action.
  14. ha, yeah... so much of that piss clip was too funny... like how hype the dude was after getting up from being pissed on by this woman, pumping his fist in the air to the music, as she walked off pulling her pants up. There was also the steam coming up from her hot piss since it was apparently cold out there. I pissed from the rooftop of a building one time; heh that was great... I bet it looks hilarious if one were to shit from a rooftop of a tall building ...y' a kid there was one friend of a friend I remember who dropped a deuce into the trashcan downstairs in church one time; we laughed a long time about that. It was one of those "I bet you won't..." type of things kids do....naturally we didn't believe he would actually do it...but yeah...he squatted a bit over that can and a few seconds later we heard the sound of it dropping in there, like a shitty "THWOMP". I'm not sure what that guy is up to these days. I still wish we could've seen the reaction of whoever noticed that shit later. 🤣
  15. I just spotted this unboxing vid of those 2 amiibos.... yeah these are some of the best looking ones I've seen... they're definitely getting snatched up if I happen to see them somewhere...
  16. So Kevin Gates drinks the pee-pee apparently... Taking the piss.... haha I just remembered that singer from last year or so that pissed on a dude on stage at a performance...I forgot her name but that killed me; I still have the clip saved on my phone.
  17. and now time for more Tiana; she just posted this one...
  18. Well, that was one hell of a dream from out of nowhere....previously, in Dreamworld---- I had been kidnapped by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and it was all for her own perverse, freaky "needs"....I was her sex slave, basically... shackled up somewhere in a basement of some place only she had access to. She'd occasionally come in just to have her naughty fun with me, and then leave (like a domination fantasy type of thing)....pretty awesome dream, tbh... though she's never been a high-rank political cutie for me. She's just kinda "ok". The real hotness in the political space at the moment is Tulsi Gabbard....that's serious prime cut there. ...and she's more of an on-air personality----Dana Loesch continues to be a smokeshow, imo... I'd jump at the chance with that one.
  19. I keep seeing this at Target and oh yes... it is pricey (like any of the more fancy Lego sets) but soooo calls out to my soul like " know you need this. Don't deny it."
  20. ha, Brick was the first character I picked, and went on to be my favorite in the first game. They already have Tiny Tina and Krieg in there as well but no Brick or Mordecai apparently? That reminds me--- Borderlands 2 was one of my top favorite games of that 360/ps3 era... there was so many great memories from that one. It was also the first game I played that had such insane damage numbers... with my high level Salvador and Krieg I was hitting for a few billions of points of damage... usually with the D.P. Unkempt Harold; one of the most OP guns I've ever seen in gaming. One of my friends that also played the game was such dead weight it was pitiful... basically he'd just get carried, getting by on other people's he's barely playing the game, just getting powerleveled and handed legendary items from in most games, tbh. There's something about that shit that is shameful, imo. I'm sure some of you guys have known someone like that--- in most games, a "dead weight" co-op partner actually just makes things more difficult on you, since usually the game will buff the enemies to compensate for the presence of multiple player characters. ...actually, y'know what's even more pathetic---those people that use "bots" to play the game...for item/resource farming and leveling. I'm not sure how common that is in other games but in Diablo 3 there was (and still is) a LOT of that going on for years. I'm not sure what's the point if you're not even playing the game yourself.
  21. Tim Miller will be directing the Borderlands movie, apparently Ok, so that will probably be the only good fit for this movie... the casting decisions are absurd though....I can't wait to see how badly this one will crash and burn. Jamie L. Curtis as Dr. Tannis might've made sense if this was still the Jamie Lee from the 1980s....but she looks like and probably is someone's grandmother at this point. Then there's Kevin Hart the borderline midget set to play Roland....a character I remember to be one of the few serious ones on the roster (we know Kev is just going to be himself, basically)....c'mon, bruh... *Cate Blanchett as Lilith---this isn't bad, actually; she's an older woman BUT she doesn't look "too old" yet.
  22. So, the latest school shooting in the news---- a 6 year old brought a 9mm and shot a teacher. No way in the world I'd want that career. My major was briefly on that route but fortunately I got out of that....schools have only become increasingly worse over the years. It surprises me there aren't even more teachers quitting or actually committing suicide, tbh. It's become one of the worst, most depressing jobs in this country....with an element of real danger as well....all for a low salary. Where is the upside to this garbage ass career...especially as each new generation of kids appears to be drastically worse than the previous ones? I still remembering how noticeable the decline was while I was still in high school. I have no problem admitting that it was my generation (X) that was the beginning of the trash heap, and things just got progressively worse from there....just more and more trash kids produced by worthless, obviously shitty parents. No, there is no hope for the future.
  23. Yeah the term goths for some reason got swapped out to "emos"....and now I think this faction did indeed evolve to become the modern-day blue or purple-haired, "tons of piercings + tats" people of today that try to be as "unique" as possible. Also a lot of them happen to be my fellow fans of that vampire TTRPG game from World of Darkness, so they're still out there, of course.... it's still odd to me that these same people that some might also describe as "edgelords" sometimes are the ones that require "trigger warnings" for things like a game where you are playing a vampire or other monsters.... I'll just never quite get that; maybe it's just me---I was that type of kid that saw an "R" rating on a movie as my signal for "oh yeah this will be awesome...this has the good stuff..." ha, this takes me back.... in the old junior high days I was probably the only Black kid that probably counted as part of the "goth" weird makeup and piercings/tats though; that's a bit much and not at all appealing to me.
  24. Ah, there is actually 1 reason for me to get a Series X then... I forgot that this is *apparently(?) an exclusive... ...hell yeah I'm looking forward to this... I'd prefer to be on the side of the vamps and cultists though. That could've been an interesting alternate story-path, though I realize that's a lot of extra writing and development to do... but imagine you start off as one of the regular human cultists, and eventually the vampires reward you and your chapter of the cult with the embrace after proving your worth for a few sidequests... then you become one of them.
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