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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. Early first impressions of Hogwarts Legacy Ok yeah I'm even more sold on this now.
  2. So, supposedly she's just barely making it on a 120k combined household income 😆 sheeeitttt, I'm very comfortable on what I get paid----if I were part of the 6 figure salary club, I'd live even more like a king.
  3. I wonder--- can you change the language-audio options in Forespoken? I imagine it would be less annoying and may even be an improvement when you don't know what they're saying....and simply because certain languages just sound cool to me... like just to change things up in Diablo I have my Switch version of the game set to German language because it sounds more interesting (*there's a Japanese language option in D3 as well so I may try that some day) than hearing the same lines I've heard a million times already. The mention of Dragon's Dogma brought back some memories... that was another one of my favorite games of that time, though I never finished it; I was playing as a Sorcerer. One of my friends made one of the absolute worst pawns that looked like Zangief from Street Fighter 2 (though I don't think that resemblence was on purpose).... that dude was hilariously every battle he was always the first one in critical trouble. He was just dead weight every time so I quickly gave that pawn the boot in favor of a real one from a random person. I made a pawn that was designed to look like Nina Dobrev (Elena/Katherine from Vampire Diaries).... some good times were had with that game. I should get back to it; I have the Switch version now as well.
  4. Those "Fam0us Twins" are in trouble again apparently... I look forward to checking the rest of this out in a minute... that scene last year of them yelling "YOU GREEN! YOU GREEN AS FUCK BRAH!" as their Dad lay bleeding out on the street still makes me laugh....what an absolutely glorious train wreck, these two.... *basically----raggedy ass hoodrat shenanigans, yet somehow they are famous on instagram. The more I find out about them, the more dangerous they sound.
  5. **--^haha I saw one of my regular youtubers talking about that clip recently....such a shame that so many of the "Queens!" are so quick to live up to the stereotype of ALWAYS being "The Problem", always making a scene on a plane or any other public place. Maybe she should've smoked a few blunts again to mellow out and stop bothering everybody. Oh yeah Battletoads is the king of difficulty from that era. It's so ridiculous that I just didn't believe anyone at the time claiming they could beat that game... if any one else, at that time made such an outrageous claim I would've demanded to see proof, like VHS recorded footage of them doing it. I think most people gave up on the speederbike level. Contra on the other hand---it didn't seem that tough to me because there was the 30 lives code backing us up. I actually played recently (Contra Collection on Switch) and seemed to be going through the stages just fine. Of course I'm referring to the NES version; I didn't have experience with the arcade Contra.
  6. I almost said yeah but realized I was thinking about Ninja Gaiden II, which was generally an easier game (and better overall, imo) The first game had that infamous 1 point that I eventually just gave up on....THAT JUMP... I think it was stage 5-1, something like have to jump over a chasm, but there's a soldier on the other side ready to shoot you, but much more dangerous is that eagle that appears as you are in midair. You either will get hit by the soldier and knocked off the edge OR you get hit mid-jump by the damn bird. I'm curious now to see how people actually got past it; I'll have to look that up on youtube then... I suspect the solution is to bait the game into spawning the bird with perhaps a short/halfway jump so you can attack and *then* jump over to kill that dude....but I seem to recall that it just keeps spawning the bird over and over whenever you try to jump. Ninja Gaiden II though...that would go on to be one of my favorite games of the entire 8-bit era. I loved everything about it. ...but yeah, The Bird from That Jump can burn in Hell forever. haha I was having a good time with part 1 until that point.
  7. Yong is slightly late on this but of course he did a video on the Stadia finally being gone now: ...and I just found the Stadia subreddit; it has 114k users in there... oh yes this should be a fun read. **edit---ah, it's disappointing... at least currently; I should check the older threads, but right now most are just talking about how to setup their Stadia controllers to work with PC and consoles (aka... real gaming systems that make logical sense from the perspective of the consumer.)
  8. This is still one of the funniest deaths I've ever seen on film... when I first saw it back in the day I was DONE, man Ohhhh I just noticed Double Toasted crew did a review on that movie!
  9. I never thought about AOC that much at all until that dream I mentioned a few days ago (*and goddamn that shit was hot...if only we had a way to record dreams like shows and movies; I definitely would've saved that one)... and I just saw a clip of her on Fox a few minutes ago.... yeah she's not necessarily a 10 but she's cute though; if I knew her in person I'd take a shot....doesn't even matter that we'd probably disagree on nearly everything (*I'd just lie and pretend to agree for a while to avoid the drama.....which is similar to how I pretend to agree with my Dad on several points just to prevent a 4-hour rant session from blowing up into a 71-hour+ filibuster/argument that will be continued on and on for the rest of time). Fox Hotness Alert though: Rachel has GLASSES on this morning on Fox & Friends, for instant bonus points. On another note---those D&D figures... apparently they're Target exclusives? Also I should've bought the Venger/DM pack when I had the chance a few days ago...when I went back yesterday it was gone, of course...they had the other figures there but NOT that Venger/DM combo. (I'm not interested in the others, tbh...even though I like how accurate they are to the cartoon)
  10. Oh yeah, we knew it was coming... one last vid from Cyael taking jabs at that now legendary disaster that is the Avengers game (with some brief hits to other games as well): ha, this game was ridiculous in so many ways... particularly the terribly disappointing choices for the roster. If I recall, Kate Bishop was the first extra character added... (*which spawned a parade of "L"s in the live chat when she was revealed on their developer stream 🤣)
  11. Sheeeeitttt, this is looking pretty damn cool to me:
  12. That's quite annoying that they have this Xbox Series X Mini-fridge in some stores... at a glance this makes it look like the place actually has the systems in stock. It's even in that area with the games and systems in Target. The packaging even looks like what you'd expect for a new game system...but then when you get close you see "Replica Mini-fridge" on there instead. Today, they had some new Xbox systems in Target.....BUT it was the Series S. get the hell out of here with that 2nd-rate nonsense. People want the real system, bruh.
  13. Ohhhh hahah so the upcoming characters--- Jane Foster and Ironheart? (*really, who in the hell would want to play Ironheart in any game? I doubt it would be a lot, aside from the occasional "Hotep" stereotype.) ...and Captain Marvel?---we know she would have been terribly nerfed to fit how the general gameplay/combat mechanics work. Bruhhhh 🤣 Yeah, at this time it's a bit of a shame that Cyael has apparently moved on... the Suicide Squad is the current game he's been occasionally focused on for (future prime roast material) content purposes. (**Edit---he's live right now, btw----and just mentioned he may do a video on it a bit later) ...good thing I never wasted money or hd space on that embarrassment of a game. At first during the previews I was interested for a short time... then...everytime there was some new info about the game, it was always bad news. My interest in playing it was shot down early, before it even released. It's a good thing that there was an alternative out there, for anyone who had the Switch, at least--- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 ended up being the better choice overall, with a roster that completely shits on the Avengers game, big time.
  14. Megan aka SilverFoxxx just posted a new one... and the last outfit especially is a major nutbuster:
  15. So... out of curiosity I looked up Ganon from that CD-i Zelda game, and it's even more ridiculous than I thought it would be: I was one of the few people that actually had the CD-i system but I didn't have this game... I had Burn Cycle (it was included), Voyeur, some tennis game and truly awful game called Kether. Here's another one: 🤣
  16. ^oh yeah, if roguelikes/action platforming stuff is anything you like then Dead Cells is one of the top ranks of the genre, imo... definitely one of my favorite games of all time, as evident by my constant rambling about it ever since it was released. I haven't played in a while though since I got hooked on Diablo once again this past season....and a few other games. Portable DMC 5 via the Steam Deck is so damn cool... I played a bit of it again yesterday... it runs perfectly smooth and looks great, like there's no significant visual difference between playing it on this or on the XB1/PS4&5 systems. A quick reminder here of how it actually looks on that system:
  17. Oh hell yeah, a "Castlevania" update for Dead Cells will definitely pull me right back into it. It's amazing how much they've added to that game over the years... and a lot of it being just free patch/updates. Diablo - there was something I had neglected about my Necromancer's Death Nova build....heh, so for a long time his overall effectiveness was slightly gimped from the true the character is even more ridiculously OP. I've gone further in this season than in any other so far... having completed all challenges on both Switch and Playstation versions of the game, and with multiple characters. On Switch I'm up to paragon level 930-something at this point, and recently beat GR 116. ..I checked the top of the seasonal leaderboards to see just how bad the cheating situation was out of's at least the first few hundred spots on the board. You can easily tell the cheaters because it's possible to take a look at their gear, and that's where you see items that don't legitimately exist in the game, like multiple items with 3 gem-slots (even weapons and wrists or shoulder armors, etc...things that do not have 3 gem slots) and legendary gems equipped on everything. I like being overpowered as hell but only within the normal parameters of what's possible in the game.... when you've gone that far in breaking the game's "rules" of what you can do, I don't get it....just doesn't seem like fun.
  18. damn this one is such a mess... 8 kids (by different men of course); I'm not sure what dude in his right mind would settle down with this:
  19. Does anyone else know of a dude from Gen X or Millenial generations that is NOT a gamer? This has always been a very odd phenomenon to me... it just seems like something that everyone from these generations was into....well, guys at least...and the amount of girls that got into gaming has increased significantly with each new generation. I knew one guy from junior high and high school who was like this. It's not even due to being from a poor family that can't afford it.....that's one scenario that comes to mind as a possible reason----no, the guy just wasn't into it. It was one of the most "Twilight Zone" moments ever when I realized that dude was like that....almost like he was from the Boomer or Silent generations instead. I remember that on some field trip, while the rest of us were playing games in an arcade, he was just kinda standing around since videogames in general wasn't his thing. Even the stereotypical jocks that were more concerned with playing whatever sport for the school more than likely had a NES or Master System, or later SNES and Genesis like other kids (*assuming middle-class parents that can afford it of course) It's as strange to me as if there was a person who said "Yeahhhh I just don't listen to, not specific genres...just music in general. It's not my thing." Or---"eh, I'm not into watching movies at all." or any other form of entertainment the vast majority of people enjoy. It's bizarre to this person is really an alien that doesn't understand that 1 aspect of the human experience. Normally, people might not be into 1 or more genres (like I can't stand visual novels and turn-based rpg stuff...and with movies it's hard for me to take "romcoms" seriously at all) but they at least like something from that medium of entertainment. haha that dude also happened to be a big-time chubby chaser. The BBWs were definitely his thing, at least....of course he ended up married to one.
  20. Ah, so yesterday was the final moment for Stadia apparently... time for a look back at one of the worst disasters I've ever had the pleasure to laugh at in gaming then... I have truly loved watching this nonsense crash and burn... I'll have to check in on any Stadia forums I can find later (like Gamefaqs or reddit) just to see what's going on with the 5 or 6 hardcore fans they had left.
  21. I had to look it up again, because that last scene of Cowboy Bebop leading up to the final showdown was perfection: I loved everything about this sequence; and "The Real Folk Blues" playing here is of course the perfect fit ....I even recorded the audio back then, ripped to mp3/CD.
  22. haha, Fallout 76....that's another awful choice that I was surprised to notice at least 3 or 4 people on my friend list playing when it came out. It still boggles the mind because there is literally nothing about that game that looked appealing to me. That company would have to be the one paying me to play that. It was amusing to see it as one of the "free" games for PSN this month, and of course I immediately thought "nah....not even for free." The saga around that game was one of the best disasters of modern gaming to laugh about----I remember one of the many things that went wrong was a special collectible helmet or mask thing turning out to have MOLD in some of them 🤣 I tried getting into Fallout a little earlier, back in either part 3 or 4 one time...and it just wasn't for me....of those big 2 IPs (unfortunately) owned by Bethesda, Elder Scrolls is more of my thing.
  23. heh, oh that's always a juicy topic... and for so many reasons; there's not enough "popcorn" animated gifs to express how much I love it, and how silly it makes certain people (usually black women; we all know they cannot stand that shit; it's like a thing that forever will irk their souls) look, imo. Oh yes, I take a bit of sick, sadistic pleasure in how much they despise that situation of black men (usually successful ones) "stepping out" to get with non-black women, for short-term and long-term relationships, maybe even marriage. There's some that *claim* it doesn't bother them----I'd love to see what % of that group is just lying. Anyway, it's a loaded topic to say the least...a lot of variables at play...... which is precisely what makes it so fascinating and funny to me.
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