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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. Ohoooo this was a juicy question/topic that popped up in the recommended vids Nah, seriously I'm not directly intervening either in that scenario. The best you'd get from me is a call for 911/police so they can handle the shit. When you go out of your way to be the "good Samaritan"... the "hero"----basically you just get harshly negative consequences 99% of the time in reality.... like the bad guy pulling a gun on you right away for daring to interfere. It's a good way to just become the next victim that day. Our society already doesn't really care about men that much at all (we're expected to just go to work and die, and do 99% of everything, and never ever complain about anything no matter what, with zero expectations of any kindness or basic human fucking decency/respect in return, btw **cue the bitch-made classic line "Who Hurt You?" right here, of course**), so yeah I'm looking out for #1 above all else. This only changes if we're talking about close family or friends.
  2. Mannnnn that show was FIRE in the early seasons... "Out of Time" is still one of my favorite tv trailers of all epic, and this wasn't even the season finale:
  3. Sharing the wealth for a moment... Here is one of my favorite nasty songs... See, if I had my way in this world...stuff like this is what would get Grammys. Also, there's the classic Nasty Bitch:
  4. ^interesting... I was considering it earlier today, actually...browsing the tv/movie section at Target....yeah they had it priced at 30 bucks. For many years I avoided buying it because Cartoon Network was repeating it over and over the point where I actually got tired of the show.
  5. The Invitation is quite alright... it's unfortunate that the trailer for this movie basically spoiled most of the plot though, but I still enjoyed it. I had it on blu-ray already but noticed it's currently on Netflix. Anyway, it was cool... a nitpick though..... spoiler talk obviously: One bonus here is that it stars the wonderful Nathalie Emmanuel, who is a certified smokeshow imo... easy consideration for Magnificent 5 status for me: Salad-toss worthy, this one is.
  6. So...I actually saw an Xbox Series X at a store recently...but oddly enough I passed up the opportunity. I haven't even played my XB1 in quite a while lately, since I've been playing more stuff Switch, PS5 and Steam Deck... almost seems like there's not much of a point in that system right now, at least for me. One good thing is perhaps that's a sign that things are going back to how it was in the good ol' days when you could just buy a system whenever you feel like it if you have the money to do so..? I'd hate for it to stay as "the new normal" that you have to hope to get lucky in your hunt for the system you want. *of course, this would be different if the next Gears of War game were due to be released very soon, but I've heard nothing about that so I assume it's far off into the future... and the next Fable is probably way off as well (*and doubtful it could match the concept potential Kingdoms of Amalur already realized several years ago)....those are the only exclusives of note that would mean something to me. There's a new Perfect Dark in the works apparently so there's that too, I guess....maybe those exclusives will show up at some point 302 years from now, right after that next Elder Scrolls game...shortly after the Gambit film and Beyond Good & Evil 2 is out.
  7. ^oh yeah, from the reactions I'm seeing online, it seems I am apparently the only one in the world that's letdown by the fact that the movie is in the "horror comedy" side of things. So far everyone else loved the's a similar situation to how the rest of the entire world apparently loves "What We Do in the Shadows", and I only watched 1 or 2 episodes of it. Yeah it was amusing from what little I saw but that's just not what I'm looking for when vamps (and/or werewolves) are least not usually. Even back in the day with the original Teen Wolf... I *kinda* enjoyed it enough but if there was a more serious version instead of "High school kid realizes he's a werewolf...hijinks ensue!", I would've preferred that. Follower count is still going up for Lainey, btw---she is at 726k now 😆 ....such is the power of Booty.
  8. Naturally I have all kinds of questions about this gold someone just informed me of... 🤣 How much of the dooky did the girls eat? Just 1 piece, like a doodyball or was it a whole turd? Were eating utensils involved here, like a fork or spoon? What color was it, and did they at least get remnants like corn, sesame seeds or that random spinach leaf? If so that's at least *some* silver lining there. Also, was it on a plate? I'd assume if so it would be a cheap paper-plate so as not to mess up the real ones. Also...would the shit be raw? I'm guessing that was the case... No breading, seasoning or sides, I'm guessing. Imagine what goes through the mind of a girl that apparently agrees to actually eat shit for real, like a modern day "tub girl".... normally you'd guess a person only does that if held at gunpoint or if offered an absurd amount of money.... some would probably do it for a few million dollars cash (but would never admit it), depending on if it's someone else's or their own shit, I bet.
  9. A new fight coming in the 2nd part of Bleach?! **Of course this involves spoilers from the manga**
  10. Oh that reminds me---the 2d one, Bloodrayne: Betrayal that was released recently (2021, I think; it's a remake) was alright, though the focus is heavy on the damn platforming...when I just want cool fighting action....but overall it was enjoyable... just a few areas in that game are a bit ridiculous, like you need to have perfect execution with the jumps and moves to *maybe* get through some areas (like jump, dash, jump...delay...dash jump, land on extremely small platform, wait, etc. etc. over a bottomless pit and hazards that may instantly kill you). I'm still surprised I ever beat that game.... the platforming in certain parts are way more difficult than any of the fights.
  11. ah yes that's what it was----it's been several years since I played, the details are murky... when you get caught it's an automatic failure. I think that is indeed why I eventually stopped addition to it not being anywhere near as cool as the action from the intro sequence; I intended to go back to the game later but never did. If I'm designing such a thing, I'd always give the player the option of fighting it out---you get caught then that just means you now have to fight all the enemies in there. Really, I'd just rip-off the DMC/Bayonetta formula but with Dracula or some other powerful vampire as the player character and at least to me... that would be automatic gold.
  12. I don't recall seeing this one, but Lords of Shadow 2 had a great trailer I never finished playing this game... but one thing that gradually put me off was that I vaguely remember some stealth segment in there....that just doesn't jive with a good "power fantasy" of actually being Dracula. If a game is putting me in the role of that character, shouldn't have to stealthily sneak around, worried about getting "caught" by lesser beings. It should've been a relatively simple "stylish action" game where we crush the enemies in a variety of cool ways with supernatural powers. That's all it had to be.
  13. I kept tabs on Rebecca for a while; she's looking alright... not necessarily Magnificent 5 material but cute enough for me to occasionally check her out. On another note---I had to look it up since I *thought* the damn movie was supposed to be out on physical media in December...but of course that was just for Japan apparently... Dragonball Super: Super Hero on video for NA isn't until MARCH of this year! That's an obnoxiously long time there; I should've just seen it at the theater like with the Broly movie earlier
  14. Well, was foolish to assume there was even a small chance this *might* have been a serious movie I mean, it might be "ok" I guess?
  15. haha that brings back memories---yeah we watched that in English class; I think it was 8th grade....couldn't believe my luck that school allowed me to see some titties in a movie! She looked damn good too....I hated that I had no way of secretly taking a picture of it at that time. Hilarious that they waited 55 years to bring up some lawsuit action on this...and the director isn't even alive anymore. I was wondering when was the next long-range "from downtown!" meToo accusation would be so we could laugh at it; this is slightly different but it's good enough to work as some more absurd entertainment for me today. Ohhhh but WAIT...speaking of absurd nonsense for our amusement----holy shit John Campea comes through with the dirt today:
  16. I already miss the "old days" of the internet where things were more wild and unrestrained... more raw, freaky and outright disgusting...the era of Gore Gallery, the tubgirl and goatse pictures, and so much more. It won't surprise me if things pertaining to the internet just get drastically worse in every possible way over the next few years. I got more of my mii characters remade finally... Yakub (the mad black scientist who created white people, according to some old-era Nation of Islam beliefs), Ric Flair, Howard Stern, Deebo and Jewcan Sam. I wonder sometimes if Nintendo will drop the miis with the next system/era....since they don't really make much use of them in anything, sadly. I want more games that let you use the mii characters. I know there's Miitopia, I think it's called but I'd like an *action* rpg preferably.
  17. I still haven't tried the Forspoken demo just yet... I know people have clowned the dialogue in the game but the visuals of it look pretty damn great to me so far so I'm still interested. Diablo-- I hit paragon 901 a little while ago; the power-level continues to increase as I have my Zeis gem over rank 90 now. There was one point where I noticed the damage was 400-something trillion, then I hit 500 trill on something but that was thanks to a damage boost pylon at the time. This Hogwarts game interests me, though I've never been a major HP fan:
  18. I'd take the fight with prime Tyson; this just ends up with me being KO, which is better than being mauled by a big cat or shot dead from the Spec Ops dude. *ah then again it is a street fight there's no rules there...unlike a boxing match that doesn't just end once the opponent is down. I imagine there's a small possibility of winning against the big cat though, if you could score a headshot, perhaps? Or if it's injured enough and you then finish it off with the knife then maybe... yeah in that scenario it's best to try the headshot or at least the chest area where a good shot might slow it down enough...? ...actually the scenario with the big cat might be better, since you're starting with 2 weapons by default there, and thus you have a (small) chance.
  19. Oh yeah, I can't get enough of these clips where women find out some shit the hard way (for a change) in life... Minister Jap is live with with this shit today ...current one already---this random girl interfering with a traffic stop as if she's this drunk woman's lawyer... Amazing; there's other folks jumping in to defend this big drunk ass broad... the locals there are dumb 🤣
  20. So I finally bought a real Switch case; I noticed that nice looking dark brown/leathery one with the Zelda Breath of the Wild art on it fits all 3 versions of Switch... it's also a tougher, "hard shell" case so that was another selling point---and I didn't know until opening this at home that it has a part in there that works as a stand for the system... that's a nice bonus though the OLED model already has a great stand built in on the system anyway. It also has spaces for game carts in there... seems pretty good for $18 and change. It's this one I've always seen those for about 17 or 18 bucks at Walmart and Target.
  21. Gunstar Super Heroes! This was the game I played the most on my GBAsp
  22. That's another type of person that exists for the amusement of the rest of the world... I saw some dude trying to argue about how "professionalism" is part of "white supremacy" too.... it is an embarrassment....but hilarious at the same time. Well, now I'm wondering if my old friend, always The Contrarian would argue that side simply because that's just kinda what he does... eh, I'm not so sure since he himself is a relatively normal working adult.... I'd expect perpetual bums of the community to argue that... just like how a broke person is usually the one to say things like "well money isn't everything..." Anyway, "Apollo" made a lore vid on the Antediluvians from VtM: (*Cliff Notes- the Biblical Cain is the 1st, the "Dark Father" so to speak. He turned 3 who went on to sire these 13 people. At some point they murdered their sires. For this incredible betrayal, Cain came back to curse all 13 of them and anyone who would be their descendent, which is where the various clan-specific banes originate from...e.g. Nosferatus being hideously deformed and ugly.)
  23. Time for a double-dose---one of the hottest girls I've ever seen on the youtube or just the internet in general... Silver Foxxx:
  24. Cogan got around to the TV vampire rankings The #1 was surprising for a moment at first but yeah, it makes sense; that character is a game-breaker. ...but I would still count Lilith from True Blood as well, since she is on that "god" level in that story...I kinda forgot about Warlow being that ridiculous. Also, it looks like Legacies finally became halfway worth a damn in the final season then.
  25. Ok yeah, Nobody Saves the World is definitely a good one; I got it while the sale was still on and started a day or 2 ago... I didn't know until watching that review earlier that it's from Drinkbox Studios which also gave us Guacamelee. The rat form is first so I have already unlocked that along with a Fighter (a knight) and a Ranger (Archer) form. Each form branches off into another one on a "skill tree" screen... after Fighter one of the options is a Magician form so I look forward to that. Doing certain accomplishments in each form is what grants exp which unlocks new forms and levels you up.
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