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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. Apparently, "EDP" is up to old habits once again: hahaha every time I remember this guy, I then remember that moment that in the sting operation it was revealed that he texted a picture of his SHIT to the girl. I swear that will never stop being funny to me 😆 I still have a clip of that and a streamer's live reaction to it saved. Ah yes, there's that gold again, at the appropriate timestamp, about 49:05
  2. Y'know, I wonder sometimes how women actually named "Karen" feel about that name having become the go-to slang term insult for a person (usually white) that is always likely to complain to a manager or call the police on people for no reason. I bet they probably have found that shit incredibly annoying for the past few years now....probably thinking "damn...why'd it have to be MY name becoming that?" I had a co-worker by that name (black though, not white, actually! the universe is playing a very strange practical joke on her at the moment) but I didn't ask about it and unfortunately she no longer works with us now. I wonder if she's now inclined to be a little more agreeable with random people just to avoid being hit with someone saying "ha, stop being a karen, Karen!"
  3. haha I actually watch that show often---Chrissy's "Simpcast" (Sunday nights on her youtube channel), and unfortunately I happened to miss that one. See, this is one of the reasons that things being "live" are always interesting... sometimes some hilarious unexpected shit happens, and the host(s) is suddenly on the spot to try and make the save.
  4. Another bonnet sighting today at a grocery store... this one stood out as being especially terrible, because it was a plain black color, but also kinda big.... and with a texture that made it look like a little trash bag. It puzzles me why they don't realize how ugly this can someone's sense of fashion "taste" be this goddamn bad? At this point...yeah if I had the Time Gem... or some other means of time travel... I'd consider going back in time to find and "eliminate" whoever invented this nonsense, along with whoever else after that person would become the new inventor. I would work to keep it erased completely from ever happening in our timeline....either that or just find whoever popularized the idea of them wearing it in public with no shame as if that is a "normal", acceptable article of clothing...and wipe them out of existence, so that idea of it being worn publicly hopefully never comes to pass. **Silver lining though---considering that particular store has a lot of "hood" folks that frequent it... it is indeed surprising that it was JUST one bonnet I saw in there today. That store is also in an odd situation though---the area it's in is undergoing "gentrification", so there is always an odd mixture of people there... the modern day yuppies mixed in with the hoodrats and poor older people.
  5. Oh yeah---I still remember that first day of Mortal Kombat at the arcade.... it was the "Gold Mine" at the Mall of Memphis back then, about 1992. Gold Mine always had whatever was the latest most popular games at the time. At first it was just "cool...a fighting game but the characters look real, like Pit Fighter's "digitized graphics"...".....then I noticed it was more violent than anything else----and then I saw a "Fatality" for the first time and I couldn't believe the awesomeness I was seeing.....the fact that some company had the balls to produce something like that ....making everything else in the arcade like some "G-rated" Disney crap in comparison. That first fatality I saw was Sub Zero ripping someone's head and spinal column out. Of course it would soon be what all my peers were talking about, like "DUDE did you see that new game Mortal Kombat?!? It's a fighting game but the characters actually KILL each other! There's a ninja that will rip your head and spine out, and another one that reveals his skull face and burns you to death!" ...and of course, those who had not yet seen it for themselves might think you're lying about this, like no way they'd go that far.... that's like R-rated movie violence there... Heh, another trip down memory lane there. It would be one of those game-changer moments in arcade gaming history there. My favorites right away were Scorpion and Raiden.
  6. ha, the "fat Drake" skin reminded me of a certain trend I eventually hated in gaming many years ago... the era of the "Big Head Code"....I think it started around the late 16-bit era going into the 32-bit systems. I got tired of seeing that lame nonsense in nearly every game with 3d-rendered characters....taking up valuable space in the tips/codes sections of all major gaming magazines at the time. Sometimes I wonder what kind of person was looking forward to that, like "ooh, I hope there's a big-head code in this one too!!" the era of cool hidden content and codes was dying. I miss those days when there was something interesting to unlock, either by just finding it or entering a certain code.
  7. I realize it's likely also my "iffy" internet service in general being a factor but I finally made use of the ethernet port to be "wired" to redownload my games to the new OLED...and yeah that's been an improvement. The Borderlands games are of course larger files so I definitely had to for that; Pre-Sequel took a while but it was still an improvement over the multiple hours estimation it showed when I started on wifi. I think these 2 (B2 and Pre-Sequel) are the biggest games in my collection in terms of the file size. I still have plenty more to redownload though... ..this is also the first time I've connected the system to the "main" big tv and it looks great...I also played a bit more of Diablo 3 on it for a while. Anyway, it will be cool to see this game get a Switch release as well; I've already been playing it on Steam Deck and it's cool:
  8. Some more athletic specimens I like what these channels are doing.
  9. That power-leveling in Diablo 3 is just too sweet every time... I created a new wizard for the hell of it, this late into the season. Thanks to that "Gem of Ease", I had him equipped with a level 70 primal weapon right from level 1....along with that power in the Kanai cube that makes it so gold also grants experience ("custarian wristguards"). I should've timed how fast the leveling was going... in a matter of minutes... probably 20 or so... this fresh character was already up to the late 50s....didn't take long to get him all the way to 70 and then fully geared up with legendary stuff. Besides that primal, I also have a legacy of dreams gem so his power was insane for not having set item bonuses yet. Out of curiosity I checked this out since Elder Scrolls Online came to mind recently, and I was thinking about getting into that again...but apparently vampirism got a bit of a nerf to the mist form in PvE content specifically... ...a shame that this game had to be made as an mmo... that aspect of it has always been terribly disappointing to me, since I don't like that genre normally....partly because it's a genre that *has* to be online-only by default, due to its very nature. if to add insult to injury... in the time I played ESO, it was actually far more stable/reliable than some editions of Skyrim. I could play for hours on end without any bizarre, typical Bethesda half-ass "issues" ruining my fun.
  10. One of my favorites from the NES era was Guardian Legend... though it was tough to find for some reason; I only saw it at Blockbuster at the time, so I just had to be happy renting it on repeated occasions. There was also Little Nemo the Dream Master and Karnov as the slightly lesser-known stuff that was fun for me back then. A friend at the time had the Master System, and my favorite on that system was definitely Space Harrier. There was a "Planet Harriers" game in the works for Dreamcast but that would never come to be when they ended the system. ah, thanks to youtube I finally get to see how this actually was an arcade game, and yep, the Dreamcast game never materialized due to the system, doesn't look quite as good as I remember though.
  11. One of the latest news stories that continues to interest me... still no arrests yet on this one.
  12. As my Diablo addiction goes into insane ocd territory yet again... it had me wondering if you guys have a top pick for "favorite game of all time".....OR do you prefer to break that up by genres, like favorite fighter, greatest shootemup, greatest side-scrolling action game, etc.? Currently, I still prefer to just consider it by genres, but if I had to pick one... Diablo 3 is indeed a front-runner for me at the moment.... there's others that always come to mind as the contenders for that "Overall" top spot of course --- the way I've gone on and on forever rambling about them over the years, it's still the usual list: Bayonetta, Kingdoms of Amalur, Viewtiful Joe, Unreal Championship 2, Phantasy Star Online, and the newest to my elite ranks---Elden Ring (I still have so many more things I want to do in that one as well). Other strong notables would be Quake 3, Blood Omen, the Doom games, Vampyr and the Saint's Row franchise. Each of them are games that checked multiple boxes for me as being far more entertaining than anything else I've ever played.
  13. What in the world... why was Kanye kinda dressed like he's doing an impression of Noobsaibot there? He's looking like a secret character that has not been unlocked yet. Wherever this crazy train goes with him, of course I'm fascinated to see whatever the ultimate result is. **edit---and apparently he has to pay 6 figures a month to Kim now?! How does that even work out considering she's already a wealthy woman on her own? It's not like the Kardashian clan will ever be hurting for money.
  14. Toad was my favorite one for the faster digging, and I think he could run faster it was always Toad and Luigi or Peach (if a lot of dangerous jumping is needed) as the top picks.
  15. yeah, it's probably an unpopular opinion within the VtM fanbase I'm sure---but I'd love it if there was a Vampire 3rd person action-RPG with the same kind of controls/action as what we see in Blood Hunt. The control and gameplay in that is good stuff.... just add the usual RPG qualities to that game engine and that right there would be the "Bloodlines 2" I'd want. The other one I mentioned earlier is VtM: Swansong... it's another one where the focus is on story as opposed to pure action like Blood Hunt... unlike the visual novels, Swansong at least has 3d animation/characters moving around, so that's a step up, imo. However... for some reason they made a lot of the characters quite ugly or just strange looking.....I'm not sure what's going on with whoever was in charge of character design there. It's also another thing where you are playing pre-defined characters instead of your own; another nitpick/gripe there. I should get back to Blood Hunt before they eventually shut it down (*another problem with very concept of online-only gaming right there); I figure the popularity has likely dropped right off a cliff....I haven't checked in on it in quite a while. Team Deathmatch is probably fun (and less intimidating to most players).... last time I played was one hell of a good time as it came down to just me vs. 1 other person as the last survivors....and we both were "downed" and dying to the mysterious red gas flooding into the area (which prevents your regeneration; normally you would eventually regenerate and get back up)... but since I got dropped first he was the winner. It was so close too... his character got downed about a second after me as the gas poured in, and we had nowhere else to go.
  16. Sheeeeittt, I was just hyped to see that oh yes---the TANOOKI SUIT is in there, folks...and some Mario Kart action too! Now I'm wondering what other legendary powerups we might see in there... hopefully the Hammer Bros. suit? That and Kuribo's Shoe were my favorite ones. I still haven't seen the Sonic movie yet, but slowly and surely they're finally proving that videogame movies CAN be accurate and good. (*but there's still the 1 nitpick about Sonic I just remembered ----Dr. Robotnik/Eggman is supposed to be fat. I'm still inclined to see it though.)
  17. Yeah, I have both----Coteries I got as part of that other one, "Swansong"...I think it was a pre-order bonus or something. I don't normally go for these visual-novel types of "games" but I gave these a bit of a pass just because I like that world/IP so much. I got Shadows of NY when it was super-cheap's a more focused thing since you play the story from just 1 character, and she is from one of my favorite clans in the game (Lasombra). @Skort - yep, there was some article recently that mentioned it's still supposedly in development and that "2023" is still a possibility for it releasing... at this point I'm just in a "believe it when I see it" mindset. ...but yeah, Bloodlines 2 was the real "main event"; the big one I was looking forward to more than anything for a long time. They (Paradox) still haven't even stated which group/company is working on it after the old developers got removed from the project....just that it's still being worked on.
  18. Diablo... Well I finally lost another one...fortunately this was a backup Hardcore character... I *just* created him today in anticipation of possibly losing my older one since I was pushing further into the greater rifts... I took a chance and put the Gem of Ease on this one to powerlevel it real fast...went straight into Torment 6; I did alright for a while and fast-tracked all the way to level 40 by the next map... then there was a ghost in there waiting on me, and did that magical drain attack and outright 1-shotted him. The real downer here is that a dead hardcore character loses the gear that it had too... so that Gem of Ease and the level 70 weapon I had it on is also gone with him now. "Ashtar" will be remembered now in the Halls of the Fallen.
  19. More Diablo stuff ...I got my hardcore character to paragon 160 a little while ago... at this point she's kinda safe since I just got all pieces of the Trag'Oul set via converting the dupes at the Kanai cube. This is the furthest I've ever made it with a character in this mode. Blood-based skills are an extra risk, btw... since it's possible to kill yourself or make it easier for the enemies to kill you....since y'know.. it's blood/health-based abilities there. yes, I realize most of you never know what I'm talking about with all the Diablo jargon. It would be nice if my college buddy and his wife kept up with it and played regularly... they play but it's rare and thus they are SO slow. It's been 10 years now and that dude still hasn't even finished the story mode. For a while back in the xbox 360 days, I left one or 2 of my characters low-leveled so I could still play with them (along with another friend I met through them) without being too far beyond their level but I eventually gave up on that plan. ...they're the same people I used to play Phantasy Star and Balder's Gate with back in the day... good times, there. Currently he's been more interested in playing "The Ascent" with me, but XB1 struggles to handle that game, actually... it was a bit of a nightmare playing with them (they have the newer Xbox) since I have this now "old" system where the load times take centuries on that game. *note---The Ascent works much better on the Steam Deck, actually....I've had much more fun playing it on that.
  20. Oh yeah, here was that other time Tommy had to fight his past selves: Tommy was just "That Dude", folks. Grand Hokage status.
  21. So I had to check and see what is up with that next Stranger Things season... they aren't even filming it until next year?! Stranger Things 5 episode 1 will be,Will Byers as the main focus. More items *apparently* it won't even be out until 2024 😞 Y'know, with story of kids being the main characters on a show like this... that can be an obvious problem there. These actors are already college-age people at this point. season 5 will have some old-looking "kids" then.
  22. ^Oh yeah, Evil West is definitely on my radar; that's likely my next thing to get. Everything I've seen about it so far looks great...I'm probably getting that on Playstation; I've been playing that a bit more than my xbox lately. Grime... December 15th!
  23. "Oceansault" posted another one whoahhhhh and Melissa finally came back! One of THE finest goddamn girls I've EVER seen on youtube, without a doubt...goddamn
  24. I wish they'd take another shot at "The Order: 1886". I never played that yet but everything I've seen of it looks something I would probably be into. It's a shame that I hear so much negative stuff about it though... like it's linear and an extremely short game. *good thing I woke up right before the current sales ended, around 1 am today... various Friday sales were to end at 1:59 on psn. Alienation was 4.99 so I got that just in time. There's new sales that just went live though until 12/22, like Dead Cells for 15 bucks though I already have that on 3 other systems at this point. edit---oh yeah, this week's challenge rift in Diablo is laughably easy.. a full-set "Typhon" Wizard build....easy win there. I let my hardcore character (on Switch) get the rewards this time.
  25. They're still adding to Warhammer Inquisitor... This is another game where it's very existence frustrates me a bit... because it doesn't really need to be's just one of the many games out there that they decided to make online-only just because it's their game and they said so. There is seriously nothing I hate more in this industry today than that. ...but otherwise, this is also one of the few Warhammer games that is actually good and fun to me.... I got it as a "free" download when it was a Live game of the month or whatever they're calling that these days.
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