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On 4/12/2019 at 12:32 PM, DangerousJ said:

Star Wars ep. 9 trailer - 

The Rise of Skywalker



Man, when I saw this I was gonna write up a nasty gram that more than likely would've gotten one or two accounts killed off once I posted it, but I had to step out.  Of course, I calmed down since then.  Nevertheless..............Can barely believe all that counts as one word....................I found someone else saying pretty much a lot of what I think.  Have a listen.

On top of that, Jeremy brings up another point that I hadn't thought of.  Knowing the current direction things have been going, I can't deny his opinion has merit.

Seriously.  I'm not watching this.  I haven't seen reason one to even contemplate it yet.

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1 minute ago, DangerousJ said:

Starhammer (and everyone else),


I do that follow Star Wars that closely  so I was curious what we're the top 3 worst things about The Last Jedi to you.



The top 3 worst things huh?  Since you asked................


For the record, I'm gonna leave the Rose Tico hate on the shelf this time.  In fact, I'm not gonna go any further than the top of my head.


First of all:  The people in charge of the shit sandwich that became TFA and TLJ:  They obviously did NOT care for nor respect the franchise they were given.  They were more interested in pushing their agenda onto the movie which as history has shown does NOT put butts in seats.  Kathleen Kennedy even went so far as to make up,"The force is female" T shirts.  If that didn't give you the proverbial, "bad feeling" about this, I don't know what would.


Second:  These fuckers trying to kill off the past.  These fuckers tried to get rid of everything that brought us here and replace it with watered down versions that I just simply couldn't get behind.  How do you think the story of Luke, Leia, Han, The sith, the jedi, etc. got started?   That shit didn't even work when they made Robin the new Batman, and people even like Robin.  This Mary Sue comes out of nowhere...........which is the same problem we have with the New Empire...............Just, DAMN.  It's like they were trying NOT to write a story........and they succeeded.

  The third strike for me is:  The level of disrespect flung at the fans.  "This isn't for you!" "You're just man-babies!" ...........Something that completely slaps every female fan of the Force, including the actresses as if THEY couldn't possibly have liked the original.............."THE FORCE IS FEMALE!" and so many other shitty tweets, all backed up and echoed throughout the media.  I don't know about the REST of the planet, but if your buddy here is selling sandwiches, then I want people to buy sandwiches!  I don't care if you have an eating disorder or if touching bread makes your skin melt, I just want you to buy the damn things and I will promote these sandwiches as if I have the Lord Jesus Christ in the kitchen making them!  These fuck ups somehow managed to turn a BILLION dollar franchise into SHIT.  PURE SHIT!!  They even promised George Lucas that they would do right by his creations..............only to do.............THIS to it.  I mean, what levels of INSANITY does one have to reach to do what Disney did with Star Wars?  The rat is eating its own ass right now with the shitty sales of anything and everything attached to the Star Wars name.  In short, they fucked it up so bad that a Fan fiction would've been fact, if I remember correctly, some shitbags at Disney tried to steal a guy's fan fic vid that he completely wrote, directed, and FUNDED all by himself.  You see, *THIS IS WHY STARHAMMER HAS TO WEAR AN INHIBITOR COLLAR!!  THE DRUGS DON'T WORK NO MORE!!* 


As a matter of fact, I do not doubt that we could' write a better start to the force awakens in the next three pages.  Here, I'll even start it.

The story opens with a group of people Wielding some sword shaped objects in what appears to be a temple like setting.  There's only about a dozen or so, but they train very hard and are intent on pleasing the master, who watches their training.  Of course, he commands them to stop their training for today and to go eat and handle their studies because we need to get this shit moving.  The master himself retires to an enclosed room with a lock that he opens............with a wave of his hand.  He enters the room, takes his seat, and he proceeds to speak to what appears to be a hologram, the person turns around to reveal............LUKE SKYWALKER!?!?!?  Yeah, fuck that bullshit they pulled.  Starhammer's driving the hype train now, and I leave the station at Mach 1. 

*Luke:* "Good morning, Master Ren.  How goes the Training?"

Note:  In my version, Kylo Ren Trains the current padawans.  He was a Padawan under a previous member of the jedi counsel whom we won't name yet, but finished his training with the aid of none other than our boy Luke.  Because of this, He didn't turn to the darkside.  However, another serious problem happened later that caused Luke to kinda go into seclusion.  Ain't no way I'm letting Han and Leia's kid be a fuckin' sith lord!! FUCK THAT!!


*Kylo:* "It goes well.  These younglings learn quickly.  They are few, but the Force is strong within them."

*Luke:* "Good, good.  Keep it up.  "

*Kylo:* "And you?  Any new findings?"

*Luke:* "Nothing. Wherever he decided to go, he has hidden his tracks well.  Even the Queen's own sources have turned up nothing.  I swear she hasn't slept since this all started. "


*Kylo:* "Indeed.  I can feel it from here.  And Father?"

*Luke:* "Heh.  Ever since he became co-commander of the fleet, Han has been bumping heads with Admiral Holdo on a near daily basis.  I think Leia only did it to get him out of HER hair, but he has really taken the role of leader to heart.  He's definitely come a long way from being a smuggler running jobs for Jabba." 


*Kylo:*  "One day you'll have to tell me about it.  Still, I wish I were there. I want to find him more than any of you......."

*Luke:* "I know.  We WILL find him.  It's only a matter of time."

*Kylo:* "I know master, but it is that very thing that worries me.  I KNOW the man.  The longer he roams free the more danger this universe is in.  I have already felt a disturbance in the Force and I am sure he is the cause..............yet, there is................something else..........."

*Luke:* "Patience.  We know he won't stay hidden for long and when he shows his hand, we must be ready.  I'll continue my search for now.  Please keep me informed of the progress of the padawans.

*Kylo:* "I will.  May the force be with you."

*Luke:* "And with you."  *Transmission ends.*

I really did Jump ahead storywise as the part above should be later on into the movie, but like I said, I'm spitting this off the top of my head.  There ya go, hope it helps.


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Man they are actually showing The Promised Neverland on Toonami lol......


Sad day when even toonami's slow ass is faster than shitty Netflix.  


They might even get Dororo, Shield Hero, and Demon Slayer Yaiba at this rate.


Speaking of which these people on facebook legit pissed me off with their Tanjiro slander.   Almost hit they ass with some spoilers.



edit:  Apoc said it best in that they flipped the roles with the new star wars for jedi and sith......the jedi had to train even with having natural talent meanwhile the Sith took the easy route.....but that lame ass mc seems to be more sith than anything the way she is just perfect at everything she does.  Also can't forgive that movie for having iko in it and making him a nameless cronie

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hahaha, the amusing thing to me is that he was actually being too nice in this review.  Memphis is awful to the point of being hilarious, at least to me.  Every negative stereotype you can think of concerning black people... M-town is overflowing with that.


It sounds quite "snooty" but yes I always thought of it as a compliment when fellow Memphians would tell me I sound (and act) like I am from somewhere else.  Heh, I've lost count of how many times I've heard the "you're not originally from here, are ya?", ever since I was in grade school.


these guys with the jams, man... I always love just about anything they put out:


Edited by MillionX
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what's that?  You say you want to hurt some feelings, but you don't know where to find the right words to do it?  Don't you worry even a little bit.  I know a man who specializes in destroying foolishness with facts, smashing ignorance with impierical data,  and burning down the straw men and the losers who build them with Logic.  I give to you, The one and only O man.



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@misterBee  I'm dropping the link to this morning podcast here when I get it. Looks like my sleep/wake schedule has stabilized to the point that I'll actually be awake.  If this is against anything, let me know and this will be the last one. 


As he likes to say, he is the voice of the everyday brother.  In addition to speaking on preping, he is the main line against what he refers to as, Black Female Fuckery.  Check it out folks.  You'll be glad you did.

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1 hour ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Man, they're gonna fuck this movie right up the exhaust port.  Between THAT possibility and the Other possible spoiler I've heard, just no.  I don't even want to watch or hear about it.  If they try to do what I've heard with Rey..........

Well in Lucas' original Episode 3 script Palpatine was responsible for the birth of Anakin.  They may bring that story thread back.

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Well in Lucas' original Episode 3 script Palpatine was responsible for the birth of Anakin.  They may bring that story thread back.


...................?  Palpatine?

............No. No no no no no no no.  I can't fap to that.  Well, I guess if they had written the parts we now call cannon out (In particular, Anakin's past from 1 and 2) then we may get it.  I would've loved to see how he would've pulled that off.  Still, with the events of 4-6 staying as they are, I wouldn't be able to accept Palpatine being the big daddy now.  I mean, his stepdaughter and grandkids somehow eluded his grasp for several decades despite him pretty much ruling the known galaxy.  Your Grandson's a moisture farmer and your Granddaughter's a Princess of the Rebellion.  Obviously, your son's an imbecile who couldn't force- feel his daughter whom he's been fighting against for years, but he figured Luke out during a fight? 



.................On second thought, I don't want to know anymore.  I'm getting scurred.  Gonna have to sleep with my lightsaber on tonight.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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On 4/18/2019 at 10:37 AM, Deadly_Raver said:

@misterBee  I'm dropping the link to this morning podcast here when I get it. Looks like my sleep/wake schedule has stabilized to the point that I'll actually be awake.  If this is against anything, let me know and this will be the last one. 

I don't really have time to listen to a 4 hour long podcast, so I'll trust your judgment.  As long as it's not racist/promoting something harmful/offensive it should be ok.


If you're not sure about something best to err on the side of caution. 👍

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On 4/19/2019 at 12:32 PM, misterBee said:

I don't really have time to listen to a 4 hour long podcast, so I'll trust your judgment.  As long as it's not racist/promoting something harmful/offensive it should be ok.


If you're not sure about something best to err on the side of caution. 👍

ah.  No worries then. 

The O man does get a bit flavorful in the language, but it usually isn't about any one talking point.  It won't always be the same thing, but the major thing he does is call out women, mainly black women, on their bullshit.  Racism hasn't popped up yet, but I'm sure that topic will get its ass beat when and if the time calls for it. 

Mainly, it's a podcast that I actually like enough to spread the word about.  He gets on at 8am central usually from Mondays to Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are as needed or weather permitting.  Anyone who has some time, give it a listen and see if you like it.  If so, a thumb's up is most appreciated, and a sub is even moreso.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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haha that reminded me just now... I truly hated that damn laser in Contra....terrible weapon.  I vaguely remember the Fire gun being turrible those shitty guns may as well have been enemies at the time...another thing on the screen to avoid at all cost.  The real deal of course was the spread or at least the machine gun.  


..oddly enough the machine gun was kinda redundant to me due to a certain "ability" I had that others seemed to lack.  I could vibrate my arm and hand...which naturally lets me press buttons at a much faster rate the people who can't do that.... I always found it odd that other people can't do that anyway; I figured it was a normal thing like walking or running...but I guess not..?  It's like when Flash or other speedsters are shown vibrating their limbs..... *quick internet research---apparently it's called "jitter clicking".  In any game where it registers button clicks as fast as they can possibly be done, I was always at an advantage if I did that.

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