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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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3 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Well, yeah.  Necalli was fucked the moment they decided to make him an alien blob.  Everything after that was irrelevant because they already fucked him up beyond recovery.

Necalli should have been petrified like a stone statue or something and reawakened...and he should have absorbed chi (like in his V-trigger Super), leaving people lifeless husks to feed himself. Not Majin Buu nonsense. It could have even been that the civilization he was from previous sacrificed people to him.


The blob stuff is dumb.

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54 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I don't. Capcom went hard into the marketing of Necalli during season 1 for that to be true


The game launched with 16 characters, Necalli was definitely the cool new guy amongst the launch newbies and he got some decent spotlight (so did many characters and we can go over the cinematic trailer to see which character actually got the most airtime - it ain't Necalli btw).

But let's play along for a moment...

What you are essentially proposing is that Capcom - who plan things years in advance - released the game then changed course on what they want Necalli to be in the 6 months between release and ASF. Like changed script, changed art, changed everything. Or when exactly was the moment that Capcom changed course pray tell? Serious question. At what point did Capcom say - alright this guy can't be the main villain let's make him a minor villain, let's scrap all our work and discussion previously made in this regard.

This is absurd, noting that we had the win quotes a year before release and ASF was in line with what Bison and Necalli were saying. Everything you need to know about Necalli was there in his stupid character story.

Edited by Daemos
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55 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

Necalli should have been petrified like a stone statue or something and reawakened...and he should have absorbed chi (like in his V-trigger Super), leaving people lifeless husks to feed himself. Not Majin Buu nonsense. It could have even been that the civilization he was from previous sacrificed people to him.


The blob stuff is dumb.


Well, we seen just like for Pillar Men Nec had a statue like state, but became more human like after absorbing prophecy warrior


Joseph Joestar Enemies - Comic VineNecalli (Street Fighter V)


I think whole idea  to have him physical absorb people with fluid like boneless body was to keep tribute Pillar Men, who were able to do same to absorb humans or pass through very narrow/smal openings



Pillar Men - JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia | JoJo Wiki

Cursed JoJo on Twitter: "Santana and Hot Pants are the sussiest JoJo  characters" / Twitter


Beyond the blob thing for Necalli  they ever wanted him to be a flesh rather than ki predator, his first concepts were have him as a cannibal


Wich tbh was cool with Aztec theme, since Aztec world had huge history of human sacrificies (perfect for murder intent, more ancient and unrelated to shotos) and even cannibalism




But of course would have been too MK shit for a SF game, so i guess him absorbing people was the furthest we could expect capcom to go without feel out of place in SF

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3 hours ago, Daemos said:

When it comes to Necalli, I believe the devs were trying to make an outlying villain who is like Akuma but functionally a jobber. So in that respect, the delivery was piss poor and left much to be desired.


You want Necalli to be a main villain that supplants Bison, but that was never in the cards is what I argued based on what is known from the devs.


I can agree with you that Necalli final package is shit without agreeing with your proposed direction for the character which deviates from what the devs intended.


It's not about "supplant Bison" unless you start from a mental dogma that Bison should be the default Boss of a SF game


Personally i don't

Actually i would love each SF chapter to offer a new villain


I think Bison had more than one run as SF Boss and that the more you spam him the more you ruin his legacy, reducing him to a walking meme that appear once in a while to get his butt kicked

He does'nt feel new, he does'nt feel threatning as an unknown menace would, he can't play the invincible Boss appearance gimmick  since he already had bunch of losses already, he does'nt even get from Capcom the respect you would expect from who's spamming the char as the narrative imply Bison is the affordable enemy you can defeat while Akuma is much stronker and you're not ready yet


There are bunch of good reasons saying that the Bison spam is not good story development, on the other side you have a "creative" team just scared to let go the cashcow and try new paths to let SF world grow and evolve


I like Bison and i would like see him return in SF6 (but very late pls) or future games, just like Sagat... not as the Boss

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14 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

It's not about "supplant Bison" unless you start from a mental dogma that Bison should be the default Boss of a SF game

I’m not like that at all despite what you and others try to paint me as. But SF5 was his game in this century for better or worse. There was build up and a clear direction in the plot starting in SF4 and arguably SFA3. 

Even then he shared the spotlight with literally every other boss character in the franchise. 

So this idea that some nobody is going to come steal his thunder during a climax 20 years in the making is preposterous. Thankfully Capcom agrees. 

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3 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

This is great!

Remy was the second created character I  made. The first was K'

I think he will end up being one of most believable recreations, his general appearance will be relatively easy to recreate with editor clothes (i think i already seen all the pieces i need on NPCs) and i believe we can find decent compromise to give him a "Remy style" moveset


Was thinking i like Manon for stance and normals, while for specials will have to experiment a bit but i believe a mix of Guile, Cammy and Jamie will do the trick...  for supers i was thinking Lv1 Deejay Lv2 Guile Lv3 Cammy



Edited by CESTUS III
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2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

Necalli should have been petrified like a stone statue or something and reawakened...and he should have absorbed chi (like in his V-trigger Super), leaving people lifeless husks to feed himself. Not Majin Buu nonsense. It could have even been that the civilization he was from previous sacrificed people to him.


The blob stuff is dumb.

Anything that makes Necalli not a human being is dumb.


All of the non-human Street Fighters are dumb as shit.

5 hours ago, Daemos said:

So you're fine with him going permanently full amoeba on one of the most iconic characters in fighting games, but you disagree "hardest" with the very premise of being an amoeba. 

I wasn't "fine with it".  That was simply my prediction of what was going to happen.  Between the explanation that he absorbs people, that he powers up and becomes more evolved when he does so, and that A Shadow Falls was going to be the story of the end of Shadaloo, I was expecting that ASF was going to end with Necalli absorbing Bison and becoming a Gill-like final boss.

5 hours ago, Daemos said:

You realize this is the same series that gave you:

1- Green Jungle Ape Monster

2- An Indian Mr. Fantastic with the skulls of children around his neck

3- An evil immortal psychic Nazi-esque dictator

4- Whatever the fuck Twelve and Necro were.

5- A spiritual plane manifestation of the dark side of a character's psyche.

6- A centuries old master who fights while holding a TURTLE

7- Alien Bichromatic Jesus and his eugenicist brother

9- Half a dozen clones clones, male and female, some turned into Cyborgs.

10- The bastard child of Abraham Lincoln and Captain Planet.

A shapeshifting blob-spirit is where you draw the line?

Not at all.  That's an incredible list of all the worst SF characters you made there.

4 hours ago, Daemos said:

When it comes to Necalli, I believe the devs were trying to make an outlying villain who is like Akuma but functionally a jobber. So in that respect, the delivery was piss poor and left much to be desired.

Nobody sets out to TRY to make a jobber.  And if they do, they make a Dan, or a Sean.  They don't make an immortal monster that eats people.

1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

I think Bison had more than one run as SF Boss and that the more you spam him the more you ruin his legacy, reducing him to a walking meme that appear once in a while to get his butt kicked

Indeed.  A side-effect of him being the boss so often is that it also inadvertently makes him the biggest failure in the series.  Because it makes him the one that fails the most.

43 minutes ago, Daemos said:

I’m not like that at all despite what you and others try to paint me as.

Then you should stop acting like it.  Because that's how you paint yourself.


Like, you do the whole Bison superfan schtick and it seems like it's a bit you're doing, and it's all in good fun.  But then other times you get REAL fucking defensive when people talk about him, and it seems like...maybe it's not just a bit.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

I’m not like that at all despite what you and others try to paint me as.

I'm not trying to paint you as anything, mostly i'm sticking to what you said and usually say


Would argue you're the one misunderstanding my position


To me was'nt about "You want Necalli to be a main villain that supplants Bison"


Beside the FACT that Necalli was developed like crap

And yes, beside him failing to be a Boss being an huge disservice to what HIS concept was (you don't create a millenary monster in a saga that never had one, only to be a 10minutes jobber, that's shitwriting)


My position does'nt require Necalli to even be in SF, let alone as final boss


I like Necalli as design (human non VT version) but i've not much attachment to the character (not that Capcom did anything to make people like it lol), beside the fact the shitty development he had is an hard to ignore example of Capcom's inability to leave comfort zone and create new stuff with same ability and courage of good old days, like when they created Bison or Gill from zero


We simply have a wide divergence of opinions about what is the current state of Capcom creative minds


To me they have no ambition and they self-sabotage their own new attempts in order to not risk of disturb a safe and profitable (and repetitive, and boring) status quo of characters like Bison or Akuma (and Gill, a char of 25 years ago, keept as fresh new air card still to play lmao), trying to never get too far with the result  anything new have to born crippled and small enough to not risk interfere with potential cashcow return card... does'nt matter if world building have to freeze for that


Seth, used as food for Bison in his debut game. Used as filler fake Boss and essentially implied to not being even good enough to give an hard fight to a real one.

Necalli, used as food for Bison and Akuma in his debut game. Used as stepstone in the most awkward way imaginable, level of threat "lose to bum Rog"

G, used as food for Gill in his debut game. Not even developed beyond empty hype words, Gill goes through him using his ass as stepstone to reveal himself


These were the new big baddies of SF4 and V combined arcs, so much pride and ambition


I love SF, but this particular thing is quite pathetic in my humble opinion


SF3 did 99 things wrong, but when Gill was created at least they did'nt had any of that submissive shyness

He was'nt even painted as the most powerful char (Oro consider him to be on par with SF3 Ryu in terms of potential) wich make sense considering his very young age (he was in his 20s), but was'nt used as humble food

He was blatantly designed by the team with "you think Bison was powerful, watch this!" mindset, in line with their fuck you SF2 spirit (that i hated)


Again, hope to be wrong but as much i like JP can't shake off the impression is born to live and die in a small room with low ceiling

As said would not be surprised if once all is said and done we will see him as a moon-less Bison at best, with Ken lesser "hero status" coming useful to justify a still desperate final fight and once all is said and done we will be like "what a nice little filler adventure it has been, was'nt it?"

And then maybe he will be used as food in later season for Gill (if the blue red in Nayshall stage is an hint), who jump out being like "you may play chess JP, but i played 4D chess with you whole time!"


Would actually crack me up if happen, would be like capcom doing a parody of capcom lmao



Edited by CESTUS III
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2 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

He was blatantly designed by the team with "you think Bison was powerful, watch this!" mindset, in line with their fuck you SF2 spirit (that i hated)

That's not really what happened though.  If SF3 seems like it was going "fuck you, SF2", it's because it started development as not a SF game.

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9 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Well, yeah.  Necalli was fucked the moment they decided to make him an alien blob

Yeahh, I kinda agree. I actually like some of the weirder elements and freak characters in SF, but there are limits. Everything in SF to this point has been either through KI powers, tech/ genetic engineering, but a sudden jump to a full on mystical character was a bit drastic, which is more offensive that having a character shift the balance of SF's ceiling was just kinda clumsily tossed aside.


I would have vastly preferred the early fan speculation idea that he was an ancient warrior who went full SNH, got sealed up, never dying and was released somehow over the course of the ASF events.

Edited by ShockDingo
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Zangief Vs Lily



“You may be small, but your power is colossal! I sense the bloodline of a warrior in you.”


E. Honda Vs Dee Jay




“Hahaha! Your songs ain’t much my thing, but you’re a real character, y’know that?”


Dee Jay Vs E. Honda 



“Sumo wrestlers stomp their feet before a match, yeah? I can get down with that!”



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Chun-Li to Dee Jay: " I think your music may be a little too energetic for my liking."


Thoughts: Better than what you got for your SF6 theme song, babe.


Interestingly enough, in Udon's Street Fighter 100 Ryu vs Chun-Li comic, while Dee Jay was DJing it up, Chun-Li arrives at the party and just mingles with her fellow fighting acquaintances. I'm not sure if Chun was ever the party dancing kind of girl. I know she liked to liven things up when she was trying to get back to her single life. But it would be interesting if she was.


Though we are never privied to Chun's taste in music, I would find it plausible if she was more into the classical genre, especially since she got her first inspiration of kung fu from Peking Opera. So maybe Chun-Li's taste in music have always been mild-mannered, and only with the grounded intensity that came from the performances resembling combat. Very much how her old themes sound like.


Maybe I see a bit of myself in Chun-Li too. As I get older, I'm finding I'm not a big a fan as the EDM/Electronic music genre that has been popularized by this generation, and I've always stuck with the music that has made me feel close to myself, or stuff that I resonate with.

That doesn't mean Dee Jay's music is bad, oh far from it. He's a professional whose vibe seems to capture all of the hearts he performs in front of. 


All in all, this quote is more insightful of Chun as a character rather than exploring or detailing any kind of relationship that Chun and Dee Jay have.

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33 minutes ago, ShockDingo said:

Yeahh, I kinda agree. I actually like some of the weirder elements and freak characters in SF, but there are limits. Everything in SF to this point has been either through KI powers, tech/ genetic engineering, but a sudden jump to a full on mystical character was a bit drastic, which is more offensive that having a character shift the balance of SF's ceiling was just kinda clumsily tossed aside.


I would have vastly preferred the early fan speculation idea that he was an ancient warrior who went full SNH, got sealed up, never dying and was released somehow over the course of the ASF events.

Reality is it may even be the case, as we don't know anything about Necalli origins, awakening or how his body/ki works


All we know is that SNH ki can drastically mutate the body even in a life relatively short as Akuma's one, and think about the "what if" Oni version... now let's apply that to a centuries old being like Necalli

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5 hours ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

 I'm not sure if Chun was ever the party dancing kind of girl. I know she liked to liven things up when she was trying to get back to her single life. But it would be interesting if she was.



Super Street Fighter II Turbo Chun-Li's Ending - YouTube

Ending for Super Street Fighter 2-Chun Li(Arcade)Ending for Street Fighter 2-Chun Li (Super NES)


Her dad death ruined her youth, her serious attitude is the result of the tragedy she had to go through


Seems otherwise would have been girl who enjoy have fun



Edited by CESTUS III
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3 hours ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

 I'm not sure if Chun was ever the party dancing kind of girl. I know she liked to liven things up when she was trying to get back to her single life. But it would be interesting if she was.


Though we are never privied to Chun's taste in music, I would find it plausible if she was more into the classical genre, especially since she got her first inspiration of kung fu from Peking Opera. So maybe Chun-Li's taste in music have always been mild-mannered, and only with the grounded intensity that came from the performances resembling combat. Very much how her old themes sound like.


It is my headcanon that Chun Li learned Samba as well when she went to study Capoeira.

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Some things I noticed from this issue


Like we all guessed, JP's stage is the main  battleground for the Nayshall fighting tournament that Ken's participating in. The royalty who appears in the background and in this issue is the young King of Nayshall not some princess like everyone had predicted.spacer.png


One of Ken's board members who attends him on this trip is Kimberly's uncle who just goes by his last name "Jackson". We also learn about the accident JP tells Kimberly about in his win quote against her. 



We learn that Mel is growing up and is starting to get annoyed having to be dragged along with his dad on his business/ fighting trips. 


Luke is Mel's body guard and is escorting him to Nayshall to rendezvous with Ken. Luke is a goofball but he's trying his best to make friends with Mel. 


Nayshall is a recently developing nation and the Master's Foundation is helping with financial aid. 


Some of the native inhabitants of Nayshall don't seem too pleased with the recent happenings and are staging uprisings in the developing city. 


Edited by bakfromon
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11 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

Some things I noticed from this issue

  Reveal hidden contents

Like we all guessed, JP's stage is the main  battleground for the Nayshall fighting tournament that Ken's participating in. The royalty who appears in the background and in this issue is the young King of Nayshall not some princess like everyone had predicted.spacer.png


One of Ken's board members who attends him on this trip is Kimberly's uncle who just goes by his last name "Jackson". We also learn about the accident JP tells Kimberly about in his win quote against her. 



We learn that Mel is growing up and is starting to get annoyed having to be dragged along with his dad on his business/ fighting trips. 


Luke is Mel's body guard and is escorting him to Nayshall to rendezvous with Ken. Luke is a goofball but he's trying his best to make friends with Mel. 


Nayshall is a recently developing nation and the Master's Foundation is helping with financial aid. 


Some of the native inhabitants of Nayshall don't seem too pleased with the recent happenings and are staging uprisings in the developing city. 





Mel is over 8 years old... I guess he's around 10 - 12 because Luke even jockingly mentions him having an girlfriend on a camp trip that Mel wanted to go...


Nice! We can expect SF7, 8 9 and 10 to happen between SF3 and SF6! 🤣


Edited by Lord_Vega
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13 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Then you should stop acting like it.  Because that's how you paint yourself.


Like, you do the whole Bison superfan schtick and it seems like it's a bit you're doing, and it's all in good fun.  But then other times you get REAL fucking defensive when people talk about him, and it seems like...maybe it's not just a bit.


No it is a shtick, and it's none of your damn business.


If you have criticism aim it at the ideas and arguments I am presenting rather than stoop to ad hominem and reduce the discussion to attacks on my character. This is the second time you do this, there won't be another.

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16 minutes ago, Lord_Vega said:



  Reveal hidden contents

Mel is over 8 years old... I guess he's around 10 - 12 because Luke even jockingly mentions him having an girlfriend on a camp trip that Mel wanted to go...


Nice! We can expect SF7, 8 9 and 10 to happen between SF3 and SF6! 🤣


Mel is at least 10-12 which means the game takes place 10-12 years from the end of SF4 and 6-8 years from the end of 3S. That's a massive time jump.

Edited by Daemos
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40 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

Some things I noticed from this issue

  Hide contents

Like we all guessed, JP's stage is the main  battleground for the Nayshall fighting tournament that Ken's participating in. The royalty who appears in the background and in this issue is the young King of Nayshall not some princess like everyone had predicted.spacer.png


One of Ken's board members who attends him on this trip is Kimberly's uncle who just goes by his last name "Jackson". We also learn about the accident JP tells Kimberly about in his win quote against her. 



We learn that Mel is growing up and is starting to get annoyed having to be dragged along with his dad on his business/ fighting trips. 


Luke is Mel's body guard and is escorting him to Nayshall to rendezvous with Ken. Luke is a goofball but he's trying his best to make friends with Mel. 


Nayshall is a recently developing nation and the Master's Foundation is helping with financial aid. 


Some of the native inhabitants of Nayshall don't seem too pleased with the recent happenings and are staging uprisings in the developing city. 



1- JP was clearly intended to be Russian or Eastern European like what the art leak suggested. It seems Udon didn't get the memo that they changed his presentation so they stuck with his accent. Also note that Udon made JP shorter than Ken when we know he is taller.

2- JP tells Ken that he himself doesn't have much time regarding doing the tournament. But that just flew over Ken's head. Like nobody even asked him what he meant by that.


3- Now we know why the AI company is in Nayshall. They are responsible for the creation of the robotic match referees (and other stuff). Will be curious to see who owns the company.

4- The legend of the first Nayshall defeating the Dragon  but dying in the process only to be resurrected with a cerulean cloth or something like that. Sounds like foreshadowing. Is Ken going to defeat the Dragon?


5- I am getting minor Qatar "world cup" vibes from this entire thing. Kudos to Capcom for actually taking world events into account when creating the theme of their game. It's very Street Fighter of them.


6- The presence of the arena and the AI robots implies that the tournament still did not take place in SF6 from what we've seen. This is a great sign.

7- I did not hate Luke here. Interesting...

8- Kalima I am guessing is the lady with white/black hair who appeared in the WTM previews. She's missing. Guess JP is up to no good.

^^^ Other things.

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I honestly… 



did not expect Mel to be so moody! And he has a mouth on him too? Luke was chill enough to let the dirt roll off his shoulders. Well I guess he probably gets it from his dad. I mean Ken clowned Rufus so hard, we haven’t seen him since Street Fighter x Tekken! I digress though…


I was pretty shocked at how Jackson died. The shot was bad enough, but then the explosion too? Charlie’s death didn’t hit the way Jackson’s did. The insurrection is probably JP’s doing. 

Another thing about JP… He has some sort of accent (the th sound turning into z), but it’s not even there in the game footage. Maybe even that’ll be explained?

I’m curious about whether we’ll see any characters from the comics in the actual game.


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27 minutes ago, Daemos said:

Mel is at least 10-12 which means the game takes place 10-12 years from the end of SF4 and 6-8 years from the end of 3S. That's a massive time jump.

howver.... it seems he doesn't say the same thing in the japanese text...





In the jpn text it seems he says something like "4...5 years ago I would go with dad on matches" 


@bakfromonor @Miðgarðsorm would you mind checking? Thanks!

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27 minutes ago, Daemos said:
  Reveal hidden contents

1- JP was clearly intended to be Russian or Eastern European like what the art leak suggested. It seems Udon didn't get the memo that they changed his presentation so they stuck with his accent. Also note that Udon made JP shorter than Ken when we know he is taller.

2- JP tells Ken that he himself doesn't have much time regarding doing the tournament. But that just flew over Ken's head. Like nobody even asked him what he meant by that.


3- Now we know why the AI company is in Nayshall. They are responsible for the creation of the robotic match referees (and other stuff). Will be curious to see who owns the company.

4- The legend of the first Nayshall defeating the Dragon  but dying in the process only to be resurrected with a cerulean cloth or something like that. Sounds like foreshadowing. Is Ken going to defeat the Dragon?


5- I am getting minor Qatar "world cup" vibes from this entire thing. Kudos to Capcom for actually taking world events into account when creating the theme of their game. It's very Street Fighter of them.


6- The presence of the arena and the AI robots implies that the tournament still did not take place in SF6 from what we've seen. This is a great sign.

7- I did not hate Luke here. Interesting...

8- Kalima I am guessing is the lady with white/black hair who appeared in the WTM previews. She's missing. Guess JP is up to no good.

^^^ Other things.


Well we know one thing for sure. 


Judging from Ken's Arcade intro in 6 I'm guessing the billions of dollars Ken is donating to Nayshall is going to be misappropriated into the insurgency that's happening in Nayshall and he's going to be framed for the terrorist actions these individuals are causing. Meanwhile it's probably JP who's misappropriating these funds into the insurgency. After all it was he who directed his secretary to find a "secure" route past the terrorists who were causing the fires. He's setting him up right from the start. 


Edited by bakfromon
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1 minute ago, Lord_Vega said:

In the jpn text it seems he says something like "4...5 years ago I would go with dad on matches" 

A 5 year time jump is much more manageable (Like SF1 -> SF2). Which would put Mel at around 10 years old.


The entire history of the lore is about 10 years from SF1 to SF3, so an 8 year timejump would almost double the series timeline. You could like you said, fit several games in this period after SF3.

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9 minutes ago, Lord_Vega said:

howver.... it seems he doesn't say the same thing in the japanese text...





In the jpn text it seems he says something like "4...5 years ago I would go with dad on matches" 


@bakfromonor @Miðgarðsorm would you mind checking? Thanks!


Japanese translation is saying Mel was around 4 or 5 years old when he started attending his dad's tournaments. In English they're making him a bit older around 6 and 7. In general he's still a young elementary school kid during that time either in kindergarten or first grade. 

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3 minutes ago, Daemos said:

I think it was mentioned before that Mel is 4yo in 2I and 5yo in 3S.

Which makes the Japanese translation more accurate in this case. Not sure why they would change the ages though. Maybe they think English readers would frown upon taking a kindergartner to fighting tournaments so they up the age by 2 years. 

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9 minutes ago, bakfromon said:


Japanese translation is saying Mel was around 4 or 5 years old when he started attending his dad's tournaments. In English they're making him a bit older around 6 and 7. In general he's still a young elementary school kid during that time either in kindergarten or first grade. 

I see... Crap, why they can't translate things properly without changing the information?  They did the same with Dan and Rose's stories in SFV.

Thanks a lot @bakfromon!


8 minutes ago, Daemos said:

I think it was mentioned before that Mel is 4yo in 2I and 5yo in 3S.

Actually he's 3Yo in NG/2I and 4 yo in 3rdStrike. That was a nod to Sean's and Ken's 3rd Strike endings.

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IIRC correctly, the first events in SF5 (Rashid story) mentions that the game starts taking place 11-13 months after SF4 and the Black Moons thing happened about 4 months before the start of the SF3 timeline.


So all of SF5’s main events take place in about a 2 to 2.5 year period.


This aligns with what @Lord_Vegais saying about Mel’s age.

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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

No it is a shtick, and it's none of your damn business.

What you post on a public forum isn't the business of the other posters on that forum?

1 hour ago, Daemos said:

If you have criticism aim it at the ideas and arguments I am presenting rather than stoop to ad hominem and reduce the discussion to attacks on my character. This is the second time you do this, there won't be another.

You're the one being antagonistic about it, because you treat any criticism of a fictional character like it's a personal attack.  All I did was describe something you did.  If hearing about your own behavior sounds like an attack on your character, then maybe you have an issue with your character.

Edited by DarthEnderX
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8 minutes ago, Daemos said:

IIRC correctly, the first events in SF5 (Rashid story) mentions that the game starts taking place 11-13 months after SF4 and the Black Moons thing happened about 4 months before the start of the SF3 timeline.


So all of SF5’s main events take place in about a 2 to 2.5 year period.


This aligns with what @Lord_Vegais saying about Mel’s age.

If I'm not mistaken, the Secret Society prophecy mentions that there would be an 6 month gap between the Black Moon events and Gill appearing.


I wonder if Gill's first appearance on Foo Tube was before or after him beating the crap of Tom.

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9 minutes ago, Lord_Vega said:

If I'm not mistaken, the Secret Society prophecy mentions that there would be an 6 month gap between the Black Moon events and Gill appearing.


I wonder if Gill's first appearance on Foo Tube was before or after him beating the crap of Tom.

The prophecy says 130 days so about 4 months between end of ASF and Gill character story. 

I think Tom happened after.

Edited by Daemos
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31 minutes ago, Lord_Vega said:

Actually he's 3Yo in NG/2I and 4 yo in 3rdStrike. That was a nod to Sean's and Ken's 3rd Strike endings.

To be fair I doubt a 3 year old would remember much about being at a fighting tournament since they just start forming memories at that point so raising the age a bit does make more sense


16 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

Well, he IS a rich kid.  Those tend to grow up crappy, even with cool parents.

Mel is literally taking after Ken. Ken didn't originally want to be apart of his family's business and just wanted to fight. Mel doesn't want to be apart of his dad's business/ fighting and just wants to do his own thing at this point. 

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10 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

To be fair I doubt a 3 year old would remember much about being at a fighting tournament since they just start forming memories at that point so raising the age a bit does make more sense

Actually 4... and probably they did it multiple times over the following years. If it was one or two tournaments, then I could agree.


I was 2 when my mother took me to swimming classes for toddlers, she did that for almost an year... and even after decades, I could describe how the pool looked, the toys, etc. 35+ years later, while browsing the net, I found a picture of that pool and I instatly remembered it.

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Interesting story. I quite enjoyed it. I especially like that it ties all the characters together. New characters like Luke and JP have good reasons to just come out of nowhere. Hopefully it doesn't get too convoluted tho. This type of terrorist stories then to get into very muddy waters in anime.

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