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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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It took me a moment to realize who the human version of Cream was sitting on and then I saw the belt. 



Supposedly Johnny has said that Live and Learn will be in the Sonic 3 movie actually in some capacity but I've only seen people saying he's been putting in to people's DM...he hasn't come out and said it officially on a tweet or anything so...grain of salt and all that.


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  • Sonichuman changed the title to The Sonic Thread: Before the Shadow takeover begins, we must knuck when we buck. Knuckles series releases April 26.

Warning this does talk about and show the ending so if you still want to see the ending blind then  you can probably stop watching at about 1:04:15.  Otherwise pretty entertaining review of this DLC that talks about the flaws and the good that comes with it.

Edited by Sonichuman
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13 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Is the story good enough that I should be all that concerned about spoilers?

It's decent.  Nothing mind blowing really but the spectacle and set pieces that happen are kind of cool.  If that doesn't matter to you then you're good.




Edited by Sonichuman
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

It's decent.  Nothing mind blowing really but the spectacle and set pieces that happen are kind of cool.  If that doesn't matter to you then you're good

Yea, it's more a out experiencing the story then what actually happens in the story, yea? Like Uncharteds pretty predictable but playing through the set peices is the real experience. 

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On 2/15/2024 at 4:54 PM, RSG3 said:

Oh that's dope, it's the first Spnic Inspired original product I've been interested besides the Spark the Electric Jester games. 

I wonder what the hell happened to Freedom Planet 2. The first game was great.

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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

The game has been out on PC for over a year

That's hilarious. I had been following the development of that game for a bit, then they went like 2 or 3 years without any updates at all around the time of the pandemic. After that, it was something like, one post made on their facebook page and I hadn't heard anything since then.

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5 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Comics Drake made a video about the archie Sonic comics. I hope his sanity remained intact 



I'll definitely try to watch this at some point.  I was trying to go back and read through early Archie and it was pretty slow going.  I ended up stopping so it'll be interesting to know when the stories started trying to be more serious.

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7 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I'll definitely try to watch this at some point.  I was trying to go back and read through early Archie and it was pretty slow going.  I ended up stopping so it'll be interesting to know when the stories started trying to be more serious.

according to the video the stories got serious when Penders got to write his first solo issue.

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Gamerguyd7Aces announced recently with the recent death of Toriyama that he's going to be working with Chakra X to do a full animation for Sonic Wrath of Nazo on a community post on his Youtube channel.  If you don't know who that is he's Sonic fan youtuber who's been trying to do a full animated adaptation of the IDW comics on his channel.  It hasn't been 1 to 1 but it's also not bad either consdering it's a fan animation ans it's been getting better with each epsiode.  It's also slow going but that's to be expected considering.

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