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iStu X

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Posts posted by iStu X

  1. 6 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Not only that, it makes no sense financially. Spiderman's sales are higher when he's with MJ. The lastest books show that once more. I swear they hate Peter. They just continually do fucked up shit to him. Even Aunt May has caught strays, they turned her into damned just why man. Leave Aunt May alone too.

    It’s fine. Ain’t May is dead in the new ultimates universe while Uncle Ben and J. Jonah Jameson are basically Peter’s dads. 

  2. 25 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Side note: I'm curious to hear what everyone else's experience was like growing up in "geek culture". I can't speak for anyone else, which is why I'm curious. In my experience we, geeks/nerds, were the group getting shitted on by others. Black/white or male/female wasn't any issue for us. Which were just happy to hang with other people that didn't give us grief for gaming, comics, anime, or being into sci fi. I've heard people say that some time "gatekeeping" is a good thing. When I was younger I would have disagreed vehemently. However seeing what's happened to geek culture, I see their point. 

    I never had an issue with it growing up due to I had so many other hobbies that weren’t “geek” or “nerd” related. I skate boarded, played volley ball, weight training, wrote/directed/starred in home movies my friends and I would make, went to tons of concerts too where I’d meet people. 

    I also hated labels, and I still do. So Ive never been a fan of being pigeonholed into being/representing a specific type of person. 

    I was very much a social chameleon growing up. I didn’t get along with everyone per se but I had no issues hopping from one clique group/hobby/whatever to another. Usually I’d get along with most the people within those social circles. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Seems like you passed my progress but I'm not surprised based on how some of the later matches go.


    She starts with a card on the field that has a broken ass ability. On top of that none of her cards have ranks. So she can play literally any card she wants. Almost all of them (that I’ve seen) are Boss cards and Summons. 

    It’s some absolute bullshit. Her match breaks every rule of the game. I haven’t beat her yet. 

    As for progress, I’m on chapter 12 right now. About to be going to temple of the ancients. 


  4. Celebrities are generally cool as fuck with you talking to them, getting a picture, etc, as long as you talk to them like a person, don’t bother them when they’re clearly in the middle of something and understand they have every right to tell you no. 

    I’ve met tons of celebrities in certain industries through conventions and stuff. All of them have been super nice and super cordial because I talked to them and treated them like they’re a person. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Lantis said:

    I know it was the middle of the night, but how asleep/drunk/high must the captain have been to miss ALL that space between the bridge's pillars?

    Like I mentioned is discord, the collision seemed to have happened due to the power on the ship failing and when they tried to kick on the back up power that also failed. 

    So they had absolutely no control over what happened. It’s wild too cause that entire bridge collapsed and that’s not a small bridge. It’s almost a two-mile long bridge and one of the main bridges in the cities. 

    Shit is absolutely wild. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Hecatom said:


    I don’t even need to watch the video Oversaturation and creed specifically by Activision as well as others copying the toys to life model. The only reasons amiibo have lasted as long as they have is due to legacy characters by fan favorite franchises as well as amiibo has never promoted amiibo as a toys to life. 

    To go on a weird tangent but its a shame  Star Link from Ubisoft tanked cause the game is genuinely super fun and really well designed. Especially the Switch version with all the Star Fox missions but as soon as Ubi said it was a Toys to Life game at E3 it was doomed to fail.

    I remember watching E3 presentation for the game too. Everyone was so hype and excited. Everyone was cheering and applauding at all the features (especially the Nintendo stuff) but as soon as they said it was toys to life an awkward silence fell over the crowd and the rest of their press conference was a dumpster fire. The kicker of it is that Ubi even said RIGHT after the toys to life announcement is you could buy everything at a much lower price point through your preferred systems online store. But it didn’t matter cause everyone heard the dreaded words and immediately dismissed it. 

    game had middling sells despite great reviews. 

    Semi-related but Disney Infinity could have kept going fine been fine after Skylanders stopped simply cause Disney. The only adjustment they had to make was stop doing one of the things that killed Skylanders: Stop store exclusive variants.

    They had Infinity 4.0 in the can and ready to go but  Disney was doing a lot of reshuffling and closing down internal studios they felt they didn’t need. 

    Lego Dimensions was just too expensive for Warner brothers due to licensing and Legos just being expensive to make. 

  7. 15 hours ago, RegH81 said:

    didn't think the Krakoan era was THAT extensive

    It is a lot but as I said a lot of it is collected in trade so it’s a lot easier to digest. The trades even include a lot of the X-Men tie-in’s from other events like Devil’s Reign and the like. 

    The only non-X Men title really that you need to follow is Iron Man cause it’s part of the fall of X line due to Tony and Emma currently being married. (long story, sounds odd on paper, but it’s honestly kinda great) 

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