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Posts posted by RSG3

  1. 18 minutes ago, Camacho said:

    I've always hated the "second loop" concept in shmups. Having to do 2 near perfect runs in one session is brutal, and takes quite a while.

    I love second loops but I Haye them as a completion requirement they should be "more for those who want more." I fuckingnHATE Cabes design philosophy of needing to perfect 2 loops to see the true end it's total bullshit. But Gradius giving me 255 loops to tackle as an optional way of getting more Gradius? Fuck yes please. That's dope. 


    More robust training mode options in general would be great. It's very annoying how hard it is to practice a lot of later stages properly because ypu can't set up a real would example of how you are going tonarrive at that stage. It's even worse if the game has any kind of rank mechanics which most do. If I can't set stage 5 to the proper rank I'm going to experience there then your practice mode is useless unfortunately. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, iStu X said:

    Disappointingly the new SaGa game sucks. I’ve been messing around with the demo and just…ugh.

    Saying it was made with a shoe string budget with a skeleton crew feels like I’m being optimistic. It’s so bad. 

    Yea I watched a video on it this mourning yea not good. Thats twice now the new SaGa game has been Dookie. Wonder what the issue is, Mana found its footing. 

  3. 3 hours ago, MillionX said:

    So I saw the mentions of "$100 for lunch" making the rounds lately on certain youtube channels

    I'm wondering...  100 for lunch being a regular thing?  Maybe I'm just too much of a cheapskate for that; it seems silly, imo.  It's already crazy that little ol' "Chic-Fil-A" combos are now > 10 bucks these days.... (that grilled chicken sandwich combo, which is my favorite there, is 11 bucks and change)


    ...also who are the dumbass suckers that are willing to send 100 to a woman for her lunch... despite apparently not even being "with" her? (presumably not married to her)  ....not even getting anything out of it, most of the time, since they have zero obligations (so of course a lot of them are happy to take advantage of the situation for as long as possible in life)

    Look dude, some women just want to die alone. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Camacho said:

    Crimzon Clover is so fucking good, definitely my favorite shmup. No  second loop nonesense, straightforward (but deep) mechanics, no annoying loli crap or cringey story to get in the way either. I do wish there was a difficulty step in between Novice and Arcade though, the jump is pretty steep.

    I wanted a second loop so badly until the World Explosion update gave us the remixed Medal Mode. Before then the only flaw thebgame had was lacking content compared to its contemporaries. It needed a second loop or a new game mode. We got the better of the two imo in the new mode. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, MillionX said:

    That new Joker in the Suicide Squad game looks awful... it's one of those that looks bootleg... like one of the "Jokerz" gang that's not really him but just some random goon pretender.  It is funny/odd though that 1 of his eyes looks "off", like Biggie.


    Visually it reminds me of Ceasar Romero's Joker. Doesn't really fit the Arkham Vibe....

  6. 19 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

    Technically the interviewer and the interviewee should both have the onus since it's supposed to be give and tack.

    The whole point of the interview is to sell the product, so yea it's deffinitly both of their responsibilty to represent the product well. 


    Imo they've both failed. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    @RSG3I'm gonna keep it 100 with you. I find your stance on this to be completely ridiculous. So much so that  I see no point in engaging you this. Your interview stance is just patently absurd. Everyone should just drop press releases with FAQs.

    That's fine, I think acting like game developers have 0 agency in the interview process is also completely ridiculous and observably absurd. 


    And we don't have to agree, disagreeing is part of what makes this place cool. 


    I'm not against press releases that bypass the generally pointless interview and just tells me about the fucking product. That would frankly, be fucking wonderful lol. 

  8. 41 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    The onus is on the interviewer to ask the questions. Not the interviewee. Moreover, it's typically frowned upon when a interview full of pre-approved questions. If I'm interviewing you and you have to feed me the questions to ask you, then I need to be replaced. Someone that can do the job needs to conduct the interview.

    The onus is on the developer to sell their product to me, the consumer. The entire point of the interview is to help sell me the product. Bro if the only thing they ask you about your game is your MCs ass, you need to step up and get the train back on the tracks. Tell them the interview is over, tell them they need to direct their questions elsewhere. Tell them you've answered these questions already. You are not beholden to them and their questions. I've seen plenty of developers pass a question by or say they don't want to talk about that subject. He's a full grown adult thats the head of an entire team of people, I think he can handle a goofy games journalist. They dont have to be pre-approved questions but he can certainly control some of the subject matter they discuss. I dunno why you and Hecatom are treating this development team like they have no agency in the discussion of their own game.


    41 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    You don't get why gamers should excpect professional news outlets to do their jobs.

     No I don't get why you keep expecting thay kind of behaivor from a reporting site that hasn't done any of thay shit for 30 years. It's like picking up the inquirer at the grocery store and going "Can you believe they report this shit?" YES! I can. They've been doing it for multiple decades now. It's why I don't read The Inquirer, or IGN. 


    I understand why gamers want journalists who do their jobs and there are lots thay do, I just don't understand how they continue to care about the ones that haven't ever done it. How many times do you have to get fucked in the ass by IGN before you stop paying attention to them? All this drama and whining is good for them. You guys act like your making this big statement by critiquing them but all youre doing is giving them attention and eyes and then eventually clicks as people go to find out what the fuss is. 


    And no it isn't working they aren't going under. IGN hasn't been remotly close to going under. At worst they rebrand. You guys haven't stopped Sessler from Sessling. You haven't stopped IGN from IGNing. I'm stunned at how important you guys think you are. 

  9. 2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

    I hate these videos because there's always so much context left out. Dude didn't do himself any favors driving on a suspended license and refusing a (voluntary lol, they need to stop acting like these are actually a choice) sobriety test, but I'm curious about when she said he had a mixed drink in the console. Wondering if that was true or bullshit. Either way, they got the guy on the suspended license and probably figured they could upcharge him to DUI and make better stats. This type of shit doesn't help anyone though.

    They probably ruined their chance to charge him with the suspended license when they tried to frame him for DUI. Not only does this not help, it's actively hurts both parties. He has to dealmwith trumped up charges instead of actual charges, and now I have another reason to deny police entry to my anything because they can't be trusted, yoy can literally hear her break the seal on the bottle then put it back in the car and charge him for open container. 


    She ruined the charge he may have actually committed, and with any luck, her job. 

  10. 36 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    That is not teally the fault of the devs but the lametastic gaming "press" that since day 1 of the announcement has been at war with the game due having a character that is not ugly.


    Yes it is. Studios have approval of questions, they could very easily say "Hey let's talk about the gameplay now" but they don't. It's both their faults, the Jourbos for sticking to one stupid topic and the Developers never having the fortitude to say they want to talk about other aspects of the game now. 

    These developers are adults not children, stop acting like they got strong armed by the gaming media.


    YouTube accounts are free, they could have done their own coverage like so many Indi Developers do. There's no excuse dude. They wanted to focus on Eve just as much as the Journos did. It was more important to them to talk about their model then the gameplay was. 


    As I told Darc, i can whine about both groups failing to do an even halfway decent job of talking about this game. 


    36 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    The last ign article for example, attacking the ceo saying his is an incel who probably never saw a woman, despite him being married to the sr. character designer of stellar blade and nikke 😂

    I don't all. The journo drama is fucking stupid like we really gotta trot out "You can't spell ignorant..." again? I don't give 1 single fuck about IGN France. Like I really don't get why you guys keep caring about reporting sites that are BARELY above tabloid journalism.  I sure as shit don't. Haven't cared about 1 single thing IGN anyone has said in 20 years. They are a tabloid rag thay gets money from pissing you all off. It's a grift at best. They don't need to do research, they need to generate clicks and pissing you all off drives more business for them then doing real reporting ever has. I still to this day hear about God Hands 3 from IGN, like saying incendiary stuff keeps them far more relevant then actually reporting gaming news does. 

  11. I do think based on what's presented in the Demo that Eves sexualization is kinda out of place and clashes with the Melodrama pretty badly. The voyeristic camera is kinda goofy when it wants me to take what's going on seriously lol.


    The sexualization here so far is deffinitly lesser then it was in Bayonetta or Nier Automata. Hell there are parts of this game that don't even feel finished, Eve doesn't have a death animation. The screen just fades out to the Game over screen. Her ass jiggles juuuuuuuust right tho, but maybe it earns it in the full game, I dunno. 

  12. 44 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

    I'm randomly curious: did the Stellar Blade devs do anything besides make a hot main character to get embroiled in this loser-ass culture war? I've seen next to nothing about this game but that stuff, until the gameplay demos in the past week.

    They really didn't. They spent more time talking about their main character model and her real life model (who deffintily doesn't have that ass, funny how its ok to change that) then ever talking about the game. 


    And that super sucks because based on the demo it's not bad. It's stiff as fuck and you really have to dig into it to figure out how it wants you to play and how to play fast and aggressive, but once you do it's a good enough time. Like it's fun. You also want to go into the settings and flip some switches like the one that lets you redirect attacks midcombo if you aren't locked on. That's something you jeed to toggle in the options menu among a few others. It helps a lot. Also the Dodge is dog shit. Even after you upgrade it to let you dodge twice it's still terrible. It's perfect dodge or bust. Don't think it can be a movement or positioning tool like in Bayonnetta or Nier Automata or even DMC or something like that cuz its not. It's trash. There is also some lag in the controls especially on dodge and block yoymu need to compensate for. Overall tho once you find the games flow it's pretty fun. 


    But it also revealed to me the only reason this games getting the attention it is, is because of the drama, because the gameplays fine but it's not amazing. It's like Darksiders 3 tier based on what's in the Demo. I got tons of vids in my feed calling it GOTY potential and the new Nier Automata and just no. Not even close. Not based on what's in this demo. It doesn't control tight enough to even be in that tier imo. 


    Lot of people getting mesmerized by fake Korean ass lol. 

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