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  1. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from DangerousJ in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    woooo various youtube channels are about to be on FIRE with this latest juicy footage then... I look forward to it. *insert typical popcorn gif again*
    yeah you're goddamn right I'd take advantage as well if I were one of these youtubers.  There's so many wild stories in the celeb news cycle at all'd NEVER be out of material to get easy views with.
  2. LOL
    MillionX reacted to axeman61 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Random, but:
    Is there a good pizza place in Detroit that isn't Detroit-Style and is not either Supinos or Green Lantern (tried those)? I'm going today and tomorrow.
  3. LOL
    MillionX got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    if they did go on to have a nice sleazy ECW catfight I wouldn't mind watching that

  4. +1
    MillionX reacted to Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    @MillionXI've seen people post that they thought the Yasuke situation in AC: Shadows was just distract people from the fact that they are charging $130 for the full game. I'd call them tinfoil hatters but almost no one is taking about the absurd pricing of the game, just Yasuke.
    @axeman61I can't speak definitively on the issue. Anecdotally, I agree with @DoctaMarioI have a diverse friend group. People that would not have given two shits about this 5+ years ago are side eying Ubisoft. It's not just games though. Things are just more polarized in general. Their seems to be less people on the fence about anything really. Meanwhile, I'm just thinking about how Ghost of Tsushima beat them to the punch not only in setting but execution. Multiple people, I'm not going to pretend to super inciteful here, said Ghost was Assassin's Creed if it wasn't ass. I've always agreed with that sentiment. 
  5. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from DoctaMario in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    reminds me... the only Assassin's Creed game that ever interested me was "Origins", since the setting of ancient Egypt is always interesting to me... but even still (even despite the fact it constantly goes on sale for super cheap*), I never ended up buying it since there's so many other games that interest me more; the gaming landscape is insanely competitive for our time these days.
    *another odd thing----imagine the suckers that buy that shit at the $130 level or worse that one with the monthly fee.... when it's a regular thing that all these AC games are always on sale for super cheap multiple times every year.  Very soon this same year, that shit will be on some random Xbox/PSN/Steam sale for 20 or 30 bucks...maybe 40 for the "Ultimate" edition....then again it will be on sale for that dirt cheap price again a few weeks later....and then on another sale a month or so after that... and so on.  It seems silly to ever pay full price for that franchise in particular when it's always on sale every time I see a sale.  We could predict it right now---it's safe to say this and Origins and Odyssey will be on the upcoming xbox "Summer Sale" whenever that is...then whatever they call the Fall one, the digital Black Friday one and Cyber monday....then the Christmas sale, etc.  It's guaranteed.
    ...oh and wasn't there 1 level of the game that involves a monthly price of 17 or 18 bucks?! 🤣  They know they can get away with it though since most gamers will roll over for anything like that dog in the burning house meme saying "This is fine."
  6. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from VirginDefiler in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    if they did go on to have a nice sleazy ECW catfight I wouldn't mind watching that

  7. LOL
    MillionX reacted to AriesWarlock in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    A what now?
    "You don't have enough intelligence"
  8. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from DangerousJ in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    reminds me... the only Assassin's Creed game that ever interested me was "Origins", since the setting of ancient Egypt is always interesting to me... but even still (even despite the fact it constantly goes on sale for super cheap*), I never ended up buying it since there's so many other games that interest me more; the gaming landscape is insanely competitive for our time these days.
    *another odd thing----imagine the suckers that buy that shit at the $130 level or worse that one with the monthly fee.... when it's a regular thing that all these AC games are always on sale for super cheap multiple times every year.  Very soon this same year, that shit will be on some random Xbox/PSN/Steam sale for 20 or 30 bucks...maybe 40 for the "Ultimate" edition....then again it will be on sale for that dirt cheap price again a few weeks later....and then on another sale a month or so after that... and so on.  It seems silly to ever pay full price for that franchise in particular when it's always on sale every time I see a sale.  We could predict it right now---it's safe to say this and Origins and Odyssey will be on the upcoming xbox "Summer Sale" whenever that is...then whatever they call the Fall one, the digital Black Friday one and Cyber monday....then the Christmas sale, etc.  It's guaranteed.
    ...oh and wasn't there 1 level of the game that involves a monthly price of 17 or 18 bucks?! 🤣  They know they can get away with it though since most gamers will roll over for anything like that dog in the burning house meme saying "This is fine."
  9. +1
    MillionX reacted to DoctaMario in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    I think if we didn't live in a time or hyper politicization where media companies are pushing pseudo progressive BS at every turn, most people would be like, "Oh cool, a black samurai in the new AC game" and move it along. But people have been trained to see this stuff as indoctrination, virtue signaling, etc even when it's not, so that's how it's being perceived. The horrible backdrop the game is being made/released in is more to blame than anything.
  10. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from DoctaMario in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Vee posted a vid about Have a Nice Death recently; I have it on Steam Deck as well, it's a good one:
    also I was back into Vampyr yesterday for a little bit... on Steam Deck; took care of that quick side quest where you track down some people that have been spying on Thelma (the woman that *claims* to be a vampire).... that's a missed opportunity there; would've been interesting to see what could've happened story-wise if you actually turned someone like her, making what was previously her delusion into her reality.
  11. Insightful
    MillionX got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Two of the greatest of all time met and did battle?!  Ohhh yes....
  12. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Two of the greatest of all time met and did battle?!  Ohhh yes....
  13. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from DarkSakul in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Hades ---
    Ok yeah---the SHIELD weapon is where it's at, folks.  I made it up to the fight with Hades already, and actually almost beat him on the first attempt, because my build was so damn good....I focused on stacking up "Doom" damage on the special (shield throw) was up to about 200-something.  There was also some passive that gave me bonus damage for the next 2 attacks after the special.  If I still had that last "death defiance" left I probably would've beat him.  I also kept stacking health upgrades; I had a bit over 200-something hp.
    So yeah my top favorites now are pretty easy---(1) Shield, (2) Spear, (3) Arrows.  The fists weapon is cool; I always like that type of weapon in games but they just don't measure up to those top 3 in this game from what I'm seeing.
  14. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Hades ---
    Ok yeah---the SHIELD weapon is where it's at, folks.  I made it up to the fight with Hades already, and actually almost beat him on the first attempt, because my build was so damn good....I focused on stacking up "Doom" damage on the special (shield throw) was up to about 200-something.  There was also some passive that gave me bonus damage for the next 2 attacks after the special.  If I still had that last "death defiance" left I probably would've beat him.  I also kept stacking health upgrades; I had a bit over 200-something hp.
    So yeah my top favorites now are pretty easy---(1) Shield, (2) Spear, (3) Arrows.  The fists weapon is cool; I always like that type of weapon in games but they just don't measure up to those top 3 in this game from what I'm seeing.
  15. +1
    MillionX reacted to AriesWarlock in Anime and Manga Thread: Isekai must Die edition
  16. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from DangerousJ in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Two of the greatest of all time met and did battle?!  Ohhh yes....
  17. LOL
  18. LOL
    MillionX reacted to TheInfernoman in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Too late for WTF Wednesday but too early for WTF Friday so think about it Thursday it is! 
  19. +1
    MillionX reacted to HD-Man in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Finally made the jump and ordered a Steam Deck. I can't wait til it comes in the mail. Recently learned you can dock it to a TV so that makes it even better
  20. Insightful
    MillionX reacted to Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Yasuke makes for the perfect protagonist for historical fantasy as he disappears from historical record after a certain point. It would make it easy for them to insert their assassin vs Templar narrative with aliens as they can use it to fill in blanks. Anyone here isn't looking at ass greed to be accurate to history to the letter.
    People get defensive because it's okay for Tom Cruise to be samurai but not an African slave to managed to become a retainer for the most powerful man of his time period.
    Japanese woman is the co-star of the game. Let's not ignore her.
  21. LOL
  22. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from AriesWarlock in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Hades -  I finally beat the Hydra recently so I've been able to get to the 3rd area now.... 
    I am still not sure why people downplay the spear; every time I play with that weapon the difference is almost night and day.... my attacks are generally "safe" because of the superior reach, it's fast, and it has that charge-up move that hits all around you....though I don't use that often; just the regular and special attack (the throw) are all you need.
    It's been like playing for the first time, really... I had the game on Switch but it has been forever since I played that version.
  23. +1
    MillionX got a reaction from RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Hades -  I finally beat the Hydra recently so I've been able to get to the 3rd area now.... 
    I am still not sure why people downplay the spear; every time I play with that weapon the difference is almost night and day.... my attacks are generally "safe" because of the superior reach, it's fast, and it has that charge-up move that hits all around you....though I don't use that often; just the regular and special attack (the throw) are all you need.
    It's been like playing for the first time, really... I had the game on Switch but it has been forever since I played that version.
  24. Insightful
  25. +1
    MillionX reacted to DangerousJ in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Viewtiful Joe, Viewtiful Joe wherefore art thou Viewtiful Joe.
    Deny thy father and refuse thy name Capcom.
    Part 2- Infinity 
    Replace "Viewtiful Joe" with...
    Deep breath 
    Rival Schools
    Power Stone
    Final Fight
    Et al....
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