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 The greatest animated superhero movie of ALL TIME is returning to the big screen!


Batman: Mask of the Phantasm to be given limited theatrical screening on Nov. 12 in USA!



Fathom Events is striking a double now. It's like they can read my mind.

(All that's missing now is Street Fighter: The Anime movie and I can die a happy man.)

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heh, watching for youtube reactions to the latest Titans trailer... found this great comment:

"Starfire looks like shes about to get in my car blow me for $20."


heh heh, nice.  The 2nd trailer is better, but they can't fix the problem of Starfire looking soooooo ridiculous.....who is the asshole who came up with the idea for the stupid curly wig and fur coat combo?

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Notes: regarding the above


Yes Laserbeak/Ravage can fit in Soundwave’s chest.


The 2 micromaster jets are updates to the 1989 Air Strike Patrol.(I had them as a kid)  The black/purple guy is Stormcloud and the black/red one is Whisper.

Brunt is Trypticon’s tank minion from G1.

Skytread is an update of the G1 duocon formerly known as Flywheels (1987).

Blowpipe and Aimless are the targetmaster partners to the 1987 Decepticon Targetmaster jets Triggerhappy and Misfire (1987) They are sold individually unlike LAserbeak/Ravage and the 2 micromasters.

Starscream’s tetrajet is an homage to the design seen in the very first G1 episode "More than meets the eye ,part 1. (Technically Skywarp and Thundercracker appeared in this jet design , not Starscream)

Megatron’s sword is an homage to his Japanese version of the G1 toy that had a sword.

Edited by DangerousJ
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soooo goddamn bought, so many of those...especially Soundwave (with his cassette buddies), one of my favorites of all time.


Oddly enough, I actually prefer Megatron's current design concept of having a tank form. (probably seems unusual coming from a fan that prefers G1 designs over everything else)  It just makes more sense and seems more...I guess  "practical" than the old days where he mysteriously shrank as he changed into a little handgun.

Edited by MillionX
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22 minutes ago, misterBee said:

@DangerousJ is that Siege line based on the war for cybertron games?


Feel like I asked this before but can't remember what you said.

No relationship to the old WFC /FOC games despite the title.


The official statement is that they're G1 characters BEFORE coming to Earth.

Some like the "Starscream/seeker" and laserbeak were shown in the first episode of the G1 cartoon. The others are fully new designs.

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damn...Bette Midler's tweet is one of the dumbest ones I've ever seen, man...holy crap I heard she said something silly/stupid but I didn't think it was this severe:

bruh holy shit where does one even begin to analyze that foolishness 


*sidenote cheapshot--- I always laughed at how immense that woman's head was... it seems abnormally large like so many "Big head code enabled" characters back in the 90s when that was a thing.


just to pick apart a a few bits of that...(*eh fuck it let's go in on all of that)
raped, beaten, enslaved <---yeah and that's quite illegal, obviously. (*and what, men weren't?  These terrible things are somehow exclusive to you ladies?  Ok.) 


married off <--hmm last I checked, most women seem to look forward to this silly marriage shit as a MAJOR goal in their lives...they put that shit on a high pedestal.  They are also the choosers, at least in modern times.  The man puts the question out there (foolishly, imo) and she decides...just like in the beginning when she decided whether or not to even continue speaking to him and eventually allow him to hit it.

denied education <--in modern times...what the fuck is she talking about here?  Women are continuing to outnumber men by a longshot on most (probably close to all) college/university campuses.  The ratio is typically something like 8 women for each 1 man, and it presumably gets even further out of balance in graduate school.
Inheritance <--??? the hell?  Sounds like she may be thinking of a very specific  example here, I suppose...whatever, man.

Enduring the pain and danger of childbirth <--not society or men's fault.  If you want to blame something blame Mother Nature itself or even God if you're so inclined, for making the human species this way.  ...and there's alternatives anyway, like adopting or not having a damn rugrat money-pit I mean "child" in the first place.

Edited by MillionX
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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

bruh holy shit where does one even begin to analyze that foolishness 


*sidenote cheapshot--- I always laughed at how immense that woman's head was... it seems abnormally large like so many "Big head code enabled" characters back in the 90s when that was a thing.


just to pick apart a a few bits of that...(*eh fuck it let's go in on all of that)
raped, beaten, enslaved <---yeah and that's quite illegal, obviously. (*and what, men weren't?  These terrible things are somehow exclusive to you ladies?  Ok.) 


married off <--hmm last I checked, most women seem to look forward to this silly marriage shit as a MAJOR goal in their lives...they put that shit on a high pedestal.  They are also the choosers, at least in modern times.  The man puts the question out there (foolishly, imo) and she decides...just like in the beginning when she decided whether or not to even continue speaking to him and eventually allow him to hit it.

denied education <--in modern times...what the fuck is she talking about here?  Women are continuing to outnumber men by a longshot on most (probably close to all) college/university campuses.  The ratio is typically something like 8 women for each 1 man, and it presumably gets even further out of balance in graduate school.
Inheritance <--??? the hell?  Sounds like she may be thinking of a very specific  example here, I suppose...whatever, man.

Not going to get into this too much but just want to point out that a lot of the things you are saying only apply to Western first-world countries.  There are still lots of places on Earth where these things don't apply.

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I saw Venom yesterday... it was at least decent; a good time, I'd say.  It gave me some basic things I wanted out of this.  I'd agree with some folks saying the beginning was kinda slow... it takes a while before you actually see Venom...that's really my only complaint here.  Once Eddie and the creature finally meet up then things finally pick up.


Jenny Slate was looking quite adorable in this movie...I'm definitely keeping tabs on that one 


^y'know, I'd cast her as a young Gilda Radner if making a movie about her.  (yeah I would've ravaged Gilda too.)

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sheeeeit, that was one of the first Transformers I had... probably #3 or 4, I think... so just seeing Ratchet again brings back memories.  The first one was Prowl. 


wooo next week can't come soon enough... I got 3 days off so it's like a 5-day "weekend" that begins Wednesday.  I'll load up on groceries so I don't even have to go outside for long periods of time if I don't want to....y'know, the way life should be.

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sheeeeit, White Rabbit is back with her lovely "Connie" character



Quick Phil update--- for at least the past 2 weeks or so... Kat has been "working late" ALL the time.... the shit is hilarious, man....because it naturally feeds right into some theories that she either cheating on him or she has finally escaped and he's just pretending she's still in the picture.🤣  On just about any "detractor" stream or vid, the comments regarding that are guaranteed to be "oh yeah...she's.... 'working late' AGAIN, eh? LOL". a result his live-streaming schedule has been going late on a regular basis now.

Edited by MillionX
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Surprisingly, I'm just now remembering that I should've kept tabs on "Panda Lee"'s youtube channel, just in case she ever shows up and becomes somewhat relevant on the net again... I'll bet Phil would be worried she'd say something.  Sadly it seems doubtful this will happen...the last vid was part 42 of a Final Fantasy 10 playthru, well over a year ago in early 2017 which was of course before the break-up.

*edit--interesting... if you check the instagram and twitter links from her youtube page, both are closed down.  It's still a strange thing to me that when the relationship ended with our ol' buddy Phil there... she seemingly vanished from the internet, never to be seen again.--> 


*I got Guacamelee Turbo Championship Edition recently on Switch but Dead Cells is just too damn good; I can't stop playing it.... it's always "just 1 more run... I could get further next time" over and over again...sheeeit, and only a few weeks away from Diablo 3 hitting that system, along with whatever big Diablo-related announcement they have set up for BlizzCon around that time (real preview-footage of Diablo 4 hopefully)

Edited by MillionX
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...watching another True Blood episode... I didn't know that cute ass Melissa Rauch was on here too.... she's the hot blonde with the little munchkin/baby-ish voice on Big Bang gorgeous.  


...but yeahhhh I would still pick Jessica (Deb Ann Woll) over her though.  She'd get the salad-toss without question...this girl might actually be my favorite redhead of all time.  


*holy shit that was awesome how Eric and Russell just dropped down from the sky while Bill and Sookie were in that car... yeah I'm thinking I would probably rather be a vamp from this world than even the CW shows.  These dudes can fly...this is on top of all the other super powers.  The only critical weaknesses are sunlight, silver, and a stake to the heart or beheading...and these things seem like they would be easily avoided if you keep a low profile (stake and beheading would require people restraining you somehow...this situation is something countered by your superhuman strength and agility...and strategic use of certain other powers, like always having some "charmed" human servants as your loyal, hired goons.  Humans are weak by default but with a large enough number of them, that's definitely something that would be useful.)


...annnnd goddamn just hit the jackpot--- Season 4 episode 2; Janina Goddamn Gavankar BUTT ASS NAKED.  Sweet Christmas 😳

Edited by MillionX
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damn man I was in the middle of watching a "detractor" stream about dsp (heh, as usual) when youtube went down.  It was surreal since I suddenly had nothing to do at the moment; I had already missed the beginning of Black Lightning so I'll catch that later...


"Caitlin" was showing off a nice amount of legs tonight on The Flash...such wonderfully pale skin on that one. 


I'm getting behind on too many shows as usual... already missed the new Charmed episode 1, and I'm about 2 episodes behind on The Gifted, several episodes behind on Into the Badlands.  Sheeeeit, I feel sorry for pretentious types like my Dad that are all on that "eh I don't watch tv anymore" thing.  Just the past 10 years or so of television have been vastly superior to any prior era....because there's so much more to watch..more variety.  I still remember when I was a kid and we didn't have cable television my choices was just that old combo of NBC/CBS (and yeah, even then CBS was the channel mostly watched by old people), "channel 30" and 24, pbs which just had local access and educational stuff...and Fox...then with cable we suddenly had all these other choices, but even that was nothing compared to what's going on now with a ridiculous # of channels, "on demand", netflix and other streaming services, etc.


*then again with my Dad, it may not be so much an issue of being pretentious as it is simply being out of touch and fully in "old man mode" at this point, perhaps?  This is the guy that had no idea about any of the movies in that "Best movies of 2017!" or "Worst movies of 2017!" vids we watched on youtube recently...but then they mention the typically boring ass modern Tom Hanks movie "THE POST" and he gets all excited for THAT shit.  Seriously, bruh...someone would have to pay me to endure that. 🤣  

Edited by MillionX
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My Dad can pick up a 50 pound bag of fertilizer with one hand like it's nothing. He would hold the bag on the long side and at it's edge. I can't do that and I'm pretty strong. My Dad also doesn't keep track of what's going in the world anymore. Well he kind of does. Things that normal people would know he wouldn't know. Sometimes I think he is acting like he doesn't know. He can sleep on command, too. I wish I can do that. 

Edited by Lord Vega
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It's just strange... like most dudes from his generation...and just a lot of people in general now... he happens to be a fan of the classic DC superheroes....yet he still somehow didn't know about there being a Justice League movie in theaters until I told him, if I recall.  It's like at that point it almost looks like the person is trying to be out of the loop on what's going on.  I think he realizes that some if this is a side effect of him not watching tv unless it's sports....but you'd still see commercials for popular things during games since that's prime commercial time there.


I genuinely feel sorry for people like that, because to me it seems like they aren't having as much fun....they aren't getting anywhere near the amount of entertainment the average person is getting.


*a certain occasionally annoying old friend from way back is constantly out of the loop too... but in his case it's more about being generally close-minded, lazy...and cheap.  Yeah, he's even more of a cheapskate than I am.  It's the same one I've mentioned before who doesn't go to the theater to see movies because he's automatically factoring in the cost of tickets for him and his girlfriend AND the snacks...and doesn't want to hear her mouth if she finds out about him going to the movies alone 😄 he just doesn't go....hasn't been to a theater since the early 2000s or possibly late 90s.  Despite constantly watching youtube, this guy never watches trailers for some any time I've brought up something new it generally goes like this:

"hey, did you see _____ yet?" or "Did you see the trailer for _____?!  That shit was awesome.."


(if it's a game)"I didn't watch the trailer 'cause these days it'll just get canceled anyway."

In one way or another, every point of conversation is a quick dead end with that guy...he is either unaware that something is out or coming soon, never saw it or doesn't care or doesn't have faith that it will even be he always either doesn't know or doesn't then you can't talk about the thing after it's out if it's a movie because for YEARS it's spoiler territory since he takes forever to see the shit.


Yeah, SUCH fun conversation there....truly the gift of gab. 🤣

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On 10/14/2018 at 7:00 PM, MillionX said:


...annnnd goddamn just hit the jackpot--- Season 4 episode 2; Janina Goddamn Gavankar BUTT ASS NAKED.  Sweet Christmas 😳

Yup, Janina Gavankar so good.






There's hot, and there's " got in a fender bender 'cause you were studying her every frame of motion" hot. She's obviously the latter. 


Oh and in other news, although it had it moments Venom was a friggin' mess of a film...

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goddamn she's so amazing... I couldn't even handle being in her presence...yeahhhh I'm putting that one on a pedestal 'cause hot damn look at THAT.  It's like she's from some other dimension.


*yeah, I wouldn't last 5 seconds.  Janina is a super-elite.....annd yeah I can't stop staring... this gorgeous creature is mesmerizing.

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