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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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easy win for steak.  Sushi doesn't look appealing at all to me.


..oddly enough this mention of sushi reminded me of "Sushi-X" from the old-era EGM; yeah I had a subscription to it back then.  It always made my day to see the latest curled up in the mailbox. 


...I have an old issue here with Eternal Champions as the cover story... sheeeeeit I wish some other company would rescue that IP from That Company Which Should Not Be Named and bring it back.  Eternal Champions had such a cool lineup of characters... that detective guy "Larcen", there was Trident who I played a lot because his combos were ridiculous.... there was Xavier who I played just because he looked cool..."Midnight" the vampire, and the "Eternal Champion" himself.  Imagine how awesome that game could be with today's production/visuals....sheeeeit, I should name my next D3 character after one of those, like a tribute... would be nice if "Eternal Champion" himself had a cooler alternate name though...and that's probably too many letters anyway...yeah most of those names were stale and generic, actually.



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sheeeeit, more games should have this option for multiple languages... I'm still playing through Diablo 3 with it set to German language audio, and some of these characters sound badass like that.  Oddly enough the wizard (who is still my favorite character/class) sounds lame though, sadly.


There's several other language options of course...but there's not a lot of space to work with on Switch; German pack was about 4 or 5 Gigs if I recall...and I think Japanese is 3.8 gb.

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damn I hate that my other friend and his wife never kept up with Diablo 3... and there was another dude that played with us too... one frustration is that there's no one I know personally then who would truly *get* it when I describe just how terrible this other friend is at building characters in that's something that has fascinated me for years at this point.  The truly bizarre thing is that one might assume that this guy would/should know way more than me and be generally a "guru" at it, with how many vids he'd watch about it...when the D3 addiction was especially strong, he would watch videos about it whenever he wasn't playing....the guy studied the various videos about character builds and what's more efficient....but did he put any of that to real use?  For some strange reason...NOPE.  It's like...where do I even begin with analyzing this shit?


I've mentioned it before...but this is a dude that puts a TOPAZ gem in the weapon slot, man.  (*literally anyone who has ever played this game for a decent amount DOESN'T do that.  You're missing out on HUGE damage if you go that route instead of slotting a ruby[+Damage] or even better an emerald[+Critical].) I mean...c'mon, bruh.  ...and he's not even doing it as some kind of "trolling" thing either...the shit is just weird.  This is a guy that continually has level 70 characters that aren't even fully equipped... like he'll have a coat/armor on that is level 59...and a ring that's level 46 with NO slot...some gear with no gems in the slots...and then wondering "man why is my character so damn WEAK?!?"   dude would show up in my game only to get damn near 1-shot by even basic, non-elite enemies, man...oh and no sets, either...🤣  I think he was just too lazy to bother looking for those.

Edited by MillionX
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Damn.  I had to click for the thumbnail alone.  



Even though I'm not a big PDP fan, this one I liked as it is putting a bag of hypocrites on front street.  Of the group, Tekashi69.  This dude is 22 and might have gotten caught up on RICO charges?!  GGPO..................FOREVER.  He has got to snitch.  He's dead either way, so he may as well die outside where the food is better and there's more room to run.

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Holy shit man this is perfect… DSP is streaming DQXI… and just happens to be having trouble with a monster called “All-Consuming Greed”…this is beautiful. The jokes practically write themselves, folks.

Greed casts DEBT for 16k damage…it’s super effective!


Tev is re-streaming of course 


*EDIT---and yes, folks... GREED wiped out his whole team.  One might say this monster was too "MASSIVELY STRONG". (yeah, I actually have the infamous "Greed is Massively Strong" soundclip on my phone now)

Edited by MillionX
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ha, I actually had that "Cosmos" character.... I think it was from the first batch of smaller Transformers; I got him with a red & grey tank named "Warpath".


*D3---thought it's quite a generic name for a character I went ahead and named my new Witch Doc in Diablo "GREED" (*sadly, "All-Consuming Greed" would surely be too many letters for a name), mostly thinking of that wonderful meme/soundclip....laughing to myself as he gets godlike, thinking "it's greed....Greed is MASSIVELY strong."  Yes.... I realize that I am way more entertained by the dsp memes than probably anyone else in the world.  Greed the Witch Doctor is already level 25 or so at the moment; I created him on lunch break today at work.

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I still don't know how this dude got a neck like that... anyone with facebook probably knows right away who I'm talking about... Joe Rogan has a vid commenting on "Neck Guy" too... I also just assumed it was photoshopped when I started seeing his picture make the rounds on social media lately, but no...that neck is apparently for real:

It's like his neck trains in 500x gravity like Vegeta... seriously, dude HOW do you get a neck like that?!

Edited by MillionX
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lol.  My man's neck  looks like the old Michael Keaton batman cape and cowl.  How the hell did they think it was a good idea to make a costume where the neck couldn't move?  My man's neck looking like the mountain where Sauron's eye sits.  He's gonna make life hell on people in MMA.  To his opponents:  Good luck with them choke holds.  🤣

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Here is an unboxing video of the Batman TAS bluray deluxe edition ($113 MSRP)




Here is a video of the regular bluray set from a dude in Canada





The regular DOES NOT have:

DIGITAL COPIES of the episodes

7 lenticular "motion" cards

3 Funko mini Pops

book like interface with hard to  slide out discs

black/red outer packaging


However it still has:

Mask of Phantasm and Subzero Bluray  movie discs

the extra bonus disc with a new documentary


The regular version has no set date for US but rumors point to Dec. 11 and a MSRP of $90 (which would be 10-15 less on many  big retailers)



Edited by DangerousJ
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cheh, another boring ass episode of Legacies where not much happens... they had a "dryad" on there who was somewhat oddly attractive...

  • * Good Guy vampire continues to be generally lame
  • * The brunette sister is hotter than the blonde.
  • * Newbie Werewolf Guy challenges the alpha...I knew this is where that story thread was headed...and of course he defeated him...despite being a rookie werewolf who was just "activated" a few days ago in the timeline?!  Bruh get the hell out of here with that.
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Even with the new trailer making Alita look less creepy I still don't have high hopes for the Battle Angel move.   The cast is great but they are just trying to do too much with having alita going all the way to the motor ball arc.  That is way too much story to condense into a single film.    I like how people that don't know shit about Gunnm aka  Battle angel alita think its going to be some kind of lame ass girl power movie like TFA.   They don't know about all the awesome people that have actually managed to kick Alita's ass XD



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Feeling stressed?  Chill out to this.

WARNING:  If you have any  type of epilepsy or are in any way alergic to bright lights and/or paterns, DON'T GO IN THERE!!!  This video could very well have you throwing up like a possessed fire hydrant.



Kinda on the topic with angel, I still have hope for the Battle Angel movie.  I don't think it'll be the BEST thing ever, but I still think it'll at least be good.  All they have to  do is nail it with the origin and at LEAST up to the part where a certain someone meets a certain fate on his way to a certain city, and I think the movie will go down in the win column.   

If they fuck up Grewishka(sp), somebody is getting the razor blade smoothie.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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They already fucked up by even having Grewishka in the first place.   He is just a worthless mook with a cool trick weapon and a very pale comparison to the character that we were supposed to get that being the one and only Makaku who was a legit bad ass. 


Grewshiska is tied to the wack ass ova and doesn't exist in the manga.  Same as dumb ass Chiren who was a pretty lousy character overall.    


The main thing is with those ova additions it kinda implies that the actual main villain from the first part of Battle Angel won't even be in the movie at all.   Hell they might even go full retard like the ova and make no mention of Panzer kunst or kill off Vector like they did too lol.    The more I type the more I careless for the movie and the more I just want a show that is 99% faithful to the manga with the exception of the og ending that was retconned due to the second series. 


Also I just love how crazy Eric is in the new series.







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