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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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26 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

This sounds good! I'm probably one of the few people who was kinda underwhelmed by his lvl 3 Super. The punch to the face without the large pillars of sky-soaring energy, we're used to seeing from Akuma doesn't feel fleshed out enough.


Yeah but after having seen it was kinda predictable they were going minimalist on Lv3 just to save fireworks to hype up CA version 😄 


But even disliking Akuma, i have to admit i found basic Lv3 to be a touch of class, was'nt flashy but really sold the idea he's not an ordinary char... so him just charging a bit the fist to throw a serious punch made it worthy of rest of the cast Lv3 attacks

Like also the idea on CA opponent blocking the punch, it's like the char showing to not be an ordinary opponent either (to be CA Akuma must be at 25% life or less) wich make him switch to the real shit


If they ever add Oro hope they will pick similar route with Lv3 being one-arm thing and CA being a variation that have him using both arms

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Btw tutorial vid should be not too far, guess we will see his CA there


Speaking again of supers/CA that's something SF6 truly shine at, my top10 i would love to see from some kinda possible candidates


FEI LONG - They already went very "cinema theme" with Jamie's, whatever they do with Fei will go three times harder... add short nunchaku combo for the CA verison lol

URIEN - SFV feels first time dude got hype super, was cool but so minimal... can finish same way but him starting with cool brutal combo showing his sadistic side

LAURA - BJJ* had so much potential, SFV did nothing with it. Give me Lv3 where breaks on succession limbs (think El Gado FFR super), CA version add electric shocks

R.MIKA - OMG whatever they do it's going to be CRAZY, expect one of most hype of the game, it's going to be a show for sure

MAKOTO- At Lv3 each strike is going to bring huge ouch, i'm going to love it lol

CODY- Dude deserve a Super worth of his hype status, years after i'm still waiting

HUGO- Gigas Breaker done SF6 style would be fucking epic

MENAT- CA goes full Caesar Zeppeli show

KOLIN- would love to see how her ice powers would look in SF6, sure they would make it beautiful super

GILL- good chance if dude sneak in will get one on the most crazy/flashy/spectacular shit in the game to the point we guess if we're playing Final Fantasy lmao, CA with 6 wings of course


*Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Damn fuck Akuma, give me S2 list as soon as possible lol

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22 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@CESTUS IIII always thought Laura should have had a Critical Art that looked similar to this in SFV.


Yeah, much better example than El Gado's*, totally forgot about that U2 👍

Give Laura a shit like that for Lv3, then CA version add an huge electric shock each time she breaks something


*El Gado one was this, possibly even inspired Cammy's one to some extent (even if for sure they wanted give her some SF2tAM vibes 😄 )





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On 5/7/2024 at 12:39 PM, Chun-Li_Forever said:

Akuma's CA version of his Lv3 - No video, but taken from someone who has played Akuma 20 matches at the Japan Battle Hub


(Spoiler warning)


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wait I read your question wrong.

He does have a regular CA from his Super, the animation goes like this

Sorry I dont know how to make a spoiler prompt for the people that don't want to read this.

He will do the Regular Thing and once you're one the ground and he tries to punch you, your character blocks, he then opens his hand and does a point blank Hadoken Charge on your face that goes boom and looks a lot like his 3rd strike super.

Its quite brutal and it looks pretty sick




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8 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Ryu to Akuma: "We're not done just yet. There is much I must ask you about."


As much as Ryu may enjoy clashing with Akuma, you can tell he's genuinely interested in Akuma's insight.  

I wonder if Ryu is referring to their SFV story dialogue

  • Akuma: "My fist, is there no one in this world who can equal its power? Foolish boy, why are you smiling?"
  • Ryu: "Because now... I can ask you a question."
  • Akuma: "..."
  • Ryu: "To know yourself, one must ask questions. Questioning others, themselves, or even gods. It's no different than seeking strength."
  • Akuma: "..."
  • Ryu: "As a human, I'll keep asking questions, through my fist!"
  • Akuma: "Humph! Pathetic!"
  • Ryu: "Answer me this, Akuma."
  • Akuma: "What is your question, boy?"
  • Ryu: "My fist ask yours. Only yours can respond. That's how it'll always be."
  • Akuma: "..."
  • Ryu: "Our conversation won't end because... The answer lies... In the heart of battle."
  • Akuma: "... Ha. Very well. If that's true, our paths will cross again someday. I shall meet you at your journey's end, Ryu!"


or if there will be something story wise where Ryu actually have to make real questions to him lol

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The super cool side of this involuntary blocking is that it's pretty accurate portrayal of Satsui no Hado, considering in the story where during a conversation Oro use his ki to "mimic" SnH, and as result Dhalsim's body automatically took a defensive position, recognizing on subconscious level a danger so great to instant trigger his survival instinct without need to THINK about protect himself



Oro's eyelids drooped in concentration. His feet crept across the floorboards as he lowered his stance. A breath hissed into his nostrils. Another.

Danger. Dhalsim's body seemed to know it before his mind was aware, sliding into a defensive stance of its own accord.

There was a shift in the air. Stroked by a pull that seemed to warp the very darkness of the night, Dhalsim's skin broke out in goosebumps.

Oro's breath rattled like a rumbling in the ground.

His eyes, usually so impenetrable, became the red of a wild beast, and his fist was swallowed by a smoky blackness that shamed the night sky.

The...Satsui no Hado!


the part i loved was that this shock was so great to push Sim well out the peaceful character we know, to the point without a single punch thrown he was already willing to try murder Oro (despite having gentle conversation till that point) because his mind could not imagine anything beyond kill or be killed scenario


The old hermit released his fist with a casual chuckle.
The dark Hado that had drawn such ultimate malice to Dhalsim's doorstep vanished without a trace.

"That was the Satsui no Hado. Well, an imitation."

Dhalsim gasped in relief, and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Old man, please don't surprise me like that again."

Oro just smiled as if nothing serious had happened. Only his eyes showed what they both knew; that he had been overflowing with killing intent until the moment his fist had unclenched, and Dhalsim had been serious about killing him first.


Beside all that on general level i love this

I wish ALL characters had at least 1 taunt with something even little that reflect a side of the fighter with a minimal impact on gameplay too... make it feel somehow an "action" and not just aesthetic trolling 😄 


Just found this list


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I've been going over Akuma's endings in the older games  to get ready for Akuma's release.


It's interesting to see how he started out.


In Alpha 1, after defeating Bison, you see an image of Goutetsu, Gouken, and Bison in the background. It mentions how all of them were helpless against the Satsui n Hado. You get the impression that Akuma was feeling empty because no one was able to match his power. He even talked about how there was no reason to continue existing in the world. The Narrator then says Akuma attained the "Ultimate Dream" and questions if his journey was at its end.


His Alpha 2 ending is much different. He spared Gen and then left to gaze at the full moon. He sees an image of Bison, Gen, and Ryu, then talks about how enemies like them give value to living and mastering the fist. He then questions if his next battle will fill the full moon with his blood or the opponent's.


Always thought it was interesting how Bison was among the 3 he was thinking about for a future battle. Akuma encountered Gen and Ryu in Alpha 2, but the Bison encounter was from Alpha 1. That encounter is very unlikely because the ending pretty much says Bison fell to the Satsui no Hado like Goutetsu and Gouken. Hell, it was Bison's defeat that had Akuma feeling depressed about no one being on his level.


Akuma has been shown to be adept at sensing powerful Ki across the planet. He probably sensed Bison's Psycho Power at some point. That would explain why he had him in mind.


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Rashid - trash, seems shit made by modders

It's strange, is as if they have trouble imagine cool Rashid alts, even in dropped concepts most were super bad lol, even if of these first two small ones (long blue headcloth and army green ones) were still better than shit we got as 3rd



AKI - It's not great but love it, give me lot more FANG vibes than others two

Seems also something that Bayonetta's Jeanne would approve lol


Ed - i expected that, is the one he got in SF6 story artworks


Pretty cool evolution of his SFV original standard design btw, plus his first alt already cover perfectly the "boxing rep" thing so it's cool alt goes somewhere else


Akuma- Look's pretty extreme and make sense considering the time skip, i'm cool with it as give him SF4 Oni alt vibes without fall into actual SF4 Oni bullshit


love also the fact unintentionally reminds me Ikki's master too, that dude was Akuma waaay before Akuma lol



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Chun-Li to Akuma: "Just as fearsome as ever. No matter how much kiko I mold, it's always barely enough."


Thoughts: I may be thinking a little too deep with this one.
Canonically, very few fighters can keep up with, let alone match, the fearsome Akuma. And despite all of the WWs  growing up, getting stronger, and seasoned with more experience, Akuma is still almost the pinnacle when it comes to overall fighting strength and capabilities.

Chun-Li mentions how she has to utilize her kiko, of which I assume she's referring to her chi for all her techniques, to just to stand a chance for survival, let alone winning a fight against him. It's not Chun-Li's kung fu, nor her speed, agility, or kicking power that would be the deciding factor, but her kiko. My guess is that Chun-Li's chi can at least hold back against the power of the Satsui no Hado, and that may have been just enough for Chun-Li to get a few hits in to swing the fight in to just slightly her favor.


I'm curious about how Chun-Li's chi has evolved over time. I'm sure it was her father who taught her all her techniques. But i'm wondering having some run-ins or sessions with Gen has allowed her chi to become strong enough to take on Akuma. Gen is one of the few who can rival Akuma, so it wouldn't be out of place if Gen passed down some meditation or chi cultivation technique that would strengthen Chun's chi to fend off evil forces.




Akuma to Chun-Li: This is the extent of your abilities!? 


Thoughts: The short version is, "I'm stronger than you". As I mentioned above, Akuma outclasses Chun in almost every way canonically. If they fought 100x, i see this happening canonically 95 to 99 out of 100. He's just too fearsome and powerful. And Chun's winquote states that her kiko alone is barely enough, and that's probably just to survive, let alone win. Even with Chun-Li growing stronger, Akuma is just, and will always be, too much.

No other reaction really, Chun-Li and Akuma don't have any run-ins against each other in canon. So there isn't anything too deep or meaningful that I wished would've been acknowledged.

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With the confirmation that AKUMA is making 100s of statues for all those he's killed makes me wonder how he chooses his opponents; considering how strong most of the cast is now & not dead, yet he's interacted with mostly just Ryu & Gen, is it more that it's a combo of who is strong and personally interests him and seeks him out?


My boy Adon kept looking for him, but was alive as of SF4 cause he never was able to fight him, so he doesn't just kill anyone who's looking for him, but he did kill Adon's opponent.

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2 hours ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

Chun-Li to Akuma: "Just as fearsome as ever. No matter how much kiko I mold, it's always barely enough."


Thoughts: I may be thinking a little too deep with this one.
Canonically, very few fighters can keep up with, let alone match, the fearsome Akuma. And despite all of the WWs  growing up, getting stronger, and seasoned with more experience, Akuma is still almost the pinnacle when it comes to overall fighting strength and capabilities.

Chun-Li mentions how she has to utilize her kiko, of which I assume she's referring to her chi for all her techniques, to just to stand a chance for survival, let alone winning a fight against him. It's not Chun-Li's kung fu, nor her speed, agility, or kicking power that would be the deciding factor, but her kiko. My guess is that Chun-Li's chi can at least hold back against the power of the Satsui no Hado, and that may have been just enough for Chun-Li to get a few hits in to swing the fight in to just slightly her favor.


I'm curious about how Chun-Li's chi has evolved over time. I'm sure it was her father who taught her all her techniques. But i'm wondering having some run-ins or sessions with Gen has allowed her chi to become strong enough to take on Akuma. Gen is one of the few who can rival Akuma, so it wouldn't be out of place if Gen passed down some meditation or chi cultivation technique that would strengthen Chun's chi to fend off evil forces.




Tbh yes, i fear you're reading too much into this

I admire fan dedication, but we should never go full Daemos 😁


I mean, when it comes to vs Akuma win quotes Capcom is FORCED to make up something to write for the ingame scenario where Chun Li player defeat Akuma player, but canon wise most of SF cast including Chun have simply no chance to win... I'm not talking have 1% chance, i'm saying Akuma in a normal fight by plot would simply win 100 out 100


To offer perspective SFV have win quotes for Dan defeating Akuma and Oro (in latter case even being unimpressed by Senjutsu lol), let that sink 😆


Returning to SF6 take Zangief winning one

"Hah! My muscles took everything you had! Even that pesky murderous intent! Gahaha! "


Now, Gief is one of my absolute favs (in combo with hate Akuma), and i absolutely loved how Capcom hyped up whole "muscle power" gimmick through SFV arc... but no, canon wise Zangief is'nt going to tank everything Akuma have, slam him the fuck out and then laugh about it as if was relatively normal feat lol.

WOULD BE AWESOME and i would drink every single bad taste SF fan tear like a vampire, but is not happening


  As somebody who dislike him but that still have to stick to canon Capcom gave us, sad reality is we can straight consider fake shit almost any win quote gainst him, beside maybe Ryu for obvious reasons and these very very few that may have remote chance at that


On the Chun being possibly on par with Gen thing, tbh i really doubt SF6 Chun is even close to SFA Gen (who was more focused on martial arts and had many more decades to train), and SFA Gen himself due his disease was doomed to inevitably lose to SFA Akuma (their interaction/narrative gimmick was based on that), and Akuma did nothing but improve since these days


But i concede SF6 Chun would probably make SFA Gen sweat, surely more than any other previous Chun Li


2 hours ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

Akuma to Chun-Li: This is the extent of your abilities!? 



Thoughts: The short version is, "I'm stronger than you". As I mentioned above, Akuma outclasses Chun in almost every way canonically. If they fought 100x, i see this happening canonically 95 to 99 out of 100. He's just too fearsome and powerful. And Chun's winquote states that her kiko alone is barely enough, and that's probably just to survive, let alone win. Even with Chun-Li growing stronger, Akuma is just, and will always be, too much.

No other reaction really, Chun-Li and Akuma don't have any run-ins against each other in canon. So there isn't anything too deep or meaningful that I wished would've been acknowledged.

The "Akuma defeating people" quotes are kinda the opposite, considering would be almost ever the canon-compatible outcome it's relatively interesting to have Akuma's insight on this or that fighter...


...too bad Akuma is just an old asshole that will likely talk shit to play down almost anybody who is'nt Ryu*, but despite that in his assholery buried between insults we can at least get an idea of his opinion on this or that character most notable talent/strong point (followed by it sucks and is'nt enough)


Recurrent gimmick seems him aiming at wreck what you're good at


In Chun's case seems to be skill/ability, see

"This is the extent of your abilities!? "


On Zangief he mention his strenght

"Your claims of strength are laughable!"


With Luke beside accusing him of be still a cub i think he aim at his fighting spirit/drive (being not enough), wich for sure seems to be Luke's most surprising trait

"You are lacking, child!"


I'm curious to see what he will say to others


His whole attitude on these in reality is interesting to me, because at least seems very rooted on his perspective of the world

The whole asshole thing imho is'nt simple "well he's EVIL of course he's asshole", if we imagine his point of view all these characters considering themselves "fighters" or even "warriors" likely piss off and disgust him, for many evident reasons like lack of potential/talent/commitment/skill/conditioning etc etc


We talk about a man who is frustrated 24/7 at the fact he can't get almost anybody able to offer him legit challenge** so confident "fighters" wasting his time end up growing his frustration (by confirming reality furthermore) rather than calm a bit his thirst


It's also interesting his focus on talents, because hint his desperate seek/hope to find a challenge even where there's not


Like even if he have more than enough skill and knowledge to do it, i doubt he would try aim at some delicate/weak vital point facing a flexing Zangief defense, he would likely rather strike where russian's superhuman muscles are thickest, just to proof himself he can break that wall too (and later be pissed at it in the win quote lol)




*his vs Ryu one

“This is it? Get up!”

imply the greater expectations he have on him


** this piece on Yujiro's depression imho sell the idea, and despite character manners differences Yujiro have exactly same approach on fighters (even if Yujiro mask frustration with ferocious fake amusement, Akuma is straight honest on being angry)


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Posted (edited)
On 5/17/2024 at 5:07 AM, sagatryu said:

stumble on this site that explains what Kiko is.

She also have "Kiko" in all movest that involve use hands to generate azure ki 😄


Kikoken - her classic special fireball

Kikosho - the giant ass ki explosion super

Renkiko - focus ki energy on her hands (SFV V-trigger)


There are also more obscure ones from lesser games like Kikoanken, Kikosho Goku, Kikou Hououken and all is stuff that in common have her generating ki with hands, they don't use this for any kick special/super


7 hours ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

Appreciate your response and insight @CESTUS III

You're welcome buddy, anything that make us talk during these empty SF days is good 😁


You made me think a good debate point to wait Akuma's day could be try to drop credible list of the few characters that canon wise can have that even small chance at get that W over him (even if story wise we know they will preserve him for Ryu)


As said before even trying to be as "generous" as possible can't think many, to involve as many as possible would guess even particular story situations/unique scenarios up to weird theories, tell me what you think:



ORO - dude is closest to Akuma's destructive power and similar (possibly even more extreme) figure, as far we know a SF3 fight would have ended up in mutual distruction/death

GOUKEN - incredible Master, knows Akuma's power ature and style, developed techniques on his own to contrast him and got already some wins in the past (even if today i will favor Akuma for the simple reason after SF4 defeat he's training new different stuff Gouken never seen... his post-SF4 training likely has been about pierce Mu no Ken)

RYU - well, we simply know at some point he will reach the level to defeat him. Unknown how decent or small his chances are in SF6, iirc speaking about himself he said something like "not there yet". I have a very lame theory on what can be his next BIG power-up (actually 2 different ones, both anime cliche af), but it would involve some story events



GILL- One Oro's quote have him believing Gill to possibly have potential immense enough to be his successor (only other considered for this is Ryu*) , possibly survived unscathed SGS using Resurrection. Seems also hinted we never seen him fight seriously/to his full current potential (but to be fair in SF3 Oro does'nt seem to consider him already fully "developed", more like a prospect for future growth like in Ryu's case). Plus i have very wild theory on Gill's Resurrection that if true may give him legit help against Akuma, but again that's so unproven and weak personal theory that's not even worthy mention it lol


BISON - Is very likely no version of Bison we ever seen could have chance of defeat Akuma, with exception maybe of SFV one if things went differently... but that's already a "what if" that did'nt happened. But is true his character concept has been created in a way that future versions will likely have new artificial gimmicks to expand his maximum power further past limits. We must also admit he never had the chance of fight using a perfect host body


NECALLI - This would require bunch of "what if", like him being still alive and him devouring bunch of fighters (becoming more powerful and absorbing some of their skills) before attempt at take on Akuma again. He seems to even have possibly some natural inclination to face SnH, but when he faced Akuma he was simply to weak to have any chance. But again point is simply that by design his char like Bison have the potential to immensely power up in ways normal human fighters can't


SETH- i consider Seth shit, i'm simply placing him/her here for very same reason of Bison/Necalli since also in this case the character has been created with special story that allow it to evolve at way faster/more extreme rate than normal humans. Like i'm not even sure where place SFV Seth on the food chain but even if "not enough" othing prevent capcom writers to have it destroyed again and give it a new further evolution


G (?) - This got me even to drop a "?" because thing is i'm guessing IF part of G SFV trolling has been about hide full extent of his power, to begin with would like to know if his " "volcano form" is going to become one day canon or if is just an idea that appeared on his concept sketches but they completely dropped it.**

But is also possible G is'nt even trolling about his abilities (or current abilities) and we seen full extent of his power, with it being above average but not incredible, and his secrets only conceal his motivations/knowledge


Worth say due anime shonen dynamics Akuma have kinda safe plot shield from basically anybody because they will preserve him for Ryu (sure Gouken in SF4 been a thing, but still links to Ryu's life. I also believe Akuma's evolution suprassed/will surpass Gouken, forcing Ryu to completely new heights), no other boss/villain will take Akuma's head as trophy before Ryu got his waited for decades cathartic victory over ginger devilshoto.

But afterward? Akuma would have -FUCKING FINALLY- fullfilled his fuction of be Ryu's finish line, wonder if that would mean loss of plot shield and becoming sacrifical meat to hype up new villains allowing them to fuck him up lol

Considering capcom lack the balls to do it to Bison even if story would justify it much more, i doubt will ever happen to Akuma... but one can dream, and these angry fans tears would be delicious 😆


* i don't necessary believe Ryu and Gill are the only alive wich such high potential to be Oro's successor, but i think an hypothetic third candidate would have to fit their young age/room for learning... like despite superior power he never considered turn Akuma into Senjutsu successor and likely would not consider Gouken either, for the fact they're already estabilished Masters and past the point of trasform them into something else.

He also offered to train Ken, Mel(guess because he's very young) and Alex (but not before Alex train 20 more years on his own), but in their cases he never seems to have done it in order to find his successor, just offering them to express/develop their full potential

In SFV seems also to consider Luke a rare special one (even if of course as today he's nothing still)

"Another chick has hatched. Shall I live to see him come of age?"

As much lot people would hate read this, seems the closest to him have actual genuine interest for himself like with Gill/Ryu, rather than simply altruistic offer training


**i have theory on G "volcano form" too, but again we are on personal theories bullshit, btw since we are at it, some considerations of mine

First, G's power seems to come from outside rather than generated by himself... proof is he literally can recharge it by absorbing earth energy

Considering G's role of Gaia's avatar wonder if in his SFV he was conceded just enough power to fullfil his duty as Gaia's Ambassador between people and try to spread a message... my guess "monster form" may be a fully overcharged G with a different duty(assuming to some extent Gaia/Earth indeed have some sentient nature to give G duties), no more ambassador but destroyer

As said is wild theory, but can be considered Oro himself does'nt take him lightly

"I don't know who you are, but you appear to be the manifestation of a natural disaster."

also the Rose-Oro talk link him to the immense disaster that seem is coming (wich in Rose words would be "end of everything"), and would not count impossible IF G's "volcano form" it's indeed a thing it may be the being to trigger it... how Rose described it? "As if a gigantic glacer fell into ocean", and monster G looks like a fucking human volcano... maybe he can cause it with his magma based power boosted to limits we still have to see (all while his chosen people are safe in his space ship)


To add theories to theories guess Gill's vision of leading humanity (the chosen ones of course) into new world is based also on Secret Society future predictions having seen this "G apocalypse" happening... worth mention Gill/SS don't claim they will be the ones causing it, only that they will lead humanity in the new world afterwards


Btw linking Gill/SS to G guess may even lead us to talk about the never explained G - Q mystery in this absurd post  that does'nt even link to Akuma anymore, but i'll stop here lmao



Edited by CESTUS III
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"A.K.I. Outfit 3 Designer Comments: We designed this while imagining A.K.I. wanting to stand next to F.A.N.G. wearing an outfit with the same materials and silhouette. She isn't simply imitating F.A.N.G's outfit, but is attempting to be close to him in her own stylish way."



"Rashid Outfit 3 Designer Comments: Rashid is a FooTuber who streams himself doing parkour and extreme sports. We wanted to make this outfit sporty, with compression wear, a cap, sports sunglasses, etc. He also has some "tech-wear" since he's naturally a gadget-loving character."



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3 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

A.K.I. Outfit 3 Designer Comments: We designed this while imagining A.K.I. wanting to stand next to F.A.N.G. wearing an outfit with the same materials and silhouette. She isn't simply imitating F.A.N.G's outfit, but is attempting to be close to him in her own stylish way."

Be a good outfit to wear if they ever team up in a tag team game.

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3 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Be a good outfit to wear if they ever team up in a tag team game.

I kinda like they seek some sort of uniformity in style, remind me FANG's Nguuhao roots



But at same time i hated when in SFV Ed and Falke had so similar style, hope if we get anybody from Neo Shadaloo will follow Ed's route and get the official uniform as 3rd alt... i like first two costumes to keep be "personal"


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“This outfit is based on the Neo-Shadaloo uniform motif with Ed wearing a long leather coat. The owl symbol has been placed on his shoulder. This design shows his dignity and prestige, as he steps into the role of a leader.”



“I was inspired by the concept of Akuma living on an island in the Sea of Japan and "Gojinjo-daiko" performances.


His muscles look less human than ever, so I was particular about the way his kimono is torn, exposing the red loincloth underneath.”

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Posted (edited)

I wonder if the broken horn (wich seem clean cut) of Akuma's mask is a wink at Zodd animal form, even if is other one



I'm thinking that because i think also default Akuma itself may have been influenced by Zodd (human form)



Fun thing characters similarities go beyond aesthetic



Zodd is a fearless apostle who has devoted his existence to combat. His urge to fight stronger opponents and relish in battle has left myriads dead in his wake. He is ferocious and merciless, even when his opponents are clearly outmatched. Above all, he longs for an adequate challenge – the "ultimate strong one".[3]


Despite his intense hunger for battle and seeming one-track mind, Zodd is an enigmatic individual.[4] Unlike most apostles, he does not eat human flesh, nor is he inherently sadistic and cruel; he takes no pleasure in torturing or killing weaklings.


Indeed, Zodd has expressed great melancholy at his own strength, as he is too powerful to find adequate adversaries among men.[3] For those who survive their encounters with him, and thus prove themselves worthy opponents, Zodd has nothing but respect. He holds anyone who can harm or even defend themselves against him in great esteem, such as Guts and the Skull Knight.



Edited by CESTUS III
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3 hours ago, BornWinner said:

Akuma vs Marisa: “Your onslaught of strikes is impressive. But they are not enough!”


Marisa vs Akuma: “A fight to the death? You have my attention! I will fight you a hundred times over!”


Wow, Marisa get one of the most "positive" quotes by Akuma despite not giving me the impression of being particular strong*... in the sense, i seen characters the i find easy to consider stronger that get much more disrespect from Akuma

Example we have hint Zangief>Marisa, yet Akuma belittle him much more in his quote


It's like he does'nt want to crush her pride as he usually does, first part is even almost encouraging... "impressive" is not a word you see come out often from Akuma's mouth

I guess he respect her spirit, her pure "pankration" view of fighting and hunger for strong opponents


Once more she reminds me Hanayama

Sorry for the 99th Baki parallel, but guess i kinda "proven" bunch of time ago Hanayama had huge influence on Marisa's fighting style**, and more recently we even had proof Capcom knows him as he's the only character beside Baki himself that got an official avatar formula in SF6***


Btw just like Marisa, Hanayama is not the strongest in Baki universe, yet everybody including ones stronger than him have great esteem for the young man for his stoic attitude, courage, fighting spirit and no hesitation at offer himself to stand and bang contest

Even in his fight with Yujiro (who 9 times out 10 is asshole, waaay more than Akuma) still show a very very rare moment of respect for him, even if Hanayama never had 1% chance there

Wonder if Akuma seen something similar in Marisa

One cool thing is at the end of the vid you can see even Hanayama knocked down on his back and smiling (because he fought great opponent), an attitude shown also by Marisa in her defeat to Manon





*going by arcade endings, seems to hint a fight between her and Manon can go either ways, and by Marisa's words seems defeat is something at times happens (and she enjoy it, because mean opponent is strong). We also see Zangief defeat her.


**if anybody missed it, here it was (for anybody interested added 1 new point)


Lmao, just realized Marisa remind me so much Hanayama that can't be coincidence


Size, body built, stance, way he throws

s-l1600.jpgStreet Fighter on Twitter: "True to her heritage, Marisa is an imposing  force who has no trouble approaching opponents. She can even break through  a Drive Impact with one hit from some


Steam Community :: :: Kaoru HanayamaJavelinOfMarisa.gif

this remind the Marisa Javelin uppercut variation

Orochi Katsumi VS Hanayama Kaoru AMV [Baki Grappler] - YouTube



the wall lv3 super

Street Fighter 6 : Zangief vs Marisa, le combat des catcheursmain-qimg-680f5b14c3d54957fdca2f944e35e362-pjlq


hanayama kaoru vs grand master color by me aka commando marco :  r/GrapplerbakiMarisa Level 3 Super Revealed! - Street Fighter 6 - YouTube


Maybe that's a stretch but as scene also the way Hanayama embrace and stop giant beast man Pickle charge, reminds me how Marisa face and stopped giant lion Lucius in the Coliseum


even if in that case as somebody noticed main inspiration was an an Hercules statue




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2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

Ah, I see you also speak the unspeakable truth.


Kengan is the vastly better fight-manga.

I like both and i'm torn on this


Baki have much much higher highs and lot i can find that smell like crushing superiority over Kengan, but also sooo much Itagaki's bullshit, endless dead moments, different type of Itagaki's bullshit, different type of endless dead moments then some of the stuff you actually want see in Baki

And worst part is Itagaki is becoming ever more extreme at that, for the goods but also for the bads, specially for the bads i would say

Plus like some others (who said Capcom?) he's becoming ever more in love with his few favs characters and spamming then, often leaving no room to new faces to shine(unless to make them get wrecked by his favs afterward) and bring new shit


And i'm not even counting his pathetic "asian superhuman" fetish growing year after year, just because Sandrovich does'nt goes much more far at that either lol


Kengan is Kengan, fly lower have some silly gimmicks too and often rely on unimaginative shit (how many characters, at some point trigger silly trasformation lol) but you have to give it credit he almost never waste chapters on bullshit... he give you the fighters and give you the fights, and while does'nt have same incredible talent Itagaki have at create characters, Sandrovich invented some awesome ones too and is smart enough to ripoff hard videogames for characters inspiration, inheriting some instant charisma he did'nt necessary made himself, but who cares it works


If you never read it give a chance to Itagaki's good old Garouden, it have lot of what one would love to get from Baki and very little of Itagaki thinking he's some sort of holy philosopher doing next level art lol




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