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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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18 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Scary part is does'nt say "near" future, make me think we may not get news at Summer Game Fest

Hope they will not wait to be close to next character period to announce it




Wasnt Akuma featured in the Summer Games Fest trailer? We're getting something SF related

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Random thoughts after my vote in the SF6 poll (get your votes in for your favs!)



Ages ago I thought Q was David cause of the tanned skin, similarity in clothing and the shadow of Q exiting the office in his ending, but as I explored more and saw that Q has blonde hair, I abandoned that and thought there's some intentional red herring stuff by Capcom. After finally sitting down and getting the hexvalues for his skin that shows in his kicks and his neck for his in game sprite, I noticed that in more modern art pieces his neck is shown to be darker, or entirely hidden like his CRI artwork by Kiki. Artgerm's newly created art for 3rd Strike online follows this trend, but interestingly, on world puzzle day in 2022, the Twitter Capcom account posted Q's select screen portrait, but the colours were cooler and his neck looked more tanned than previously shown and today, after choosing Q for voting, the colours were slightly altered for his selected portrait, again giving him more of a tan. Not sure what it means, but I thought it was an interesting detail to chew on for a nerd like me.

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4 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

Random thoughts after my vote in the SF6 poll (get your votes in for your favs!)



Ages ago I thought Q was David cause of the tanned skin, similarity in clothing and the shadow of Q exiting the office in his ending, but as I explored more and saw that Q has blonde hair, I abandoned that and thought there's some intentional red herring stuff by Capcom. After finally sitting down and getting the hexvalues for his skin that shows in his kicks and his neck for his in game sprite, I noticed that in more modern art pieces his neck is shown to be darker, or entirely hidden like his CRI artwork by Kiki. Artgerm's newly created art for 3rd Strike online follows this trend, but interestingly, on world puzzle day in 2022, the Twitter Capcom account posted Q's select screen portrait, but the colours were cooler and his neck looked more tanned than previously shown and today, after choosing Q for voting, the colours were slightly altered for his selected portrait, again giving him more of a tan. Not sure what it means, but I thought it was an interesting detail to chew on for a nerd like me.


IDK dude, with all respect i think we  got this bunch of times in the past and at least twice showed you the sprites with the blond hair/hair part with photoshop and all, tbh iirc felt was kinda problematic to accept because conflicted with the Q-David thing you used to believe 😄 


Other problem iirc was also match height, hard to figure out properly heights and Q does'nt have official data about that (to play on "unknown" thing), but we have bunch of visual hints to guess Q was supposed to be very tall man like approaching/passing 200cm/6'7", while David is officially listed just as 183cm/6'0" and official ending artworks seems to be compatible with that, with him being yes taller but not particulary towering figure next his two colleagues who are listed as 167cm woman Juliana and 170cm older japanese man Nakamura






The tricky part was also that when Capcom made G being purposely ambiguous af to make us gamble if he may be Q or not, and they chosen to made him indeed very tall both in art and official data... we have bit discrepancy there as two official source conflict(and by noticeable amount) with each others, but in both he's listed as very tall, being either 200cm/6'7 and 220cm/7'2"


Now let's be clear, unless they already had plan on who Q is back then and are not willing to change it, they're still in time to pull any kind of retcon and make Q whoever they want including David, but still


In that specific case they would probably retcon David as 2m tall, but if it was their SF3 idea since begin one would guess why in original SF3 appearance and later SFV official stats David ever been just average height guy


Only thing i would not use Kiki or Artgerm as source of anything, as neither was part of relevant capcom artists and somehow external hired figures

Artgerm got the job specifically for these arts and we have no clue what process he gone through to portray characters, doubt had any insider knowledge beyond replicating in his own style characters as he seen them in SF3


Kiki and whole Shadaloo CRI at artwork level is even harder to use as relevant anything, because we seen even in the specific game he was hired to work in (SFV), the official game itself denies his design choices many times, showing the hired artist had no clue/relevance over official design look (beside having done some alt costumes design)

You had multiple characters that once showed up in SFV had nothing to do with what Kiki imagined them... Kiki's Abigail being black(or VERY tanned) and red haired, Akuma being white haired with no beard, Zeku still having SFA brown hair etc etc


To the point whenstill Kiki was called on later moment to illustrate SFV Arcade endings (SFV path), straight had to contradict his own previous Shadaloo CRI works and design these characters as they actually looked like in canon/ingame.

That's not even Kiki's fault, just shows to wich extent was keept not updated/involved by capcom lol


Only relevant artist if we want follow that path we have dark hair/skin Q in Ikeno's piece, and that's more legit because he's MF Ikeno and have actual relevance on SF canon looks being directly involved in SFers creation

This one could be most interesting



But we have also to notice even Ikeno himself is not 100% consistent here, example see Urien having super dark skin (to the point of be much darker than Dudley) compared to his usual canon appearance, later we see Ikeno ever in SF3 works having Urien much lighter and closer to his ingame look


Other doubt on that piece is how much shadow it's supposed to play a role on hair/skin colors



Shadow there is VERY strong, look how dark is the hat shadow on the mask or even more the jacket collar shadow on the shoulder

If you look whole group pic, shadow on Hugo's skin in similar area under the jaw


Kinda similar you can see Yang, who have even same angle, showing due shadow way darker coloring on the neck compared to the cheek/jaw (with Q's cheek/jaw being hidden by the mask)

Straight comparision of Q and Yang show them having about same darkness on neck skin (with Q shadows being even stronger due hat+mask)



Notice there in the group artwork EVERY single other character have very different color to portrait neck shadow under jaw line, check them all

In Q skin here we don't have the clean light/shadow contrast, essentially in Hugo's or Yun's case you can see areas exposed to light being clearly of a different shade compared to shadow covered areas.... this is evident in whole artwork but lack in Q's neck because simply the whole neck area in under the shadow


Feels there shadow is used to play on puprose on him being mysterious figure, so visually helps obstacle our eye from having clear look on what his skin/hair looks like (being these revealing factors on his possible identity)


Then we have Kinu (with Ikeno only other relevant artist if we speak SF3) chosing to portray "unmasked Q" as a very tall blond haired man




Sure this is NOT canon (gimmick was characters are being shown as if were actors and SF is a tv show i guess, Akuma having wig and Q being a costume lol) but still design choice is supposed to be

Like the moustache itself is irrelevant as is an actor who's face is covered by tha mask but still neck is supposed to be visible


Also we have this where neck looks like same as japanese(?) guy behind him




Another not canon piece where chars seems are getting an interview (@Miðgarðsormdo you remeember if have you ever translated this? Even if not canon would be cool lol)


But is true last version of Ikeno's Q portrait showed by Eternity in SF6 show indeed darker skin, even if not sure if is supposed to be taken as skin-specific since whole artwork is darker... like, even shadow on top of the hat compared to same of previous version


Must be said if i was shown just this very last version i would have little hesitation to guess he's a black or brown guy, or at very least a super tanned mediterranean type a la Urien


Let's see what they will do in SF6, if they managed to pull a Netflix on Final Fight's Axel who was never masked and whole gimmick was be SF world Axel Rose look like, with super mysterious Q they can do what they want lol 😄 

TBH i would actually be happy for you if they chose to change bunch of stuff and make him David lol, remember you was very invested on that theory would be fun see it become true


Would be a very Usopp* moment 😆



*in case you're not familiar with OP, Usopp at times make statements that when said are'nt true, but One Piece universe find ways to make it become reality so ultimately are like prophecies lol



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14 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

It is literally impossible that Menat would lose a popularity poll to Falke.

That is not plausible in any reality known or unknown to man & the gods.

Well, fucking Sakura won 1st place, polls most effective use is to find reason lose faith in humanity 🤣

See fucking Seth too is sad, damn waifu magic


On bright side Egypt being mentioned and devs silly hint may make us hope correct waifu* Menat have some of best chances to be in S2


For who's guessing, from reddit




If you want the full list I have it too. It's top 17 and then 3 interesting suggestions. In order is: Sakura, Dictator, Makoto, Alex, Claw, Yun, Falke, Bosch, Menat, Sagat, Karin, Poison, Dan, Elena, Cody, Mika, and Seth. Then there are 3 of the writer's "wild card" choices: Li-Fen, Maki, and the feminine looking alt concept art for Abel.



Think there's an error as iirc Alex was 3rd (guess who wrote this switched with Makoto positions)


LMAO at fucking devs still thinking at Girly-Abel after have done already Girl-Abel, they must really hate SF Fedor 😞


Beside some choices that make wish i could educational low-kick them, lucky list have some quality names: Sagat, Elena, Cody, Claw, Makoto, Menat, Alex, Mika, Poison and even Bosch are all legit picks to me, first six alone would make a dream S2

Too bad Bosch lack real nation/martial art combo, but still same apply to lot in SF

Dictator is of course legit too, just wish either jumped SF6 or came very late season... but reality is after see how great they did Akuma(who's ever been crap to me) in SF6, i would be curious to see what they do with him

Yun is legit too, but simply as we speak i can stay good couple of seasons without more Kung Fu reps... well, unless you're called Fei Long



*some missing from correct waifus team, Laura and Kolin

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

It is literally impossible that Menat would lose a popularity poll to Falke.

That is not plausible in any reality known or unknown to man & the gods.

Famitsu being a Japanese magazine, I assume  most of the votes were from Japanese people. I can see Japan preferring Falke over Menat and even then it doesn’t seem to be that much given there’s only a difference of one vote.

Edited by BornWinner
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On 6/4/2024 at 8:05 AM, CESTUS III said:

Well, fucking Sakura won 1st place, polls most effective use is to find reason lose faith in humanity

I'm always happy too see Sakura return.  I always hope that, this time, she'll finally have the correct default outfit and be gym teacher Sakura.

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23 hours ago, BornWinner said:

Famitsu being a Japanese magazine, I assume  most of the votes were from Japanese people. I can see Japan preferring Falke over Menat and even then it doesn’t seem to be that much given there’s only a difference of one vote.

Tbh i was'nt surprised by Falke scoring higher than Menat, more like was surprised to see her even mentioned in a good characters list to begin with 🤣


I mean i'm often critical on mediocre waifus getting disproportionate success compared to their own worth because it is how it is, but Falke managed to set new standards at that shit...


Her design is derivative of Ed design and Ed's was'nt for sure one of the best. Her alts kinda sucked too

Her character does'nt stand out in any way, her story does'nt add much. Only personality shit of whole char is her concern for Ed and even that is barely explored

Her moveset was kinda forgettable, the stick used as rifle gimmick could have been interesting but they failed big at make it visually memorable, CA sucked too


Beyond be hot waifu thing no idea how people can even remember her lol


14 hours ago, mykka said:

I'm more shocked at how popular Lucia is


Idk canon wise SFV Lucia had LOT wrong in how they portrayed her in SFV (essentially ignore FF Lucia lol, would have accepted more if she was sold as FF Lucia's younger sister)


But SFV Lucia still have x10 times charisma than Falke lol

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4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I'm always happy too see Sakura return.  I always hope that, this time, she'll finally have the correct default outfit and be gym teacher Sakura.


But you would pick her in S2 as fourth ansatsuken rep with hado+srk+tatsu, knowing even just within waifus group basically anybody else would bring more variety?


Because these people surely would want her as soon as possible no matter what, just like Akuma people lol




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Sean is the most deserving Shoto to return for me.


The guy is unique and more relatable to youth. 


Hoping they would consider him.


Right now all that I wanted to see in SF6 is Necro with Effie the rest can change and be swap. 


Remy because I want him to be in the same game with Guile 


Haggar same reason with Remy I want him in the same game with Gief but its unlikely to happen

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16 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

But you would pick her in S2 as fourth ansatsuken rep with hado+srk+tatsu, knowing even just within waifus group basically anybody else would bring more variety?

I've already accepted that a shoto per season is practically an inevitability.


S2:  Sakura

S3:  Sagat

S4:  Sean

S5:  Gouken

S6:  Seth

S7:  Dan

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1 minute ago, DarthEnderX said:

I've already accepted that a shoto per season is practically an inevitability.


S2:  Sakura

S3:  Sagat

S4:  Sean

S5:  Gouken

S6:  Seth

S7:  Dan

Then i would go from those that least recycle the Ansatsuken shoto gimmick down to the most redundant ones


S2: Sagat -> don't even consider him a true one beside Tiger Uppercut being a clone of Shoryuken with solid story explanation (even if as very personal taste would like him stopping using it), he's Muay Thai fighter repping Thailand... and MT/Thailand rep is very first important thing SF6 currently is missing

Sagat or Adon would literally be my pick if S2 was only 1 character lol


S3: Sean -> deserve it after so long missing and basically all his moveset can be super different from Ryu/Ken wich already was the case already in SF3. Hopefully since nostalgia will be shoto team gi, standard design would be drastically different. Would be cool if they add some Matsuda JJ influence and keep all the brawling shit from SF3 days


S4: Dan -> SFV already did good at give him ever more unique style, made Saikyo  felt different from Ansatsuken, would hope SF6 will further play on focus at show Dan's most unique techniques (first thing would visually change Koryuken). Give him slighty edge before Gouken just because i really like Dan's style


S5: Gouken -> Beside supers his whole moveset and design is very far from Ryu/Ken. Give him more unique looking supers completely designed around Mu no Ken and we have a deal


S6: Sakura -> She will have her own hado, shoryu and tatsu because her existence is dependent on keep the link to Ryu's style.


Doubt we will reach S7 (and i doubt S6 too tbh), but i don't consider Seth a shoto, dude/lady can do everything from everybody



But that's me, of course if this was the reasoning Akuma would have not been fucking Season 1 lol


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5 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I just want to say this plainly. Fuck Dan. The joke was tired 30 years ago, use the character slot for someone else. Unless its Eviler Akuma (Oni), Evil Ryu/Kage, Violent Ken, or some girl that shouldn't be on the current poll because she isn't a Street Fighter character etc.

You know what, till SFA/SF4 would have agreed, but SFV truly gave me fun with him... make me think SF6 would make his fight style feel very unique


Said that, of all these mentioned i would like give a slot only to Sagat (as soon as possible too) and eventually Sean if they're truly committed to differentiate him as possible from Ryu/Ken

Dan and Gouken if included better been done unique as possible


Sakura and Seth i just don't want them, but think we will get both lol

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On 6/4/2024 at 6:50 AM, CESTUS III said:


IDK dude, with all respect i think we  got this bunch of times in the past and at least twice showed you the sprites with the blond hair/hair part with photoshop and all, tbh iirc felt was kinda problematic to accept because conflicted with the Q-David thing you used to believe 😄 


Other problem iirc was also match height, hard to figure out properly heights and Q does'nt have official data about that (to play on "unknown" thing), but we have bunch of visual hints to guess Q was supposed to be very tall man like approaching/passing 200cm/6'7", while David is officially listed just as 183cm/6'0" and official ending artworks seems to be compatible with that, with him being yes taller but not particulary towering figure next his two colleagues who are listed as 167cm woman Juliana and 170cm older japanese man Nakamura

  Hide contents





The tricky part was also that when Capcom made G being purposely ambiguous af to make us gamble if he may be Q or not, and they chosen to made him indeed very tall both in art and official data... we have bit discrepancy there as two official source conflict(and by noticeable amount) with each others, but in both he's listed as very tall, being either 200cm/6'7 and 220cm/7'2"


Now let's be clear, unless they already had plan on who Q is back then and are not willing to change it, they're still in time to pull any kind of retcon and make Q whoever they want including David, but still


In that specific case they would probably retcon David as 2m tall, but if it was their SF3 idea since begin one would guess why in original SF3 appearance and later SFV official stats David ever been just average height guy


Only thing i would not use Kiki or Artgerm as source of anything, as neither was part of relevant capcom artists and somehow external hired figures

Artgerm got the job specifically for these arts and we have no clue what process he gone through to portray characters, doubt had any insider knowledge beyond replicating in his own style characters as he seen them in SF3


Kiki and whole Shadaloo CRI at artwork level is even harder to use as relevant anything, because we seen even in the specific game he was hired to work in (SFV), the official game itself denies his design choices many times, showing the hired artist had no clue/relevance over official design look (beside having done some alt costumes design)

You had multiple characters that once showed up in SFV had nothing to do with what Kiki imagined them... Kiki's Abigail being black(or VERY tanned) and red haired, Akuma being white haired with no beard, Zeku still having SFA brown hair etc etc


To the point whenstill Kiki was called on later moment to illustrate SFV Arcade endings (SFV path), straight had to contradict his own previous Shadaloo CRI works and design these characters as they actually looked like in canon/ingame.

That's not even Kiki's fault, just shows to wich extent was keept not updated/involved by capcom lol


Only relevant artist if we want follow that path we have dark hair/skin Q in Ikeno's piece, and that's more legit because he's MF Ikeno and have actual relevance on SF canon looks being directly involved in SFers creation

This one could be most interesting



But we have also to notice even Ikeno himself is not 100% consistent here, example see Urien having super dark skin (to the point of be much darker than Dudley) compared to his usual canon appearance, later we see Ikeno ever in SF3 works having Urien much lighter and closer to his ingame look


Other doubt on that piece is how much shadow it's supposed to play a role on hair/skin colors



Shadow there is VERY strong, look how dark is the hat shadow on the mask or even more the jacket collar shadow on the shoulder

If you look whole group pic, shadow on Hugo's skin in similar area under the jaw


Kinda similar you can see Yang, who have even same angle, showing due shadow way darker coloring on the neck compared to the cheek/jaw (with Q's cheek/jaw being hidden by the mask)

Straight comparision of Q and Yang show them having about same darkness on neck skin (with Q shadows being even stronger due hat+mask)



Notice there in the group artwork EVERY single other character have very different color to portrait neck shadow under jaw line, check them all

In Q skin here we don't have the clean light/shadow contrast, essentially in Hugo's or Yun's case you can see areas exposed to light being clearly of a different shade compared to shadow covered areas.... this is evident in whole artwork but lack in Q's neck because simply the whole neck area in under the shadow


Feels there shadow is used to play on puprose on him being mysterious figure, so visually helps obstacle our eye from having clear look on what his skin/hair looks like (being these revealing factors on his possible identity)


Then we have Kinu (with Ikeno only other relevant artist if we speak SF3) chosing to portray "unmasked Q" as a very tall blond haired man




Sure this is NOT canon (gimmick was characters are being shown as if were actors and SF is a tv show i guess, Akuma having wig and Q being a costume lol) but still design choice is supposed to be

Like the moustache itself is irrelevant as is an actor who's face is covered by tha mask but still neck is supposed to be visible


Also we have this where neck looks like same as japanese(?) guy behind him




Another not canon piece where chars seems are getting an interview (@Miðgarðsormdo you remeember if have you ever translated this? Even if not canon would be cool lol)


But is true last version of Ikeno's Q portrait showed by Eternity in SF6 show indeed darker skin, even if not sure if is supposed to be taken as skin-specific since whole artwork is darker... like, even shadow on top of the hat compared to same of previous version


Must be said if i was shown just this very last version i would have little hesitation to guess he's a black or brown guy, or at very least a super tanned mediterranean type a la Urien


Let's see what they will do in SF6, if they managed to pull a Netflix on Final Fight's Axel who was never masked and whole gimmick was be SF world Axel Rose look like, with super mysterious Q they can do what they want lol 😄 

TBH i would actually be happy for you if they chose to change bunch of stuff and make him David lol, remember you was very invested on that theory would be fun see it become true


Would be a very Usopp* moment 😆



*in case you're not familiar with OP, Usopp at times make statements that when said are'nt true, but One Piece universe find ways to make it become reality so ultimately are like prophecies lol



Hah, I concede that I'm probably verging into Usopp territory, though I think you misread my post a bit, I mentioned that I abandoned the idea that Q is David; I think there's an attempt to imply there's a connection between them with Capcom's visuals cues & the "similar taste in clothing" line and implication that there's a possibility that either Q teleports or there's multiple, similarly dressed dudes running around, but specifically because of the blonde hair and then official height for David, I gave that idea up a bit ago.

Sure Artgerm was hired externally, but he was hired to redraw existing concepts rather than make new characters, I'd think there would be some sort of internal quality check from the team at Capcom, like for instance, if he made Alex platinum blond instead of yellow blonde, I think there would be pushback, but, to be honest, I have no idea what went into the production and what level of quality control and scrutiny went into 3S online. I understand Kiki's looks were inconsistent, my point was more that it was interesting that their version of Q was in a pose that hid the neck.

Interesting point on Ikeno, that first picture you posted of the cast is the actual picture that made me doubt Q is David, I agree there's inconsistencies, even Q's hat is the wrong colour, but the thing is in Ikeno's 1st art, it looks like a white guy in shadow, but the in-game sprites he seems to have tan brown skin rather than it being shadow, his standing hk in particular has the light source coming down onto his shin without anything like his hat to shadow, but it's still dark brown compared to the kind of pinkish shadows Alex's sprites use.

At this point, I have no idea what Capcom's up to and part of my conscpiracy brain wants to think that each bit of artwork showing Q inconsistently is intentional, but part of me is wondering if Capcom would even bother with something so crazy. The logical part of my mind wants to say maybe this is all a result of things changing at some pooint in production (artwork was made 1st, then the sprites). I wanna see him in SF6 for multiple reasons, but it would be nice to get a better look at him in 3d rather than 2d.


9 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I've already accepted that a shoto per season is practically an inevitability.


S2:  Sakura

S3:  Sagat

S4:  Sean

S5:  Gouken

S6:  Seth

S7:  Dan

While I accept that, I really do hope that we 1) get more devs so the team can safely add more characters per season without crunch  2) don't get more than 1 shoto a season. I get it, I really do, but gal dang, if we get multiples in a season and before a SF3 rep, it'll be a kick in the pants. There's so much charcter aesthetic and mechanical variety and with all the cool SF6 stuff, I really want some more folks to get that love. With the S2 surprises message, I'm hoping it'll mean some cool, surprising picks rather than "hey, we're adding Darkstalkers and crossover characters!"


I really love SF6, and want it to cross the finish line with flying colours. I don't want the roster to disappoint.

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5 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I mean, it's pretty obvious SiRN is diectly linked to Seth.

Yeah, that was my reasoning, there’s too much build up in WTM to not see Seth’s return as SiRN leader

Even if I dislike it lore wise make sense, insanity-free Seth sure have to plot something as it’s supposed to have same mind and attitude of Bison

Guess gimmick will be Ryu taking out Bison for years gave post-SFV Seth chance to surpass that early period of insanity of female-Seth, could be curious if the bug that made it insane/obsessed with Bison is’nt over and will just trigger again with Bison’s return

Is kinda interessing they focused on Akuma, because Akuma has been the cause of #15/Seth’s birth as individual

, plus of course his interest in SnH back to BLECE project days

Btw something they could do to make Seth interesting and unique would be make his moveset/specials to link to characters that ARE'NT going to be in SF6 (would be absolutely awesome gift in terms of WTM/Avatar recreations too), but i guess some people just love the Dural like gimmick and want it to replicate ingame cast characters... something that would do anyway, his SFV ability to steal one special was awesome and imho the only interesting gimmick about him, don't see them abandon it tbh


5 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

Sure Artgerm was hired externally, but he was hired to redraw existing concepts rather than make new characters, I'd think there would be some sort of internal quality check from the team at Capcom, like for instance, if he made Alex platinum blond instead of yellow blonde, I think there would be pushback, but, to be honest, I have no idea what went into the production and what level of quality control and scrutiny went into 3S online.

Tbh not to sound harsh but have total amount of zero trust in Capcom team quality check,specially when it comes to weird picks on external artists 😂


Thing is Kiki's case speaks volumes, SFV was much greater project than SF3O, and more than that Kiki's work was supposed to have some sort of relevance in terms of what is official and canon...


...and they fucked up, a clearly unaware Kiki published bullshit after bullshit unchecked and not only they did'nt asked for it to be fixed to fit canon (he just adapted when had to design SFV arcade endings), but published on official pages with zero hesitation

To this day official Shadaloo CRI still have profile pics proven as wrong by actual games, Capcom cares much less that we fans do 😆



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Posted (edited)

Holy fucking fuck


I was told could be guest, i told i doubt and i was so fucking wrong


Elena in is awesome, very  first female i wanted. New design is fucking great glad they did'nt westernized/urbanized it to roll with western bullshit


Terry is one of best Fatal Fury/SNK characters ever


Don't need Mai but these jiggles in SF6 engine are going to be extreme


Bison is way too soon, but if they made fucking Akuma interesting, Bison will get hell of a work


on bad side


S2 and still i don't have Muay Thai/Thailand rep

Another crap season with only 4 chars

2 guest is too much, Terry alone would have been pleasant but half season being Fatal Fury is a slap in the face (mostly because S2 is only 4 chars)





Edited by CESTUS III
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38 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

FUCK THIS SHIT. BIson and guest characters. 4 characters and half of them aren't even from Street Fighter. This is some MK level bullshit. If I wanted to play Terry and Mai. I'd boot up KOFXV. 🤬

yeah...I'm not happy to be honest. If this was later in the game's life cycle and they had more than 4 characters I'd be a bit more okay, but c'mon. This is season 2, we're only getting 4 characters a year and Bison, while awesome, hasn't even let his seat get cold and he's having his "grand return" already. I have the misfortune of my favs not being the best repped and highest tier. I'm not gonna see anyone I really main or love for ages.

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I was disapointed that it isnt CVS3


Tha FLOOD GATES are open


And I'm not surprised how this turned up... I'm expecting this even before SF6 all base roster reveal


but not too soon for other company  guest character I was thinking they start with their own other IP like Darkstalkers


Now that the Flood Gates are open everything can happen... Darkstalkers, Tekken and  much more.


They probably thought of this when people are thought of Luke as Kyo 


SF Characters that is not that appealingbto casual crowd in general FGC is likely on the side note. 






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My Thoughts:


- Terry & Mai:

Easily the BIGGEST surprise. And I wholly welcome it. How many of us had TWO guest characters on the SF6 DLC bingo card? 

My favorite fighters are SF at #1, MK and Tekken on the 2nd tier, and then there is a gap before Fatal Furry shows up. So I barely know the lore of Terry and Mai outside of their popularity. So Im excited to see what WT Mode can offer us.


Personally, I'm very excited for Mai. Mainly because of the fan service and arts that will follow. I mean my lord!

I do wanna see some Chun and Mai interactions in Arcade and maybe some tales in WT Mode.

It's also interesting how Chun-Li has like 3 rivals in this game. I'd count M. Bison as well, but he's more like an enemy than a rival. We got Juri, the Anti Chun. AKI, the evil Chun, and Mai, the SNK version of Chun.

This is gonna be sick.


- Elena:

I'm happy with the choice. Personally, she's my 2nd preferred SF3 character I wanted (just under Makoto). Just at first glance, her design looks sweet. Probably my intial favorite so far. I would've liked to see more of her Kenyan heritage represented in her design, unless there are some subtle things I've missed. But I'm excited to see how she moves in action. The animations are gonna be crisp.

But for god sakes, please NO HEALING!!!


- M. Bison:

I had a feeling it was coming, but I still stand on he should skip SF6. Shadaloo is in shambles, everyone has moved on to new things. let them enjoy their time of peace. We don't need this guy ruining the peace. Save him for SF7.

I will say that I'm intrigued by the story and how he'll move and animate in game. I really wanna see how brutal his Lv3 and CAs will be.

On a personal vibe, the biggest thing that irks me the most with M. Bison's return is that it just ruins whatever closure Chun-Li had with her revenge story, simply because we didn't get a proper closure with it.

This is just my headcanon with A Shadow Falls. I wouldn't've minded if Chun-Li had a moment of clarity that she doesn't need to kill M. Bison to close that chapter. I would've loved to see Chun and M. Bison squared off as true enemies one last time. Maybe before Chun-Li delievers the final blow, she hesitates, hearing the sound of Li-Fen in danger. Facing the choice between M. Bison and Li-Fen, she chooses Li-Fen. M. Bison mocks her for being too weak for not finishing him when she had the chance. But Chun-Li says that she's stronger for letting go and for finally finding something greater worth fighting for.

I think if we had some closure like that, I would've been happier with M. bison coming back. With him back, Chun-Li can be a little on edge, but because she's let it go, she now fights for the sake of protecting Li-Fen and her community. She won't actively go seeking for danger when she is needed by the people who love and care for her. And that's enough for Chun-Li.



Other than that, very solid and very surprising DLC lineup.




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All I can say is that Bison showing up this early is all the proof I need that Capcom are too chickenshit to do anything interesting with SF's story. We finally, for the first time in DECADES, had an open road in front of us that allowed Capcom to do anything they goddamn wanted with no fear of stepping on another game's toes...and what do they do?






And it's not like it's a weakend or amnesiac Bison, it's just...Bison, as he always has been. Strong, powerful, full of Psycho Power and ready to wage war on the world. It's the exact same shit he's been doing since Alpha. It's the exact same shit WE'VE been doing since 4. Bison's death in 5 meant nothing. Nash's sacrifice meant nothing. Bison's deaths mean nothing, because he's just gonna come back fine within a couple years anyway. He couldn't have been weaker, or lost his memory, or only had a fraction of his Psycho Power left. He couldn't have had actual repercussions from being utterly defeated by Ryu and losing his entire criminal syndicate in the process. He's back, and he's just Bison...again.


I fully welcome people calling me being over dramatic and all that but I think this is actually the final nail in the coffin for me with this series. I've been so frustrated with how they've handled this series for years and this is just the last proof I needed that no matter what happens, no matter how interesting the road is ahead of them, Capcom will turn around and run back to what they know best; Bison and Shadaloo. 6 had an actual interesting start with showing us what the world was like post-Bison and how it affected everyone (something 3 never did), and it's already over with, because he's back after one goddamn season. So yeah, I'm done. I just don't care about what happens from here on out with this series because Capcom are clearly going their own way and I just have no interest in it. I'll still pop in and discuss stuff but as far as I'm concerned, the series ended at 3.


Not even gonna bother getting into Terry and Mai which is the final kick in the balls of this godawful season. What a joke this all is.

Edited by Scotia
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