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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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1 hour ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

SPOILER WARNING!!! - Someone managed to get a download of the Akuma Patch, and played WT Mode to find Akuma. Restream below, watch at your own risk! It's not the full thing, but it is new.


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Ooh, thanks! Can't wait to check it out!



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1 hour ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

SPOILER WARNING!!! - Someone managed to get a download of the Akuma Patch, and played WT Mode to find Akuma. Restream below, watch at your own risk! It's not the full thing, but it is new.


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The good stuff already!





Akuma SGS Bison during SF2 tournament finale confirmed canon!




Young Akuma! The design is based on his Street Fighter Alpha Generations anime appearance






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-29.07 Retsu told SiRN tech about Akuma, that's what kicks off your WT quest
-Retsu talks about how Akuma's "no boyscout be he's not as evil as he looks" and how he trained him before he even had hairs on his chin

-57:00 Akuma munching on some fruit humanizes him lol. I've never seen him eat before!

-58:23 confirming he fought Bison

-1:07:10 flash back to fighting Goutetsu, shows his respect. "There can be only one demon. This is why I desire to reach enlightenment. It is for the man who I vanquished. My tribute.


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With Akuma serving as the final character from the Year 1 pass, how has the process gone for selecting the characters for Year 2? I know you likely can't go into specifics, but did the team identify any holes in the current roster that needed to be addressed or filled with the next batch of playable characters?

Of course, I can't make any specific comments yet, but I think you will find there to be some unexpected characters. Sorry, but the method of selection is also a secret (no fortune-telling or divination involved). We hope you’re looking forward to it.


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34 minutes ago, Dragonfave723 said:

With Akuma serving as the final character from the Year 1 pass, how has the process gone for selecting the characters for Year 2? I know you likely can't go into specifics, but did the team identify any holes in the current roster that needed to be addressed or filled with the next batch of playable characters?

Of course, I can't make any specific comments yet, but I think you will find there to be some unexpected characters. Sorry, but the method of selection is also a secret (no fortune-telling or divination involved). We hope you’re looking forward to it.

So am I the only one that instantly thought of Menat and Rose?

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Interesting Akuma seems have a win cutscene where he cut the ground before his own feet, creating an huge horziontal cut (timestamped)




seems to me they took it from Raoh (Hokuto no Ken) who does identical thing before fight Fudo


It's curious interesting pick because that starts as great claim of power by Raoh, but end up be rare "loss"/weakness moment, and huge foreshadowing for his later defeat against Kenshiro

If anybody interested on bit of context


in preparation of his final fight with Kenshiro, Raoh is facing a giant and once ferocious/violent  (now good man) master called Fudo that terrorized him when he was much  younger

So before fight him Raoh does this large cut on the ground and crossing that line tell his men to shot arrows  at his own back if Fudo manage to make him retreat behind it... essentially that gesture was his way to claim he will never fear anybody again (and that if does deserve to die)


It's loss moment because even if he have upper hand most of the time, at some point Fudo manage to make him backstep behind the line... that's because even if Raoh would have probably won (fight is interrupted as Raoh's men shot arrows at Fudo, but likely outcome still was Raoh win) and throught the fight had no problem face Fudo's ferocity, at some point Raoh seen some different kind of determination in Fudo's eyes (who was fighting not for love of violence like in the past, but to protect his children) wich scared him and made him step back unconsciously


Could be absolute coincidence or maybe they just liked the overwelming powerful look of the move/stance, splitting floor with simple gesture of the hand...


...but feels bit strange, because not only as said that scene had big symbolic meaning in HnK (and not a good one for Raoh), but knowing bit the anime also offer easy parallel between Fudo's/Kenshiro's determination based on the will to protect others and Ryu's mood since SFV



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Btw i just noticed cool "coincidence" that i missed


Just yesterday i was pointing at a very specific situation that Marisa and Hanayama had in common

On 5/19/2024 at 3:44 PM, CESTUS III said:

One cool thing is at the end of the vid you can see even Hanayama knocked down on his back and smiling (because he fought great opponent), an attitude shown also by Marisa in her defeat to Manon



I just realized there's another guy that did this, in SFV



shit blue tag is covering it, but you can read "smiling?" of Akuma at Ryu


and now after yesterday leak we know a 4th character doing EXACTLY same shit


Our Avatar in SF6, even with Akuma again asking "you laugh?" clearly having a dejavu of SFV Ryu, and as result Akuma accept us as disciple



3 characters doing it, 3 characters who get somehow positive feedback from Akuma despite defeat, a char that 9 out 10 shit on his opponent after defeating him


Feels like his last encounter with Ryu in SFV not only changed their personal relationship, but also Akuma's general perspective


It's like if you face him to show off with pride shit like how strong is your punch, how sharp is your kicking technique or how hard are your muscles, after winning he will pick that trait of you and say it sucks, and since saying it in your face is same person who just one-side fucked you up, he speak with the voice of truth and it is ego crushing time


Instead when facing these fighters that have absolute humble love for the fight itself and ask nothing more than a great challenge/strong opponent, a little spark of respect born in Akuma, and not only he does'nt shit on you but in his bizzarre and almost Master way he literally try to encourage them to go harder and surpass their current limits:


RYU - He's confident Ryu can do more than that, so push him to get up and retry
MARISA - He's telling her she's doing something right but that she needs to train harder to level up


AVATAR - He say will train him to a point he will no more smile, but at same time he's saying that he's worthy to go through such honor/torture lol


Make me almost wonder if purposely humbling them he is'nt trying to give (in his own way) an hint even to those he shits on, an attempt to set them straight lol




PS: one more that may fit the list may be Cody imho

Dude does'nt boast about his own abilities if i remember right, and just want a strong opponent able to pull him out of boredom of life

Akuma beating the shit out of him may be one of the few things able to give Cody a true smile, like finally a not boring day lol


Actually SFV one already is different from usual belittling insults

""A fist thrown wildly hits nothing and serves no one..."

Tbh there is'nt saying Cody's fist itself is'nt worth of respect or would not work in teh streets (we know it does and surely Akuma knows it), he's calling out him on not training it properly to reach its maximum potential... wich we know to NOT be a false accusation, since even if he is'nt a pure untrained brawler* he likely was simply trained at Haggar's gym under some no-name istructor,and the school itself was'nt anything super elite (as let's say Guy's Bushinryu), basically nothing Cody did in the gym or in the streets truly pushed him to hone his great potential/talent, wich we know being great


Like dude never had Zeku-level master training him nor Bushinryu elite techniques yet he can defeat (apparently at least more often than not) Guy in a fight, and he is'nt even overwelming brute power as Guy himself recognize his skill

Cody: "And now, this is the result... Things never change..."

Guy: "I don't see why you can't do positive things with such skill."


*beside street gimmicks dude clearly use boxing punches mixed with karate kicks, wich make him that shit full of names... American Karate/American Kickboxing/Full contact, pick one all same lol

Maybe late "American Karate" if we want imagine some Tang Soo Do is there too (his double kick?)



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16 hours ago, bakfromon said:

The good stuff already!


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I like a lot the


Akuma vs Goutetsu clash with both using SnH, with young Akuma wild af and Goutetsu sporting cold murder face


Feels a lot like we are watching Evil Ryu vs Akuma, one previous generation version


Make me think Akuma would have loved be killed by SnH Ryu, because he will know the Ansatsuken style succession has been done in the way it should


I wish SF wiki had source for this  but apparently despite the grudge everybody else have about it, Goutetsu accepted his own death as things going as they should rather than being betrayed

"Goutetsu gladly died, happy to see that his student surpassed him in the art."

Now as i said there's no source they added there, but at least that moral neutral stance seems compatible with his official likes/dislikes

Like: his students Gouken and Akuma

Dislike: Weakness


I know i made the parallel in the past, but we should also remember martial art succession done by disciple killing his own master to become the new master is'nt unique to what Akuma did, we know untill Zeku refused to murder Genryusai (and later Guy refused to kill Zeku, meaning he embraced Zeku's values) that was the tradition in Bushinryu style too, and yet we don't consider Genryusai a villain/murderer


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19 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I can finally listen to the GOAT SFIII OST during matches



Oh!  So I can just...go to SF4 and buy the themes I want each character to have?

You know what.  I'm not normally a cosmetics microtransaction guy.  But whatever lets me send a message about SF6's themes sucking, I'm willing to do that.



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In preparation for Akuma's win quotes, here are some of my favs from the Satsui no Hado Master:




Akuma's quote to Chun-Li isn't your typical quote about power or fighting to the death. He's talking about how her quest for revenge impeding her life. I really like this quote because it shows that Akuma is capable of understanding things beyond the fight. He genuinely sounds annoyed that she's not focusing on making the most of her life.




Akuma's quote to Decapre is a bit more harsh. He sees her struggle as a sign of weakness, but ultimately believes she's the one who holds the key to breaking out of it. We know Akuma definitely isn't suger-coating anything.




Akuma's quote to Sakura is basically calling out her watered down version of their fighting style. Most people compliment Sakura on her potential, but Akuma ain't about that life.




The one quote that made me burst out in laughter when I first saw it many yrs ago. Akuma basically told El Fuerte his fighting and cooking were both complete shyt.


When it comes to win quotes, SF4/SFXT/MVC3 Akuma is my favorite. Mainly because of how personal he gets when talking to the other character. 


Looking forward to seeing his trash talking in SF6.

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1 hour ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

Chun Li





These two are surprising similar, with him him being frustrated at people stuck in their mental andspiritual boundaries, in his eyes crippling their own evolution... guess from his perspective what piss him off is the memories of people in his life (Ryu, Gouken) doing the same refusing to embrace SnH

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Akuma Mirror: “You can’t compare to my strength.”


Akuma and A.K.I.

Akuma: “You are nothing but a feeble snake.”

A.K.I.: “I thought you were a fellow assassin, but it turns out you’re slightly different...”


Akuma and Blanka

Akuma: “Neither fang nor claw shall bend me!”

Blanka: “My power isn’t just my fangs and claws! My heart will always win over yours! Uwo!!”


Akuma and Cammy

Akuma: “Bees like you are nothing more than a nuisance.”

Cammy: “I do not fight for the same reasons you do. I fight for a better tomorrow.”

Akuma and Chun-Li

Akuma: “This is the extent of your abilities!?”

Chun-Li: “Just as fearsome as ever. No matter how much kiko I mold, it’s always barely enough.”


Akuma and Dee Jay

Akuma: "Witness the extent of your foolishness!"

Dee Jay: "Woo. I'm not about these all out fights! You gotta chill a bit, bad man!"

Akuma and Dhalsim

Akuma: “Gentleness should be renounced.”

Dhalsim: “So long as you continue down your path, the fires will consume you. It truly is sad.”


Akuma and E. Honda

Akuma: "There is no use talking to you. You are without value."

E. Honda: “Now you get it, right? My sumo is the best thing under the sun! Gahaha!”

Akuma and Ed

Akuma: “Your power exceeds your capacity. It shall only bring misfortune.”

Ed: “That Satsui no Hado? Psh. You wanna talk about scary powers, you came to the right fella!”


Akuma and Guile

Akuma: “This too shall serve as another step to enlightenment.”

Guile: “I have a reason to continue fighting. But I’m not so sure about you.”


Akuma and JP

Akuma: “You mistreat your power, boor!”

JP: “Enlightenment? I shall leave you to your devices, but I fail to see the importance of it.”


Akuma and Jamie

Akuma: “Know your place, child!”

Jamie: “Whoa man, you definitely brought the business. Too bad you ran into yours truly.”


Akuma and Juri:

Akuma: "Cowardly spider, leave this place!"

Juri: “Huh? Weren’t ya gonna show me that murderous intent; scary bad man? Hahaha!”

Akuma and Ken

Akuma: "Your fist's flame is little more than an ember. Pathetic."

Ken: “A fight with no distractions, huh...Maybe you should rethink your own goals, buddy.”


Akuma and Kimberly

Akuma: “You are nothing but a child playing games.”

Kimberly: “That was not a fun fight! But be careful where you tread next time, ‘kay?”

Akuma and Lily:

Akuma: “Play somewhere else, child.”

Lily: “There’s no question you’re a great warrior. But I sense a bit of insecurity buried in you.”

Akuma and Luke

Akuma: “You are lacking, child!”

Luke: “You’re not just about killing, huh. There’s something else...something deeper.”

Akuma and Manon

Akuma: “Your techniques are not for battle, but merely for dance.”

Manon: “A shame you hate ballet so vehemently. Now please, stop with the scary face.”


Akuma and Marisa

Akuma: "Your onslaught of strikes is impressive. But they are not enough!"

Marisa: “A fight to the death? You have my attention! I will fight you a hundred times over!”


Akuma and Rashid

Akuma: “No direction, no will. Pathetic.”

Rashid: “Hey, why the heck are you so angry? Did I troll you online or something?”


Akuma and Ryu

Akuma: “This is it? Get up!”

Ryu: “We’re not done just yet. There is much I must ask you about.”


Akuma and Zangief

Akuma: "Your claims of strength are laughable!"

Zangief: “Hah! My muscles took everything you had! Even that pesky murderous intent! Gahaha!”

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Posted (edited)

Oh man, the Character BGM system is great.  I figured you'd only be able to change a character's theme to other versions of that character's themes.  But you can pick any music in the game.


I bought the two SF4 music packs.  Gave everyone from SF4 their SF4 themes.  Then gave everyone else other themes from SF4 too, just to get rid of all lame SF6 music!

Enjoy that Balrog theme Ed.  It's 100x better than your theme!

I really wanted to give Rashid his SF5 theme, but it's currently the only SF5 song I'm interested in, and I just don't want to buy an entire music pack for 1 song...

I wish they had a pack for SF4's Stage Themes as well.  I'd KILL to give Volcanic Rim or Crumbling Lab to somebody.  But currently it's just Character themes.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I bought the two SF4 music packs.  Gave everyone from SF4 their SF4 themes.  Then gave everyone else other themes from SF4 too, just to get rid of all lame SF6 music!

SF4 had the best set of music and stylized UI aesthetics.


I have a post on twitter about SF2 is it confirmed now? 


Are we having new info about SF2 tournament and timeline?

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4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Oh man, the Character BGM system is great.  I figured you'd only be able to change a character's theme to other versions of that character's themes.  But you can pick any music in the game.


Since I can play SF6 only in weekends, I'm going to ask: how many Drive Tickets does it cost?

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Miðgarðsorm said:

Since I can play SF6 only in weekends, I'm going to ask: how many Drive Tickets does it cost?

Every music pack costs a different amount.  Even the two SF4 packs were different costs.

The more expensive pack was 5000 Drive Tickets or 250 Fighter Coins($5).  I bought one with Drive Tickets and the other with Fighter Coins.


19 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

I have a post on twitter about SF2 is it confirmed now? 


Are we having new info about SF2 tournament and timeline?

I haven't played Akuma's World Tour stuff yet.  But you can watch all of Akuma's scenes here.


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Everyone has unique winquotes against SiRN Akuma in the Giant Attack Battle Hub event. Trying to find them all.




Ryu vs SiRN Akuma: You most certainly possess his strength. Yet, there is something missing.


Zangief vs SiRIN Akuma:  Hahah! Come on, I can handle two of these things at the same time!


Dhalsim vs SiRN Akuma: It indeed possess his limitless power. That is without question.


Cammy vs SiRN Akuma:  A fine copy indeed, but one that's easily predictable.


Kimberly vs SiRN Akuma: Who knew that a computer program could have such murderous intent!


JP to SiRN Akuma: Peculiar. You are indeed strong. However, that's all you are.


Ed vs SiRN Akuma: That was just a simulation? Cripes, technology is a scary thing.


Chun-Li vs SiRN Akuma: "I've come face to face with the real man before. This was nothing."




Thoughts on Chun-Li's Win Quote vs Shin Akuma:


"I've come face to face with the real man before."  ~ I'm intrigued.  So does that mean Chun-Li has come face to face with the real Akuma or even yet, the legendary Shin Akuma himself canonically? I wonder what that encounter would've been like. Akuma is on a completely different tier canonically than most of the roster. And Shin Akuma would def be a tier above him.


I feel that Chun-Li isn't someone that Akuma would seek as a worthy opponent in his quest in finding the legendary battle to the death.  Chun-Li has too much to live for in her life, and I'm sure that the fear of losing or even abandoning them probably petrifies her more than staring down at the face of Akuma. And I'll bet Akuma will easily sense that fear in her before the battle starts. Restu in WT mode does affirm this.


However, I do think that Chun's fear of losing her loved ones would enable her not to fear her own death against Akuma, which may unlock a little bit of extra motivation and power (and perhaps Ki) for Chun to come out victorious.


In my previous insight post about Chun's/Akuma's quotes to each other, my thought was that it would've taken Chun-Li everything she had and her kiko techniques would've had to have at least neutralized Akuma's SnH just for her to survive (and perhaps win) in a fight to the death. If Chun-Li did come face to face (or even fought) against the monstrous Shin Akuma, she def would've had to break past her own limits to come out alive, or even on top.


"This was nothing"  waifu says... after it takes me 15 straight losses against this broken SoB in Battle Hub. XD. Stupidass computer simulator. 



Edited by Chun-Li_Forever
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Random notes now that finally patch is out


- For the point below and if somebody is interested follow correct canon sequence, i suggest complete Akuma's Arcade BEFORE become his disciple in WTM



Seems i was right noticing the smile thing have a BIG meaning for SF6 Akuma

In Akuma's arcade we get a "boss fight" vs Ryu, wish starts a bit before we can actually play and there for a moment they stop and once again Akuma notice Ryu is smiling, and Ryu even reply that even if he does'nt admit it Akuma is having fun too.

On Akuma's face there's no smile, but Ryu mention how he's able to sense the spirit of who's fighting him and that he's sure Akuma can too (as the smile was an "accusation" to Ryu as if he was'nt taking the fight seriously, but Ryu reply he should be able to sense he's 100% serious)


After the fight Akuma alone in his cave is carving a wood statue representing Ryu to commemorate their battle, he chose to put a smile on the statue's face (from what i could see statues he does are all the same usually, is Akuma to remember wich fighter they represent but there's no aesthetic difference)


Shit was even more father-son like moment than SFV encounter    and i will not say not long ago we had Baki vs Yujiro having legendary "Father and Son fight" where something that could have been fueled by anger and revenge end up with them realizing they was enjoying their time together, in fact i'm using the strikethrough filter because i'm not saying it


Imho this is subtle but great way to show Ryu was spot on at recognize behind the scary monster mask Akuma was enjoing the moment, and this is huge because it's a german suplex to everything Akuma thought to believe about fighting, for a moment he's enjoying the fight with somebody rather than live it as a solitary path of destruction where the opponent is'nt much different from wood board to break





The follow up is our avatar reaching him.

Canon wise we have proof our avatar reached him before Marisa (linking to my previous post, one of the 3 smiling fighters he "does'nt hate" to use Retsu's words lol), because he ask us to show him styles we learned he never seen (SF6 newcomers, including Marisa)

So we know if he shows some soft spot for Marisa's attitude is after Ryu left a mark in his mind and after having took Avatar as disciple


Here the smile is mentioned twice, first is the same of the leaked vid i commented in previous post, but after we get another big moment for Akuma's portrayal and things become surprising sad

We get Akuma admitting there can be another path, another way of be fighters... he never did, actually would crush anybody else to proof they're wrong

In SFV Ryu got his curiosity, but in SF6 Ryu convinced him... I had it in italian but guess in english Akuma's explanation to our Avatar is that "there are fighters that smile facing death and others who seek it", with himself obviously being in latter group


Shit is kinda sad because it's clear this admission put Akuma as old and very radicalized man in the position to discover another path is possible for others (just like Gouken did) and that at this point for him is too late, in another dialogue he even mention how he accepted he will die alone and that nobody will care

It's like he consider himself cursed at this point, having pushed himself beyond the freedom of chose what path walk... and ironically may just be a mental block like those he hate to see in others, there's not a specific obstacle (not even Goutetsu murder, wich happened within a specific situation that make it acceptable) that prevent him from start live, return to humanity


Example at Gembu Temple two of "closest" people to him (Retsu and Ryu) not only don't seem to hold grudge against him (Retsu essentially say "he's not THAT bad", Ryu admitting their relationship is complex) but they don't even try to dissuade Avatar from try become his disciple

And by that point Avatar is'nt a complete stranger they don't care about, he's in good relationship with both (ideally even maxed the bond with Ryu)


Not justification for anything he did, but all of this make remember how was'nt him to betray the Master's teachings (in fact Akuma walking that path say he wants honor him), but was Gouken the one to split from the dojo to follow his own vision

Goutetsu being a man able to handle walk both two paths (he could swith in and out SnH at will) likely already understood that, while younger Akuma did'nt and legit thought go 100% SnH was the logical evolution of the style acording to the teachings (wich in his defense is fucking called Assassination Fist) and Gouken in same way thought go 0% SnH was the turn to take.


As Akuma hater(who still thinks lot of bad things about him being in S1 lol) I must admit SF6 did incredible work with him because for first time in whole SF saga i find interesting Akuma's arc


- After they passed so many years going full retard to make him invincible, i love the fact they found a way to show that even if he became a creature that can't be broken from outside, the DOUBT that born inside is a different thing

It's nice one of the most insightful characters of SF6, Lily who have a particular sensibility (she can even sense/talk with spirits and nature) is the one calling him out on that

(thanks @Doctrine_Dark)

Lily: “There’s no question you’re a great warrior. But I sense a bit of insecurity buried in you.”

Just like for Marisa also Lily hypothetical encouter happen after Ryu/Avantar arcs


- Maybe little detail but i LOVED was Retsu the one trying to put a good word for Akuma... and not because he was his istructor at the dojo, but for Retsu personal history

We usually see Akuma by Ryu's or Gouken's perspective, two 100% good "perfect" characters... Ryu and his internal crusade against SnH and Gouken, the man who chosen to tolerate none of that shit to the point he abandoned his Master to build a "pure" school


Retsu even if he redeemed himself have completely different history, he knows corruption and be tempted by forbidden techniques/lust for fighting to the point was banished from his previous temple (the place where he got the Shroinji Kempo training/uniform) .

Even today as redeemed man did'nt went full holy monk, since in SF6 golden chain and gold watch hint he still fit a bit the "dirty/pervert monk" archetype that still loves material goods/lifestyle

He surely know that if was one of them at Goutetsu dojo, he was more likely to become like Akuma rather than like Gouken, so it's cool he does'nt feel in the position to judge but rather point as small positive side


-On Retsu we have a possible canon retcon i guess, because the previous one is'nt much compatible with him being istructor at Goutetsu's dojo of a very young Akuma, since if i understood correctly previous canon was more like:


He got banished from his own temple where learned martial arts


SF1 events


During SF1 he lose vs Ryu (who's already in his early 20s) and change life, joining as some sort of senior istructor at GOUKEN's dojo, staying there long enough to be there when Dan's arrival happened


Either retcon or when he still was a member of the Shorinji Kempo temple he had freedom time to leave it and be at Goutetsu's dojo with young Gouken and Akuma, possibly growing interested in Ansatsuken style... wich tbh could be compatible with temple accusing him of using forbidden techniques (fact itself he learned them elsewhere + violent roots of the style is enough for the "forbidden" thing) and being obsessed with fighting


Would still be bit a stretch for ages but maybe can work

Btw little side note now that we have it would love if SF6 NPC Retsu get stance/some normals from Akuma's style mixed with Ryu ones, would make him more unique and would even make sense


---- Moving to other stuff ----


In Shadaloo Stage side mission we find some goods

- Bit of reports and notes about Bosch psycho power arc, we learn beside stuffing him with PP his body ha been enhanced too, wich would kinda justify the fact he survived/recovered from the explosion that would otherwise have killed a normal human


- Bosch was essentially confirmed as lab reject because the fury caused by PP did'nt made him compatble with being a regular soldier... is likely these rare NPC with lot of colors that remind PP are rejects too.

Fun thing is these are usually immune to fear... if you level up your avatar enough just like in JRPGs minions will be scared and not attack you (unlike at begin when you was weak) but the PP infested ones would still attack you despite having no chances because they can't control their aggressivity


- Hidden in a capsule on the left there's a female called Kai or Kei (i don't remember) wich seems another attempt of do what they tried with Bosch, for game as it is today you can't return there after leaving, so don't miss it (she also may make you win an object that's only there currently)


-I was pissed to discover Akuma Stage and Shadaloo stage don't have merchants


3 hours ago, Miðgarðsorm said:

I'd say it would be too soon, but who knows.

I find it to soon too... just like Akuma  in S1 was to soon too, but guess they want at least one HUGE name for every season to cover the expense

As you say we can only wait and see

Hope at least they have some shame/self respect and don't put both Bison AND Sakura in S2 lol


If Bison is in i hope even more we return to 6 chars model 🤞


Btw imagine Bison travelin on horse feels very Hokuto no Ken 😁

EDIT: @DarthEnderXninja'ed me at this lol

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2 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

Sounds like a Raoh reference.  Who I believe is one of the inspirations for Bison.


Yeah you can be sure some of that is there too because even back to very old SF2 days they blatantly made the parallel with a specific HnK scene 😄 



Edited by CESTUS III
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1 hour ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

Everyone has unique winquotes against SiRN Akuma in the Giant Attack Battle Hub event. Trying to find them all.



Imho stupid but

Wonder if they plan to make at some point a Mecha Akuma NPC (or maybe Akuma alt costume too?), after all is'nt much differerent from Mecha Zangief wich apparently was canon thing* in SF universe due SFV profiles


For whatever reason they seem to like it as they even made his metal wings as avatar gadget in last FP



*and awesome one lol, the fact Shadaloo developed it specifically to counter good guys having a Zangief was so fitting SFV Gief Hype golden era


1 hour ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

Thoughts on Chun-Li's Win Quote vs Shin Akuma:


"I've come face to face with the real man before."  ~ I'm intrigued.  So does that mean Chun-Li has come face to face with the real Akuma or even yet, the legendary Shin Akuma himself canonically? I wonder what that encounter would've been like. Akuma is on a completely different tier canonically than most of the roster. And Shin Akuma would def be a tier above him.

With the "real man"  she simply mean Akuma, where fake man is the SiRN Akuma simulation wich is confirmed by others too (Ryu or Cammy for example) to not be on par with the original


Btw "Shin Akuma" is'nt a different kind of character or power, he's just same guy but going harder... kinda like say Oro using both arms to fight

Only version where there was true difference compared to regular Akuma is NOT canon in SF universe (was in Capcom vs SNK, there he become Shin Akuma getting Orochi Power as extra boost)

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Forgot to add SF6 kinda confirm SF3 Akuma-Oro encounter happened, not sure we had proofs of it before


Akuma add him with Goutetsu, Gouken, Ryu and Gen to the list of fighters he consider memorable


41 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

I thought it was a reference to a different, more sinister thing.


But the possible Raoh connection is cool.

Yeah came to mind that too, and SF6 already did at least 2 winks at SF the movie, but guess on general as imagery jap devs are more familiar with HnK


Plus it's whole scene that scream Raoh style, it kinda implied M.Bison just instant wiped off these minions using his aura while sitting on his horse... and HnK did that shit often enough that basically was gimmick that you needed to impress really hard Raoh to get him to come down from the horse, otherwise you was getting this treatment, not even Kenshiro himself  was safe LOL




Also Bison having fucked up clothes on horse feels familiar 😄 





16 minutes ago, BornWinner said:


Damn, we dodged more bullets than Neo in whole fucking Matrix saga

Edited by CESTUS III
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2 hours ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

Everyone has unique winquotes against SiRN Akuma in the Giant Attack Battle Hub event. Trying to find them all.




Ryu vs SiRN Akuma: You most certainly possess his strength. Yet, there is something missing.


Zangief vs SiRIN Akuma:  Hahah! Come on, I can handle two of these things at the same time!


Dhalsim vs SiRN Akuma: It indeed possess his limitless power. That is without question.


Cammy vs SiRN Akuma:  A fine copy indeed, but one that's easily predictable.


Kimberly vs SiRN Akuma: Who knew that a computer program could have such murderous intent!


JP to SiRN Akuma: Peculiar. You are indeed strong. However, that's all you are.


Ed vs SiRN Akuma: That was just a simulation? Cripes, technology is a scary thing.


Chun-Li vs SiRN Akuma: "I've come face to face with the real man before. This was nothing."

So if S.I.(R).N Akuma were to be canon he would be an S.I.N clone. I remember when Gouken was rumored to be an S.I.N clone in a certain plot guide.


Also "Shin" Akuma mode is unlocked in gameplay  by eating a riceball 




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Okay.  Finished all the new quests and maxed out Akuma's Mastery and Bond.

Now I guess I can just put the game away till Season 2.


16 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

Also "Shin" Akuma mode is unlocked in gameplay  by eating a riceball

So...your opponent has to WANT to you do it.  😛


16 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

So if S.I.(R).N Akuma were to be canon he would be an S.I.N clone.

Or he's a Copy Fighter with an artificial skin.


You know.  Like Abel.  Or the Player!


Edited by DarthEnderX
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2 minutes ago, Chun-Li_Forever said:

Ken to SiRN Akuma: Compared to the real deal, you're not that scary to deal with.


Dee Jay to SiRN Akuma: Wow, they can replicate voices too!? Tech these days is cookin.



I guess Dee Jay isn't one scared of AI voices? @ShockDingoI thought of you when reading it because you're an actual voice actor. And I know that's been a major issue in the industry.

So duplicates are now a possibility in SF6?


It looks like that SF have now introduced a narrative tool to revive Dead Characters and replicate them at the time like KOF Krizalid and Kyo clones.


Looking forward to Amalgam and fused clone in the future, this open up new possibilities like MK1 Janet Cage...


Guile+Chunli Ryu+Chunli Blanka+Dhalsim(Not-Necro)

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