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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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Jun should have probably just redid the tracks entirely and gone for broke but I da know.  I was never really a fan of the prototype/beta tracks from the beginning and I only merely tolerated them cause that's what used for the PC collection.  I'm reading a lot of disappointment out there on this and some have gone so far to say that maybe Jun just can't do Genesis sound anymore and I'm not going to say they're wrong on that if Sonic 4 is any indicator.  I was hoping that he'd be able to bring something out in those versions of the songs to make me like em but no...still meh.  Hell I'd buy a DLC pack probably if they took 3K's ost and just gave it the Mania treatment.  Tee and Jun can split and collab that and it probably be fire.

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Sega needs to just stop dancing around the question at this point and just answer next time someone asks.  I mean its crazy how this something that was only just rumored about in really shushed tones to now Naka himself is pretty much flat out saying it.  It's pretty much 99% true at this point and the only thing holding it back is someone working for Sega right now to confirm.  Sega been avoiding answering the question up to this day and Naka now is like 'nah this happened' lol.





Edited by Sonichuman
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13 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Things might be more complicates then Naka thinks probably...also he's pretty much outright saying aomething that most Sega officials seem to always avoid saying directly.

I appreciate him going Scorched earth since being essentially forced into retirement 

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Welp IGN had their time this month, looks like it's GI's time for July since Sonic Frontiers is actually the cover


So looks like the Sonic Frontiers coverage blowout is going to continue into next month.


Side note:  Cover for GI this month was done by Evan Stanley...If you read the comics then you should know who that is.

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I'm reading through GI's cover story and he goes pretty indepth with what you experience at the start of the game and some of the beginning story beats like what happens with Eggman and I gotta say what I've read so far has put me a bit more at ease regarding Frontiers.  It hasn't completely alleviated my worry but the way he's describing the game and what he's doing, how the combat works, and how Sonic controls in the open world has put me back into cautious optimism.  It also makes me further annoyed that Sega's put videos of that super early build of the game up like that at the start cause they could have had footage from the Summer Games Fest build and it probably wouldn't have been as jank looking.



IDW 50 is out now.  I won't be able to pick up my issue until Fri but I'm quite happy to see how this clash is going to work out and I've been seeing people praising it on my twitter feed.

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So I read Issue 50 today and that extremely well done.  Ian turned Eggman into Batman and it was amazing.  The fights that happened were great especially between Starline and Eggman


There's also an interaction that happens between Sonic and Surge that was peak Sonic in snark.  If I ever come across it I'll post it.



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new GI article/preview/interview on Sonic Frontiers


Summary of stuff within from Era

  • Emphasize on learning from past successes and mistakes. Mentions Forces in particular.
  • Kishimoto has been in Sonic Team for 19 years ! Time flies.
  • Expanded play time thanks to open zone and other factors
  • Open zone said to be an evolution of the world map concept.
  • Iizuka mentions they did a lot of iteration for the island terrain to find something that'd match Sonic's gameplay
  • Controls are cited to be an improvement over past games
  • Open world being sparse explained by Sonic's high speed. Time to encounter with something interesting was said to be good.
  • Cyberspace levels based on Sonic's memories
  • Cyberspace levels not the only mean of progressing in the game


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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Who the fuck asked Penders to create creepy pasta?

The biggest WTF out of here aside from the comb over and the beard are the rocket shoes.  I didn't even notice them at first cause I couldn't get past everything else until I saw someone comment about them and I was like *looks over again*....WHY?

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13 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

The biggest WTF out of here aside from the comb over and the beard are the rocket shoes.  I didn't even notice them at first cause I couldn't get past everything else until I saw someone comment about them and I was like *looks over again*....WHY?

I definitely did not look at it long enough to see that. 

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14 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

The biggest WTF out of here aside from the comb over and the beard are the rocket shoes.  I didn't even notice them at first cause I couldn't get past everything else until I saw someone comment about them and I was like *looks over again*....WHY?

When I looked at the beard I have to do a double take because it looks like a mouth within a mouth. 

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