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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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Initially, I didn't look into everything about Sonic Frontiers Wave 1 free DLC. You can unlock Extreme difficulty, which turns Sonic into a 1-HP-wonder. Rings? WORTHLESS. Upgraded stats? FUGETABOUTIT. Did you have a hard time S ranking Cyber Space 1-2? Well good news, sucker. Now ALL of the Cyber Space stages have strict, ball bustingly hard times to get that sweet S rank. Yeah, Extreme mode is no joke.

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On 3/26/2023 at 1:08 PM, Sonichuman said:

What makes you think I don't care about Transformers?  I like the franchise actually but I got into it pretty late.  I'm not a super fan or anything though but the fact that Transformers and Sonic are both under IDW makes me curious if they'll ever consider doing a crossover.  Not as intriguing as Megaman and Sonic crossing over but the idea of Eggman teaming up with Megatron and learning how the Cybertronians work and applying that to his robots is interesting to me. 

IDW actually lost the Transformers license last year. 
There’s rumblings of Skybound (an imprint of Image comics) is relaunched them next year but as of now there’s no current trasnformers comic. 

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53 minutes ago, iStu X said:

IDW actually lost the Transformers license last year. 
There’s rumblings of Skybound (an imprint of Image comics) is relaunched them next year but as of now there’s no current trasnformers comic. 

Could have sworn I saw advertising for Transformers on the most recent comics...Guess that was earlier than I remember.

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On 3/29/2023 at 7:53 PM, RegH81 said:

Nice to have the Game Gear Sonic titles but I'd love it if the Master System versions of those games were included as well. Yeah, the GG and MS have identical hardware, but there are still differences between the game versions and I think that warrants including them.

I would like Sega to release a Sonic collection of the portable games. Neo Geo Pocket adventure, the advance series and Rush games could use a re-release

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

They're trying to get the jump on April fools...

Edit:  The game is real by the way.

Edit 2: I feel like I'd sus Shadow the most followed by Amy.

I send this game to my nephew and he didn't want to believe it is a real game. Since it's from Sega he is asking me if this is canon. I'm trying not to laugh

Edited by Hawkingbird
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Screenshots and video of what Sonic Frontiers looked like before it was officially shown have been leaked

I can see people blaming it on the game needing to be scaled down on the Switch and they could be right but functions like fog can be adjusted and removed completely.  I do owish that they could have cut the Switch version if it was holding the game back but I know that's kind of a rough business decision to make.

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Previews for the next comic are starting to pop up

Omega just makes me smile anytime he shows up in the comics now.  He's been fast becoming a character that I just want to see interact with others just because of the stuff he says lol.  In either case feels like Shadow is trying to make up for being a bonehead during the metal virus saga  (read: comic writes finally feeling like they can use him better).  Also oh shit at Eggman just dropping Shadow androids.


Edit:  Oh yeah I almsot forgot that Whisper is going to be having mental breakdown seeing this.  "Emotional Damage" indeed.


Edit 2:


Edited by Sonichuman
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Next update for Sonic P06 is out


If you ever wanted to know how Sonic 06 would have played if Sega had actually really QA tested the game then I've been hearing great things about this fan rework.  Apparently the've also put new animations in the game as well

This guy actually just recently got hired at Player1st games (Multiversus)

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Just now, Hawkingbird said:

I've been playing the silver release of Sonic P-06 and it's amazing. Now that I don't have to worry about glitches, slow gameplay, and broken mechanics I can actually appreciate the level design. I've only played Sonic campaign so far and the design of the levels remind me of adventure 1.

I've been hearing nothing but good things about P-06.

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