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Posts posted by JHDK

  1. Just now, MillionX said:

    whoah now hold on...


    So... Jamie Lee Curtis is Dr. Tannis?!  What the hell is going on here?!  A lot of us love Jamie Lee but come on... the woman is 62 and she finally has that "grandmother" look now.  A qick refresher of what Tannis (one of the most gorgeous Borderlands girls, imo) looks like:

    ...maybe in some alternate universe where Borderlands was released back in the 80s, and this was mid to late 80s-era Jamie Lee Curtis then it's a good pick but now? Nah, bruh...

    Kevin Hart is Roland.


    Isn't that enough of a tell that this is going to be a dumpster fire of such epic proportions as to make Leguizamo look like an *ahem* Super choice?

  2. 1 hour ago, DarkSakul said:

    "Because if we create this narration that Egypt had slaves, we can justify the ones we have now". 



    Not really, no.


    There was real, actually slavery waaay before Ancient Egypt.


    They didn't require such.


    And neither did pretty much any any other version - even the Ancient Roman one... which was actually better than being a citizen in many instances.


    All they required was "might".


    Even the asshole European chattel slavers.

  3. 27 minutes ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

    Current thinking is probably not.

    > In 1990, tombs belonging to the pyramid workers were discovered alongside the pyramids,

    > with an additional burial site found nearby in 2009. Although not mummified, they had been

    > buried in mudbrick tombs with beer and bread to support them in the afterlife. The tombs'

    > proximity to the pyramids and the manner of burial supports the theory that they were paid

    > laborers who took great pride in their work and were not slaves, as was previously thought.


    Myths of oppression, belittle actual slaves.


    Religion is psychological warfare after all.

  4. 1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:

    Apparently, in Australia they killed a lot of cats, and more they have a mice problem.



    It is a never ending cycle of Imperialist fuckery of the ecosystem, over there.


    The English brought cats.


    The cats killed the local fauna, fucking up the ecosystem.


    The Aussies killed a bunch of cats.


    But imported mice are now the problem.


    Fuck England.


  5. 18 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    Only had sex with this chick ONE time in the past year, she's fully aware of it. She admits that, but  got mad when she saw me hanging with another woman. As if I don't have needs and am just supposed to wait til she is ready again (if ever) 


    Granted, she's not obligated to give me anything, we're not going steady, but she's withholding sex but becomes upset when I find it elsewhere, make it make sense 🤔

    Bang better broads.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    It's not an identity movement. It's suppose to show that it's the official account of that person or brand. There's a lot of troll accounts out there that pretend to be people. 

    That's almost funny, yet sad.


    I remember way back in the day, some loser on SRK got pissed at me, and made a jabhakdoukenSRK Xbox account to play Ken shittily in SF4. I probably kicked the living shit out of him online and/or real life, too.


    Which was triply hilarious, because I eschewed the 360 completely because of the RRoD, and that I went by Sites008 on both PSN and Steam, and that I always felt embarrassed for anyone who used their SRK handle in their gaming tag, much less slapped an SRK onto the end.


    Also I played Cammy, but mained Hawk post Vanilla.

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