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Posts posted by Sonichuman

  1. 43 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

    The Latest Patch For The Last of Us Remastered Reduced Loading Times By Over 70% On PS4





    How much faster? A LOT. YouTuber ElAnalistaDeBits thankfully uploaded a video comparing the pre-patch and post-patch versions of Last of Us Remastered and the results are sort of hard to believe. For example, before the patch the very first loading screen, before you start even the game, took just over a minute and a half. Now, that same loading sequence takes less than 14 seconds.





    This is sexy AF.  This impresses me more than anything right now.

  2. Among Us gets hacked by Trump Supporter 3 days after AoC plays Among Us with youtubers


    So...AoC plays the game with people and the thought process here was to ruin the game by spamming the chats for everyone playing with Trump support.  I don't think this is going to work out in your favor chief.

  3. 40 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

    Anyone give me a cliffs notes of the Pachter video so I don't have to watch it? 


    The switch is basically the console I always wanted since I was a little kid. I always preferred hand helds because we only had one tv and so being able to play my consoles growing up wasn't always easy. And when we'd go on trips or out I'd have my GameBoy or one of those Tiger handheld games (still have a soft spot for those things), but being able to play the SAME games both handheld AND on tv?? Come on. I wanted one of those PSPs with the TV Out on it but never managed to get one, but this is even better. I can count on one hand the number of times I've played it docked since I got it for Christmas, but having that option is awesome. 

    Pachter's quote in question


    "I don’t really understand the whole hybrid concept... I don’t think most people play it in both modes, I would say that maybe 20% of Switch owners play both modes; and I think most Switch owners play it handheld only. So I honestly don’t understand the whole point of the hybrid. Who cares? Play it as a handheld."


    "And Nintendo isn’t that smart," he continues, "so you never know what they will do next, but I think the smart thing would be to get rid of the Switch console and only have the Switch Lite, get rid of the docking station, get rid of playing on the TV; maybe offer a Fire Stick style dongle for those who do want to play it on the TV."

  4. 1 minute ago, Hawkingbird said:

    I used my switch in handheld mode occasionally. I like to have on me for road trips and subway rides. 

    I use it for both.  It's extremely convenient at especially if my wife happens to be watching something that I just don't care about or being able to continue my outside on the go.  I like having the option of both taking the option away from those who use it for both is dumb.

  5. 5 hours ago, RegH81 said:

    Patcher with a pretty stupid take on the Switch.

    *insert Common footage of Patcher being a dumbass*


    I hadn't even fully watched this vid and I still haven't at the time of typing this...but I got to the quote from him and the very first sentence of it...made me lose IQ points.  'I don't really understand the whole hybrid concept'.  .....Why?  I can't wrap my head around the whole concept of Pachter not understanding the concept.   Who the fuck says something like this with this console dominating  the charts for the past 22 months?  I can't....I just can't compute.

    Edit:  Holy hell there's a 2nd part to his quote?  and what a fucking doozy start for this second paragraph  'And Nintendo isn't that smart'.  What the fuck am I listening to right now?  Yeah Nintendo makes some dumb ass shit decisions some times (case in point the whole Fire Emblem 20th anniversary digital limited release....smh)  but this company has been making money hand over fist with this system SINCE RELEASE.  It might not stay that way when the new consoles come out but people have been clearly digging what this system is and even more so during the pandemic.  Has Patchter just given up on even attempting to be taken seriously?  I feel like he's given up on anyone attempting to take him seriously now.

  6. 8 hours ago, Flighflighflugit said:

    Thought it would be cool to see Chris use his unique team in high level but dude doesn't know how to relax and have some fun. Everyone knows online isn't going to show who the guaranteed best is and he just didn't want to hear randoms talk shit on him for losing in an online tournament lol

    I mean...He didn't get completely washed like Lord Knight and he would have had 6 more opportunities for redemption since its round robin.  Super shame really.

  7. 5 minutes ago, iStu X said:

    This was super fun dumpster fire to watch live on my Twitter feed 



    This part is the best though: 

    “Over the course of a few hours, Hutchinson’s handful of tweets altogether received nearly 10,000 retweets on Twitter, which significantly exceeds the combined total of retweets on atGoogleStadia tweets across the entirety of the three-day “Good Stuff” event — currently under 2,000 retweets. The intense discussion on Twitter has caused “Stadia” to become a trending topic in the United States.” 

    This is the asshole who also said women aren’t worth having in video games because they’re too hard to animate and game journalists aren’t allowed to give Japanese games bad reviews because it’d come off ass racist. 


    Yeesh...this guy.  If anything that should make this dude shut up is Among Us.   That game nobody was playing and then some streamers played that game and put it on the map and now that dev is making more money.

  8. 23 minutes ago, iStu X said:

    Correct. It’s going to be removed from the eShop at on 4/1/21


    (At the bottom highlighted in blue) 


    limited edition is up for preorder though. 


    i preordered a copy but I don’t even k ow if I’ll keep the preorder. If I do I’ll just scalp it to someone on eBay. Mwuahahaha 

    This is...UNBELIEVABLY DUMB.  This is actually even more dumb than the Super Mario 3D Allstars situation since there isn't a physical game involved that is gonna be put in circulation.  I like FE but I don't like it enough to spend 5.99 on an old digital NES game thats going to support this tomfoolery.  I was gonna buy the game despite probably barely being able to play it but now I'm good.


    Edit:  The more I think about it the more dumb it feels.  They spent time and money doing their own translation of the game...why in the hell from a business perspective would you not want to make maximum profit for your effort.  Fuckin BLOWS MY MIND right now.

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