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  1. LOL
    DarkSakul reacted to OPTIMUS124 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    E.T. came out 40 years ago. Also, IYKYK

  2. +1
    DarkSakul got a reaction from DangerousJ in To Boldly Go, The Star Trek Thread   
    You should, its a return to form for Trek.
  3. LOL
  4. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to Maxx in To Boldly Go, The Star Trek Thread   
    need to see it
  5. LOL
    DarkSakul reacted to iStu X in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
  6. LOL
  7. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Dude it's not popular culture conformity to not want to anyones religion forced upon me. That's not conformity. Being faithful makes of the majority mindset of the entire country, that's the conformist position. 
    Nothing you have said makes a single bit of sense. You are a loser who would give up all his freedoms for a fake sense of security. 
    Have a day bro. I'm done talking to you about this. Your position is fucking insane. Rights are not God given. They are man made and they requires men fight to uphold them. I'll will never stop fighting for my right to freedom from yours or anyone sense faith. Religion is, as far as I am concerned, a big excuse to justify the immoral shit people do because etheir God said it was OK.  It's a club and heaven for sick fucks to congregate and pretend they are decent people. I have 0 faith in faith. Don't care what you thinknthay makes me.
    Keep your faith to yourself.
  8. -1
    DarkSakul reacted to zatalcon3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    No i'm not, you misrepresenting again. As i said, we have cultural problem of the US. You leftists and rightists think the same. Both of you would rather risk another atrocity from happening as long as "it doesn't go against your rights". The right is like this when gun control is suggested, but fuck their rights and not yours, eh? No, fuck both of you. What i'm encouraging is the end of this pop cultural conformity, and disassociate from the 2 ideologies that are dicking us all around.  

    - Not all those countries have gun control, Europe does, so they are an example as to why we need to ban guns. Some asian countries have faith stuff in their schools. I don't see what the big deal is, religion is easy, we can cherry pick the good philosophical shit in buddhism, christianity, hinduism, shintoism, to shove down your throat. 
  9. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    No you're encouraging forcing religion on people. That's what you are encouraging. Your post is nothing but a hand wave for what you are actually doing. What those countries have that we don't is gun control and affordable medical care. They have living wages and strong family homes. We don't have those things in America. We have tons of thoughts and prayers tho.  
    We don't need faith. Keep your faith to yourself. 
  10. -1
    DarkSakul reacted to zatalcon3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    If pushing faith has the potential to never see Uvalde again, then i'm all for it. I don't care if you want to say im close to a theist. If whatever they believe in can prevent someone from shooting, then that is all that matters to me. You caring about getting your feelings hurt because of beliefs you don't like over that is absurd.  Fuck, you are not even at school anymore so why the fuck are you bitching as if it's going effect you? LOL. You are all emotional thinking. 
    Many migrants claim faith is practiced in their schools and none of them have shootings,  why, what are they doing? Stop trying to label me like Ted Cruz, you are once again showing that you are illiterate and someone who results to misrepresenting an argument and the person you are arguing with to have a point for yourself, I've voiced that I think the 2nd amendment has to be voided, so fuck off with your Ted Cruz/NRA shit.

    BTW: I was only giving advice and encouraging positive relationships for the benefit of our society.
  11. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Your pushing faith on people as a cure for their societal ills. That close enough to a thiest for me so you can eat shit. Nothing you say has any substance on the subject of forcing any kind of faith on people. 
    Fuck off forever with that stance. Nothing you say will make forcing faith on people ok. Fuck off with that entire idea. I don't give one single fuck if you think my feelings that you keep your fucking faith garbage to yourself is a detriment to society. Considering a bunch of faith based religions have been the source of massive amonts of violence you can eat shit and die with that stance. I'm for sensible gun control to make it harder to get guns, and reforming health care so people can get proper mental health care they need without being bankrupt by it. I'm perfectly happy to make consenssions to help solve the problem. 
    The one area I'm not willung to budge is for shit stain fucko moralistic control freaks like yourself using faith and religion to indoctrinate and control the masses. I will fight to you to the damned end of my days to be free from your fairy tale clap trap horse shit religions being forced on myself or anyone else who wants nothing to do with it.
    If you think that makes me a bad person I do not fucking care. You've spent the last year here sexually harassing the users here about their personal lives and relationships, even after they have long ago told you to stop, and you refused, not one fucking thing you say will ever hold any value ever. You need to get your disgusting bullshit under control before you even begin trying to tell other people how to fix their lives.  Double gross using the deaths of children as a springboard for religious indoctrination. 
    Fuck off forever Ted Cruz Jr. 
  12. -1
    DarkSakul reacted to zatalcon3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I'm not a theist so gtfo with your "stop pushing your faith". i'm shoving it to societal clichés whose views are all straight conformity. I don't care about your feelings. The fact is other countries do this and it maybe a reason why their culture doesn't shoot kids. You are an example of the cultural problem in the US, caring about your own feelings towards political views rather than sacrificing it for a possible a solution. 
  13. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Dude fuck you for using dead children to try and push you stupid faith based horse shit on everyone.  I will bitch and kaon until your fucking ears Bleed about trying to force your fairy tale horse shit on me and mine. 
    Fuck off. 
  14. -1
    DarkSakul reacted to zatalcon3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    When I see this
    Any hurt feelings towards faith in schools and the suspending of the 2nd amendment can fuck off. As shown by two posters here, if it invades "their feelings" then it is not to be tried, nevermind when other countries have gun bans to faith practicing in schools and do not have any form of mass shootings. People in this country care more about their "rights" and what the popular societal view is than finding an actual way to make sure 10 year old kids don't get shot at school again. That is horrible. If you don't like hearing philosophies/teachings from Buddha, Vishnu, Jesus, Mohammad, Zeus, then sit down and stfu. Don't bitch and moan about your rights being taken away, you will go home after or whole foods, relax. 
  15. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Would help if they stopped showing up to public events that children attend in their BDSM Fur suits *lookin at you SonicFox, tho his antics do make me laugh for how much they piss everyone off*
  16. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to BB_Hoody in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    The rate at which these shootings happen is insane. It's borderlands out here. You gotta carry a gun, grenades, ammo, and perfect a combat skill for clutch situations. And shout out to the lady who was armed, trained, and gunned down a would be mass shooter
  17. LOL
    DarkSakul reacted to Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    @Hecatom what in the actual fuck, man 😂
  18. Insightful
    DarkSakul got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in To Boldly Go, The Star Trek Thread   
    Ep 4 of Brave new Worlds is possibly the best episode of Trek in the last 20 years
  19. LOL
  20. LOL
    DarkSakul reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
  21. LOL
  22. Insightful
  23. Insightful
    DarkSakul reacted to Maxx in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Had a really bad sense of dread while ubering tonight. No idea why it overwhelmed me and it came outta nowhere. But legit not even 2 min after getting this i saw a super bad car accident happen in front of me. Dude ran a red and got hit by an suv badly. 
  24. +1
    DarkSakul reacted to Hawkingbird in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    The UK case was against The Sun not Heard herself. 
  25. -1
    DarkSakul got a reaction from zatalcon3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    With all the wars, prejudices, slavery, holding back scientific advancement, that religion is responsible of, I never want to here how Religion offers any kind of Morality.
    Religion is where most of the worlds Evils come from. 
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