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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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*I will definitely be downloading that Olivia Munn ASMR clip later...woo lawd yes 😳 so many loads were inspired by her back in the day.... (heh, funny that G4 and "Attack of the Show" are now so old that it can now be called "back in the day")


ok, this girl Anna Camp as "Sarah" the preacher's wife in True Blood....goddamn she's a fine little piece...  sheeeeit, I'd ravage.  As expected Jason Stackhouse got a nice little handjob from her a few scenes ago... and now as I type it looks like she can't resist... yeahhhhh Jason's about to give it to her right there in church as I type this, actually.  hell yeah give it to her hard for all of us, Jason.


"Daphne" (the new blonde that starts working at Sam's bar) is a cute one too, though she's definitely lacking in booty.  The lineup of hotness on this show is definitely commendable.  

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sheeeeit, I'm on a very old iPhone....of course I didn't pay for it; Dad just gave me this contraption years ago.  It still works perfectly fine, so I won't be getting a new one anytime soon.... especially since Apple has some really funny ideas of what "upgrading" means lately.   

*yep, before Dad gave me that phone... I was one of those people that was STILL using an old "flip-phone".  The reactions at work when people saw my "ancient" phone were always gold.🤣


*still on True Blood here... finished season 2...  at this point I'm not sure which vamps I enjoy more--- this or the CW shows version.  The ones in True Blood's world go back further in time... and now I'm realizing some of them can fly!  Hell yeah, man... would I sell my soul for such powers?  Most likely, yeah.👍



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damn, he went all kid-gloves on Memphis, sadly....funny to see that it was the #1 on his list though, but yeah, that city doesn't deserve people to go easy on it like that....seems like his vid kinda played it safe.


Anyone who hasn't been there--- just think of all the worst stereotypes imaginable regarding American black people, and there ya go.  The city is actually an ongoing "Nigga Moment" as they say on that Boondocks cartoon.  A certain old friend mentioned there's some gentrification going on but I doubt even that medicine will be strong enough to work on M-town.

The women--- they're fuckin terrible, generally speaking.  If you see a fine woman there....chances are she is NOT a native 🤣....don't ever waste your time in that place, especially if you're looking for a mate.  

"The 'hood cliques" --when I was growing up there, neighborhoods were occasionally regarded as gangs.  People throw up "South Park Village, nigga!" with signs and shit like this is a Crips vs. Bloods kinda thing.... and "Tear Da Club Up" back in the day was like an anthem that actually gets people worked up enough to "tear da club up" FOR REAL, with property damage and violence going on.  Yeah.... Memphis is basically N.W.A. and "Deebo from Friday" in the form of a "city".  

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I know most of you are already apathetic towards SFV but man, some of these costumes are completely distracting competitively. How the hell is Airman Rashid, Plush Blanka and semi-invisible Mummy Dhalsim tournament legal?


  The hitboxes are so ambiguous with these costumes I'd be infuriated having to deal with that BS on a tournament level.

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3 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Starhammer ,


As Shang Tsung once said, "It has begun!"

G1 Walmart reissues have started popping up in isolated pockets around the USA.

This Devastator is the first sighting and was in Tx. The price was $75

Hot Rod, Starscream have also been spotted and are $30-$35.

Happy Hunting!




Aw yeah I'm about to jump online an.......................................

..............................Dammit.  Plan B.  Time to make a house call on good ol' Wally world.  I swear if I see someone holding it when I get there, I'm pulling a phantom fist and snatching it by reaching through the shelf from the other side.  I don't wanna Bison stomp someone's kids for the set, but I'll do it.  I'll be the one wearing the James Brown Dingo boots and the jacket that zips up to my face.

Now if someone that looks like that ends up on the news, I'm gonna feel all kinds of guilty. 

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43 minutes ago, *.:White ShadoW:.* said:

I know most of you are already apathetic towards SFV but man, some of these costumes are completely distracting competitively. How the hell is Airman Rashid, Plush Blanka and semi-invisible Mummy Dhalsim tournament legal?


  The hitboxes are so ambiguous with these costumes I'd be infuriated having to deal with that BS on a tournament level.

Have you seen these?  

For real yo.  Most of them nailed it good.  OMG @ Chun "Wonder woman" Li.  😍

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9 hours ago, *.:White ShadoW:.* said:

I know most of you are already apathetic towards SFV but man, some of these costumes are completely distracting competitively. How the hell is Airman Rashid, Plush Blanka and semi-invisible Mummy Dhalsim tournament legal?


  The hitboxes are so ambiguous with these costumes I'd be infuriated having to deal with that BS on a tournament level.

Costumes in SF4 got pretty big/weird too -- doesn't bother me that much honestly.  Tekken costumes can get pretty crazy visually also.

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cheh, I'm trying to get through this first episode of that show "Insecure" just to give it a chance...  annnnd nah it's not looking good.  For some odd reason the first episode is free on youtube on the "Issa Rae Presents" channel.  Eh at least her friend "Molly" looks ok in some scenes...she has some serious DSLs.  That specific part of her is a 10.


*that Wonder Woman-edition Chun Li is serious PRIME TIME. 😳

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2 hours ago, misterBee said:

Costumes in SF4 got pretty big/weird too -- doesn't bother me that much honestly.  Tekken costumes can get pretty crazy visually also.

I don't mind form fitting costumes but when the design becomes asynchronous with the actual character model I think it becomes an issue when deciphering spacing. I don't think it matters as much in Tekken due to the perspective and aspect ratio.

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ok yeahhhhh I won't be able to make it with this Insecure show.... "it's a no for me, dawg".  It's written by Issa Raye herself, and it seems apparent right away that this is clearly a "for women, by women" kinda show.  Strange thing about that woman.... in numerous pictures I've seen, she looks kinda cute...but at least from what I've seen on the show, she doesn't look *as* cute in motion.  Normally it is the exact opposite with a lot of actresses on tv... the pictures don't really do them have to see them in motion.  It may be the haircut though... on the first episode she has this weird "1980s Grace Jones" kinda style that's NOT working for me at all.  Most women just can't get away with that, at least for me..


*back on those SFV modded outfits--- the Juggernaut costume is perfect and actually makes that dumb Abigail character look cool for a change.


...and sadly this just reminded me that I never got to play as Juggernaut in that Marvel Heroes online-rpg that was out a few years ago.  I forgot if he was in the console version... it was missing some characters...but I bet it would've been fun to play as him.  On PC I had Loki as my main character, and on XB1 version I had started with Blade.  This game was a good example of why I think online-only for gaming is STUPID, btw.  Disney/Marvel pulled the damn funding so Gazillion had to shut it all down.  You CAN'T play this damn game anymore, no matter how much you spent on it. (*fortunately I never bought anything on it)

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On 9/21/2018 at 6:50 AM, TheInfernoman said:

I just discovered a wiki page for all superhero powers ever conceived.


yeah I may be slow at this but it's a nice reference point for a story I want to create. 

I would highly suggest you check out the wiki on public domain superheroes:


These are superheroes that no longer have copyright holders and are in the public domain.  You can use them as-is or use them as inspiration for your own stuff.

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heh, I found this legendary film "Manos" on youtube earlier today....actually watched the whole thing's so terrible I love it 🤣...I found out about it many years ago thanks to Mystery Science Theater 3000...ended up being one of their greatest episodes......anyway, check this guy's review of Manos: the Hands of Fate:

*sidenote--the redhead wife "Margaret" in this movie was niiiiiiice.  I'd eat.


Edited by MillionX
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14 hours ago, misterBee said:

I would highly suggest you check out the wiki on public domain superheroes:


These are superheroes that no longer have copyright holders and are in the public domain.  You can use them as-is or use them as inspiration for your own stuff.


The Trans community could use this as a plot to make their own hero...ine? 

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I can't get enough of the youtube drama, man... apparently Sargon of Akad said some outrageously stupid shit recently (saying people are "acting like n__g___rs") and Metokour has a stream going live right now with 16k+ people's fuckin gold, man.


It would be nice if some shit would hit the fan regarding M. Santoro (*I'd still bet money that his old girl Nicole was absolutely a "beard"), but I doubt it...that guy appears to be invincible for some odd reason.


y'know, at this point when it's well over 10,000 people watching a live stream... the chat becomes useless because it's moving way too fast to read anything.  


*I still don't get the whole "super chat" thing, but I don't blame the youtubers out there for getting as much of that gravy train going as possible....I'm looking at one person right now on the stream that gave $50.... and there's so many people in this, he probably won't ever get around to reading that the guy basically donated 50 bucks for nothing.🤣  It makes no sense to me.

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Hey Million and TF fans,


New BB trailer is out. Now I havent been excited by anything in the live action movies in 11 years.

However, some quick shots show that Cybertron will be featured briefly and director Travis Knight actually wants to throw a bone to fans.. 





Shockwave and Decepticon seekers 




But the next one is Millon's favorite..


Soundwave: Ravage, EJECT!  Operation Hope!


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The terminally ill Smash fan that had his last wish filled by Nintendo passed away. Nintendo actually came to the bedridden fans house with the E3 demo. RIP

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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I saw it and had a blast.

I got there just in time and I saw a bumblebee clip.
Surprisingly, they went straight into the movie at 7:05. NO Commercials which was strange but welcome
(My local AMC has 25 min of previews/ads)


After the end credits, there was a 10 min featurette on Stan Bush and the origins of "The Touch" and "Dare".

This was my first time at this theatre called Veterans 24. They had leather seats which reclined which was cool.It made the $13.50 price tag worth it.

The Unicron and planets scenes and ships looked so great on the big screen.
My theater gave free posters 16 x 18 of the recent 2016 bluray artwork.

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sheeeeit, the eternal trainwreck that is the news continues to entertain for a variety of reasons... lately with the Kavanaugh thing and the results of the Cosby thing, of course...really brings out some amazing/hilarious bias in some people, y'know...


I saw a vid on Cosby on youtube the other day...basically a guy rambling on about how this is what Cosby gets for being a "coon" :rofl: I really should've seen that coming, actually.  There's so much that immediately strikes me as "wrong" about such a shitty, dunce-cap ass statement....but it's also frustrating, man... like here we go again with this idea that anyone black saying bad things or giving "tough love" commentary to other black people is automatic "coon" status....the shit is pitiful, man.  (*I'll take a wild guess here and say that dude making the vid is one of those that had a problem with Cosby telling younger black men to "pull ya pants up." among other things?  (I still don't get why so many of us apparently LOVE to be seen in public looking like a damn PRISON BITCH.)


*also funny how some people immediately think Cosby's situation is obviously some kind of set-up or nefarious plot by "white supremacy"... or just false altogether.... but in the same breath they assume all accusations about Kavanaugh are true, like his accusers are automatically believed...yeah ok whatever man 🤣

The human species is....something, man.  Tribal mentality and narrow-minded, petty silliness to the end, apparently.

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haha just watched another vid of Nicole Arbor and was reminded of that fiasco with Matt again... it still makes me laugh that so many people apparently just go along with this notion of him being straight, y'know?  Come the fuck on.... it's like I'm in the Twilight Zone on that issue, being the only one apparently to notice that shit.... for those unfamiliar.... let's say.... anyone like Richard Simmons, Magic Johnson's son, or "Boy George" suddenly showed up at a public event with their new girlfriend or wife.... and the whole world just BUYS that being a legitimate thing.  BRUH come on, get out of here with that. 🤣

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On 9/29/2018 at 10:12 AM, DangerousJ said:

Hey Starhammer,


I saw the G1 Devastator set at my local Walmart last night. My area is usually slow to get new stuff so I would start looking around your area .

I jumped the gun and ordered it off Amazon when I saw it.  I spent  more than if I had been able to snatch it in the store, but That means grandma doesn't have to figure  out why a roving gang of hot wheels cars suddenly jumped off the shelf to attack her when she grabbed a package of decepticons for little jimmy's birthday party.  Everybody wins.........except my wallet.  It done went and got financial Anorexia.  They'll be helping out the other Transformers on my desk when they arrive.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
to make it funnier.
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damn this is so good... I'm watching more True Blood... "business has DAMN sure picked up, folks!"


..and the girls are so ridiculously hot on this show--- I'm liking that "Queen of Louisiana" more and more each time I see her, though I realize she sadly has no booty.  The rest of her is almost good enough to offset that flaw.  


*Tara's eyes twitching when she fucked that vampire... still a stand-out hilarious scene, man... I won't soon forget that visual.  It looked like she was starting to have a seizure there.


*I see they also employ the "older = stronger" rule in this show, in terms of vampire lore....unlike CW's shows, the species goes much further back in time.  The Mikaelson family is "only" about 1000 years old.  In TB there's a few characters already in early seasons that are much older than that, and apparently their origins go back to the biblical "Lilith"..... that reminds me--- in CW "Supernatural", Lilith is also considered the "mother of all monsters" idea I always would've done in my own writing, actually.


sheeeeit, I can't ever get enough of this stuff.

Edited by MillionX
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On 9/23/2018 at 2:32 PM, MillionX said:

I can't get enough of the youtube drama, man... apparently Sargon of Akad said some outrageously stupid shit recently (saying people are "acting like n__g___rs") and Metokour has a stream going live right now with 16k+ people's fuckin gold, man.


It would be nice if some shit would hit the fan regarding M. Santoro (*I'd still bet money that his old girl Nicole was absolutely a "beard"), but I doubt it...that guy appears to be invincible for some odd reason.


y'know, at this point when it's well over 10,000 people watching a live stream... the chat becomes useless because it's moving way too fast to read anything.  


*I still don't get the whole "super chat" thing, but I don't blame the youtubers out there for getting as much of that gravy train going as possible....I'm looking at one person right now on the stream that gave $50.... and there's so many people in this, he probably won't ever get around to reading that the guy basically donated 50 bucks for nothing.🤣  It makes no sense to me.

to be honest, if you can milk a few 5  dollar superchats per hour per day you can get over.  I've seen many a $10 dollar chat go up and some even hit 100 in one or two rooms Iv'e been in.  if I could hold it down like that, I'd do it.  


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yeah, even the moderately successful folks are getting frequent donations of varying amounts...  I watch John Campea's show usually...and it's non-stop over there---and he does a live show every day; I think he actually does 2 a day.  It's constantly a line of super-chats and he can't even get to them all... you'll see 5, 10, 20+....and this is every day for him.  This is of course on top of whatever he's getting on ads, I assume.  Some of the fans donate multiple times per stream...and usually it's only a few hundred people watching at a time if I recall, but the money is flowing like water from this (*so imagine how much people make when it's those who get a couple of thousand people watching each stream!).  Fascinating. 


...those numbers--- so imagine you run a live stream for an hour, and get just 10 people giving 10-dollars.... just like that you've made $100 for an hour of your time right there.  I'm sure there is "show-prep" going into it before one goes live each day but DAMN that's nice....and that's a low-ball estimation there.... these people are getting way more than that if they're even *slightly* successful with it.

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if  Salma wanted to piss on me... yep you guessed it... I'd be perfectly ok with that.  She's Legend status.


*currently watching True Blood again and HOLY SHIT Russell just killed this dude out of the blue on his live television broadcast… awesome scene there. He continues to address the audience while holding a piece of that dude’s bloody spinal column in his right hand. NICE. And… just a few minutes earlier Sam beat the shit out of this werewolf dude in his bar. This show is gold, man.  

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