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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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back on True Blood again... there's a fine new vamp in season 5, I see... "Nora", I think is the name...then some other woman that's 1 of the "chancellor" people in The Authority....oooh and hot DAMN she just got fully naked in episode 3....damn that looks nice.


*a certain major character has been turned now... and they're pissed about it for now... and once again I never really got that.  "Oh no you turned me into this BADASS superhuman thing that is better than being human in every conceivable way....oh what a terrible fate."  yeah ok sure 😄


More ideas keep hitting me for my dream supernatural/monster game...if only I had the extra time and enough money to get a real dev team together to make that dream a reality... basically it would be an ARPG where the player characters are all "monsters" of some sort-- vamps, werewolves, witches/warlocks, fallen angels, demons, wendigos, shifters, etc.

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well, I was looking for another loony-left kinda youtube channel to laugh at since Think Tank was tragically shut down...and here we go with mtv decoded.... Bearing laughs at one of their vids here:

ohoooo and they have another one titled "Can you choose your own pronouns?" ohhhh yes this should be gooood 🍿 😆

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The Mask of the Phantasm screening was fun though there were only 5-6 people in the theatre as opposed to Transformers the Movie which was like 90-100 folks.


Before the film, there was a CG Roadrunner/Coyote short. It was ok. I didnt know if it was made for this film specifically or was a pre-existing work.

I dont think they used the recent 2017 Buray bc it didnt look as sharp as that.


My 3 favorite scenes are











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It just hit me again just how problematic it would be if I was going forward with making this dream game I mentioned and let a certain old occasionally annoying friend in on of the many problems would inevitably be game balance issues...


Basically, he has no clue about that or appreciation for the concept of attempting to balance characters.  He's one of those people who would come up with a character that is basically GOD...a wild guess here--

"Ok dude... my character will be an alien/demon hybrid dude who is super-humanly fast and strong.  He deals twice as much damage as the others but is also much faster than them.  The others start with 100 HP...let's start my character off with 800 HP at level 1....and on each level up the player gets +100 HP added, +100 attack power, etc....oh and he's immune to all control effects....and he has a natural healing factor that's faster than your vamp and werewolf guys...oh and he has projectile attacks but also some strong melee moves that come out instantly, no start-up animations...and at level 3 he gets an auto-resurrect ability so he really can't be killed...and he has a super-form where he goes full demon mode and is completely invincible for 45 seconds...let's give it a 6-second cool-down...and.." etc. etc.🤣 


^Yes, this would seriously be the type of stuff he would come up with....a character that makes the others on the roster pointless and trivializes all content in the game to Fable 2-status easy-mode.  This is just one of the potential issues of working with him on such a project.  So....if I ever got crackin' on this game for real one day; I'd have to just lie forever and keep him out of the loop on that shit.

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The Latest on "Darksfadil"...just a quick update here...


Ok, he's been playing Spyro lately...and I hate to play "that card" with the age thing (I'm more "ancient" than he is, actually)'s really, really odd to see a 36-year old dude playing THAT particular game and reacting live on camera as his "job".  Spyro is one of the most "kiddie" looking games I've seen in the past several looks like something designed for a target audience of "ages 5 - 9" if I had a son that was say...14... I'd wonder why he wants to play Spyro instead of say God of War and Spiderman. 


The visual we're getting here is just...goddamn it's strange, man. (LSB re-streamed it--if curious...example here)  It's like when you see who actually shows up to My Little Pony events like conventions or whatever movie premieres...dudes that look to be 20s and 30s who are REALLY into that shit for some reason.  Spyro happens to look like a MLP character now that I think of it.  Oh and yeah of course he's having trouble with this game that looks like it was made for 5-year olds......of course. 😄


Sidenote---he's avoiding Fallout 76.  I don't blame him, actually...that game looked like trash from day 1.  I've never been a fan of this franchise anyway so I'm on the outside looking in...the whole game sounds like such a terrible idea.  Online only with no npcs...and I'm hearing there's barely any content...and because of what company wwe're talking about we know it's going to be half-ass and loaded with's a no for me dawg....get outta here with that.

Edited by MillionX
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20 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

You've come a long way, Perceptor....

I get that one of the original toy lines Transformers is from was based on everyday objects...


But come on.  A microscope is lame.  Even turning into a killer death robot can't stop a microscope from being lame.


On 11/14/2018 at 9:57 AM, Darc_Requiem said:

@misterBee Still need name suggestions for the forum? Have you narrowed it down? You seem to want to continue the FGC theme. If you've gone with ES  AR I'm filing a formal protest you. Now I know how NFL players feel 🤣

Now you're giving me ideas...

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Legacies on CW...


ohhhhh yes "Hope" [Danielle Rose Russell] just mentioned "trying out for the cheerleading squad".... sooo we might get to see her in UNIFORM lawd have mercy yes 😳  I'd eat her ass out anytime, anyplace.  


Some of the "woke" shit they slide in these CW shows lately is a bit annoying... I can tolerate it to look at the gorgeous lineup of hotness this network is known for though.  Besides Danielle, there's some other cute ones on there as well... Alaric's daughters are QUITE nice.


*random note-- there's an older lady that works in the same building that sadly looks like a female version of the Penguin from DC.  Hahah she even waddles back and forth as she walks, like an actual penguin.  It would've been funny if she showed up at Halloween with the suit, monacle, top hat and a weaponized umbrella.

Edited by MillionX
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I had a nice evening of arcades and Arepas.


I went to this bar/arcade hybrid, which seems to be a popular motif now.

I played on an intact ST cabinet (Jpn edition) with working buttons/stick, which I havent played on in 20 years. They also had MVC2 and a UMK3 cabinet. They also had functional TMNT 1989, Xmen (1992) and Simpsons among some pinball games and some NES /N64 consoles.


The arepa joint was good too. they used to have a food truck, but now graduated to a sit down cafe. The decoration on the wall resembled a skyline reminiscent of Batman TAS.
I actually love cachapas, a corn -based pancake with some guyanes (sp?) cheese.

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4 hours ago, misterBee said:

I get that one of the original toy lines Transformers is from was based on everyday objects...


But come on.  A microscope is lame.  Even turning into a killer death robot can't stop a microscope from being lame.


It gets worse than that.  In the episode,"Cosmic Rust" it nearly got him killed.  

sorry, that one isn't in English and I can't seem to find one that is.  the scene in question starts at 14:27 and it speaks for itself.

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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oh yeah.  I listen to that one from time to time.  It seems to be helpful when I'm trying to draw someone, but not so much during buildings or such.  There are plenty of actual good music stations on YouTube that completely banish the shit they play on radio these days.  Nobody should ever be stuck  listening to something they don't like now.  There is  always another choice.

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yeah I listen to that one regularly and "NewRetroWave", which features new stuff that is produced to sound like "new wave", synth/pop, etc. from the 80s.


...I'm getting caught up on Midnight, Texas now, at least season 2; so only 2 episodes I missed.  Arielle Kebbel is on this show, looking hotter than ever.  Previously she was a vamp on Vampire Diaries [Steffen's old friend from...I think the 1920s...she was the one that helped bring him out of his "ripper" phase]


whoah there is a FINE ass redhead on this show... she wears way too much lipstick though, which I think is just part of her character to look like that for some reason.

*More hotness on the show--- my newfound baby Parisa Fitz-Henley (salad-toss worthy) is on this show too-



*oddly enough... the black dude that's a vampire on this show... he was also a vampire in True Blood.

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this is some bullshit man... youtube is fucked up once I watch another one of Tevin's re-streams of "Darksfadil"... keep getting 500 internal server error if I reload on another tab.  The strange thing is that Tev's re-stream is still going on and visible in my main tab...though chat and everything else on the page is fucked.

*ah it's back now though...


Haunting of Hill House is off to a good start so far.

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@MillionX  really needs to start playing pen and paper rpgs so he can make all these uberpowerful dudes like I be making.   Some person is running a game that uses a class that basically lets you take other abilities from different classes.   On top of that however they let us add an alternate version of it to the mix that lets you take monster abilities as well.   And we can even use what they call templates you change our characters even more. 


Like the template I am using turned my character into a psychic vampire type of bad ass that can just jump into peoples bodies at will.  He can even jump into a corpse and run around as zombie or skeleton if he wants.   The enemy would think he was some weak low level monster and get their ass hit with all kinds of electromagnetic space karate type shit XD.     I got that boy some Dio eye beams and he can mess around with the time stream a bit too so he can read a book and have people punch only to hit air with that big ass exclamation mark above their heads.  


Like this dude is only level 11 but I am more than sure he can destroy all the end boss type creatures that exist in this game.   Like even if they manage to hit and damage me I can like just say naw, and reduce that shit by half or just teleport somewhere else.   I like the move that you can get that lets you trade places so they hit themselves.   I gotta for sure use that on these wannabe Jojo dudes.    Show them that fucking around with a real vampire gangsta is mudamudamudamuda!!!

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Hell yeah... I love the idea of "power stealing" as an's a top tier thing in a world of supernatural, superhuman things.  I never got into old-style pen/paper table-top rpgs though....which looking back on my childhood I consider that a real shame...


...however, I wouldn't have had anyone to play with anyway unless the parents took me to special events for that sort of thing.  None of my friends were into that, and I don't recall anyone in my old schools being into it either....and especially not at that shitty ass junior high I went to...or the high school which were both filled with all the negative stereotypes you can imagine.  There was only ONE friend who would've been into it, and it would've been no fun to play with him.... he's one of those people that would just design a completely ridiculous character "yeah my character has 10,000,000,000 HP starting at level 1, he's completely invincible to physical and magic attacks and can auto-resurrect himself, does well at melee or ranged combat, he can transform...." etc.  I like overpowered shit too but he'd take it to the point where it's literally no weaknesses at all and not even that interesting anymore. 

(*he's the "one-upsmanship" type of dude... like if you tell him you had a dream about flying, he'd then tell you he had a dream where he had acquired the Infinity Gauntlet and had every power)


**on another note--- D3 characters are pretty damn ridiculous but no one really seems to take the time realizing it since the game has infinitely scaling difficulty through the Greater Rift system...the wizard, for example:

  • -has the power to slow down time itself in areas of your choosing.
  • -teleportation
  • -energy projection
  • -casting illusions of him/herself...illusions that can also do damage
  • -control of the elements-- fire, lightning, ice magic
  • -summons--- elemental hydra, or a familiar
  • -diamond skin spell
  • -an auto-resurrection passive ability that comes with a magic barrier which is 400% of his/her HP!
  • The ARCHON form [aka Godmode], which grants infinite mana, magic beam attack and explosions, along with increasing power AND defense with each kill or hit (the form's only limitation is that it has a time-limit and subsequent cooldown, of course)...this shit right here is so awesomely ridiculous.


..and of course there's more; those abilities are just what I remember right away without looking anything up....haha and those are abilities inherent to the character... I didn't even mention abilities you can acquire through certain legendary gear.

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How to break up an arranged marriage..

Cultural notes-


#2/3) "Tony the Kala = Tony the Black (literal Urdu/Hindi translation) . Kala is used to refer to a black male.  In his webseries, it is the name of a deranged gangster character.


#3) GCSE= General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is British final exam in a certain school subject.


#4 tutti = poop





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Yeah with games like pathfinder and dnd you can make some op characters but you generally have to do it by being smart and knowing the material.   It isn't the type of game the normally allows you to pull stuff out of your ass.....until you play a high level caster and have access to wish/miracle/reality revision spells/powers.  


I always laugh at the people that think the fighter or some other wack class is op because they can hit shit with a pointy stick.   Then the same people get mad at other classes being better than said fighter at that but have zero problem with a wizard basically breaking their game. 

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...oh and then there's the black hole.  The Wizard from Diablo 3 can conjure up a black hole, man...haha that shit is insane, and I love it.  There's one rune for it that makes the black hole eat up any object the monsters shoot or throw at you...or various other things they put on the field.  Pools of poison, conjured walls and laser spike things...even explosions that trigger when an elite or champion monster is killed... the black hole eats ALL that shit.  There's been a few cool moments when a friend was about to get blown up by the explosions, but I teleport in and cast the black hole which simply erases the explosion away so no one got's awesome, man.  The monsters themselves also get pulled in towards the singularity, and damaged or even killed.

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sheeeeit, I'll be at home doing hopefully nothing as usual.... games and tv shows/movies all day for me.


For food--- I might try making some macaroni & cheese for myself... I say "try" since it's been a LONG time since I've done that, and I'm going off memory of how mom and auntee would make it.  "Home-style" mac&cheese is LEGENDARY when you do it correctly. (*basically; use at least 2, maybe 3 types of cheese...and a LOT of it)


yesterday was the big pig-out session at work, where people brought stuff... I had 3 slices of pecan pie, a lot of turkey and ham, green beans, and someone made some incredible turkey&dumplings, there was a sweet potato casserole (sweet potato + chopped pecans mixed in...this combo is incredible), etc.

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We have relatives from Atlanta 🚸Orlando ,and Miami coming here to Tampa. 

Dinner will be at my aunt's house in Tampa and then Friday dinner here at our house.


We usually make turkey and the usual,but also 1 or 2 Indian dishes for the older folks.

More than often, Thanksgiving is when all the relatives are able to meet as opposed to Christmas.

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