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so now I’ve started making my Mii Fighters portion of the roster in Smash Bros. Ultimate… already added my main ones “Duuki-Mane” and “Golgothan” (my profile pic on there is of the Golgothan Mii), along with one I made as black as possible and named him “Crispy”…and my latest ones…the Supreme Gentleman himself, E. Rodger… (gunner type, of course)…oh yeah, and “Cheezus”… yeah it’s cheese that became a sentient being once it was imbued with holy power. sheeeeit, this is so much fun, man… I can’t stop making more of these…it would be nice if the customization of Miis was deeper…like at least let me have more color options on the skin tone so I can make a proper booger/snot character… I also have a Donald Trump, of course…and “Darksfadil”, and more.  I have a Hitler character I named "H-Dawg" but I might delete him...didn't turn out as interesting to me as my other ones.

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Quick newsbrief on the latest with good ol' Phil... the Emerald 7 story-arc is well underway...


A new big-time whale has entered the scene by that name Emerald 7...and just over 2 or 3 days, this person has gifted hundreds of "tier 3" subs to his channel... apparently it works out to about $4,900 something that he gifted just yesterday....just that 1 day. 🤣  (*oh yeah and as before with the Tut situation...he has NO extra sub goals or celebrations planned for all this extra money and the boost to numbers he just got on the subcount...of course.)


*edit--interesting... I have never subbed to anyone on twitch so I had to look it up---so it's 25 bucks for a "tier 3" sub.  The dude yesterday did 100 gifted Tier 3s at some point....just that 1 occasion costed him $2,500 then....the previous day he was doing batches of 50 at a time, though I don't remember if they were Tier 3 or not.


Elsewhere in the amazing Youtube universe... Metokur read some incredible story off reddit about a dude who's wife wanted him to shit on her.  Yeah, this was one of the funniest things I've ever heard in life, seriously.  Oddly enough I never knew of the term "hot lunch" meaning THAT until now.

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hahaha, it's never directly... at the moment there's 2 "detractors" that regularly re-stream his streams, and everyone has a good laugh at the ongoing sagas live in the live chat as the vid goes on....heh, it's good times.  There's one re-streaming him right now, actually [LSB... Tevin appears to be taking a break from doing that today, I guess]....Tev is the more popular one, usually pulling at least around 1,000+ views live each time.  "Dark" is currently playing Final Fantasy IV.


also--thanks to LSB, I've found this greatness here:



*watching more True Blood---DAMN the actress that plays Lilith is another hot one...I'd eat:


HOLY SHIT man... ohhhh this showwwww... Bill just bit into some dude's neck and then ripped his head OFF.  Ok, when it comes to vampire shows, True Blood is the goddamn CHAMP, man.


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2 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Let's get this birthday started right!


You never forget your first  Optimus Prime!

I got this 30 yrs ago and while I don't have it anymore it is an awesome figure!

I have to go to my parents' house and check, but I'm pretty sure my first was this:




Made of metal, complete with trailer that opened up and had some kind of gun turret inside.

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4 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

Happy Belated birthday mang. Hope yours was a good one!

Thank you Infernoman. Hope you are doing well!


It was good even though it rained all day lol.


My cousin from Canada who I haven't seen in years visited We went to an arcade/fun center place and had some good pho for lunch.

My mom made some Thanksgiving food (turkey/mashedpot/stuffing/cranberry) and got a German Chocolate cake and I got some money as gifts.


I also got PS4 Spiderman for $1

(I had traded in like 100 dollars of stuff in September to get Kiwami 2 and had  $40 left over. I was waiting for Gamestop to get a sale on Spiderman and they did on the 19th for $40)

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ohhh yeah I'll have to save that Optimus box art picture later when I'm on a more reliable connection (*currently away for the holidays, and I just found a spot for wi-fi here)


I finally finished all of True Blood (my regular place finally had the blu ray version of season 7 so I just bought it a few days ago)....goddamn what a show... it's the new undisputed champ of vampire/supernatural shows for me....things got extremely bizarre around the middle of this series but I was still loving it...then it ended up finishing strong with some major shockers and interesting things in terms of the lore in the final 2 seasons or so.  Most finales to shows are disappointing or downright terrible, but I was ok with the series finale here.  This show is definitely a valued piece of my collection....definitely watching it all again and again later.  Finales to great shows are always a bittersweet thing too... even if it's a great's unfortunate that you know....that's truly the end right there.


*one nitpick though... I still don't like how at the start of the final season, a certain major character got killed off-screen... that never really sits well with me.

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damn, man... going without the internet for so long over the holidays can be some rough "first world problems", man... still not out of the woods just yet though... there's probably sooo many DSP updates I'm missing out on at the moment too... soo many "youtube drama" situations...and I see now that 1 of my favorite youtube hotties has streamed live SEVERAL times over the past few days...and I'm missing all of that shit..... bruhhhhhh it's terrible. 😩


Of course I've been getting all kinds of quality time in with my Switch though... paragon level 115 for my offline non-season characters so far... wizard is still relatively weak though...only able to easily handle Torment V 😞 ..."improbable chain", Swami and other critical items aren't dropping at all for me on that character.


also played Darksiders III over at a friend's house...and yeah fuck that... he was stuck on a certain part that doesn't appear to make any sense; so I see that the game is apparently STILL loaded with tedious "go over there and do 100 things then teleport there and throw the bomb thing here, stand on a switch to activate this portal so you can jump here" bullshit.  I just wanted to fight and kill things while looking cool in those games but they can never just let the shit be that simple.  Nah man fuck THAT.  Damn it's irritating just thinking of the lost potential in that franchise.

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I haven't seen much of part 3, since my friend is stuck on that stupid ass part... (*it involves needing to let a beetle-looking creature eat some red thing so it glows and becomes a living bomb, then throwing it at a certain spot....which you can't because the little wall that spot is on moves away when you go to throw it.)  I had some fun with part 2; it seemed to have better combat/action...BUT it also had a game-breaking glitch, and I was one of those hit by it before the fix....even after the patch if you already encountered the glitch, you just had to start over completely...and FUCK starting over in one of the most tedious game franchises of all time.  I was really just enjoying the game whenever some action/fighting was going also went deeper than the first game in terms of details on stats and items/gear.


*aw man... now Mister Metokur is going live in about 30 minutes....annnnd of course I WON'T be able to see it because of where I am at the moment! 😩

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Well, that might be a new record... Dad was rambling on and on for well over 10 hours yesterday....I should've taken note of the start time because it was probably more like 12+ hours at least. 

Part of my frustration there is that I know that most people probably won't even believe that... they'd just laugh and think "nah, he's exaggerating...I doubt it's possible someone can talk for 10+ hours about way."  Nope... it's for real.  Of course it isn't about 1 subject...he'll start on say--"Subject A", then a tangent pops up in his mind and he goes to B, then subject C, D, E, F...then brings it back around to A, then "ohhhh!!! and THAT reminds me... did you know..?? YEAH! This is some real shit, bruh; I'm not making this shit up!" and so on....forever.  He can literally go on and on like this until he finally is ready to pass out from sleep deprivation....which doesn't occur for a LONG time, by the way.  By the time any normal person is barely standing with half-way closed eyes....his energy for ranting and raving about any given subject is still at about 90%....he won't even be close to needing a break from speaking.


When I woke up today, it was like waking from one of those Benadryl-induced sleep sessions (*sheeeeit, aka-- the best sleep)…like I was deep in dream-land for the past 18 hours.

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sheeeeit, the Days of Our Lives update…

The lovely Kate Mansi is back as Abigail on Days of Our Lives, I see… she was always 10x hotter than that other “Abigail” they had on there. Also… Gabby (Camila Banus) continues to be THE hottest woman currently on television…absolute 10 of 10s there.

Random shit–there’s a dude on there (he plays “Stefan O. DiMerra”) that looks just like a slightly older “Namor the Submariner”…10 to 15 years ago if they made a Namor movie he would’ve been the perfect choice for that character.


*I showed Dad that movie "Manos: The Hands of Fate"...hahah he couldn't stop laughing at that shit.  The character Torgo, man... non-stop comedy.  “the…MASTER would…not approve… it will be…dark sooon… the MASTER…would not approve…”🤣  the guy that created this legendary film--- Thank you, bruh. 

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ha, that Torgo theme could be set to be the ringtone for telemarketers...or just someone that is annoying, so you instantly know...


eh, iphone has such a stupidly annoying method for making things into a ringtone though...not sure why they don't just have it set where you just select a thing that tells the phone "hey, use this recording as the ring/alert noise."...there shouldn't be a lot of steps for something that damn simple.

currently, my ring tone is still that No Holds Barred scene...yeah, when I get a call, this legendary audio plays:



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sheeeeit, I'm back at home now and thus... back to my own internet I just have a few _centuries_ of youtube vids to get caught up on.  I see Yvette Carnell made a vid apparently roastin' Boyce Watkins a little bit so that might be juicy... then I must get caught up on any dsp drama that has occurred while I was out of town and in "no internet land", living like it's 1989 all over again... rummaging through some old stuff though... I found my old "Blade from Puppet Master movies" figure! (check it) That definitely got packed up to come back home with me.


y'know, a LOT of areas in ol' M-town are so dead.... the visual is like something out of your average post-apocalyptic show/movie...from businesses to residential areas...1 building after another is abandoned with the windows and doors boarded up...or it will just be generally broken down and left that way for years...possibly forever.  Basically, it's a safe assumption that very few people (at least from Gen. X and younger) in that city give a shit about anything, actually.  Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.  


EDIT---yep, Yvette is absolutely roasting this dude...woooo this is delicious

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I just got back from Miami a few hours ago. 

Actually we went to Orlando on 24th to see 1 cousin whi just had a baby. Then we went to Miami that same day and had fun -mostly chilled at my aunt's house. I saw Aquaman on Christmas day: it was good my second favorite DCEU film after Wonder Woman! 

I also had a cousin from Canada come to Tampa visit us before the traveling and she came with us to both places.


What's funny about my parents and I is that after all the relatives leave (or we return home from a Xmas out of town) we do our own gift giving .


Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and got to relax a bit! 

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wooo yeah, some dirt going on here with "Moist" Watkins... apparent lawsuit, and yeahhhh it sounds like he was hittin' it for a while:


*sheeeit, I have the upcoming Monday and Tuesday off due to New Year's, so now I'm free to enjoy *that* time in whatever way I see fit....most likely it will involve a lot of "doing nothing".  I've already wiped out almost all the leftovers as of last night.

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Looks like everybody's getting caught screwing up so late in the 2018.  Bethesda is constantly stepping on the land mines here.  I present to you, exhibit AAA.  

..................Just joking.  The shit they've been dropping ain't even CLOSE to AAA level anymore.  

now, as a recovering alcoholic, I've been known to spend over the top on mediocre mead just for the container.  The point being, you better have that crazy container on point.  When they don't, you get what you see here.  Yes, it is already a dumb enough idea trying to sell liquor via videogames, but that would be a whole other post.  

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 Aquaman review:





Design of Atlantis -city/creatures/troops etc
Momoa may not be an Oscar level actor but he puts a lot of enthusiasm in his performance
the camaraderie between Arthur and Mera
everything with Black Manta - esp the Sicily sequence





Ocean Master is kind of mediocre. I don't know anything of comic Aquaman and his lore. I've only seen Orm in the Justice League cartoon and he didn’t make much impression on me there either.

I know this film needs CGI but it does get a bit “video gamey” in many scenes.

There is a weird habit with the film. Whenever there is a dramatic or exposition scene and it begins to go on too long, there is an explosion or projectile that enters the room. It happens at least three times.

Switching between current time and the flashbacks to young Arthur seem slightly jarring. Also, some young Orm flashbacks would have been nice.


Overall: 7.5/10


Of all the DCEU films, I consider it and WW the only outright good films (WW is 8.5/10 for me)

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I saw Bumblebee today. I had some relatives visiting and had to go to Miami otherwise Id have seen it opening day.




The Cybertron scenes while briefly scattered throughout the film, are a G1 fans dream. It gave me vibes of G1 and FOC vibes. There are so many cameos of classic characters who look and sound great.


Even the the main TF on earth look more lke a G1/Bay hybrid and can be identified easier and have some semblance of character. This film does Decepticons the best. The Angela Basset character , Shatter, feels like one of the few Decepticons outside of Megs/Starscream with a memorable role.


I could actually see AND comprehend the action scenes. The action is more"widescreen" than close. Bays 2007 film was the only film to give me a headache DURING viewing.


Hailee Steinfeld's Charlie is easily the best main human character in the live action series. Her acting is great and her moments with BB and even her mother are heartfelt.
I liked the diving backstory.



This is the only live action TF film where the humor is not super low class and NONE of the human characters are overly annoying. No screaming wildly, no pot brownie eating parents, no masturbation speeches, no shots of John Turturro 's booty or Devastators scrotum, no Daboog esque ice cream thug lyfe transformers. John Cena’s military character is slightly goofy, but nowhere as “MURRICA” as Bays military scenes


The use of THAT classic 1986 song was perfect.




The plot is very similar to ET. I havent seen it in 30 years but it feels like they used the ET script as a blueprint and cut/paste to modify it.


There could have been another “big” action scene in the second act.



The "jet " TF character seen in the trailers is not in it much and is not who you think it is.


Overall: The best live action TF film though the bar was set very low.


Other TF movie ratings:


TF 2007: 7/10
TF Revenge of the  Fallen: 4/10
TF Dark of the Moon: 6/10
TF: AOE: 5/10
TF TLK 5/10

G1 TFTM 1986 8/10

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sheeeeit, there's just so much that could be done with the Infinity Gauntlet, man.... I often like to daydream of the possibilities.  I had a dream once where I was handed the Gauntlet (*by Superman for some strange reason!), but sadly I woke up before I could put that sumbitch on and proceed to being God.... anyway, let's see:


With just the Infinite Time gem's power, imagine how great it would be to exist in all times simultaneously.  You were there at the start of it all...and you also exist during the theoretical end of the universe....and all points in between.  That "end" also doesn't have to be the end anyway since the rules of the universe are now whatever you say they are.  You'd also exist theoretically in all possible variations of the timeline...which I imagine would be confusing to say the least for a mere human mind....imagine all the variants extending from different actions you could've done just today....and that's just variations extending from 1 day out of 1 human's life...1 human out of the several billion that are currently existing (...of this 1 planet out of however many other worlds that also have life)....that's insane, man.'d also have the ability to manipulate time itself.  All this just from ONE of the infinity gems, man...the possibilities with just this 1 already put you at game-breaker OP status, man.  With this and the Power gem, that's about good enough for me right there.

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...hmm...thinking about the time manipulation Infinity gem thing again... it just hit me that there wouldn't be much of a point, if you can exist simultaneously in all possible variations of events in the time-line... if one doesn't like what is to happen in Timeline #1, then there's 2, 3, 4, 5, endless line of's pointless to care about timeline #348 when you also exist in countless other timelines, and #981,072 and several others good ones.


Mind gem would be a fun one to play with as well...psychic power is one of the top tier powers out there, and Mind gem gives you the "steroids" version of that shit....controlling people (everyone if necessary), implanting false memories and erasing others, full "mind-wipe" attacks... this is GOLD, man.  One could easily dominate entire worlds from behind the scenes with this power. (imagine controlling the minds of all world leaders, or just the entire population.)

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aha... I didn't know there were videos of Allison Mack speaking about that cult she joined....sadly, it IS "safe for work" stuff though.. 


goddamn if only I knew about that little organization at the time... I might've actually tracked it down.  This girl was such a gorgeous dream to me back then... the main reason I watched Smallville, actually.😍


haha, brings back memories... I was watching every week, thinking "Clark you DAMN fool!  She is generally cuter than Lana AND is clearly head over heels for ya...c'mon, bruh how are you not seeing this?"  ....followed by wishing I was there to swoop in for the rebound when she kept realizing her and Clark weren't going to happen.

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