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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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ha, silly me ---I was totally ignorant of the whole Probotector/Contra thing... here I was thinking that Probotector was some other shit I never played before, but it's just the "other version" (PAL, I guess) of Contra 3.  The only difference seems to be the main characters are robots (the "probotectors")  instead of Bill and Lance....apparently this was because over there in places like Germany, it wasn't accepted for a game aimed at children to be too they made the human characters robots instead.  So what you're REALLY getting in this collection is Contra, Super C, Contra 3 and Hard Corps, and the other stuff is just variants of that.


Well, at least Contra Hard Corps is new to me; I never played that one....that game is hard as hell, btw....I don't see myself beating that one or even getting far in it anytime soon....possibly ever.

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I might actually get it... since I've been much more inclined to play portable games than regular in the past few years now....that factor of something being portable is just infinitely more convenient to me...I always enjoy the fact that I can start up a session of things like Bayonetta 2, Diablo 3, Dead Cells, etc. literally anywhere now.  To me, this is superior to the scenario of being anchored to a television and a wall socket in a particular room at home.....which is another thing----yep, even at home I still play Switch in portable mode.... so as some food is cooking on the stove...I can have the game right there in the kitchen with me...right outside on the porch, I can have the game there too....or any room, any place, any time.  


...but yeah, if Switch-version of Witcher is too much of a downgrade I'll and general presentation still matter, indeed....and Witcher 3 is still one of the most gorgeous games from this gen, imo.

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If it has a solid 30fps. I will buy it on principle. Although,  personally I M chuckling at all the Youtube comments from PS4 and XB1 fanboys bagging on the downgrades. These are the people that cry when PC owners clown them about the PS4 and XB1 games being cut down in for consoles. If commented about running the game at well over 60fp at 1440p. They'd have a conniption fit.

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ah, the dude in this vid does a good voice-over explanation about what's going on in more gameplay footage here:


also the person playing here actually seems like they've held a controller before, unlike the ign vid 😆

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Ok, I should've known *That Company* would fuck it up...I'm reading through some things to get caught up on what's going on with Phantasy Star at the moment and what PSO2 was/is like....right off the bat I don't like where this shit is going...

  • * NO beast race. -- this happens to be one of my top picks every time, up thru Portable 2.
  • * Apparently no "SUV" ability for CASTs? 
  • * For "specials" we've gone back to "Photon Blasts".

The Dumans---cool new species that was added in Phantasy Star Portable 2: no longer have the "Kenpachi from Bleach" eye patch deal going on, at least according to the pictures I'm checking out now?  Since there's no longer a "nanoblast" kind of thing, they just have the photon blasts presumably everyone else can get.  Oh and now they have horns like a "cute devil"...females get 2, males get a single horn which just looks like some silly unicorn shit.........what the fuck is going on here?  

Well, it's silly that I'm even pretending there's people other than me who care that much about modern-era Phantasy Star in the first place but whatever... even as a "free-to-play" game, the more I find out about this, the more I'm losing interest.

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21 hours ago, MillionX said:

Ok, I should've known *That Company* would fuck it up...I'm reading through some things to get caught up on what's going on with Phantasy Star at the moment and what PSO2 was/is like....right off the bat I don't like where this shit is going...

  • * NO beast race. -- this happens to be one of my top picks every time, up thru Portable 2.
  • * Apparently no "SUV" ability for CASTs? 
  • * For "specials" we've gone back to "Photon Blasts".

The Dumans---cool new species that was added in Phantasy Star Portable 2: no longer have the "Kenpachi from Bleach" eye patch deal going on, at least according to the pictures I'm checking out now?  Since there's no longer a "nanoblast" kind of thing, they just have the photon blasts presumably everyone else can get.  Oh and now they have horns like a "cute devil"...females get 2, males get a single horn which just looks like some silly unicorn shit.........what the fuck is going on here?  

Well, it's silly that I'm even pretending there's people other than me who care that much about modern-era Phantasy Star in the first place but whatever... even as a "free-to-play" game, the more I find out about this, the more I'm losing interest.

PSO2 is ancient and has been playable for the longest time.  PSO was exciting and new on Dreamcast but it has never been that good.  I wouldn't worry about it one way or another.  There was no reason to be hyped up by the reveal of a localization for such an old game.

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yeah I had mixed feelings on the whole thing from the E3 announcement....on one hand, part of me still had enough love for this franchise to be at least interested....but on the other has been 7 years since original release of this shit...and 8 by the time this actually comes out.


...but PSO was one of my top favorites on Dreamcast... I've played games since the days of Atari, but I never had "gaming addiction" until Phantasy Star, at least at that point... it was the first game I played for that long, and obsessed over THAT much...creating multiple characters, really getting into the whole lore and backstory of them and enjoying the world, the thrill of finding those special/legendary weapons; I loved every thing about it, man.  That first one wasn't even enough...I followed the series from that point on; I had the Gamecube version which was "Episode 1 & 2" (went on to make 12 characters for it! ...450+ hours just on my main character "Chojin"! [a "FOmar"), then my friend had the Xbox version so I had a character saved there on his copy of the game...his wife was a fan too so it would often be the 3 of us playing our characters for hours and hours on end until we were nearly passing out in the early hours of the morning.... 


...then there was the 360 era with PS Universe; of course I bought it day 1....loved it, but not that monthly fee; I only paid for a short time then continued my adventures offline (ha, imagine that---games still being playable OFFLINE back then!)....and then the greatest version, imo---Phantasy Star Portable games on the PSP; the first was kind of a copy of PSU, but Portable 2 and Infinity were the best.  I enjoyed every minute of my time with those.


...well, as usual when one gets to be an "old man gamer" I tend to ramble on and on about the good ol' days....but damn I loved those games.... if only some other company that is more competent and capable could rescue this IP, it could realize it's true potential one will always be bordering on pure irrelevance under the direction of That Company.  Now, and even back then in the 360 days---ask the average gamer about Phantasy Star, they just think you meant to say "Final Fantasy"....then you go on to explain that it's a different franchise....they will have no clue what you're talking about, sadly.

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holy shit check this out

I've never even heard of this one until seeing it just now on the eShop...yeah it's out NOW. thing---naturally I love a good dose of TnA but it's quite disappointing that the "wizard" in this game looks like that....I would've preferred a more traditional looking mage character...."wizard" in this game is basically a random "almost naked" bitch with some weird hoop weapons[??!]


oh and anyone following the e3 news already should know, but yeah... 500 years later Torchlight II is headed to consoles; Switch included!


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11 hours ago, MillionX said:

holy shit check this out

I've never even heard of this one until seeing it just now on the eShop...yeah it's out NOW. thing---naturally I love a good dose of TnA but it's quite disappointing that the "wizard" in this game looks like that....I would've preferred a more traditional looking mage character...."wizard" in this game is basically a random "almost naked" bitch with some weird hoop weapons[??!]

If I'm remembering this correctly this was a mobile game that came out a while ago.  Don't know if it was any good though.

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hell yeah some more good times in Gears 4 Horde just now... went to wave 41 this time...last several waves were with only 1 other dude since the rest of the squad quit as usual.

I still don't get why people quit much earlier than that though...there are some runs where people quit before Wave ONE even starts..(so it couldn't be out of frustration with how the others are playing since nothing has happened yet).  That shit makes no sense at all.


Anyway, I got session in as Scout once again.....mannnnn that character class is so gloriously overpowered; it's delicious.  Compared to the other characters, Scout has the defenses of a dude from Krypton.  Enemies don't start doing serious damage to you really (outside of headshots) until late game due to the bonuses they start getting.  I have leveled up skill cards that give me improved regeneration and extra health; I forgot how much it is but during a LOT of a typical session I'm nearly unkillable.  It's so busted it's hilarious.  Others have to take cover...I'm getting lit up with endless rounds of enemy fire and I'm still fine...this is on top of having a ridiculous bonus to shotgun damage, btw..I think mine is +120%. 😆 


I also got some rounds in with my Heavy character as well..his bonuses for things like boomshot are also 120% if I recall..I usually ditch the dinky retro lancer for a dropshot first chance I get since my bonus applies to that too.......I have all of the character-classes at level 10 though, so my only level-ups at this point are the skill-cards.

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haha, such bad taste I love it:


Well... a new One Piece game... for any who are into that (I never could get past the horribly  ridiculous character designs; I'd be more interested in the games than the show or manga)



sheeeeeeiitttttttttt ONE PUNCH MAN though:


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sheeeittttt, the Switch lineup never stops, folks... so now I'm looking at *possibly* Sol Seraph on 7/10 (just mildly interested with that one)... for sure Blazing Chrome on the 11th....and God Eater 3(!!!) on the 12th...but just a week later on the 19th is the big one-- Marvel Ultimate Alliance Goddamn 3.

it's not even fair to compare past portable systems to this...this is the champion.  I have over 42 games on it at this point...(42 icons but some like the Capcom Beatemup Bundle obviously count as more)


ohhh and there's that "Blade II" (no it's NOT based on the Marvel character...unfortunately) game I need to get.  It's tough to even keep up with all this greatness.  


My old friend/roommate from college finally gave in and got a Switch as well surprises me that he waited this long but he was waiting on an opportunity to get it for less than full price.  As a fellow cheapskate I can't help but respect that.

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y'know, it's strange to see people that are apparently lazy in the world of videogames... there's 2 people I'm thinking of at the moment...though 1 really does have other things going on in life that get in the way of gaming; it kinda explains his situation a bit... but this other dude has nothing but time to burn... rarely ever finishes anything.  Gears 4 comes to mind since I've been back at it in Horde mode again...and I remembered that both dudes never finished the story....yet I'd bet money they will probably get part 5 immediately when it's out.


I've told them several times they're actually missing out big time on 4, since the final scene of the story in that drops one hell of a bomb revelation about was such a great jaw-dropper moment there, story-wise...and the music hits just right with this reveal then cuts to black and you get the credits....and my dear friends missed out on it.  One was close to the end but just stopped playing, like he does with most games for some reason.  It seems like quite the waste of money imo if you buy games only to rarely play would be like buying a movie you supposedly are interested in... but only watching 75% of it, then never finishing that story.... doesn't compute, imo.  The guy played through only some story...played 1 or 2 Horde Versus/competitive modes...then never touched that game again.


Years ago this guy got to the very end of Bioshock...just remembered this as I was rambling on here---he was on the part where you are going to confront Andrew Ryan if I recall---another, even more LEGENDARY story revelation moment in will never forget that shit...well, he stopped there and never went back to the game.  hahaha this shit makes no sense, man.  I guarantee it will play out the same way with Gears 5.  He will get it day 1...probably the "Special Edition" they're sure to have...he will play story mode 1 time, but never finish it....he will play Horde mode once....and that will be it.

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On 7/7/2019 at 4:26 PM, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm playing through Judgement right now. Took me awhile to get used to not being Kiryu. I like it a lot so far. Whoever does Saori's english voice, 😍 Something about it man.

Not playing it in Japanese.  smh

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6 hours ago, misterBee said:

Not playing it in Japanese.  smh

Expecting an English speaker that does not understand Japanese to play in Japanese when the English VA is actually good. SMH when did  MisterBee become MisterWeeb :coffee:

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more Gears 4 Horde adventures yesterday.... I played on Hardcore difficulty this time; the Scout is so godlike it was barely any different, really.  That character class really is easy-mode.....then again I do happen play that role probably better than the other classes... three of my skill cards are maxed out at this point; first priority of course was the Deposit Bonus..... now I've hit Re-Up #4.  I'd say Engineer is probably my #2 choice in terms of how well I think I play the role.
...on at least 3 runs I got close to wave 50...usually ending somewhere in the 40s once everyone else quit.


I tried for an "Ironman mode" run but it was taking forever on the matchmaking screen... it makes sense that far less people probably play that.

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6 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Expecting an English speaker that does not understand Japanese to play in Japanese when the English VA is actually good. SMH when did  MisterBee become MisterWeeb :coffee:

Naw man you gotta play a game in the language it was made with!  Plus it's a Japanese gangster game -- it's not the same without the yelling and rolling R sounds!

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33 minutes ago, misterBee said:

Naw man you gotta play a game in the language it was made with!  Plus it's a Japanese gangster game -- it's not the same without the yelling and rolling R sounds!

So you play CD Projekt Red games with Polish audio and Ubisoft games in French. Impressive.

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yeah, it surprises me they're only debuting it with 3 color choices...back in the Gameboy and DS days Nintendo seemed to have an endless amount of designs ready to go.  I still want an *official* Switch that has the SNES-ish design.... I'd buy that immediately.  Another I'd want is one with the "

"Gamecube purple" style.

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On 7/9/2019 at 12:54 PM, Darc_Requiem said:

So you play CD Projekt Red games with Polish audio and Ubisoft games in French. Impressive.

Games are clearly designed with certain languages in mind.


Metal Gear games are Japanese-made but the English dubbing is actually done first and is the priority.  Mocap and character animation are all based around the English voiceover.  Similarly, European-made games are made with a global audience in mind and English is the main language focus, with translation to other languages done after.  As an example, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is clearly made with English as the main audio language - French dub is going to be done afterwards.  Mocap and main performance are going to be done in English first.


Where a game is made doesn't necessarily determine the language that is the main focus of the developer.


Hey if you want to listen to stuff in a language of your choice that's cool.  I just like sticking with the 'intended' or 'main' language.

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@misterBee Not really a serious post. I was being a smartass. That said based on your criteria, The Witcher series should be played in Polish with English subtitles. It is game based on a book from a Polish author developed by a Polish developer that takes place in fantasy setting based on Poland. Honestly I don't really care what audio other people play in. I do like to needle people that do though 😉

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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@misterBee Not really a serious post. I was being a smartass. That said based on your criteria, The Witcher series should be played in Polish with English subtitles. It is game based on a book from a Polish author developed by a Polish developer that takes place in fantasy setting based on Poland. Honestly I don't really care what audio other people play in. I do like to needle people that do though 😉



That said I wouldn't be surprised if English is STILL the main language for the Witcher game.  If I'm wrong I'll play it in Polish.

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19 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Finally finished Judgment. I really enjoyed it.  Just in time to. Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Fire Emblem are just around the corner.

Nice.  Planning to sink some time into that game as well - but right now I'm playing FFXIV...


I expect it'll keep me busy for some time.



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20 minutes ago, misterBee said:

Nice.  Planning to sink some time into that game as well - but right now I'm playing FFXIV...


I expect it'll keep me busy for some time.



Sometimes I miss 16-bit era. There are too many good games the days. Games that would get 6 these days would have been boss twenty years ago.

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Dead Cells....Very Hard, 2 cell...

Well, I was at the last boss and had him down to something like 20% of his health... and died.  There is NO possible way in the world I'll ever get that close again...just no way.  The run was absolutely perfect up to that last point at the end.  I had 27 in Tactics, 8 on Survival and 5 on Brutality..(I think it was 3 or 4 cursed chests I picked up to get all that). Explosive crossbow (one of the best weapons in the game, imo) was at 11,622 dps for critical...that, my regular crossbow (16k! dps) and the Heavy Turret (5,205 dps) were all S-rank, AND I had a legendary crossbow turret. I'll keep playing Very Hard of course but I don't seriously have hope that I will get this close to beating that again.  This is only the 2nd or 3rd time I've even made it to the final boss on that difficulty in the first place.  


Y'know, if I made a list of the top 20 hardest games ever, at least of things I've played... this game is probably somewhere inside the top 5, seriously.  The fascinating thing is that it almost never feels like "cheap bullshit"'s oddly satisfying.

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sheeeeitttt, yeah I enjoy this "problem" of having way too much to pick from.  I have 40+ games just on Switch...some of them I haven't even started despite buying them months ago (e.g.--Starlink [aka the REAL new-era Starfox game]; bought it at Christmas on sale; still haven't started it)  I have tons of games on XB1 as well....and as your average working person I only have so much time to play anything.... and I still haven't gotten around to buying a PS4 and all the stuff I want out of that platform....and games in general are much deeper than ever before; it's common for a game to be enjoyable for hundreds, maybe even thousands of hours now.  I haven't checked recently but I'm over 200 hours deep in Dead Cells at this point, and easily 1000+ in my time on the various versions of Diablo 3.


heh, and back in the day I thought I had it good just having about 28 or 29 games on NES....that's nothing compared to what's out there now, and the type of collection you can rack up these days (especially with constant sales on every system, making everything even more accessible than ever).

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A quick moment to laugh at Fallout 76's been a while:

🤣 it surprises me that there's still people who are even bothering to waste any time with this game at this point.  There's 2 people on my friend list that actually have this shit for some least for one of them it makes sense because he's always had bad/questionable taste....terrible. 

I was just mentioning to someone the other day that this kind of shit is the reason I've actually given up all hope on the future of the Elder Scrolls franchise.

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Marvel UA 3 is about as fun as I was're stuck with the Guardians in the beginning of the game for a little while though; I'm not really a fan of those characters so I was relieved when others started showing up as playable.  Hulk and Thor were the first new ones I added into my team....I got Luke Cage in the mix a few minutes ago as well...currently I have Hulk, Thor, Luke and Venom ("Heavy Hitter" bonus for this)


a review


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man, another interesting Overwatch character....such a shame they have to be in that game though

The real deal for me would be if the cast of Overwatch was in a proper action-rpg kinda thing, like Borderlands style.  I would've bought such a thing day 1, easily.  The very existence of Overwatch kinda annoys me, since an excellent cast of characters like that deserves sooo much better, imo.



MARVEL UA3, baby! ---that character dupe glitch is pretty damn funny... yes, I have a team of 4 Spidermen that's leveling up super-fast.  I think it was Sunday night I started them from level 6----by the following day Spiderman is level 44 or so, and I'm sure people could've leveled him even faster than that.  The trick works for any character that has a solo "Infinity" trial.... Hulk and Luke Cage are 2 others in that category but there's more, I think.

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