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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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Ian hinted at this in an earlier Bumblekast when someone asked him questions about Prime

So looks like he is actually involved with Prime as well. 


Sonic fandom is currently having discourse though because now there are of course people coming out complaining about how Ian  wrote some of the story beats for Frontiers in terms of referencing past games and I really just can't deal with some of this base right now.  Really feels like this sometimes


Confused Ryan Gosling GIF

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3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Ian hinted at this in an earlier Bumblekast when someone asked him questions about Prime

So looks like he is actually involved with Prime as well. 


Sonic fandom is currently having discourse thought because now there are of course people coming out complaining about how Ian is wrote some of the story beats for Frontiers in terms of referencing past games and I really just can't deal with some of this base right now.  Really feels like this sometimes



Are they mad that Sonic canonically was kissed by a human girl?

You would think that would make them happy, since it gives them a chance.

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So just beat the game and yeah the final boss is pretty lackluster.  Less so when you go for the true final boss but only by tiny bit imo.  The way how you beat the last boss in hard mode is a bit unexpected but considering certain things you do in the game it doesn't come completely out of nowhere.  The last titan boss I felt was more engaging than the very last boss.  Overall 7 out of 10 for this game seems pretty fair and apt.  Really feel anyone who's trying to truly give this game like a 3 or less is really being a try hard or farming for clicks/attention.  I can even see someone giving this game a 5 but this game is nowhere near anything like 06 so if I see anyone immediately trying to bring that game up in the same sentence as this I'm just going to ignore them.  This game could have used more time in the oven to smooth some things out but knowing that this game is the foundation for the future gives me a ton of hope.  There's a shit ton of potential in this that is waiting to be Unleashed. 


I really want Sega to take their time in making the next game, don't rush it and actually listen to their Q+A team to fix things cause when the game is fun it's fun, but then the jank comes up and muddies it.  The biggest jank that people will run into on frequently is in the transitioning of this game from 3D to 2D sections for platforming purposes and I completely get why they lock you in to 2D like that for those sections because trying to do them with 3D control on a 2D plane while also trying to work the camera is problematic AF (and you'll realize it when you try to jump into a 2D platform section out in the wild and try to move through it without the 2D plane being locked in).  One of the major issues I have with some of the 2D sections in this game is that some of the time it completely changes how Sonic controls and it feels OFF.  Cybersource levels are ok aside from the one time they suddenly decided to try to put drift back in for certain sections of a stage and implemented it the same way Colors did but without any of the finesse so it felt all sorts of fucked.   There's more that needs to be done in terms of control and movement that could easily bring this game up to 9 or at the least an 8.5.

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13 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Watching it currently with my son.  On the third episode.  Favorite alternate character so far is Nine.

Nine is great. When they cuffed his hands and DIDN'T cuff his nine tails and then he gets free, that was a huge fail. Also, watching him hack while casually using his tails to fend off attackers is one of the most low key baller things I've ever seen.

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Just now, RSG3 said:

Is it controversial to think that moment was dumb as fuck?....cuz I don't think it is lmao. 


TBH, I don't really mind the moment, since it falls under the harkness test  🤣

But it amuses me that is controversial when a good amount of the fanbase are you know, furries.




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11 hours ago, Hecatom said:


A poor attempt of a joke about people being mad that Frontiers makes basically all games canon, therefore people mad at Sonic being kissed by the princess on 06.

Which is to this day a controversial thing for a group of people on the fandom.

I guess I was more so confused because people were just being annoyed at the game referencing a ton of events in the past but 06 is not one of them.   None of the characters in universe know that game's events happened.  The only one that had access to that game was the Time Eater.

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I finished Prime last night with my son.  I know some people feel this show has some pacing issues and I can somewhat see it but I feel most of it is in the beginning is for establishing the different shatterverses of which Season 1 introduces 3.   I think there's at least 3 more that haven't been shown yet and I'm pretty sure some will be more interesting than others.  1st shatterverse is the most interestingly easily with the 3rd and 2nd in that order imo.  Standout alternate characters so far for me have been the Chaos Council, Nine, and Rusty Rose.  Rusty is a pretty dark take on Amy and kinda gives me SatAM roboticization vibes.  I was ok with her at first but as the show went on she really grew on me as an antagonist.  I'm really interested to see where this show goes especially in the interactions with the characters and the impending inevitable crossovers that are going to happen with the Chaos Council's meddling.  Also Shadow is here to beat Sonic's ass.  It really kinda feels like this version of him is just tired of his shit and so far every time he shows up Sonic is getting his face caved in.

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On 12/16/2022 at 4:05 PM, Sonichuman said:

I've heard that Sega had strict mandates surrounding Shadow from Ian but apparently that extended to just about everything else.  This is part of an interview from the guys behind Sonic Boom


I actually like these laws. It will prevent the characters from feeling samey. It's good to have some characters there not purely for comedy.

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I finished Sonic Prime and I enjoyed it. The show definitely has pacing issues. Like Sonic time in the jungle Green Hill had no business being a two parter. It was a single episode stretched to two.


It seems obvious to me that Sonic character development will lead to him to cherish what he has. The flashbacks made it clear he took what he had for granted.


I don't like Rouge being in team Sonic. It's not a good fit. If they wanted a second female character for the crew they could have used Cream (Does Sega hate her? She hasn't appeared in anything since Generations), Sticks (Frontiers confirmed she exists in the mainline games), or Blaze. Any one of them would have been better choice than Rouge.


I'm a big fan of nine. The mechanical tails are amazing to see in motion and makes his badassery look effortless. I would accept him as canon tails.


New Yoke is definitely the most interesting space this show visits. I get the vibe of it being Sonic Forces done right. Speaking of, does the NPCs in New Yoke look like they were designed using Forces character creator. I find the chaos council disappointing. Like what's the point of having five Eggmans when they are all the same character?  The quirks ain't enough to differentiate them.


I loved what little we saw of Shadow. He takes absolutely no shit. I can watch him sucker punch this sonic all day lol


I have to question what was the point of rusty rose malfunctioning when seeing black rose when it lead to nothing.

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I don't think Rusty malfunctioned so much so that it was the first time that she saw another one of herself.  I suspect that her seeing other versions of herself is going to likely result in her rethinking her programming because of what Sonic told her when they first met when he was being held captive.  She was completely ignoring everything he said but seeing another version of yourself is a bit harder to ignore.



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Interview with the writers of the Sonic Movie, talk about Big the Cat, Shadow, and Agent Stone


Apparently Big had 2 cameos in both films that were pulled...the writers like Big so do not be surprised if at some point he shows up in some capacity in this Universe. 

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Someone found drifting in the code for Sonic Frontiers...outside of that one stage.  Apparently Sonic was going to have the ability to use drift overall but they decided to take it out but leave something of it horribly implemented in that one stage...BUT they didn't take it off of Super Sonic for whatever reason.


Also just found out that KHinsider put up the tracks that Tee Lopes made for Sonic 2 HD so if you're interested in downloading that.

I just happened to see it while looking at something else and it got put up on the 23rd. 

Edit: Slight correction on this, Tee was not the one who did all the music to Sonic 2 HD but he did contribute to it.



Gametal put up his version of Live and Learn for those interested


Little V did 2 covers of Frontiers tracks in "Vandalize" and "Undefeatable" for those interested


As I posted in the VGM thread, Victor Borba also took a stab at his own "Undefeatable".  He didn't do the full song though.




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This twitter post has 2 other shots from the next eps

If I was to take a wild guess on what's going on...I'm going to guess that Shadow and Sonic have some words in the shatterverse void and one way or another Shadow finds out about the regulators.  So they end up fighting over them and probably end up getting tossed in whatever verse is in that picture with them underwater before Shadow eventually just takes them off from him for whatever reason.

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On 1/22/2023 at 4:39 PM, Hawkingbird said:


My son is definitely inflating these numbers cause he constantly has me playing Sonic Prime nearly every day.  He's always asking to watch it. 


He's also been playing ( Read: messing around) in Sonic Frontiers and actually managed to get past the ninja boss.  It's been quite interesting watching him slowly but surely develop his hand eye coordination to play through the first 2 cyber stages.  This was not the first 3D game I wanted him to play to get better at controlling a character in 3D space but he super interested in the game so I figure it can't hurt to just let him mess around with no expectation.  Funny enough from him playing Sonic Frontiers he actually has a better understanding of jumping and moving at the same time and he was actually able to get to the boss in Sonic Mania.  He got there clumsy as hell but he made it non the less so I'm proud of him lol ( He didn't beat the boss in case you're wondering.)



Kishimoto says they're thinking about dropping the boost mechanic for the next game since it may be more Adventure focused, spin dash may return


They're also thinking about the coexistence of both which might be a bit more difficult considering what they both do.  Wouldn't be impossible but they'd have to think about how to make one more useful in certain situations than the other. 

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