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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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Tails Channel collected Kishmotos responses to people on twitter regarding the future of the Sonic franchise


  • The next big step for this new “generation” of Sonic games is to add more playable characters.
  • The story in Sonic Frontiers wasn’t handled in the best way it could have been, according to Kishimoto, this lead him to express that the next installments should pay even more attention to the script and story even more, and go deeper into the characters.
  • The constant repetition of previous Sonic levels in games, like Green Hill Zone and Chemical Plant, is going to be avoided more in the future, after fan feedback.
  • Work on the next main Sonic game has already begun, Kishimoto and his team are exploring what gameplay features would be ideal given the fan feedback.
  • There are plans to expand the combat even further and make the battles deeper and more immersive.
  • The “Homing Dash” technique from Sonic Frontiers was discovered on accident by Kishimoto and his team during development, it was decided to leave it in as a possible gameplay bonus for players in the game.
  • The bigger focus for the Sonic games right now is to provide a good single-player experience, but multiplayer games aren’t being outright dismissed.
  • Kishimoto won’t be the single director for every upcoming Sonic project, there will be others directors to manage different projects.
  • The Open Zone gameplay style will be worked on and is being heavily considered for the next main game.


Also YO...

DLC could potentially be a glimpse into the franchise moving forward.


Also JUST recently responded to someone and said that it's possible that Infinite might be back

In what capacity is anybody's guess but sure...bring on the new edgelord again.

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new preview of the upcoming comic is up

Looks like they're really moving forward with making Lanolin real main character with a gimmick.  Also WTF @ TANGLE MAKING THAT NAME SUGGESTION.  I wouldn't be surprised if Whisper's face becomes a meme for a bit lol.  Edit: also shout outs to the call back Death Egg Act 1 boss.

Edited by Sonichuman
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You know whats kinda fun, having your six year old niece explain to you Sonic Prime like you never heard of Sonic Before.
So enthusiastic, yet she missed the point of the show (which I give her a pass, she's 6 after all).

And I am like, come here child, let me show you the magic that is the Genesis Era Sonic Games.


Best part she told me "Sonic's world is broken into many new worlds and all his friends are different".


Edited by DarkSakul
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Wanted to mention this earlier.  I started reading the IDW comics to my son as a means of me reading to him since he's in love with the franchise now ( OMG....IF I HAVE TO PLAY "UNDEFEATABLE" ONE MORE TIME WHILE I'M IN THE CAR....) and it's been pretty fun rereading what's happened so far in the series to him and watching him listen see the things going on.  I've been trying to do some of the voices for the character if I think I can do them for him which has been pretty fun.  Can't do any female voices and most of the voices for the IDW original cast I go based off Adrenaline dubs since I can't hear Rough and Tumble any other way and I think it fits them.  I actually think my Shadow voice is decent.  My son mentioned to me yesterday that the comic is kinda scary so I hope the Metal Virus saga isn't going to traumatize him.  I can't tell him that everything will work out cause I want him to feel the same things I did while it was unfolding.

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Speaking of Cream, what happened to her? She disappeared from the series after Generations. She didn't appear in Forces, got replaced by Chao in Sonic Team Racing and there's no mention of her in Frontier.  She got no love in Boom and Prime (She would have made more sense to be on Team Sonic than Rouge). 

Edited by Hawkingbird
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2 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Speaking of Cream, what happened to her? She disappeared from the series after Generations. She didn't appear in Forces, got replaced by Chao in Sonic Team Racing and there's no mention of her in Frontier.  She got no love in Boom and Prime (She would have made more sense to be on Team Sonic than Rouge). 

I have no real answer for that other than head canon answers that would very loose head canon answers that I have absolutely no support for.  Ian and Evan definitely haven't forgotten about her in the comics since she was involved in the Metal Virus Saga and also a side mission with Rouge and Amy so maybe at some point with Ian being more involved storyline wise he may involve her more.

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15 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Speaking of Cream, what happened to her? She disappeared from the series after Generations. She didn't appear in Forces, got replaced by Chao in Sonic Team Racing and there's no mention of her in Frontier.  She got no love in Boom and Prime (She would have made more sense to be on Team Sonic than Rouge). 

Funny enough...I just finished listening to the latest Bumblekast and someone asked Ian about Cream's lesser involvement

Should be time stamped when the question comes up.  His answer comes from the comic side of things but based on the answer it sounds like the thought process for this is probably also the same for the games.  Whether it makes sense or not is another story...

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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:


That is actually a really good render of Lanolin.   Kind of like if she was in Prime and it had just a bit higher budget or something.  Also it took me a moment to realize that she herself doesn't actually have the ability, it's the wisp in combination with the bell that.  Don't know how I missed that detail in the preview but when I read the comic I was like "oooooohhhh...".  Still cool though



Speaking of the comic, I'm wondering where this arc is going to go with them going into Eggperial city after them nearly not making it out the last time.  Then on top of that it looks like Eggman implemented that weird ass experimental tech that he was working on previously in that tower some issues ago that Sonic and crew stumbled upon out of nowhere.    I also noticed that Ian may be back int he driver's seat for this arc since his name was on the latest issue.





Edited by Sonichuman
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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, RegH81 said:

Digging the song picks for Juke Box mode in Sonic Frontiers. 


Had a feeling Sonic Origins would get a physical release. I mean, SEGA shoulda did that ish on day 1 when they dropped it last year, but better late than never. 

I'm def down since Amy is now playable.  Prob had to take some time to animate classic Amy sprites.

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3 hours ago, DangerousJ said:



I know you're not interested in Transformers, but I thought you would like this 

Someone customized the recent Ark figure into a Robotnik mecha. Pretty cool.





What makes you think I don't care about Transformers?  I like the franchise actually but I got into it pretty late.  I'm not a super fan or anything though but the fact that Transformers and Sonic are both under IDW makes me curious if they'll ever consider doing a crossover.  Not as intriguing as Megaman and Sonic crossing over but the idea of Eggman teaming up with Megatron and learning how the Cybertronians work and applying that to his robots is interesting to me. 

Edited by Sonichuman
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