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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sonero said:


    Humans with strangers all the fucking time. Matter of fact it is way easier to talk to a stranger about your problems than it is to talk to somebody you know. There's been even studies on this. Hell convos like that happen in bars.


    You know how that happens? You talk about regular ol' life shit with people. Why? Because regular ol' life shit is filled with lots of hardships. Hell you know who liked dropping shit on fucking random strangers? SRKers. There was an entire thread that I literally refused to go into to avoid needing to moderate it: The Relationship Thread. Motherfuckers would go in there to talk about personal details and a chunk of them were first time posters looking for advice from complete strangers in a place where they could run into them a second time.


    Look, some of you fuckers are clearly not human. When faced with information that maybe your life experiences are lacking, you guys are turning it into "well the world is woke because women put some of their woes on TV".



    My way of living where I can have conversations with people like healthy adults without turning them into potential pseudo sexual relationships?


    Like goddamn...I have hella old fashioned points of view on all sorts of shit but at least I understand that its just where my lane is at involving a topic; hell I've even admitted that its just a thing and leave it at that. I'm not trying to pretend those points of views aren't aligning entirely with reality for various reasons.


    But apparently a host of mofos here: 1) can't talk to women like they're regular people, 2) Assume that any business trip your wife may go on is just a chance for her to get dicked down by somebody, 3) think that mentioning your problems to a stranger is a weird thing that happens in life, 4) are mad at She-Hulk because she did a post credit scene twerking even though it was far removed from anything involving a story line and was just meant to be a silly thing.


    Mofos acting like they have some point when they are literally validating hella things women take issue with.



    If we're going back to damn She Hulk. Literally my only beef with the series. Is that scene where she talks down to Bruce as if his struggles don't compare to hers. As if she'd be able to keep her cool even better than he did. If faced with the same issues and challenges. 


    I guess we grew up very different. Because where I grew up? You don't just discuss such issues with just anybody. That shit is foreign to me. But I'm not gonna judge you or say you're wrong, for moving different. 


    But ya seem to have no issue with passing judgment and looking down. On those who view interactions with the opposite sex differently. Like unless I'm being indisputably sexist or misogynistic. I'm not understanding why there can't be different strokes for different folks?

  2. 17 minutes ago, Sonero said:


    You can learn about somebody having been in a bad relationship from a super casual conversation. Talk to a gamestop clerk, ask her about one of her tats. Convo keeps going to the point  found out that her ex hated tattoos.  The story behind one of the other tats was that its a shared one between her mother, sister and her.


    I'm somewhere between baffled and just fully flabbergasted at this. Might as well just say you don't talk to people period. holy shit.

    There's a difference between someone mentioning their past relationship sucked. Or current isn't the best in casual conversation. And them actually venting to you with intimate details and seeking your counsel on dealing with it. Who does that in casual conversation???


    Like @HD-Mansaid. Everyone just do what works for you. But stop talking like your way of going about things is objectively correct and mine is objectively wrong and I need to change.





  3. 11 minutes ago, Sonero said:




    I've never had issues with her hanging out with male friends either. Y'all need to stop watching those goofy CW shows. Got you thinking that any conversation with the opposite sex is the prelude to fucking.



    There's a fine line between casual conversation with the opposite sex. And venting about your relationship to someone of the opposite sex.

  4. 14 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    Why are we just assuming she hasn't tried talking to her man about the issues in the relationship and is now looking for second and third opinions since people in the relationship tend to have trouble seeing all the issues they are having themselves?


    Why is she not allowed to get other opinions? Especially if a ding song is attached to those opinions? 


    The whole thing reeks of insecurity because the only conclusion you are able to come to is that shes gonna get dick from the other guy no matter what. You've already resigned yourself to unfaithfulness, to having to have your guard up if she goes looking for anything outside the relationship with another male. 


    The saddest part is that generally people come to these kinds of conclusions because it's what they themselves would do. 

    She could easily call upon brothers, cousins. Uncles, or dad. Barring the rare exceptions who have 0 male family. That's the only way I personally could possibly accept that.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

    I don't have a no opposite sex friends rule with my wife and she even used to keep in contact and talk to her ex.  Having a rule like that feels like I'm implying and/or admitting that either one of us can't trust the other regardless if the point is to avoid potential issues.

    Occasionally calling the Ex just to check in because you care is one thing. But imagine you and your lady are having issues. And you find out she's venting about them to said ex or some other dude who she swears is just a good friend. 

  6. @iStu XYo deadass. Like you really keep replying. Saying the same shit about how I'm so sexist, I don't help women with problems if I'm not getting sex, etc. Yet pretty much everyone else who actually took the time to read my post. Understands that's not the case.


    But you. You're the one jack ass that's reading what he wants to read. And responding based on that. If you're not gonna fully read and comprehend before replying? Kindly shut the fuck up about me. 


    Because you don't seem to care to actually understand what I'm saying. You just seem triggered off the way I move with women. And going off that. Disregarding nuance and details. It leads to nothing productive. Just creates resentment and ill will.


    I neva had any issue with you before. Until I spoke my opinion on a subject that is sensitive to you. Just because we don't see eye to eye on this. Doesn't mean we have to be at each other's throats and talk down to one another. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    I love how this has nothing to do with anything and just a random thing about him you picked to clown him for. 

    Aye man. He said he clowning me. So imma get on his ass. You and I disagree at times. But you ain't neva outright said you clowning or talked down to me. So respect is always there between us.


    Stu here though? He talking a bit too high and mighty for my liking. Talking about he clowning me like he won't get flamed. And I'm such a dawg. For not building strong friendships with women. And hear about relationship issues they should discuss with their man. WITH THE EXCEPTION of the circle of women already close to me via friends of the family and childhood friends.



  8. 1 hour ago, iStu X said:

    I’m not taking it to extremes. You’re literally acknowledging you do what I’m clowning on you for. 

    “I don’t want a female to come to me about her troubles unless I can get something like sex out of it” 😂


    Or you could just be a friend And listen to their troubles? Like..Christ dude. You’re fully exposing yourself here. 

    My friend was having a mental breakdown cause she was hosting a wedding at her house and her husband was kinda being shitty about the whole thing and was draggin his feet with helping or would just flat out not do things that she asked him to do. You know what I did? I sure as shit didn’t tell her to divorce her husband and give me head.


    I listened to her, tried to talk her through what she was going through, and asked her if there’s was anything I could do to help prepare the house for the wedding. I ended up staying at their house for almost a week helping her, her husband and her sister clean.  

    I’d be there for her like that again in a second too. Same with any of my other friends regardless of gender.

    Wanna know why? Cause I’m not always thinking “what do I get out of this?” Or “what’s in it for me?”. If all you do is think of friendships or relationships as transactions then you don’t deserve those friendships or relationships. Period. 

    OK now that I'm done with work. I got time for yo ass


    Who the hell are you to clown anyone??? You need to sit down and be humble. Out here posting pics of your basic ass cooking, like some basic ass chick on Instagram. Thinking you actually did something in that kitchen. GTFO.


    Where the fuck did I even imply a woman can't come to me with problems unless I'm getting sex??? I specified boyfriend issues. She can talk to her man. What woman has male best friends she vents about her man too??? What man would be cool with his woman doing that??? Most would see that as a bright red flag. 


    Like I said. Women that are friends of the family or I've known since childhood and get the sister treatment. Get that emotional support from me. But I'm not going out building strong bonds with women outside of that. Do you understand that? Or are you just intentionally ignoring that. As you shout from your soapbox how noble you are for building close friendships with women outside your family. And guys who don't are *insert buzzword here*


    My friendships and sibling bonds are never transactional. I go above and beyond for those I'm close with and they do the same. But I'm not building that kind of bond with women outside that circle. So they can talk with their man about issues they have with him. Not me.


    If that's how you move? That's fine. But don't get on my case. Like I'm wrong for the way I move and you're right Fuck outta here. You are not morally superior to me for doing that. We just move different with women. That's all. Stop making it more than that.







  9. 2 hours ago, iStu X said:




    Right? 😂


    I’m 36 in November and most of my best friends throughout my life have been female. Cause you know, I’m mentally and emotionally mature enough to not see every woman as a sex object and I see them as people. Apparently that’s a wild as fuck concept 😂


    If they end up being shitty then oops all berries. Life happens. That’s on them and not females as a whole.

    What a stupid fucking ways of thinking that’s been on display in this thread. 


    There you go again talking in extremes. All I said was not to come to be complaining about Boyfriends and guys. I'd rather be the guy she ditches him for. But I can enjoy a woman's company with or without sex on the table. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    So you're chill with this woman for a few years and she's having some problems with her relationship, you won't hear her out, offer real advice, try and empathize? Be a true friend? Just "Ditch him, let's fuck"?


    Cuz that what it sounds like. 

    She'd have to be like a friend of the family, or a woman I treat as a sista because we go back to childhood or something. Outside of that? I don't have close female friends. Like I don't make it a point to do that. 


    Women outside of that,that I know? Things are casual. They ain't calling me with boyfriend issues. That's why I said I'm doing something wrong if they feel that comfortable with me. 


    They're looking at me as. "This is a guy I can vent about my boyfriend to" Instead of "This is a guy I can replace my boyfriend with"



  11. 10 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    You only interact with women if you can fuck them?



    Bruh who said that??? I said I'm not trying to hear about boyfriend issues. Like my only advice is ditch that dude and lets get it on. But I'm not about to be one of her guy girlfriends she complains about men to.


    But I can chill with a woman and be cool with her without sex being on the table. I'm not a savage that's ruled by his dick.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Sonero said:


    Do you not have any female friends? Ever had female friends talk about having bad boyfriends, dealt with assholes or anything else?



    I'll be damned. If a woman that isnt my kin. Felt comfortable with me enough to talk about issues with their boyfriend. I'm clearly doing something wrong. If she wants to talk about him. Instead of ditching him and hooking up with me.

  13. 6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    Except you are because your criticizing her for speaker her peace in a way YOU don't approve of. 


    It's no wonder so many men can't seem to handle this show. They don't even pay attention to what they do or listen to the things they say. "She was good till she opened her mouth." How do contextually that in a way that isn't insulting as fuck?


    No one took you out of context. You said she was fine until she talked. You literally boiled the problem down to her having a voice. May not have been your intent but it's what you did regardless. 


    You did a bad job setting your context. That's your fault not ours. 

    Nah that's BS man. Critiquing and having a rebuttal to what some has to say is not the same as denying someone room to speak or their experience.


    And yes. Stop taking my words out of context. I could've worded that better. But my point isn't she's wrong for speaking period. She's wrong for speaking as if her issues are so far greater than what Hulk has been through. Let's see her go through a fraction of what he has and keep her cool.

  14. 14 minutes ago, iStu X said:

    Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


    just. Wow. 


    Just take that remark out of context and run with it huh? I'm not saying she can't speak her peace. But to talk as if what she's been through was worse than what Banner has been through is the issue. 


    Had she just simply listed her issues and dealing with them well. As why she has good emotional control? That would've went over fine. But to straight shit on Hulk saying she does it infinitely better than him for those reasons??? GTFO with dat bullshit

  15. 7 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    Well your issues are dumb because she's right. She does control it better then he does. You're really just salty that she's right. 


    Who are you to dictate the impact people's lives have upon themselves and how it effects their lives long term? People have killed themselves over the shit you just listed as "no big deal."


    I'm missing 0 context. You are trying to dictate the impact of the context. 

    And that would be valid. Had she not opened her mouth. To list her experiences as proof she controls her emotions better to someone that has been through objectively WAY worse.


    Yeah cat calling and a male dominated work space may be extremely taxing for her. But for others? There's way worse to deal with. Like having a monster take over you and cause you to hospitalize the woman you love. Risk causing insane damage and loss of life etc.









  16. 2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    What's funny is Jen is better at controlling her emotions, always has been, even in the comics her struggle wasn't with anger which Bruce's big issue and something he's not very good at doing, by his own damn admission. 


    So ya'll mad at shit Bruce and Jen have known for 40 years. She has work to do with her emotions, the show shows us this blatantly, but it's true she's better at controlling her ANGER then Bruce is. Always has been. Kinda the whole deal with Bruce is that he's not very good at anger regulation. Not so with She-Hulk she has her own issues to deal with completely separate from Bruce. 


    This thinking that Bruce grew up abused so he would be better at controlling himself doesn't even play out in real life, like at all. It's why I clapped back yesterday at the notion that hard times make hard men. They don't. They never have. They make broken men who are unable to properly regulate themselves and their emotions. It's why men who go to war suffer for the rest of their lives with it. The men who came home from WWII, Vietnam, they didn't come home hard, they came home broken and destroyed, mentally, emotionally and physically. 


    So the idea that Bruce would be able to regulate his emotions because he was abused as a child doesn't come close to adding up. It's the kind of conclusion you can only come to only watching American Propoganda war films and crazy action movies put of Hollywood (or Videogames) while being unable to divorce fiction from reality. 


    Hard times make broken people. Period. Bruce is garbage at regulating his anger and always has been. Man had to run away to the Rain Forest where he wouldn't hurt anyone cuz he couldn't keep the lid on. Absolutely Jen is better then him at it, she lived a less abusive life while also dealing with the attitude problems that come with being a female professional. Shit Bruce still doesn't have his Hulk persona under control he had to invent a device to make him go back to Banner Form. He doesn't even have control of it now. 

    Ya missing the context. Yes due to her more stable upbringing. She has better emotional control. But the main thing that pissed fans off including me. Is how she listed her issues and staying cool in the face of them. As examples  Of how she manages her emotions infinitely better. 


    As if cat calling, and proving yourself in a male dominated space. Is more emotionally taxing. Than a fraction of what Banner has been through.



  17. 20 minutes ago, Sonero said:


    Why? Dude is right. Moving away from oil, even though we need to, is a very complicated process. There isn't enough nickle in the planet to make everything run on batteries. Until that can get sorted out, we can't just get rid of oil.


    On top of that all major cities outside of a few are built with cars in mind. So thanks to shitty humans wanting to sell vehicles, and people like Elon Musk, the infrastructure is dependent on oil.


    all that before we even talk about how all of our food production is tied to oil all the while those places are running out of water.



    Yeah it's like demanding for your car's dirty oil to be changed. When there's no oil available. Driving with dirty oil isn't an ideal situation. But it's way better than nothing

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