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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. Ok back in New York for a few days before flying out to Texas for training Monday. Great seeing the family again and being in my old neighborhood. My youngest Nephew man....


    When he first came to stay with Me, his dad and our sista? He didn't smile much. Very serious kid who liked to hit instead of talk and wasn't too comfortable around us at first but over time started to come around and we grew close.


    Only now I see just how much he now loves his uncle. Because when I came through the door? "UNCLE JAMEL!" Biggest smile on his face. And he rushed in for a hug. As well as my niece. I gotta make time to bond with her as well. I'm just happy to see him so happy and playful like a kid ought to be.


    Also he and his brother beat me in Smash Ultimate. In a few months. He went from struggling to use Up B to get back on stage when knocked off. To knowing how to mix grabs into his attacks to keep you guessing. I'm like wut? Who is this guy? Freakin Justin Wong over here lol. I can't do basic strays against them anymore. I'm  actually gonna have to go try hard in today's rematch lol.



  2. 3 hours ago, MillionX said:

    The Wall took a long time to get that one.  It is only recently that Martha *finally* started looking too old... and even then, she's just now in that "still looks good for her age" category.  She is part of a legendary category of women with near eternal hotness:

    Sophia Loren

    Helen Mirren


    The "younger" side of the list --- Halle, Salma Hayek, Marisa Tomei, and Elizabeth Hurley...all in their mid to late 50s now, but still looking incredible....also there's Valerie Bertinelli, who is now 62....was one of the finest women ever to be on television.

    Add Nina Hartley to this list

  3. 50 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Bruh this 50 Cent bitch ass son drama gets funnier. Up until he was 10 years old, 50 was paying 25,000 dollars a month. His mom wanted more, took 50 to court, and the judge reduced it to $6,700 a month. So she, in her greed, got $400,000 a year cut down to $80,400 a year 🤣🤣🤣🤣


    Side note: Wait, so that would mean she would have gotten like 4 million by the time he was 10. 🤔

    Sounds like moms didn't put a damn thing away for him. No stock portfolio, no trust, no house, nothing. Smh

  4. 18 minutes ago, zatalcon3 said:

    I found out that Hinge app has a lot of fat ugly girls. I saw it on the internet and tried to DL it thinking of some of my friends here. It's the tinder for fat girls.

    This schtick isn't tired for you already? Cmon man I know you gotta have something else you can throw at us. I believe in you. But do you believe in yourself?

  5. 7 minutes ago, KimuraLOX said:

    I think it's moreso how the outside world reacts to their antics moreso than having a straightman in the crew. They all live in their own bubble and it's funny to see normal people interact with them and see just how fucked up they are lol. I think that's why it lasted as long as it did (and continues to do).





    Watch em in order guys. He's right about others being the straight men.






  6. 11 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

    Even in the show, I never cared about Jerry much.


    Tier list






    Well Jerry was the straight man of the bunch that allowed the crazy antics of the others to really hit home when he's effected by it. Like Hank Hill and his friends. Dysfunction and shenanigans isn't so funny if everyone is participating in the madness. Someone has to be the stick in the mud.

  7. 11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    There are tons of ways to teach your sons and daughters the value of hard work that has nothing to do with money (Your daughter needs to know that value so sue doesn't misunderstand the Value her husband is bringing if she's a stay home like you describe). 


    If you want them to understand money then you need to teach them it's value to those who don't have it. That's the key imo. 


    It'd also important to understand that your kids will not turn out the way you want them to. Teach them all you want, no guarantee it will sink or be a key component of themselves. Could easily just go "Yea Dad you're dumb" and go back tonwatching Andrew Taye video of something. 


    You do the best you can and hope for a best outcome. *fingers crossed*

    True. That's why I said my son(s) will have to earn their keep in some way. It doesn't have to be by earning money outside. They can join me in my business endeavors and assist where I need them. Or they can do their own thing. But they won't just be completely living off the family's dime, giving nothing back.


    Same with my daughter(s). But I definitely don't want the ladies to HAVE to work for money. Much rather them support the household. And yeah they'll understand the value of money when you don't have it. Hence I'll show them my upbringing.


    And yeah I hope I do the best job I can, and they go on to do better than me and my siblings, and the generation before us. If they repeat our mistakes, trauma and dysfunction? I'll feel like a complete failure. Money be damned


    Also u no like Andrew Tate? Whatcha got against him? And yes I do watch him. But I don't agree with everything. I just take what I agree with and leave the rest.

  8. 1 minute ago, DoctaMario said:

    I think the point is making sure they learn the value of a dollar and the value of hard work before they get those spoils. Otherwise you end up with a kid like 50s kid.

    I'd go for a balanced approach. I.E My son wants to start a business? Go out and earn 25% of the money needed to start it. And I'll give ya the other 75%. He didn't have to grind like I did. But he still put in some work to earn it.

  9. 25 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:



    *When* you become rich, will you marry a white girl? 

    I appreciate that vote of confidence in me. Ideally I'd want to marry a black woman and raise a healthy, strong, and happy black family. Like what we saw in the 50s and 60s. And then we go on to help other black folks do the same. 


    Now will that be with a black woman here in the states? Idk. From what I've experienced. It seems not the majority. But a lot of sistas. Ain't serious about being wives or mothers. Until they get older and have had their "fun". And now have a kid or two.



  10. 1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

    I mean if i made that kind of money it wouod be so my kids and shuch dont have to work..ever. 


    The disappointment would be in my kid going online and doing some dumbass rant about money as if he has any real world concept of it. That's where the disappointment comes in imo. 


    Be a leech, it's why I earned all this fucking money, but know what you are and stay in your lane.


    It's like when Kim K was doing that whole "Nobody wants to work anymore" bullshit as if she has even a grasp on what normal work is. She doesn't have a clue, stay in your lane. 

    Yeah I never understood the idea of a rich parent saying to their kids. "This is my money. Go out and get your own". Like I thought the whole point of building wealth was to make life easier on the next generation of your family.


    Of course don't let them become spoiled brats. Have them do things and share experiences with them. That keep them grounded. I.E when I have a family. I'll show my kids where I grew up in The Bronx. And places I've worked.


    Now with my son(s). He can't be a leech. A man has to earn his keep in some way in order to become competent and confident. He ain't about to end up like Rob Kardashian or 50s boy. All that money but no backbone or using money inplace of confidence.


    Now my daughter(s). Maybe this is sexist or whatever. Idc. I want my daughters to be kept women. Women who have no idea what it's like personally. To HAVE ( key word there. Dont miscontrude my point if you reply. U know who you are ) to work to earn money. They either had a father who provided. Or a husband who provides. And they do work that supports the family. Or choose to work to earn money. I rather they choose the former.

  11. 25 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

    yunno what i hate more than anything else? the way american banks get nutty every time you buy something direct from china.

    every time i buy something from, or anything china. my bank thinks its "suspicious" and freezes my debit card. bruh. its weekend and my bank is closed. fuck.

    even buying shit from genshin impact caused a freeze. dude im buyin genshin primogems im not committing espionage like wtf usa banks?!?!? stop treating a simple normal transaction like if i committed treason for buying from "the enemy" 

    china owns like 60% of america, just deal with it already banks. stop punishing us for doing business. i swear.

    Banks will give loans so someone can expand their business and get cheap labor from China. But God forbid the consumer tries to cut out the middle man and just buy for cheap directly from China. Nope flag that shit

  12. 2 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

    the point is, our modern diets are wrong. our diets are not what our caveman ancestors ate. its why our teeth are fucked up with cavities etc. no caveman needs fillings. you shouldnt need fillings ever. teeth are bone designed to last a lifetime. we all have cavities cuz our diets are wrong. 


    It's mainly the added sugars. It's in damn near everything sold. And it's addicting. But there's also GMOs, heavily processed foods. This is why look at anyone who says they don't cook. Like they're crazy. But it ain't enough to cook your own food. Ingredients have to be quality too. 


    But of course it's designed so that quality meats, veggies etc. Cost an arm and leg. 

  13. 16 minutes ago, Reticently said:

    Fruit is so acidic that the chemical names of certain acids are derived from the fruits they're found in.

    True. The only alkaline fruits I know of. Are Bananas ( amazing for digestion and gut health ) And melon fruits i.E watermelon, cantaloupe etc. The best way for a woman to alkaline her body and get her Ph right. Is to drink plenty of water, and eat lots of green and root veggies such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, beets, carrots, sweet potato etc. 


    But they also have to be cooked with nutrition in mind. If they're boiled too long and over seasoned. Then it ain't doing nothing. This is why Japanese are said to have the best Ph. They have a high veggie diet and cook them properly to get the nutrition.

  14. @RSG3Welp can't find any government or college backed studies showing specifically what you're asking for. So feel free to dismiss my opinion on that. i just know what i know based on what i saw. But I can't argue it as fact.


    But you never answered the question. What would you be able to do with a year of living rent and tax free? Not deffered payments. Completely free. Do you think the average person would do something with that opportinity? And if so,  do you think it's possible to make that happen?

  15. 8 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

    So because she makes more than him, she doesn't get half of his stuff? I'm not being funny, genuinely curious how it works 

    Divorce laws were written to where the bread winner would continue to provide for the other. Until they remaried. Due to them forgoing a career and earning money to take care of the home and family. It was overwhelmingly the man in that bread winner position. Thus the misconception. But it was never written to where the man pays alimony and shares assets with the woman. The bread winner does.


    I.E Mary J Blidge having to pay alimony to her Ex Husband. But it's very rare where the woman is in that role and on the hook if divorce happens. They're both hyper successful people. So alimony or child support wouldn't be on the table. It'd be a battle over assets.

  16. 31 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    Care more about themselves then their families. We are aware. We just don't understand why you keep excusing him for it. We know he's ambitious. 


    His ambition is poison to himself now. That's all there is to it bro. He broke his promise to his wife over ambition. He's getting divorced over ambition. He's effecting his families dynamic over ambition. He can turn it off. Saying he can't turn it off is bullshit. Your describing addiction. He's addicted to his ambition to the detriment of his wife and children. He can turn it off. He's a strong fucking dude. Not being able to put his ambition to side once he's accomplished more then he ever expected to is now greed. He's being greedy. 


    At some point guys like him need to get out of their own heads and look at what they doing. Him being ambitious isn't an excuse for him being selfish to the detriment of himself and everyone else in his life. 


    He's literally telling his wife and kids Football is more important to him then they are.


    Doesn't matter what kind of man he is, he keeps it up he'll die alone with his stupid Superbowl Rings to keep him company. 

    No one's making excuses. I'm aware of the stress he's putting his family through and that it's foul. I'm just giving you an explanation as to why. Not excuses for his actions. Reasons for his actions. 


    This is why I stress. That guys like him. Are better off choosing women that will just get on their program. A guy like him choosing a very successful accomplished woman. Who would have the assertiveness to challenge his decisions. Is foolish


    And for women who want a family oriented man who prioritizes that? It'd be best to pursue men who achieve with supporting a family in mind. Not a guy who achieves just for the love of it. Good luck getting him to walk away from that which gives him such a sense of purpose.



  17. 3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    Yoy should do this for anyone yoy make a promise to. Promises are a powerful thing and breaking them tells the person you made the promise to a lot about how much you mean to them...not a lot if you break big promises to them. 

    He's revealing that she doesn't mean much to him either way. 

    I'm telling you man. Guys like him. It's not that they don't love or care about other things and people in their lives. But when it comes to their drive and purpose. The thing that makes them feel like they were put on Earth to do that since a young age? They can't turn it off. It's like asking that person to stop breathing.

  18. 1 hour ago, Daemos said:

    I get that he is Tom Brady but do you realize that she is Gisele Bundchen? She's not any women. What is the point of all that power and wealth if you can't even take the time to spend a few years for your children. When he chose to settle down with her, he needed to settle down. She did for him and the kids.

    I respect her status and accomplishments. But let's be real.  Do you think Tom would've rejected her if she didn't have that status and money? Do you think her money and status means that much to him?


    A man with that level of success can have damn near any woman he wants. So it would've been wise for a man that's wired like him. To pick a woman that'll get on his program. Why he picked a woman that was just as career driven and hyper successful as he is. Thus has characteristics and traits. That wouldn't allow her to just follow without strong push back if she don't like his decision. Is beyond me.


    Me personally. I'm trying to get to a point where I don't have to work unless I want to. And can just spend time with family, friends, smashing women. And maybe find one I can settle down with and smash everyday and raise a family. But Brady? Nah. This song perfectly describes people like him. Replace the drug theme with football. Especially The bridge and hook





  19. 42 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    And ima sit here and call him a dumb dumb for making football more important then his family. 


    Edit: While that article shows expenditures had gone up doesn't really explain if there was any waste to that spending. There's a ton of reasons spending on those areas where up, a lot of being people where stuck at home. Going out wasn't recommended. Shopping was potentially dangerous, hence food ordering being up. Expenditures being up doesn't automatically equate to waste. I'm asking for proof of waste. A lot of that spending propped up the market during that time so douche canoes with money already could continue their goofy investing bullshit. 


    Hell I remember when normal people did play the game with that Gamestop goofiness they shut the shit down cuz normal peeps aren't supposed to win at that game lol. 

    Ok I'll dig more

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