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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 42 minutes ago, Volt said:

    Great thread idea, even better thread title. I hope this one takes off, but I'm not sure if there's a lot of people here that are looking for a career to follow.

    Could be some young lurkers, that may want to inquire about it. The gamergate thread back in the early 2010s had that effect. Brought in a lot of eyes that other wise wouldn't have been here

  2. Popular Aviation website for job postings. Got a lot of my work from here.



    Here are some employers that offer overseas contracts.



    This site requires you to have a clearance. I can tell ya more about that if interested





    A summary of the different career paths in Aviation Maintenance











  history of aviation dates,four pairs of glider wings.



    Flying Taxi's are coming ya. This company Joby is a publicly traded one. So I'll be investing and keeping tabs on them


    Here are some other EVTOL air taxis










  4. Welcome to the Aviation Thread where we can discuss all things dealing with Aviation Aerodynamics, and space. I'm a Aircraft mechanic who has been in the industry for 7 years now. I'm no expert but I know enough about the maintenance side of things, job market, a few tricks of the trade, things going on in the industry etc. To share with those who want to learn about Aviation industry.  Have an interest in working in it, And chop it up with those who have knowledge and experience.


    My goal with this thread is to expose more people to all the career opportunities in this industry. What goes into making this industry run, why it's so important to our modern life. And where it started, how it got where we it is today. And where it's going in the future.


    So if you have any questions about the industry. Such as how are the planes maintained, job opportunities, business side of things, culture, how planes are built etc. Just shoot, and I'll answer best I can. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    My dad always told me, you never know who you are dealing with. Dude fucked around with Harry Potter and found out.



    .Damn man's got sent to the shadow realm

    .Lost his soul to the seal of orichalcos

    .Had his soul removed like Pain did Tsunade's personal aide

    .Lookin like Hulk after the original sorcerer Supreme knocked it out of him

    .Dropped like a toy in Toy Story when humans show up

  6. 22 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    No its not. You don't fuck with those women. Simple as that my dude. My girl makes 4 grand more then I do.


    Edit: Man that Roseanne "Kiss My Ass" Joke is awful. So we are to call her Kiss My Ass from now on then? Thats how Pronouns work....shes Kiss My Ass now. Thats also a stolen joke, like people where saying that dead ass joke like 2 years ago. Shes a joke thief now to? God shes fuckin fallen off from the hilarity of Hitler baking Ginger Bread cookies to stealing bad jokes. Fuck man.

    4 grand more a year or month? Because 4 grand more annually? Yeah that's not a deal breaker. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Reticently said:

    Women catch the shit end of that psychology too- they internalize that they aren't feminine if they're outdoing their male partner.  Just look at all the shit takes calling Rhianna of all people masculine.


    It's the same psychology that keeps women from dating guys an inch shorter than them.  It's not even about the dude.

    Me personally. A woman can make as much as she wants and/or be taller than me. It's all good unless she starts acting like she's the man in the relationship because of those things. I'll let her know once it's a problem that needs to stop. Continues? I'm gone. Because at that point she's the man she wants to be. So there's no room in her life for another.



  8. 4 hours ago, J-ride said:

    Honestly if that works for your family that is fine, but I have noticed the high achieving women want a man who is even higher achieving which IMO is the real issue.  I've also noticed those women tend to resent the stay at home dad.  My wife's cousin ended up in a divorce because his wife was a top tier lawyer and after a few years of him letting his career take the back seat to hers she ran off with a millionaire.  

    This is facts. People can say what they will about Myron from Fresh&Fit. But he's absolutely on point. When he says the more a woman earns and accomplishes in her career. The more it shrinks her dating pool. Because most women can't date down.


    Consciously a more career focused woman feels like a boss that makes her own way in life. And isnt dependent on a man. Sub consciously she still has that desire for a masculine provider and protector she can depend on. It's like an internal conflict.


    But when you are hyper successful like Rihanna? You pretty much ain't got no choice but to date down financially. Or be single for life. And as long as resprct for him as a man is maintained? Then it's no problem. It's only when when we see that respect for us has been compromised due to the woman earning more. Does it become an issue.



  9. 18 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

    I really don't why there is a good chunk of men out there that think showing any sign of compassion for something including your own fucking child is some sort of weakness that needs to be ripped out.  Like I wish I was closer with my dad but he has a very old school mentality that was pervasive throughout my childhood and our relationship is really weird because of it.  He did his job as the father of the house, he provided for us, and was mostly the breadwinner but my relationship with him as a whole is I feel is awkward and weak.  I've tried to rectify of the years to make it stronger but its only gotten marginally better.  Its why I'm taking a dif approach with my kid to make sure I have a strong relationship with him while still being a father so if he feels he wants to come talk to me about something later he can.

    I think he's being knocked more for being in a position where Rihanna is perceived as the head of the family. She has the more successful music career, she has a billion dollar business. Her name is mentioned first, not his. 


    And it's not just the men. Women give him ish too. "Riri settled, why didn't she stay with the Arab billionare?" "She should've got with Drake, a dude actually near her level. A$AP Rocky is a dusty compared to him" "We know it's Queen Riri running things in that household" "I've been working since I was 16, yet A$AP Rocky gets to be a stay at home dad to a billionaire. Must be nice"


    Kinda hard to let go of that " I have to be the provider, leader, strong manly man" standard as a man. When not only other men. But women you desire may look down on you for not meeting it.

  10. 2 minutes ago, zatalcon3 said:

    Clayton Bigsby is a fictional character played by Dave Chappelle, so he doesn't count for real life stuff. 

    I think the point I was making is that blind people can tell if the person is Indian because of the smell. Black and white guys don't have a specific odor (although, many black people here in nyc who never shower tend to smell like pencil sharpeners, however there are white guys who smell like that too in nyc).

    I referenced the skit as a joke man. Lighten up.

  11. God damn this sista and black women in general have been getting absolutely dragged in these comments and across YouTube for talking ish about South East Asian women and Latinas overseas.



    The Thai and Phillipenas in particular aren't having it. There's response videos of philipenas and Thai women going in on western women's hygiene, how they can't keep their men and ish.


    I honestly can't blame the South East Asians for clapping back this hard. Ever since this passport bro thing has been gaining attention. Western women have been going in on not just those guys. But the South East Asian women too. 


    The ignorance and arrogance they speak with about these women is wild. A lot of women here in the west definitely need some humble pie. Some really walk around here thinking they are the gold standard, women world wide need to level up to.



  12. 11 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:



    Sista in the 2nd vid is actually big brained without lnowing it. Many native Hawaiians don't consider themselves U.S citizens and see Hawaii as its own country. They never wanted to be part of the U.S. They were strong armed into joining the union.


    And @axeman61Let my man Leo live bruh lol

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