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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 3 hours ago, DangerousJ said:



    So do you get along with the local Qatar peeps?

    Any other weird things you find that make it difficult compared to the US?

    What's weird is what I mentioned earlier.  Now thisvall applies just to Doha. The locals are the minority. The vast majority of the population are immigrants with work visa. So its hard to really speak on Qatari's or their culture. Granted that's here in Doha. I'd probably have to explore outside the city to mingle with actual Qataris


    I've met and talked with Indians, Turks, Pakistanis, Kenyans. So people from other parts of West Asia and Africa. But rarely do I see Qatari's outside of government jobs. And a rule of thumb? Don't go approaching Qatari women. They'll approach you if they want to.


    English is pretty much the unofficial language. It's just easier that way with so many different people and their languages. So as long as you speak proper English, no slang. People can talk just fine. 


    Doha definitely has western influence. And was designed to attract international travelers. Seeing as how Qatar sought out the U.S for protection. In the event Saudi Arabia or Iran ever get hostile with them.


    So there isn't too much of a culture shock here. Most Westerners should be able to fit in. They have customs and social norms you'd expect to from Muslim countries. But yeah its cool over here. But damn do I miss the greenery of Alpharetta. Just seeing desert at the base is depressing lol



  2. Taking a two week vacation on the 21st. I'll be back in the states for that time. It has been quite the experience so far. Living outside the U.S. on a military base. 


    Exploring the city of Doha and seeing people from so many different places. You'd forget that Qatari's are the locals here, but it sure don't feel like it when they only make up 300k of a 2million population.



  3. @DaemosHoe phase is not necessary for either sex. That's just fear of missing out/ grass is greener thinking. Which is why more often than not. People with vast sexual experience make for terrible husbands/wives. They don't know how to be content with what they got.


    And not only that. Those with vast sexual experience. And those with few sexual experiences. View the opposite sex differently, and behave in relationships differently.This is important and seems to be overlooked.


    The sayings ( can't turn a hoe into a housewife/can't turn a player into a husband ) exist for that reason. I will acknowledge I forgot to apply this to men as well. Because I would advise my sistas to avoid men who are known to run through women. Man don't need to be an experienced stud in bed. A good man can be taught how to please and vice versa.



  4. 11 minutes ago, J-ride said:

    I do think women get a complex from sleeping around mostly because the guys who tend to sleep around the most tend to do women dirty.  But they seem to be willing to fight each other over those deadbeats so I'm not really sure what can be done.  In my own life the guys who married hoes all got divorced after a few years.  The military wives being the worst ones PERIOD.  Jodi is an absolute menace!


    I believe there is a sweet spot though, I'm not exactly hung up on female purity, but I do think you probably shouldn't wife up women who've had a bunch of one night stands.

    I guess your wording is better. Because everyone looking at me like I'm crazy for not wanting a woman with too much sexual experience. And preferring a woman with less sexual experience. 


    Because THERE IS a huge difference between the two women. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    Yes you can. Thats exactly what I'm arguing against. It's pure nonsense, the fact these dudes even care about a girls body count is pathetic. Like so what if she has a lot of sexual partners? Dudes have tons and no one gives a shit. They only care with women, it's such a stupid double standard men lean on to act like they have meaningful standards when they don't. Fresh & Fit are like Steven Crowder. They invite stupid people onto their show, dunk on them with really questionable and situational logic, and then act like they accomplished something because the Bar Bunnies can't keep up. 

    Forget Fresh&Fit. This is solid advice that goes back centuries. A woman that lives a promiscuous life style should be a man's last choice for a wife.


    Put a promiscuous and a woman with few sexual experiences together. And you'll see a night and day difference between their demeanor, how they carry themselves and most importantly. How they view men.





  6. 3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    Yes they are, total bullshit my dude lol. Like this is my issue Fresh & Fit on this subject, these dudes preach like this is the common mentality and it's really not. Most dudes are fine to marry anyone who improves their life wether they come from the streets or not. Dudes pretend to be picky but they really aren't and never ever have been and never will be. 


    In fact most of the world's population is from the fucking streets. You're not the bourgeoisie.  


    Dudes would do well to stop taking advice from club goblins who live a completely different life from themselves. 


    @axeman61Notice you said clips. Not full shows. The clips are hand picked my dude. Of course you've never seen the girls say something smart they would never choose a clip that makes him look dumb lol. 

    When I say been out here in these streets? I'm talking she's very sexually active. Has had lot of sexual partners. ( she's for the streets ). Like they say, can't turn a 304 into a housewife.

  7. 20 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

    1.) I never see any clip with this dude where the woman on the other side of the table is saying something intelligent. Is he shopping for the dumbest girls he can find on some Fresh and Fit shit?

    2.) Even with his explanation, saying a woman should be sexually pure still sounds like some weirdo shit. I'm a weirdo dude myself and I would NEVER say some shit like that.

    He's basically a soft version of Fresh&Fit. He lacks the energy, assertiveness and willingness to be confrontational like Myron. And really doesn't do anything different.


    As far as sexual purity? A woman can do what she wants. But most dudes ain't trying to wife a woman that has been out here in these streets.

  8. On 3/15/2023 at 9:46 AM, Maravilla said:

    Wtf? This maufaka like chess then, dayum! This game seems like it's gonna take a long time to learn then. Man I envy all y'all who understand and grasp fighting games relatively fast, I got to bronze in SFV so I'm not very good, but at least im

    definetely more interested in watching tourneys etc. for this game now. Anyways thank you and @TwinBlades and everyone who's replied to me, I appreciate it. 

    Well when you get right down to it. Fighting games are basically a very dynamic chess game with lots and lots of pieces on the board. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Reticently said:

    Given how easy it used to be to ghost on people completely before modern technology, and the total lack of birth control, it wasn't really that rare to find women with 3 kids from 3 different dads, at least in the cities.


    Tinder and the internet put them out there in everyone's faces, but they've always been out there.  Mostly in the trashier bars.

    Not just the circumstances. But the attitude. To just put it out there as if it's not a bad look in the dating market. To talk as if a man would be lucky to have her and should prove himself worthy. And expects him to be an above average man

  10. 1 hour ago, Reticently said:

    Not really though.  Dive into some genealogy research or similar and it's not too hard to find versions of that chick in records dating back to the 1600s.

    Poor choice of words. When I say unheard of? I meant it was so rare. You didn't really hear about such woman. They weren't common. Now of course this is just based on my limited knowledge of history.


    But I'm willing to bet women like the one in that dating profile. Weren't so common place in previous centuries. 




  11. 8 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    Its like I can see she definitely cares and doesnt mean any harm but she seems just incapable of backing off. She's so hyperfocused on being around me or wanting to talk constantly, that if my wish is to be left alone for a few hours to my thoughts to deal with whatever situationin im going through, her want to have my focus will supercede my actual needs.


    She doesn't quite understand how that's a bit of a  problem. If this makes sense, im sure I worded this poorly

    A lot of women think the worst when their man goes into solitude mode to figure things out. They think you may be having self harming thoughts, or might explode with rage out of nowhere.  They want to help the best way they know how. By talking and being a listening ear. And feel useless if they can't talk to and nuture you when you're stressed.

  12. 9 hours ago, Chadouken said:

    One of the women in my building dropped the foulest smelling bomb in the women's bathroom. It stank up the entire fucking hallway. You could almost see the green trail of stench emanating from the bathroom door 🤢

    Speaking of women taking monster dumps. When I was early 20s. I was seeing a lady. And after two weeks of dating I got the invite to her place. We watched a movie, had some drinks. But before we could head to the bedroom. She had to use the bathroom.


    She was in there for a while, whatever I thought, assumed shes freshing up. Then she came out ready to go. We made out, start touching and she strips, turns around and starts throwing dat azz at me. The stank bruh........


    Like you know it's hot back there. You can feel it. I was thinking she took time to also shower. Nah just gonna have the audacity to present your arse. Fresh from the toilet. As if dry tp alone gets you clean and presentable.


    Damn near instantly got soft. And had to make up an excuse to leave as to not hurt her feelings. From that day on. I make it a point to show the utmost appreciation. For women who keep their hygiene on point. Because most women being cleanly? Is BULLSH1T!!! Some are just nasty and don't realize it.

  13. 15 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

    Those pics are altered to hell. Here's a clip of him on the red carpet from that same night. 



    Appreciate this. Fuck any and all who played a part in lightening his appearance in that photo. That legit pissed me off. Reminds me that when some black women complain about colorism,  light skin sistas being preferred in society? It's a valid complaint. 



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