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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 49 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    Naw, I hope McConnel dies. Fuck that shriveled prune piece of shit. 




    And this among other reasons. Is why I say to hell with a 401k. And took matters into my own hands and started trading/investing myself. There's definitely a learning curve. I took some Ls. But it's worth it now. I'm at a point where I'm actually making money. 


    I'm gonna go hard once I have that 25k saved up in my account.

  2. 4 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

    I legitimately cannot wrap my head around people having that kind of energy over fast food. Like what drives someone to do this over fucking RANCH DRESSING?

    Straight up mental instability. These kind of people are not stable. They're on Joker time. They can be cool when things are cool. But the moment they feel slighted? There's no telling how far left things can go. Their emotions completely take over. Rational thought and restraint goes out the window.



  3. 38 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    And to me "Bring down the house" means amazing show you talk about for years, not just standing there and singing. I can get that on that radio. 


    @BB_HoodyI can get all that on the radio or by buying the Album. I paid for a show not an album. 

    No shade to you. You're entitled to what entertains you if you paid for it. But that right there, is why a J-Lo can be pushed into musical stardom, and be seen as greater than those who are actually far more talented and skilled at their craft. 



  4. 41 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    I think this singing convo got off on the wrong foot from the start cuz what do we mean by "Bring down the house"? To me that means an amazing show which is a lot more then just having good pipes. You can sing amazingly well but you just stand on the stage and sing and give me an experience I can got on my CD player then you didn't bring down the house imo. 

    I'm looking at can a singer entertain a crowd with just a instrumental, a mic, their voice, and their stage presence. Because I agree. Performing live, you gotta be able to work the crowd.


    This is why J-lo is far removed from such a conversation. You can stick Tina Turner on a busy corner in times square. And she'll draw a crowd with her singing and energy and showmanship. Have people forgetting they were suppose to be somewhere important as they just stop and enjoy the show.


    J-lo cannot do this. She needs a whole planned out performance with effects and ish Because she's a dancer, a performer. Not a singer in the slightest. Like look at her live. 




  5. 1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    I'm home now. Actually I really feel for Natasha Ramos now. I thought Jennifer just jacked "Jenny From The Block", but the "This Is Me Then" album was essentially a Natasha Ramos album. I didn't realize she jacked Ashanti's vocals as well. 



    Thanks for sharing. It's like I had said. Dancer, pushed into stardom because she's hot and thus easily marketable. Like she legit was given another woman's singing career because of her sex appeal.


    She can perform and entertain. But if she was average looking? Back up dancer is where she would've stayed. Or had a ok acting career. But because she was a easily marketable knockout? She was handed a music career. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Sonero said:


    J.Lo is an amazing performer. You can feel any why way about her but it isn't like glorified dancing is what got Beyonce to where she is.One big difference they have as entertainers is that  J.Lo has done some legitimately good movies and Beyonce spends money on massive stages shows.


    Hurr Durr glorified dancer. Beyonce is an overrated singer that gets fucking memed as Queen Bey to be put over the actual great female black vocalists the US has produced. How anybody has the audacity that Beyonce is a better singer than Ella Fitzgerald is fucking maddening...but apparently we gotta shit on J.Lo though.



    Like others have said. In regards to pure singing ability which is the main point? She's not only not on their level. She flat out doesn't rank. And while Beyonce isn't an elite singer. She can still actually sing. Where as J-lo as @Darc_Requiemperfectly described her. Is female Milli Vanilli. But she got a pass because she was drop dead gorgeous in her prime and can dance her perfectly plump shapely ass off.


    Great performer. Meh singer at best. that could never put on a show with just her vocals.

  7. 8 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

    I had no idea where these survey answers were going


    J-Lo is a glorified dancer. That was pushed into stardom because she's hot with an amazing ass. Now as a fellow Bronx native I'm happy she was able to get such a big break. But she cant be mentioned in the same league as those women listed. She ain't no damn singer. She's a singer* Same way Dre is a rapper* 

  8. Ok so I put 3k into this stock TRKA last monday. And now I'm up 110% on it. It has just been on a bull run all week. Based on the information on this company and other research. It's looking to just keep going.


    I was in on the AMC squeeze back in May 2021. But I was a complete noob and had no proper idea how to play it. Watched it run from 14 to 72. Up almost 400% but just kept believing it could go higher like everyone said. And watched it fall to 32 dollars and got out at a 100% gain. Still good but I watched over 10k vanish over the course of 4 months.


    This is looking like my second chance at such an epic come up. I'm smarter, wiser and experienced in this game now. Imma git mine this time around. 

  9. Ok so I've noticed there has been a trend in anime. Where a lot of anime/Manga that has small cute children as main characters. Really being pushed. Maybe I'm looking to deep into it. But maybe the Japanese government is trying to get people to see the joy, fun and sense of purpose toddlers can bring to one's life. And encourage people to make some babbies to fix the population decline.


    Because they have me convinced. The one with the two assassin roommates who watch after this 4 year old girl? Reminds me of my cousin when she was 4. Just a precious innocent laughing playful baby.




  10. 1 minute ago, axeman61 said:

    Did he go far at all though? It DID stick with him a bit; otherwise don't bring it up. But that shit didn't seem like much beyond playful jabbing. Maybe my social cues aren't good, and maybe I didn't see the whole video. But I really thought it would be a bit crazier from what I was hearing.

    He wouldn't have brought it up. Had she not fronted like they were cool back in high school. She should've just kept it strictly professional. Or if she wants to bring up their association from high school? Acknowledge what it really was and own it. Then apologize.


    Now if she went about it like that, and he still gave that energy? Then he'd truly be corny and petty.

  11. 3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

    I don't even use my debit card anymore. If something gets messed up on my credit card, I dispute it and they take care of it. Plus you get all kinds of points and get to the checkout at certain sites and realize you can basically get a lot of free stuff by using them.

    Fresh&Fit put me on game to the wonder of credit cards when used properly. I now only use debit cards, to pay off my credit cards. Otherwise I never use debit. Thus the rewards on my cards have started to add up pretty nicely.


    Imagine paying for flights,hotel stays or large purchases through debit cards. And not getting all those rewards points from using credit. Just leaving money on the table *shudders*

  12. 6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    This is my entire stance. People in Hollywood are no different from people at home making entertainment, the only difference imo, that I can really see between the two, is that Hollywood has budget (this is why I brought it up) and the "respectability" of their industry. Otherwise I'm not seeing much a difference between the two. They both, at the end of the day, set up cameras, make viewing content and then put it out. Like it's literally the same business. 

    This fallout quote is appropriate 

    "We're all just actors performing on a stage. The stage I perform on is just bigger"

  13. 8 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    I lived on the East Coast for 15 years and this is the absolute biggest bunch of bullshit. East coasters are some of the meanest, most selfish, most unwilling to help old timey assholes I've ever met. I've seen east coasters let people freeze in the snow and keep it rolling. I never met so many open racists as I did on the East. Calling people polaks thinking I'm gonna cosign that shit. The East Coast is where I learned white racists hate other white people to. Living in the east was...educational. 

    As a born and raised New Yorker. You're exaggerating. But not a whole lot.....

  14. 3 hours ago, J-ride said:

    If there is a plane crash does it come back on the last guy who did maintenance? 

    It depends. The FAA investigators first have to their thing. And figure out what specifically caused the accident. If it's determined to be pilot error? Then nah. If it's determined to be mechanical or electrical? Then they figure out what specifically malfunctioned and why


    Once that is determined. Then they start making phone calls. Getting info on what shop(s) did the work on that part. And who were the techs that did the work. That's the scary part. You could have retired or only been there for a few months. Did that work months or a year ago.


    But if the work you signed off on, turned out to be shody and played a part in causing that accident? You will be tracked down, and brought in for investigation. And depending on the severity of the accident, and if you're determined to be negligent in your work? You could face jail time.





  15. 5 hours ago, axeman61 said:

    Again, I think any resentment comes from the perception of them as lames. Do you think that dude that flew out of the U.S. and has to cash app back over 100 bucks (I'm sorry, but 🤣) has a lot of people that like/respect him in the US? He doesn't know anyone who'll scrape together 100 for him, so I'm guessing no.


    The thing is, you need a certain amount of wealth for passport shit to work out, or manosphere stuff to apply to you. If you don't have it, you're probably just annoying to be around. I mean, could you imagine a follower of Andrew Tate or Fresh and Fit talking about how women need to be more submissive or some shit, when they themselves don't have two nickels to rub together?

    This is facts. This is why while Fresh&Fit after hours show more often than not. Comes off as dude bros just dunking on immature ditzy party girls with the same talking points again and again. They stand out with their money Monday segment. 


    They don't just talk manosphere talking points. They try to help you level up to where like you said. You have the means to apply it. I see very other few channels offering the kind of game they do on Money Mondays. 


    Even if people hate Myron. They should still tune in just for Money Mondays. 

  16. 18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Nice thread idea, I hope it does well. If nothing else the rest of us can learn something new.

    Appreciate that. Just want to make more people aware of what goes on in the Aviation industry. So if one is fearful of flying? They can be relieved at knowing what, who and how these planes are safe enough to where you can feel ok taking that flight.


    If one is looking for a career to get into? But don't know what? This could be an option they never thought to consider. I definitely didn't until a older dude put me on to it.


    And to show people how this industry has truly connected the world in a way it has never been before. To be aware of the history, and what's coming in the future.









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