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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. On 2/6/2023 at 9:29 PM, DangerousJ said:


    Since Kanye's been quiet, AMC steps up to do some grade A niggatry.



    That CEO got some pretty big ones. Because If my company only survived a black swan event. Due to the divine intervention. That was a bunch of yolo stock traders on a reddit forum. Who was given money from the government. Who all come together to squeeze out short sellers. And got the word out to where everyday people, opened 1st time accounts just to also join in? The thought of increasing prices on anything wouldn't dare cross my mind.





  2. 1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

    From my VERY limited knowledge of passport bros, I'd assume other men dislike them because they're going to a different country to get at a woman who either doesn't know much or has special incentive to not say no to you. That's at least how I see it. That seems like a move made by someone who has no shot in the US dating market because he's a lame. Or just doesn't realize they're getting finessed in another way. I understand if you visit a foreign country and happen to fall in love there, but this BS where they're active in it and rebelling against "modern women" seems pathetic to me.


    It's kind like these right wing fucks who couldn't cut it in hollywood or the music industry, so they leaned into the conservative bag. Look at the creative output of a Ben Shapiro or a Steven Crowder and tell me they had ANY shot at the 50m Crowder was calling an insult a bit ago on their own merit.


    But I don't know much about dating at all, so take this as just my opinion with a grain of salt.

    It's a mixed bag. You do have some that are lames who struggle with attracting women here in the west. But you also have those who have valid reasons for why they find women here in the west. Undesirable as wives. And want to find traditional old school women that want a traditional old school man.


    I will say that those on fuc boi time, or think women don't have hypergamous tendencies overseas. Need to stay their asses here in the states. Locals don't play that sh1t in many other countries. Come there selling women a dream just to smash and dash? You'll get a reputation quickly and likely get stepped to. And if you come in looking at the women with rose colored glasses. You can easily get finessed.


    The passport bros that are smart and really about relocating to that country? They make it a point to learn the language. And not only talk with women. But also make friends and connections with the men.  Who will look out for them.





  3. 20 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

    With February on the calendar, it is time for the return of  ASK  A BROTHA!


    Black GUYS:


    When you're smashing a *ho*, do you put on R&B or rap music or just leave it quiet so you hear the balls slapping and the human "dialogue"?

    That's the key word there. If it's just a casual fling? Its just straight primal animalistic smashing. If it's with a chick I'm claiming? Yeah I could see my myself throwing on some  Marvin Gaye, some Luther Vandross, a little Aliyah to definitely to set the mood alright.

  4. 4 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

    He is a bit off. Maybe only to me, but still. I mean, if you're going to fuck a bunch of women because you can do that, do you. As long as you don't Nick Cannon it and have a legion of children out there, cool. But this latest thing where he has girlfriends for that he throw outs after a certain age is odd.

    Yeah I'll admit. It is odd that rightbatv25 he's done and on to the next one. But he's upfront about it from jump with these women, they're cool with it. And he ain't making no babbies with them. Yet you got women in those comments calling him. Narcissist, Gay, creepy, predator, physiological issues etc. 


    Like it really don't sit right with them. That a man could have enough money and status to have it like that. Sorry ladies. Money and status allows a man to pull choice women even as he ages. Same doesn't go for ya unless you just want a boytoy.

  5. 1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

    Bro, people used to get stabbed for throwing in Street Fighter. We don't have to imagine it, we've seen far worse then anything your nephews have done back when Arcades where a thing and your opponent was shoulder to shoulder with you.  


    Don't fall into that rose tinted glasses view of the past nonsense that old people always tumble head first into. Kids are no better or worse now then they have ever been. 

    You misunderstand. If anything we're in agreement. Kids today stressing over teabagging and thumbs up emotes. When back on the day. Dudes like you said got into fights and even poked up.


    This is why I said they need to be told it ain't that big of a deal. Suck it up buttercup, you'll get'em next time.


    Because back in the day. You didn't have room to act up like that. If you did? you better be ready for someone to step to you ready to do damage. Other wise check yoself. Accept the loss, and move on.





  6. 4 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

    As unbelievably lame as it sounds, I can actually kind of understand it. Gen Z people have grown up seeing the thumbs up used a lot in contexts like this:

    Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIF


    And given how online communication often robs things of context, it makes sense that some of them could see that emote as being like the JLaw gif rather than a genuine "good game" especially if they're already tilted from losing.

    I get that. But even with that said. It's not harmful or offensive. It's just a playful taunt. No different than teabagging, or hitting the actual taunt button in a fighter. 


    Yeah its rubbing salt in the wound of a lost. It happens. Learn from the lost, improve. So next time it can be you giving the thumbs up. 


    God imagine these kids actually gaming in person. Hell I've seen it with my nephews and their friends. The amount of salt and rage while playing smash ultimate was insane. And all hell broke lose when one decided to teabag after a shield break. Had to separate them.

  7. Ok so I've noticed over the past couple of months. That sometimes there's a water bottle sitting in a bathroom stall when I use it. Thought it was weird.


    But then I had a conversation with a Pakistani guy. Talked about his time in the U.S and got on the subject of using the bathroom. He said he couldn't believe us Americans wipe our asses with dry TP and don't use bidets.


    So I asked him " well what else are you suppose to do if you don't have a bidet?" He told me he just brings a bottle of soapy water, and uses it to wet the TP before wiping. Then use dry TP to well dry


    So that explains why I be seeing water bottles in the stalls. So thought I'd give it a try. And bruh. I feel like I've been living like a caveman all my life. Dude was right. Wiping with dry TP is no better than wiping with hey. Wet TP makes my ass feel squeaky clean. We call ourselves 1st world yet wipe with dry TP. Down right barbaric.







  8. 8 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

    A thumbs up is really a weapon against Gen Z


      Marvel Snap Players Think An Objectively Nice Emote Is Toxic

    Ms. Marvel’s thumbs-up is actually a brutal attack on your character


    One Redditor said in a thread, “When people use the Ms. Marvel thumbs up emote after I lose...I want to dive through my monitor and punch my opponent’s face until it’s nothing but a pile of bone and brains.”

    Oh, OK. But Ms. Marvel is the toxic one? Yeah, OK. That makes sense.

    I honestly think a lot of people. Are deliberately testing the limits of how much bitchassness they can get away with. And just need to be told. "NO This isn't offensive or harmful. You'll be aight. Stop looking for new ways to be a victim and man or woman up."

  9. The most fun and time tested fighting games. Have some non sense going on. If people wanted a pure, modest, plain Jane fighter? Virtua Fighter wouldn't be sitting alone on the swing set like Naruto.


    Nah we want that bad bish that got it and flaunts it. That got just enough crazy that it keeps things spicy buy it don't ruin the relationship. Like that Mahval

  10. 3 hours ago, Sonero said:

    Yeah. Ryu, Chun and Guile are the best ones.  I'd be happy with the Chun one. Although Seiko in general are really pretty watches (while being really good overall). There was a really nice one on ebay the other day but I couldn't justify buying it; even if it was at a really good price.

    *looks up Seiko chun-li watch* yeah.....imma get me one of those. Damn it's nice not paying rent or taxes and having that extra money


    @HD-ManFor her friends to be mentioning you on social media, and that eager to meet you? Yeah I'm with @Sonero Girlfriend likely saying great things about ya to them. And they trying to see wasup. That social proof. 



  11. 5 hours ago, Sonero said:

    Man.. worst part about cleaning up your diet is when your stomach grumbles and your colon goes:



    Sorry buddy but we gotta do what we gotta do,



    Bruh tell me about it. I've been doing that here in Qatar. Eating plain Greek yogurt for the good probiotics. Eating plenty of veggies. And now I went from the occasional stomach cramps and pains. To shitting sometimes 3 times a day.


    My stomach feels amazing though. No more bloating and cramping.

  12. 3 hours ago, axeman61 said:

    There's a local place in my city  - Eastside Fish Fry -  that beats both Canes and Popeyes.


    Maybe the Canes/Popeyes near me isn't up to full strength. It's like that with a pizza place I loved in Flint but ain't shit where I am now.


    Switching the topic:

    Let me ask a question in earnest - are ANY of these red pill/manosphere dudes not frauds or shady in some way? I don't get how this shit overall got so big. I'm a PRIME candidate for believing in this shit, and even I wouldn't be caught dead listening to one of these dudes.

    Great message in regards to self improvement and some aspects of women's nature in dating. Just sadly most of the messengers suck. 


    I'm not ashamed to admit that Kevin Samuels in particular had an impact on me. And motivated me to stop bullshitting and take my life more seriously. And move different with women than I use to.


    I love my dad, and we have a better relationship now. But he wasn't a dude who could teach me sh1t about dealing with women in a good way. I don't agree with everything Kevin advised. But for me? Overall it drastically improved my ability to not only attract a woman. But also deal with women in general


    No way I would've been able to allow my sister to move in and deal with her. If not for the game he gave. Such as SIGN language ( shame insult guilt need to he right ), and how to hold frame and not fold to that, when calling her out on some shit she did I didn't like in my home.



  13. 4 hours ago, J-ride said:

    This reminds me of a time I had a co-worker explain to me that as a black woman has to learn to live with side chicks because black men can't be faithful.

    Black women can miss me wit dat bullshit. There's a certain type some black women like. And those black women are mad that the type they like, won't be faithful. 


    But they can't walk away. No other type gives them that tingly feeling down there, and gets her emotions riled up. Keeping things spicy and fun.


    TLDR: Some black women are frustrated because their type while unfaithful. Is an emotional Rollercoaster with good dic. So they can't leave him alone

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