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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. I fucks with Andrew Tate, but that MLK comparison is doing too much. People need to get off his dic. Patrice O'Neal was putting dudes on to this type of game when Andrew was still in high school. Andrew Tate is simply a younger more attractive man delivering this message.


    Most dudes before him kicking this game. We're older and or not as attractive dudes. They were successful, bold and in your face just like Andrew. But they simply didn't have his sex appeal and charm. But his points aren't brand new.


    There was a interview where he was talking with a group of women. Brittany Reiner was one of them. He started making some points, that he recognized was upsetting her. You know what he did? He acknowledged it, and offered her a clementine and even peeled it for her.


    This put a smile on her face and made her so chill. He was able to continue his point uninterrupted and she listened and took it in. I really haven't seen other dudes control a room or conversation in that manner. 

  2. 2 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

    Bruv you can't just alter the what if after the fact. 🤣 You need to state Tyson in his prime but what is the condition? The other two assume it's to the death. As for the spec ops, too vague we both geared up for a fight? As for the lion, is he pissed? Hungry? Details! 😂

    Hey it's  a street fight man. Death is definitely possible. Spec Ops dude. Ya both armed and equipped. And it's a damn big cat that's coming for you. Reason don't matter lol.


    @ChadoukenTale your puc. Just one round and a Bayonetta attached to give you a fighting chance if that shot doesn't kill

  3. 58 minutes ago, iStu X said:

    Girlfriend surprised me another holiday gift. She got me a 30 minute deep tissue massage at some local spa. 

    omg. Felt so good. I asked the lady to specifically work on my left side which has the neuropathy. Man, in all the best ways she fucked my shit up. I felt so great afterwords and still feel great. 

    my girlfriend wanted to get me an hour session but since it was my first time there she was only allowed to get a 30 minute massage. Some weird house rules of the spa. 

    either way. It’s something I’d definitely considering getting on the regular. It helped so much. 

    Nice to hear things are going well with your lady. Sounds like you got a good one.

  4. Yesterday I was walking to the chow hall during downtime from work. Saw a lady leaving and simply greeted her asking how she's doing. And she stopped, smiled with an enthusiastic "Good morning I'm great, hope you are too. 


    Told her I was. Said she was glad to hear that, you have a good day. There's just something about another person. Man or woman. That takes the time to actually greet and engage with you. That puts me in a good mood. 

  5. 1 hour ago, J-ride said:

    She was talking a lot of shit for 30K per year, acting like she balling and not struggling to make rent.

    The fact she thought her income was a good reason to deny him. Not because you're saving it for marriage, not because you only have sex in commited relationships, not because you're not interested etc. Nah because you're balling too hard on 30k a year.....Fucking wat???


    Then she try to down play how his income explosive diarrhea shits on hers lol. Nah baby, you thought you was doing something, and found out you ain't doing much. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, MillionX said:

    Yep, Lainey knows what's up by now, of course.


    As always... tabs will be kept.

    Jack Nicholson Reaction GIF

    That was worth creating a instagram account  for. Glad she's taking it in stride and treating this attention as a W that's bringing in more possible fans. 


    You can't change a situation? Change how you look at it.

  7. 7 hours ago, J-ride said:

    On Yellowstone they always show her from the front and now I see why.  She sheer POWER of that booty can't be allowed on the screen.  Hollywood is in a weird place right now where we have to pretend like objectifying women is bad after 10 years of prominently displaying Scarlet Johansen's ass in the MCU.  It's pretty annoying.

    It was mentioned how this is a body positivity issue more than objectivism. And I agree. Scarlet Johansen has a decent lil peach. But this lady and that actress from Jurassic Park? They legit have that hourglass figure and dump truck booty that'll have a man break his neck looking.


    They want to try to push the aforementioned Lizzo and similar. As an alternative beauty standard and try to condition us to find such body types attractive too. But nothing will get a man going like a woman built like those two actresses.


    Another theory? They may be concerned that  white women built like Ms Lainey Wilson and the jurassic park actress. Might draw the attention of black men. So they must hide the thiccness.

  8. 1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    When people do shit like that, it makes me give zero fucks about what happens to them. That's beyond foul man.

    Yeah these people are on demon time. And such people should be avoided and cast from one's life, unless you too are on that type of time. These are the kind of people who bring life or death drama to innocent people who happen to associate with them.

  9. @VirginDefilerThanks for the knowledge my guy. Imma definitely take my nutrition to another level. Gains don't mean sh1t without your health.


    Also can anybody tell me what is it with military White dudes and hard-core gay jokes??? Like I've never heard such wild gay ish in my life. Like today. Dudes joking talking about reach arounds and stuff. That's typical for them


    But today co worker asked us all. "Hey which of these is less gay? If you had to choose. Buff manly woman like WWE Chyna pegging you. Or fucking a smaller feminine man like Prince?" 


    And another dude answers. As long as you don't look him in the eye. Fucking Prince would be less gay. You're doing the fucking and you can pretend he's a chick if you keep him face down ass up.

  10. So been lifting for 5 weeks now. Saturday I decided to see what my personal 1 rep max was for the 3 main lifts.


    Deadlift: 275lbs

    Squat: 225lbs

    Bench: 185lbs


    I never thought I could do this when I was younger. Feels good to apply myself and actually start getting stronger. So week 6 starts Tuesday. Now I can go for reps with heavier weights. Can't wait to see the change after half a year.

  11. This man Kanye really out here losing his damn mind. It's actually hurts to see this. This man's first three albums along with N*E*R*Ds Fly or Die Got me through high school. 


    Also I've been weightlifting for the past 4 weeks. Full body workouts 3 days a week. Noticing some strength improvements. More energy. Lower back is feeling great now. Now I'm cleaning up my diet and mainly eating meats, veggies, fruits and good carbs. Only having sugar and bad carbs snack on a weekly cheat day. And a binge day once a month.


    Lastly found out doing heavy weight squats and deadlifts. Also strengths the perineum muscle. I'm now able to engage it enough to hold in my piss if need be. So I assume this Also applies for holding in my seed. So yeah. No one minute man over here



  12. 47 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

    How is it there in Qatar with world cup?


    Do you come back for Thanksgiving or Christmas?

    It's is packed. You really grasp how small this country is when tourist flock to it. There are people who are not feeling Qatar due to their stance on homosexuality, and mistreatment of migrant workers whom helped build the stadiums. And Temperatures have cooled down a lot. Actually had to throw on a Hoody


    Sadly I can't come back before 2023. I have to stay at least 90 days before I can take time off. I put in a request for Feb 16th. 



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