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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 21 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

    Hoes got preferred pronouns now. Lmao


    They have a problem with being referred to as a prostitute (they prefer escort/companion) but not the actual act itself of prostitution.


    This world doesn't make sense anymore, we need a restart. Just burn everything and start over 😂

    It's like the fall of Rome. Everyone just wants to do whatever, whenever without any shame or judgment. And don't want to do the necessary things to maintain a strong stable society. All this is fine until another nation notices. And decides to be bold enough to try you. Or do things they otherwise wouldn't if you were strong.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Gimpy said:

    Happy Friday yall! Let's start it out this...



    It's funny how these type of sistas. Also wanna cry about black women not being protected. As if these types don't invite most of the danger and problems in their lives. If he was a dude that had no chill and had time for dat shit? She then be shouting "YoU aRgUiNg WiTh a FeMaLe" Looking around to the men in the area "NoNe oF yA gOnNa HeLp???" 

  3. 12 hours ago, RSG3 said:

    These are very very rare. 

    No argument there. I will say though. It's much less evident that a company lacks these qualities. In say my line of work or similar. Because there's way more on the line than just money. So even if management has a ends justifies the means approach. Most of us mechanics will not cross that line. And will  challenge management or another mechanic of need be.


    But if its mainly just about money? Then yeah management has to enforce a work culture of integrity or people will do whatever to get that commission. 



  4. 16 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    Commission work makes temptation for ar too strong. 

    I worked 2 commission jobs when I was 18 and 19 And I can say for a fact. These jobs are the epitome of attitude reflects leadership. If leadership prioritizes numbers above all with little to no overseight? Oh yeah there will be fuckery among the Salesforce.


    But on the flip side. If you have a company that actually values good relationships with their customers, and their reputation? They'll make sure their people are not on that type of time. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, J-ride said:

    I made decent money and made the company a fuck ton of money before they canned most of our sales team.  I didn't think it was worth it to be honest, I put in a ton of hours to be sent out the door without a severance right before Christmas time.

    Damn that's rough man. Sorry that happened. My point is simply. Don't go hard being a company man. Never that. Go hard to get yours. And make moves from there to do your own thing. I wasn't on this type of time in my 20s. Lord knows I wish I was. But I'm on it now. 


    Being loyal to a company that after 2 decades of service will give you a pension and take care of ya? That's been dead for a while. Most of us are in a position where we gotta make others money to get ours. But don't stay there if you don't want to be there. We gotta secure our own futures.


  6. 17 minutes ago, iStu X said:

    You wont even talk to a woman you’re not with or related to. How the fuck do you expect us to believe you’d be making racks on commission. 😂

    Why do you open your mouth to go full stupid? Show me where I said I won't talk to a woman I'm not related to or with. It's amazing how someone says something clear as day. ( I'm not trying to hear boyfriend issues from a woman I'm not related to ) And you go and literally hear what you want. The hell is wrong with you?


    Imagine you in the drive thru at a restaurant. God what a frustrating experience for a customer that'd be. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Reticently said:

    Yeah, but these days no matter how hard you work the actual money usually doesn't show up until you jump ship to another company.  Especially with how tight the labor market is, but even before that.


    Which just makes it doubly fucked up that our solution to inflation is "jack up interest rates to increase unemployment" instead of "fairly tax the richest companies".

    Oh yeah I learned that. Job hoping resulted in me getting raises. Not sticking it out for years. That's back in the days of our grandparents. And unfortunately there's so many actual legal ways for the rich and their budinesses to avoid paying taxes. It's stupid. Let alone all the off the book methods.

  8. 12 minutes ago, J-ride said:

    If they can't pay me at least minimum wage then they can shove their fucking job.  Stop simping for billion dollar companies.

    Don't get it twisted. I have no love for big corporations. But if you got the chops? Commission based pay blows hourly pay out the water. You can't low ball me. If I'm Killin it? I'm Killin it. I get a portion of that sale. Not an hourly rate. There is the risk of your pay isn't guaranteed for showing up and trying. You have to produce. But if you can? You make bank. Assuming you have a good employer.


    "I've worked at places that had layoffs after their most successful year ever. If companies want me to work hard they need to fork over the dough. Working hard gets you jack shit at most companies"


    Working hard for a low hourly rate is lame yes. Working hard for a direct piece of the pie every time you make a sale, land a client etc? That's different



  9. 6 minutes ago, J-ride said:

    I want a salary + commission.  I'm not working for free because its the slow part of the year. 

    That's why you have something going on the side. Those who I've known in commission based work? When it's time to make money? They go hard and either put money to the side to weather the slow season and or hold a part time job hourly job.


    Once they get to a point they are Killin it in their commission job? They focus on it full time. And make enough to where it's nothing to put money away for the slow season.


    If I was 20 again? I definitely would've gotten into real estate as an agent. Or hell no reason I can't do it now

  10. 8 minutes ago, J-ride said:

    Full commission jobs are bullshit jobs were they can make you work your ass off for minimum wage.  He was right to tell them to shove that job.

    Depends. Some are definitely some bullshit. But jobs in a legit commission based sales position? Those people make bank if they git gud at it. 


    Jobs that offer commission and hourly wage together are usually bullshit. Because those jobs. Tend to rarely have opportunities to actually earn commission

  11. So went out to grab some food. And I get approached by an older sista with two kids. I wanna say they're her grandkids. Kids clothes look pretty worn and she looking kinda rough too. She introduces herself and just flat out puts her pride to the side and asks for help paying for her extended stay for the week.


    She said she'll pay me back however she can but don't want to do anything nasty. I'm kinda taken back. Like damn. Went and got her the remaining money she needed. She was shocked that I actually came back. And nearly in tears. 


    Told her she don't gotta pay me back. Just make sure the kids have a roof and eat. That humbled the fuck outta me. It really is hard out here. Getting your own and maintaining is not easy. If you have an income,  decent roof, food, clothes, some entertainment and people that care about ya? Just appreciate it.


    Edit: I've done a lot of walmart grocery deliveries. And some where big orders to motels. I heard of motel families. But to actually see people order large amounts of groceries. Kids playing in motel parking lots, and people cooking for whole families in there. Mind blowing.



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