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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 6 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

    Here is an interesting fact. 


    Other than college areas, I've never seen a black person at a starbucks drinking macha coffee while on a laptop. In fact, in most regular parts of the city, i rarely do see black people at a starbucks in general other than the people who work there. I see a lot of black people at dunkin though, come to think of it, I barely see white people at a dunkin.

    Cuz America runs on Dunkin. The men and women maintaining our roads, sewers, powerlines, cars,  trucks, aircrafts ( yo ), working on the shipping docks at ports, police, EMT firefighters etc. Hard men and women doing hard shit. We get our coffee at Dunkin. And a lot of us brothas. Have decided against college and went into these skilled trade fields.


    Also I personally see plenty of blue collar white folks at Dunkin. Starbucks attracts the more preppy, and white collar crowd. And the majority of that crowd is white people

  2. 3 hours ago, iStu X said:

    Yeah. Sasquatch is insanely good. His short hop and block strings are on another level compared to the rest of the cast. Bishamon and Phobos are up there too but Sasquatch is just so much easier to use compared to them. 

    Felicia is considered a nerfed and fair version of him. And she's mid tier. That tells us all we need to know about that cheap broken bastard.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Maxx said:

    yup. i want more of those types of movies.

    Hidden Figures is among the GOAT black movies imo. Doesnt seem like it gets enough praise. Amazing real life story that shows a black woman's strength in a good way. Not a toxic, caricature way. 


    Casting on point. Acting on point, writing on point. And that soundtrack! My man Pharell killed that shit!






  4. 1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

    I've seen PAAG (Phat Ass Asian Girl; same vein as PAWG) and Rice Cakes. But that's just on Reddit.

    We can still think of more. But Rice Cakes is definitely the go to. Also anyone can think of any real life examples??? Because I don't think the diets and generics of most Asians. Allow for it. Oh wait southeast Asians in places like Thailand got the rice cakes

  5. 6 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

    if you call a white girl with a booty a "whooty"..what do you call a asian with a booty?



    its not a joke. i genuinely would like to know. there is no punchline to my question. 


    .Lemon cake (cause yellow )

    .Chunny or chunner ( thick like chun-li )

    .Dragon Fruit ( asian play on juicy fruit )

    .Stuffed dumplins or dumplins with extra meat

    .Wagyu beef with some fat on it
















  6. 1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

    That one with the cop has been making tyhe rounds for like a week or two now, ive seen it multiple places, and its fucking hilarious each time. Can't run, can't shoot, can't issue a citation, even has a fellow officer telling him he cant do what hes trying to do. Total fail on every single level. Dude needs to go back to Basic at the Academy and maybe hit the Gym and do some fucking cardio. Pathetic.

    They really do just be hiring anyone with a functioning body and brain to do the job. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

    Decided to work an extra day while I'm still in town, best decision I've made this week. We ain't doing shit. Making $319 today doing the bare minimum, easy money 🙌

    Had a similar thing happen today. Took a Amazon flex delivery block. Estimated 4hrs for 90 bucks. But due to severe weather. Wherehouse was closed. Called support and they still gave me the pay for it. So free money

  8. Stumbled across this poke camp vid of the Gen 8 starters. And yeah it really puts into proper perspective. How disturbingly close to human these guys are.



    It's weird. These starters are so humanoid in design. That its really hard to see them as creatures that can be tamed and obedient like a pet. Especially Intellion. He looks like something straight out of the Sly Cooper series.



  9. 2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    4 ppl just asked me to give or let them borrow money in the past 5 days, wtf is going on here? 😂

    Inflation is continuing to get worse.  So prices keep going up. I.E last year a 1 bedroom where I'm at was 1100. Now it's 1560. People are feeling the pressure. And that pressure is gonna get worse and worse.


    People better start putting money to the side for when shit hits the fan. Don't be surprised if some ladies come to ya. Down for a fwb relationship. Hoping to get saved when things get bad

  10. 16 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

    Is it from Dragon's Crown? It was tagged as such, but I don't remember Amazon looking like that. Then again, I didn't play much of it. Want to get back to it.

    Yeah that's her. Just her weapons are different and she's black. Which I like. But I recognize those tattoos and flowing hair with the feather in it anywhere.


    Edit: Is she black in that drawing? Or is she in some thick shade?

  11. 45 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

    I am all for this. I've pretty much at this point bought my car twice. Total payouts over those years are around 10K (two hail storms and small repair to the rear quarter panel). 



    **puts on former traffic safety researcher hat**


    NO . . . It absolutely does not. 


    Now should you insurance be as high as it is, no. In NC, this is what you are paying for to have at a minimum covered:

    • $30,000 Bodily Injury for each person,
    • $60,000 total Bodily Injury for all persons in an accident and
    • $25,000 for Property Damage.


    That means that unless you have 100K lying around in the event of a serious crash, you won't be able to have "piece of mind" much less drive. I agree that the system needs to be reworked, but to abolish it completely would be a bad move, especially if a certain dollar amount is required. In the event of an crash, the policy allows for the person financially responsible in the event to cover the damages. This gets into the costs of medical care, property restoration, etc. A trip in an ambulance is over $800 with a minor to moderate  injury crash somewhere starting around $21K (per person). Any anything related to vehicle bodywork is at least 1K. An extreme cost shift before we tie it to having the funds to support most people owning a vehicle and deeming yourself financially responsible without a policy.



    Ok, fair enough. But we do agree car insurance companies. Shouldn't just be making bank off us. Simply because they can pay for damages that may never happen. I'd really like to take this to a congress person. Or whatever steps is needed to begin to make this a reality.


    Imagine how much relief it would give the average person. To get a good portion of that premium back every 6 months for driving well. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, J-ride said:

    I would be way more in favor of insurance in general if it did what it was supposed to do the few times in my life I have needed it.  For the most part it's just money down the drain that you are never getting back.

    Exactly! We talking several hundreds of dollars people paying every month for insurance. Only to need it once or twice in their life time. Either government needs to make it so that people have to have the money to cover an accident when purchasing a car. Or make it so that insurance companies. Have to refund x percent of the premium paid. If no accidents occurred during the life of the policy

  13. 4 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

    Insurance is one of the biggest fuckin scams, and you can't escape it🤦🏾‍♂️

    One of the things in life that pisses me off to no end. To shell out all that money month after month. "Just in case" But it goes to some corperation that decides if you actually need it or not. Should something happen. And not to an account you can access.


    Car insurance at least needs to be done away with. Instead. A person buying a car. Should have x amount of money available for accidents. Upon purchase of the car. And that money should be set aside in an account. And should an accident occur. The bank can be contacted. And they'll use money from the account to pay for damages.


    I'm sure it's more complicated than that. But this car insurance shit ain't it. It needs to go

  14. 1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

    🤣 Holy shit. I know I shouldn't be laughing, but damn. It didn't even exist and she got people buying in that hard? With all these other shit coins, there are at least wallets you can check. Last I heard; I don't really know/care how that stuff works. Point is: 🤣

    Yeah I've seen way too many of these dumb coins like Dodge, ape, Luna etc. Sky rocket then completely dump soon after. To ever put money into any crypto. I'd only get DCA into Bitcoin or etherium

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