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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 29 minutes ago, Reticently said:

    Stocks at least grant you fractional ownership of a company's assets, even if the price per share wholly divorced from objective reality.


    Bitcoin ownership entitles you to literally nothing at all.  It's like investing in a bunch of unused scratch-off lottery tickets where it's an open secret that they're all losers if you do scratch them.

    your thoughts on this? If you got time to check it out. TLDW: He believes we will experience another market crash soon. Followed by a massive rally due to inflation. Then the govt is faced with two choices. Allow the market to completely collapse. Wiping out retirement accounts and killing some businesses. Or hyper inflation



  2. 5 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    Pam was always finer, Gina just had light skin privilege. But to be fair, Gina WAS in fact very fine back in the House Party movies days

    I'd say it's more how they were presented. Gina was presented as the supportive girlfriendand and more feminine. While Pam was the antagonist smart mouth that could be loud and rowdy like the boys.


    She was always fine as fuck. But she never really had roles where she was presented in a very feminine light. She was always the strong, no non sense sista.



  3. Can anyone explain to me why the fuck. Do drivers take you signaling to get over. As some kind of challenge or attempt to tresspass on their property? Thus speed up to prevent you from getting in front of them???


    Went out to get breakfast. Driving to the Dunken Donuts. See my turn coming up. Check my side mirror. Looks like I got plenty of room. Signal and like a second after I did. I hear his engine rev. I'm gettin over and he starts honking. 


    Instinctively I get back in my lane and now have to miss the damn turn. But it gets better. Someone was pulling out from where I was going to turn into. I assume they thought they had room to turn into traffic. Sadly for him. That Jackass sped up so fast to keep me out. The room he thought he had was gone but it was too late to go back.


    Speed demon slams on the breaks. But hits the guy as he was pulling out and caused him to spin. Forcing me and others to slam on our breaks. Fortunately no one else was hit. Fucking ridiculous. All because some idiot can't share the road. 

  4. So AMC and similar "meme" stocks had quite the run this week. Averaged down as it fell down to 9-10 range. Now I'm almost at my break even price of 15.30. And threw in 400 on Red Box stock. Got in at 5.30 sold around 7.46. So made around 40% on that.


    This is unusual for AMC though. Usually on Fridays. It dumps to push call options out of the money. But it just rallied. Last year in late may to early June. A rule went in effect about Chinese investments temporarily not being allowed to be use a collateral. 


    Then AMC jump to the 20s and rocketed to 72 a share. I'm not making any guarantees. But it is legit starting to play out just like last year around this time. Starting to rally in late May. And that rule once again is going into effect 1st week of June.

  5. 1 hour ago, Seth Vega said:

    I am at 150 pounds at about 20 percent body fat on my likely inaccurate scale. I'm sure the weight part of the scale is accurate though. My body has become more defined. I want to lose 10 more pounds. Due to my body in being in a much better condition, everything about me is functioning much better. Mental processes are clear. My emotions are much more stable. I have more self control and I go with the flow more. My body feels lighter and much more relaxed and almost pain free. I am more agile and fast. My intuition has increased. 


    My intuition has increased. 

    You wanna go down to 140? Are you a shorter guy? Because even at average height that's pretty slim

  6. 3 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

    I'm on the fence on religion being in schools, if people can have an actual fear for doing mass murder such as this then I see nothing wrong with it. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and other religions do teach things like forgiveness, moving on, having faith when things become shitty, and also fear of going to hell if they do something bad. Religion should be taught on its philosophical side not for political purposes. 

    The whole acknowledgement of mental health is bullshit, it's nothing more than advertisement slogan for therapists, therapy is fucking expensive and it is only useful if you can afford the above average prices. 

    Guns have to be banned above all. This country has lost its right to the 2nd amendment a long time ago, and year after year we just get "thoughts and prayers" posted on twitter, that's it. 

    Gun ban is only effective if criminals have a hard time getting them too. If they really cracked down on weapon and ammo smuggling to the point. Criminals are very selective of when to use the few guns and bullets they are able to aquire? Then ok.


    But if we're left in a situation where average citizens can't own one. But Criminals still have easy access? That's gonna be a shit show.

  7. 1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

    The guy said think of me as 20 year old me.  Making 150k a year at 20 years old.  Yeah, im finna retire early as fuck and live a nice life.

    Whoa there. I said ask 20 year old you.  By age 40. Would you like to be in that position? As in spend the next 20 years working to get to that point. Or the 50k in passive income. What 20 year old is making 6 figures without any OT??? Lol

  8. 12 minutes ago, Jurassic said:

    I plan to go back into CD's now that interest rates are going back up. I might buy more into S&P500 once it reaches rock bottom. I spoke with my financial advisor that the stock market usually goes through a six month "course correction" during recession periods, but the war in Ukraine might prolong food and material shortages. Russia gives no fucks about anything right now.

    It's wild. Basically almost all gains from the 2020 and early 2021 bull run. Have basically been wiped out. And we're not even half way through the year yet. This is definitely the time where fortunes are made. But yeah we have to wait for the bottom. This definitely ain't it.

  9. 1 hour ago, Reticently said:

    Long term investing right now is actually optimal- there's a ton of stock that's at basically sale of the century prices right now because of market panic.  Totally worth it, assuming that your immediate needs are met and you aren't in serious credit card debt or similar.

    That makes sense. I actually have money in the market. Just waiting for my stock to get to a break even point or better so I can cash out. More intrest rate hikes are coming. So market will crash further. 


    Take that cash. Pay off my credit cards. Keep the rest as an safety net to build on. Then pile up cash for when the market reaches its bottom. 

  10. 38 minutes ago, Reticently said:

    $50,000 a year without a job is a trap if you don't do it right.  In the US that means you're stuck paying for your own benefits- ponying up for private health insurance and limited to putting like $6k a year away for retirement in an IRA.  Factor in income tax (likely short term gains and self paying Social Security contribution).  The actual money you have to live off of is likely less than $30k (which is obviously doable, but live in the wrong zip code or pop out a kid or 2, and suddenly you need to get a job).


    I think @Hecatomhas the right answer- take the $50k and don't live in the US.

    Given the current market conditions. Long term investing in a IRA is worth it? 

  11. 2 hours ago, axeman61 said:

    I'd take the "never work again" option. Easily. I make more than 50K a year, but I'm able to tuck away a nice amount into savings each month, to the point I might as well be living off of 50K anyway. To make that in a year doing nothing is great. Plus, if I decide it's not enough, I can still work. Wait, can I? Don't know the limits of this hypothetical.

    It's one or the other. No going back into the work force. Starting a business isn't off the table because their's risk there. But the  sure 150k from just 40hrs a week and non labor Intensive work is off the table if you choose B.


    Also it's really cool to see how much us guys value free time. Where as women seem to be so much about the bag and career focused. Talk about role reversal lol. I think I'll start working towards that goal of 50k annual passive income by 40.


    I need to ask women that question. Would they prefer a man that makes 300k a year working 60 hrs a week in a leadership position. A man making 150k a year working 40hrs a week in a non leadership position. Or a guy making 50k a year. But it's passive income. So he has plenty of free time. Thus can live more spontaneously

  12. 14 hours ago, Maxx said:

    Watched a video of a kangeroo boxing a dude up, threw him in a fucking trash barrel that was in the ring and then fucking rear naked choked him. Nigga... What is this fucking animal? God made a whole ass ufc fighter for what? We been making movies about super smart monkeys fuckin us up or dinosaurs... Kangeroos are the real fucking threat. 

    Intelligence makes the difference. Now if Kangaroos had Gorilla/Monkey intelligence? Oh yeah that'd be some shit

  13. 17 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    I just seen some chicks compare Kevin Samuels to Scar from the Lion King, like the Scar that was jealous enough to kill his brother for the throne then exiled his nephew, yes, THAT Scar.


    And guess who they think is the worst of the two. I can't make this shit up 😂

    There's also a nurse that may have ended her career. Talking about doing harm to Kevin had he been her patient. 

    I love my black women. However. The ones that think niggas ain't suppose to tell them shit? Yet demand protection and provision? They need to stay the fuck out the gene pool and not adopt. Let your dysfunctional ways end with you.

  14. 23 minutes ago, Maxx said:

    That works in some situations but not in alot of them. Alot of sexual assaults happen in college and are swept under the rug because the school Handles it.  Because they dont send it to the police, they do alot of stuff internally. And the usual.. Kids got family money, donates, hes a good white kid ect.. They just get ignored. 


    But in general you just dont have that option in college since so many kids are away. 


    I do think both sides need education. I think alot of power is in the guys as well as the systems as hands more than the girls. But hopefully we can educate girls enough to not even get to the point where its even a question and she can avoid boys who show clear signs that they would forcd her to do things shes uncomfortable or flat out doesn't wanna do 

    Is most sexual assault coming from eager young men not realizing they're doing too much. Or is it from men that see what they want. And will take it if she won't give it? If it's the later? No amount of education will curb that. There's unfortunately just vile people in the world.

  15. 12 hours ago, Maxx said:

    I think boys do need to get educated on understanding body language. Unfortunately some girls go into shock or are afraid to say no and reading body language would prevent some issues. Like boys are so focused on getting thsir own they dont even realize or mean to be abusing a girl because she just didnt know how to say no. 

    If a woman isn't grown enough to stand her ground and say no adamantly towards sexual advances. She ain't grown enough to date on her own. Get the men in the family involved. Have them vet the guys she's interested in before dating them.

  16. 20 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

    So I've gained a new enemy thanks to the power of social media and insecurity. Dude thinks I'm actively trying to smash his girl (I'm not). She inboxed me kindly asking me not to like or comment on any of her posts cuz he's acting a damn fool about it 


    Crazy part is I barely like or comment on her stuff, like once a month-ish, if that. Guess I gotta keep my head on a swivel next time I'm out hanging cuz he said some not very nice things about me online. If he tries to harm me, I'm puttin his ass in the dirt, respectfully 😂

    Yeah if a ya lady is still seeking attention from other men via risqué pics or vids on her social media? Well this is likely coming


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