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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 17 minutes ago, iStu X said:

    I always find it super fucking irritating that everyone gives Mordecai shit even though he ends up having an amazing and fulfilling life with someone after he gets over his own insecurities and other personal shit he deals with throughout the series.

    They ignore all the amazing character development he gets through the series and only focus on the stuff that everyone who tries to understand as they go through life. Which is the complexities of relationships, whether they romantic or otherwise. I don’t get how people can perceive that as “bad”. 

    yeah, he chased after a girl who ultimately had no interest in him. Yeah he fucked up some relationships. But what guy hasn’t? It’s always hilarious to me when guys act like they’ve never been enamored with a girl who never reciprocated those feelings back or has a hard time getting over something or someone. Cause everyone knows that’s some bullshit.

    You weren’t hot shit from jump, probably aren’t now and probably never will be. you’ve all been “friend zoned” or have simped. I don’t believe a single fucking one of of you, or any other man who says otherwise. 

    You aight my dude? You good? Because you seem to be taking a joke at a fictional character's expense way too hard in your ass. Lighten up

  2. 12 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    The friend zone is self imposed I've come to learn, if a person isn't attracted to you in the same way you're attracted to them, you simply stop being their friend. Unrequited love will end in doom, best to cut ties early and save the heartache


    Many women won't actually tell you they're not attracted to you tho, as some love to have guys fawn over them and stroke their ego. But the signs are ALWAYS there whether you pay attention or not 

    TLDR: Don't be a Mordecai, be a Rigby

  3. 12 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

    The sun ain't bullshittin today, I painted the boat for 10 minutes and I could probably squeeze enough sweat out of my shirt to fill up a 2 gallon bucket. They're definitely not gettin much outside work from me today 🥵

    Once had the misfortune of experience heat exhaustion while working in Tucson during the summer in 2016. Shit is no joke. Drink water every 2 hours. Don't want that heat coming down while dehyrated. Could make u drop out of nowhere.

  4. 1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:


    I always seem to see these reports on CNN every few years where they show black women with multiple degrees and good jobs struggle to get a man. I don't know if their standards are too high or they slutted around during school and are trying to late to find a dude long after 

    women in general seem to have switched gears and now think earning degrees, being career driven and high income earners attracts a man. All that stuff is cool in addition to the things we like in a woman.


    But for going the feminine traits we like and instead fully embracing the masculine traits that allow you to excell in the workplace. Well you'll win in corporate America. But you'll lose in your love life.

  5. 9 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

    That's usually what it is, and if you even say it, they'll gang up on you and swear that it isn't true

    The usually counter argument I hear at least when it comes to black women is "A lot of black women are going to school, focusing on our careers etc and ya ain't checking for us" To which I say.


    Are ya also actively looking for a husband while in school or are ya focused solely on your degree and career? Because the other women go to school with the intention of landing both a husband and career. So they make themselves approachable and put themselves where they can be approached

  6. 3 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    Why do women say they can't find any good guys, then meet the nicest, most kind dudes ever,  use the shit out of em and dump em for scumbags then complain?  Like wtf, bruh 😂

    The problem is finding good guys when they want them. Rather than accepting a good dude whenever he comes into their life. I.E Wanting to be about that hot girl summer life style in their 20s and curbing husband material men. Then seek a good dude to settle down with when they're past their prime. 

  7. 1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

    Lol. At women blaming men as the reason they're gettin all this cosmetic surgery. I could've sworn they said "My body, my choice" 🤔

    They can GTFO with that. Maybe the top 1% of dudes ask for that. But I can't name not one average dude I've known. That actually want women to do that. Women do that shit to attract the top tier men. They're mad that they have to compete for these dudes.

  8. 4 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

    Damn son. Seeing this made me look at my crypto wallet, shit is pathetic right now 😭

    Well rumor has it. That due to a new ruling that went into effect last week. Hedge funds that are shorting GME and AMC. Are now getting their accounts checked daily to see if they are meeting minimum requirements. So to avoid Magin calls and risk starting the short squeeze. 


    They sold out of a lot of their crypto positions. So they can have the cash on hand needed to keep their accounts in compliance. Seems like Hedgies are gonna drag down different sectors at different times to keep dragging this out.


    That's why the ruling was put into effect. To make sure another GME or AMC doesn't happen again. 

  9. Oh I forgot to mention. I got my old job here in the area. Working on aircrafts again. The job I had last year before coming put a stop to it. I was at lunch while working at that manufacturing plant, and I got a text saying they wanted me back. Happy, happy day that was. 


    We had just finish changing out parts on a hydraulic press that.Those things are so damn hot. Like heat up the keys in your pocket and make your clothes burn you at the touch hot. Don't miss that job, but the people were great.


    Now I'm making 5 dollars an hr more. 3 12hr days but still get 40hrs. With 4 days off. And I passed my accuplacer test for admission into Georgia perrimeter college. I'll be starting this June.


    So for the next few years it's just work and school, earning my engineering degree. Leaning towards either electrical. Structure, or Astronautical

  10. 54 minutes ago, JHDK said:

    I gladly accept that I shall never understand what compels such an act.






    But I am at a total loss for how said compulsion could circumvent basic common sense so completely.


    Of COURSE Big Brother was watching him.


    Now another... Large African shall be... handling the dude.

    Speaking of which that may actually happen to him


    Shit went beyond YouTube drama. This shit just got real for him

  11. 46 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

    Who would be Your dream actor to portray certain fictional characters?

    (I know most of these would never happen, due to money or commitments to to other roles, but a squigga can dream.)



    Ben Kingsley as Vulture (Spider-man Villain) - Great actor and looks just like him


    Jessica Chastain as Jean Grey ( I cant believe she was actually in an Xmen film, but not as Jean. Silly Fox)


    Keanu Reeves as Kenshi (Mortal Kombat)


    Hiroyuki Sanada as Shredder


    Benedict Cumberbatch as Mr. Sinister  (cold, calculating and badass when need be. 





    A younger Angelina Joile as Morrigan Aensland


    Arron Paul as Travis Touchdown


    The dude that starred in Superfly remake as Static Shock


    Big Show as Kratos ( he just has to get in shape )


    If he were still alive Frank Vincent as Wild Dog from time crisis

























  12. 11 hours ago, HD-Man said:

    How much that meal run ya, 30k, your first born and your right lung? 🤣

    Yeah Five guys is good, but not that good for what they charge. Rather spend that at Firehouse subs. That Engineer Turkey sub is slammin.slamming.




    EDP445: I'll be aight in prison. I just won't wash or wipe my ass and they won't rape me.

    Inmates: lol you know that's not the only hole you got right?

    EDP445: Oh no....




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