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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 1 hour ago, Maxx said:

    That's such a weird broad statement. Allergic reactions to what? Their are so many different types of reactions depending on what you are allergic to. 


    I'm allergic to milk products and nuts. But those two things will cause two very different reactions to my body. So I'm not sure what your statement means.  Are we talking anaphylactic sick, rash, asthma attack? 

    I'll link the article. That's the best info I can provide. Also that Air Bnb ipo debut. Over 100% gains. However it debuted at 146. Way beyond my price range. So I couldn't get in. Oh well. 

  2. Well in the UK. Two people who have taken it. Suffered severe allergic reactions. They've said those that have severe allergic reactions to things. Shouldn't take it, or should take it somewhere, where immediate medical care can be provided.


    I have allergic reactions to shellfish. Not severe but still I don't think I'll chance it. Unless they fix that issue for those with allergic reactions 

  3. 6 hours ago, Sonero said:

    Alright I gotta air this out:


    Season 2 of The Wire is not bad. As a matter of fact, its great in what it does for the overall narrative of the show. Haters gonna get schooled.

    People who hate on season 2 of the wire, are typically plebs that only watched for the drug dealing, gang banging, hood parts. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    You are being too kind to Nate. I wonder if he trained at all seeing how he came at Paul like a street nigga. No defense and all rushdown. You can see Paul was toying with him before he hit the winning punch. I feel bad for his NBA fam. 

    Now that you mentioned that. I had watched a vid about the "downfall" of Jake Paul. And in it. It mentions that he has a military dad. Who in his childhood and teen years. Pushed him into competive sports and wrestling.


    I'm assuming his dad must've also taught him some military combat tech. So Jake Paul aint no bitch. The goofy everyday bro persona had us underestimating him.

  5. That Jake Paul and Nate Rob fight was the boxing equivalent of a football game in which most of it is 3 and outs and punting on 4th and 1, until one team caught a lucky break with a hail Mary pass for a touchdown on the final play.


    @SoneroYeah Roy Jones showed his age, but Tyson showed why he's called Iron Mike. Forget Jordan. That's the Mike I wanna be like.

  6. 43 minutes ago, Thoth369 said:

    When you commit something really terrible and you die you go to your next life much more quickly for punishment. Staying in jail for a long time will give them time to turn around which might lead them to saving themselves.

    There's no redemption for premeditated murder of a mother and her daughters over refusing to cook. If there is a God, there better not be any room in heaven for this dude. 

  7. 1 hour ago, FlyingVe said:

    I thought the little girl thing was just an act/disguise and that she was actually your normal 20-something character?

    It is but it's not to hide her age because she actually is a kid. It is to make herself appear non threatening to enemies and targets. Because underestimating a capable opponent, is a quick way to die even if you're the superior fighter.

  8. 4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    @BB_Hoodygonna have to choke a bitch. All this kid fighter talk and no one brought up Bulleta/B.B. Hood. Monsters lie awake at night fearing her. Not joking that's one of her arcade endings.

    *Read previous page* Wow they dead ass forgot my girl BB. Let me put ya on game.


    Laid waste to a family of werewolves

    Jon Talbain sees her as a serious threat

    Hunts demons for a living

    has a reputation that makes demons take notice of her. 

    Jedah Dohma a high noble demon. Mistook her for a Darkstalker. She's that hard-core.


    If a new Darkstalkers ever comes out. We need adult BB Hood at her full potential 



  9. 2020 Has been a truly shit year. But this here is a much needed light at the end of a very dark tunnel. Trump losing Georgia said it all. People on both sides were done. Enough was enough. Only his cult like base was riding for him. Get that celebrity in chief, troll attempt that went way too damn far, black mark on our nation and its history the fuck outta here!


    I dont know if Biden will do better. But I'm certain he won't do worse. I'll take a mediocre president over the shit show that was Trump. Good riddance

  10. 6 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    Yes. I’ve been vegetarian for like 8 years now and when I started, every meal I ate for the first few years had some sort of soy meat replacement in it. After a while, and I mean like a year or two, I really became very sensitive. I would cry watching movies, more so than my wife would. I once had to pull over and nearly vomited from seeing roadkill. I typed one really angry YouTube comment on an MKX fatality video about how gross they were and I remember threatening to go to some censor bureau thing with it, and did a lot of other bitch things. I knew I wasn’t being myself but couldn’t figure out why until I heard that estrogen bit and thought of the timeline and it made perfect sense. I still eat soy once in a while but not multiple times a day and stopped being (as much of, lol) a bitch 

    So you actually became a soyboy. You really are what you eat huh?

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