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Posts posted by BB_Hoody

  1. 2 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

    Im glad I never really picked a side on that particular issue, it wasn't so black and white this time, excuse the pun. Still a completely unfortunate, yet avoidable situation 

    Yeah the adults there failed her. Especially the dude. She rushes the first girl, knocks her to the ground. And instead of restraining her. He joins in on the attack, kicking the other girl in the face. While Ma'Khia charges girl in pink with the knife. ALL IN FRONT OF THE OFFICER! Like no one there acknowledged the presence of the police.


    I expect an enraged emotional teenager to still carrying on. But you think the adults would have some damn sense to stop her while police are present. Or better yet, stop that shit before it got to the point police needed to be called.


    Big update on the Na'Khia Brown police shooting. This video shows the entire situation play out from officer arriving to shooting, all in like 5 seconds. And according to this. They weren't there to jump her. They were there for their foster mom's birthday.


    And they had asked Ma' Khia to clean her room, and straighten up the house. And things escalated from there. There's audio of her saying "I'll stab the fuck outta you" in the description link.


    Yeah we all jumped the gun. I at least thought she was defending herself but did too much. But nope. Video clearly shows her not in danger. And when that dude attacks that woman. She uses it as a chance to rush the woman in pink with the knife right in fron of the officer.

  3. 7 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    I was talking to my mom about this and she made an excellent point that I hadn't considered. People's views have been skewed by all these TV shows that shows people shooting people in the arm, leg, hand, etc. with ease. Doing something like that would be in the realm of the elite of elite marksman. The average everyday cop isn't going to be capable of this. You shoot center mass because your round is more likely to land.

    Yeah. You basically would have to be some military spec ops type of dude. The kind of guys that eat, sleep and train for years to develop such shooting skill.The same way an elite Olympic athlete or surgeon or engineer that is a leader in their field would perfect their craft.

  4. 9 minutes ago, MillionX said:

    ha, so I am finally checking out that Columbus shooting... funny how that 1 guy on the sidewalk was yelling "SHE JUST A KID, MAN!"...and I think this was the same dude I just saw kicking the other girl in the back while she was on the ground when the officer showed up. 🤣


    Also, it's going to be really hard for people to reasonably defend the shooting victim on this one... she had the knife out and was about to stab the shit out of the other person in literally the next second or 2.  C'mon now... you're about to stab someone, and the cop is right there, you're about to get shot then.

    Imo the adults there failed that kid. Because at the end of the day. She is a kid. She was being bullied. And wanted to make her bullies suffer. I've been there and felt that rage. But the adults in her life should've stepped in and not let things escalate to that point.


    Whoever was her parents/guardian. Should've had her go in the house, and they should've handled the situation. Why she was allowed to go grab a knife from the house and charge at people with it is beyond me.


    But me? People ain't gonna come to my house to fight my child. My child will stay in the house. I'm calling police. And if need be. I'll be the one out there facing them. 

  5. 5 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

    And yet they often have more impact on the country as a whole especially 2008. Seems funny that they'd be forgotten given that, no?

    Reminds me of how  Itallian mobsters are seen in a different light than  black street gangs. Even though they're both harmful to society. The former shaking down business owners. Who then have to cut wages to make up for the loss. But all the employees see is a greedy boss. 


    While the street gangs are pointing a gun in your face robbing you. Or selling drugs in the area. Which is right in your face. 

  6. On 4/21/2021 at 9:23 AM, KingTubb said:

    There's definitely gonna be people walking on eggshells for awhile. 


    For example, the shooting/death of the teenager in Columbus yesterday. People are already calling for the cop to be fired and thrown in jail, and the guy was put on leave. 


    While I agree that he should be put on leave (I think anyone who discharges their weapon and it results in a death should be put on leave until a full investigation is carried out) saying the guy should be fired is wild to me. 


    The situation to my knowledge:

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    From what I pieced together, CPD got a 911 call about someone attacking people with a knife outside of their residence. When police arrived, the girl that was killed was in the middle of attacking someone with a knife, then she turns around and starts attacking another woman against a car with the knife. Cop pulled his gun and shoots her several times. 


    The family says the girl called the police.


    The whole thing sucks. I feel horrible for everyone. I feel bad for the family of the girl, I feel bad for everyone that's trying to digest this, and I feel bad for the cop. The guy was just trying to keep people safe. This was a situation that was rapidly developing and you could easily say there were several lives at risk. 


    EDIT: On the big upside (if you can really call it that) the protests last night were completely peaceful and there were no arrests or any damages. 

    I've seen several people make the "Why not just shoot her in the arm or leg?" argument. I use to make that argument until I went to a gun range and shot a gun. Most people who make that argument never fired a gun at a stationary target. Let alone a wildly moving target attempting to kill someone.

  7. On 4/20/2021 at 12:31 AM, Maxx said:

    Lmfaooo this passenger gave me her number hidden in the tip money. We barely said any words to eachother, except her complimenting my dreads. And I got a big ass face mask on.

    The mask couldn't contain the raw sex appeal and charm you were giving off without even knowing it. Hope you use your new found power responsibly out here.

  8. On 4/18/2021 at 11:45 PM, OPTIMUS124 said:

    Anyone in here still "wash" their chicken before cooking? It's something that I stopped doing around a decade ago. 


    I was prepping dinner tonight and thought back to a conversation my mom and I had when I was making a meal for them one night.  Just wondering if this is still a thing. 

    Yeah I give it a 5 min soak in white vinegar. But some people go the extra mile




  9. @MillionX@HD-Man Reminds me of a quote that really changed my view on life. "Happiness is a state of mind. And the feeling you get from accomplishment. Big or small. Puts you in that state of mind"


    So yeah no one should based their happiness on the people they have around. They of course can make you happier if those relationships are good. But at the end of the day. You have to be happy with the person you see in the mirror. Because like ya said. If you ever end up alone, and you're not happy with who you are. Your mind can take you to dark places.

  10. 27 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

    @BB_Hoodywhat made you decide to step away from aviation repair? 

    Wasn't by choice. I lost my last Aviation job due to covid hurting the business when it first really kicked off. It only lasted a month but it was the best job I've ever had. And introduced me to the life changing 3d-12hr work schedule. After that I couldn't go back to 5d-8hr schedule. I like my 4 days off.


    After that I was doing instacart and worked a contract out in Birmingham for a month. To keep money coming in. But I decided I wasn't going back to contracting. And there were no aviation jobs near by. So I started applying for mechanic positions in general here in Georgia.


    After months of trying I stumbled across where I'm at now. Pays 25pr hr. With a raise After my probation period and a additional slight raise if I'm on night or weekend shift.

  11. 2 hours ago, Angel said:

    Why can't she be a role model? 


    I know quite a few women that love her and respect the actual journey she took even if I personally don't care too much for that trash ass show as a whole.   I think it does benefit from Kishimoto being such a complete and utter sellout/fraud that he has no problem with people writing better stories for his characters like the sakura novel or boruto which is superior to og naruto in every conceivable way 👀

    Tenten deserved better.... just want to put that out there 

  12. 18 hours ago, Lord Vega said:

    All races have been slaves. It was actually black people in Africa that sold other black people to slavery to the white people. It's funny how some black people, not all, don't see the racism in themselves when they are being racist towards white people. Being racist towards whites is now okay. Why is that? Turning the hate back around to the white people will not solve anything. It will just breed more hate. Hate is hate and it's never good unless you are hating on something that is actually wrong. Holding onto hate and anger will never do you any good. Those two emotions will only destroy yourself and others. 

    While that is true about Slavery. When it comes to African American slavery in particular. Our ancestors had their culture and identity stripped from them. The Irish were slaves, but they still got to keep their culture and identity. 


    Us though? Not so much. 

  13. Well. The big short squeeze happened already. Like two weeks ago. Seems I was late to the party and took a fat L. Lost 1300 on a 3800 investment. 😞 But I learnt my lesson. If I miss the boat. Wait for another boat. Never chase. Imma get back into Zomedica for the March product launch.


    Focus on that and look for one more play to get into. Then after that. Do due diligence before putting money into any stock. In the meantime. Load up my Brokerage account 

  14. I like and respect Queen Latifah,  for what she has done in Hip Hop. Especially for the ladies. And her grind all these years. But this...



    Nah bruh lol. Set it off was perfect casting. It had more realistic action for her character and she was very convincing as that character. But pure over the top action hero??? Did ya see the way she ran from that explosion??? 

  15. 5 hours ago, Reiraku said:

    I grabbed another share this morning. Even with the dip, I'm still above. I'm gonna hold this shit until Covid is a distant memory and theaters hit gangbusters again.

    Appreciate that. But we dying. Stock fell further in Pre market. It's like they're keeping this short Ladder attack going non stop. Theyay very well drop the price below 9 dollars. Can't believe they may get away with this.....At least we tried

  16. This guy explains the illegal activity that took place in order to tank AMC stock price today and keep it from taking off. Hedge funds are fighting dirty and tooth and nail to cover their shorts at a profit



    His vid seems to have restored the confidence of AMC investors that were starting to get cold feet and consider selling out. As long as we continue to buy and hold, and stay above 11.00 a share. We win this

  17. 13 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    NY is getting hit with a beastly snowstorm. Got another snow day thanks to it. I'm hearing that it will last until tomorrow. Might get two back to back if it does. 

    Glad I'm in Atlanta. Saw some flurries for a few hours early morning today and that was it. Don't miss marching through snows hills. Sinking on them. And slush getting in your boots and socks. Now you in school for 8 hrs. Uncomfortable as fuck with soaked ice cold socks and feet.

  18. Damnnnnn I wish I had sold my Zom shares and got in on AMC during the after market yesterday. I'm up 22% right now with $2880 Worth of shares invested after selling out of my ABNB shares at a 25% profit and going all in.


    But if you got in yesterday after the dip? You're looking at a 2x gain today. But they said the hedge fund's option experies today. If AMC closes above 9 bucks and that's looking almost guaranteed. The squeeze will happen and it could explode!

  19. Sold out of all my Zomedica shares at a 25% loss. Lil over 300 bucks. Went all in on AMC and bought almost $1600 Worth of shares in pre market just a few minutes ago. 


    Fuck it. If I'm willing to take a chance on a Penny stock. Why not throw my hat in the ring of a legendary and historic  movement in the market. Where the little guy finally gets one over on the bigger guys. Let's see what happens 

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