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  1. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to M A R T I A N in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread   
    I think I'm just not used to it, but overall I actually dig the layout. It's simple, clean and not cluttered, and seems mostly functional... That's already a step up from Discourse. 
    Wonder how it looks on desktop. 
  2. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to Sonero in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread   
    Its kinda weird. The insane bullshit over at SRK was sort of keeping a lot bottled up. But I had to steel myself to deal with all the chemo trips and other things involving my mom. I've sorted of started cracking after getting banned by d3v. Not because the ban affected me per say, but because once I didn't have trifle nonsense to deal with, my brain went into processing the big loss.
    So Its tough right now. My daughter notices that I'm just not at full dad mode. Mind you that I was doing home schooling with her and keeping her on a very set schedule...then everything with my mom went down on her last few weeks and its been a lot of turmoil after a month of stability.
    But hey, SRK is now down with an admin who will protect gnarly ass bullshit and apologize to the people saying fucked up shit in PMs he read and did nothing about. Even more so, he'll apologize to the person who said the bullshit in public.

    Either way, Imma be chillin in here if y'all don't mind. I know left the discord. like I told misterBee, rather communicate in honest to god forums than in chit chatty chatrooms and all that jazz. 😂
  3. +1
    AriesWarlock got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    It'd be a wiki about the lore and plenty of other miscellaneous bits of information about the SF world, from official handbooks, artbooks, etc. There's one wiki out there

    but it's got some misinformation and lot less content than what was recompiled in the SF lore threads. And one of the wiki members who used to post factual information started later posting untruths on a lore guide. And so  we were posting all these lore content that were not available anywhere but in Japanese media piece by piece on SRK where on a wiki it would be better stored on a wiki. Thanks, but don't worry about it for now. We need to get some members on board first.

  4. LOL
    AriesWarlock got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread   
    I think you did it so nicely, as if it was second nature 👍
  5. +1
    AriesWarlock got a reaction from TWINBLADES in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    It'd be a wiki about the lore and plenty of other miscellaneous bits of information about the SF world, from official handbooks, artbooks, etc. There's one wiki out there

    but it's got some misinformation and lot less content than what was recompiled in the SF lore threads. And one of the wiki members who used to post factual information started later posting untruths on a lore guide. And so  we were posting all these lore content that were not available anywhere but in Japanese media piece by piece on SRK where on a wiki it would be better stored on a wiki. Thanks, but don't worry about it for now. We need to get some members on board first.

  6. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to Darc_Requiem in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread   
    I blame you for the cheesy ass post I made at SRK directed at Martian 🤣
  7. +1
    AriesWarlock got a reaction from Volt in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    It'd be a wiki about the lore and plenty of other miscellaneous bits of information about the SF world, from official handbooks, artbooks, etc. There's one wiki out there

    but it's got some misinformation and lot less content than what was recompiled in the SF lore threads. And one of the wiki members who used to post factual information started later posting untruths on a lore guide. And so  we were posting all these lore content that were not available anywhere but in Japanese media piece by piece on SRK where on a wiki it would be better stored on a wiki. Thanks, but don't worry about it for now. We need to get some members on board first.

  8. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to M A R T I A N in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Alright, let's see how this place feels. 
    I need me a dark mode theme tho, asap... 
  9. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to Genistar in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Luckily i made an account a while back lol
  10. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    @misterBee I appreciate the love man, but you are the MVP for creating this place. Most people would have folded up shop after SRK was "saved." You kept plugging away and improving this place when the only people posting were basically me, @DangerousJ , @MillionX , and @Angel 
  11. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to misterBee in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    If it wasn't for @Darc_Requiem giving me a heads up about an hour or two beforehand things would have been worse.  Managed to get sign ups and a few other things sorted last night before the majority of people showed up.
    He's the real VIP. ❤️
  12. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to misterBee in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I have full control.  The forum isn't being hosted through a service -- I am running it myself on my own virtual server.
    The theme has been heavily customized and there's a major software/theme update coming this week.  Gotta make sure the new theme works nicely with the new software version.
    I don't have any problem with you guys running events -- I might even add a calendar module to the site to keep track of them. Keeping track of who can/can't update it might get messy though, so we'll see.
    Someone has already asked me for custom badges for tournament winners.  I'll look into it later.  Got too much on my plate atm with this unexpected influx of new people.
  13. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to misterBee in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I am very busy but if it is warranted I can create a wiki and let you guys populate it.  What exactly is this wiki for?
  14. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to TWINBLADES in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I'm back bitches
  15. +1
    AriesWarlock got a reaction from Chadouken in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars
  16. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to Mattatsu in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread   
    Is there any other way? I have a 250GB external harddrive that’s 80% MP3 discographies
  17. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to Skort in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread   
    I am aware that Star Wars has some waifus like Darth Talon. 
    But Star Trek has T'pol. I'm good with being a Trekky.

  18. +1
    AriesWarlock got a reaction from ToreyBeans in The Street Fighter V Thread   
  19. +1
    AriesWarlock got a reaction from OPTIMUS124 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars
  20. +1
    AriesWarlock got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Welcome. Always making a big entrance!
    Welcome@ Yeah, that should have been done a long time ago. @Shakunetsu said he was going to make a wiki where to store all that rich information so it would be preserved for the ages. He didn't do it in the end and now here we are 🤷‍♂️
  21. Insightful
    AriesWarlock got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in Fighting Game Lounge   
  22. +1
    AriesWarlock got a reaction from Skort in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Welcome. Always making a big entrance!
    Welcome@ Yeah, that should have been done a long time ago. @Shakunetsu said he was going to make a wiki where to store all that rich information so it would be preserved for the ages. He didn't do it in the end and now here we are 🤷‍♂️
  23. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to ShockDingo in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Sup everyone?
    Oh yeah, we definitely should bring over Miðgarðsorm if no one's invited him already, also we need to archive some of those posts somehow.
  24. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to BornWinner in The Street Fighter V Thread   
  25. +1
    AriesWarlock reacted to Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I'm more comfortable here than with discord. Plus I like animated GiFs around
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