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Posts posted by RSG3

  1. 55 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

    8K... at 15 FPS. No thanks,  I'll take performance over fidelity every time. 

    I'm honestly still happy with 1080p myself. My brother has a 4K TV in the same room as my 1080p tv and I can barely tell the different between the two screens. 


    Except FF7 Rebirth, that looks better on my 1080p screen then it does his 4k. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    own P.N.03. The game was mid to be honest. I found it disappointing. The game play is/was odd and I never would have made a correlation between Vanessa Z. Schneider and Eve.

    That's cuz P.N.03 was more a proof of concept then a game imo. I honestly don't think that thing was finished. 


    There's also a weird trend of comparing Stella Blade to anything with a females butt in yoyr face. I think that's where the majority of the Automata comparisons come from (besides the music) because they play nothing all. Just saw Yoko Taro tweet Stellar Blade is better then Automata and I mean maybe but aside from being action rpgs games they are nothing alike. 


    This is like me comparing DMC to Sekiro. Are they both action games? Yea. Are they remotely similar action games? Fucking no lol. 


    Honestly just want to game to come out so the conversation can advance lol. 

  3. 27 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

    I had someone on Reddit reply to a 3 year old (!) post I made about emulating Curse of Darkness vs actually buying it because it's not all that good and he couldn't believe I was saying that. He didn't believe that it was a common complaint of the game to have bloated garbage-y levels.


    That game really is a shame. It had a lot of good things going for it but they took the one complaint everyone has about Lament and made it 10 times worse.

    I actually tried playing through it late last year via emulation and I gave up, and it was right after finishing an LOI run on the same Emulator. It was boring. The similar looking areas do suck a lot of the joy out of exploration, and I actually think the combat was worse. Hector felt to me a lot more stiff and clunky compared to Leon and most of the enemies i fought either weren't very aggressive or they were flying and annoying to fight. The few bosses I fought weren't much fun either. 


    Maybe it gets better later on, I don't actually remember, but LOIs areas where small enough that by the time you where tired of them they where over. The rooms may have been boxes and hallways but they where small and short and kept the combat contained most of the time where as Curse had hallways that just never ended. 


    Oh and I think all of LOIs bosses are good to really good (none are quite great tho) while what i fought in Curse was very nothing special.  I may need to give it more time I don't remember, but I'd rather play something else anyway.  

  4. 46 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

    Controversial Statements:


    Viet Pho is better than Japanese Ramen.

    This isn't controversial, people say this all the time. The controversial opinion is that Pho is over rated as fuck. I've had it a few times and it's fine. The way people rant about it is insane tho, it's not nearly that good lol. I would rather have Ramen lol. 


    Reminds when I had my first In & Out burger and all I could think was "This is it?" 

  5. 1 hour ago, Jurassic said:

    Patel's bio includes "She prioritizes highlighting the intersectionality that comes with the environmental justice movement to achieve collective liberation for all oppressed communities."

    She puts a general emphasis on the systems the converge to create systems of racism against minority groups, especially with concern to environmental justice, whith the end goal being liberation for all oppressed communities.


    This really isn't thay hard to understand she just uses a couple of big college words like Intersectionality which is just where racist systems converge across multiple sectors. It's like talking to a mechanic, what he says makes more sense when you know what Fuel Injection means or whatever. 


    Pretty dumb of her to threaten lives, thats basically the only line you can't cross in that regard. 

  6. Ingrid story seemed kinda dumb but I don't know a whole lot about it. Her move set and stuff in game has never really bothered me tho, and I do like her character design visually. Just seemed like she was during an era when Capcom was transitioning away from fighting games really and no one knew what to do with her so she got shoved in CFJ, or Alpha 3 Max. 


    She always felt to me like a cameo character that never got her main title to cameo from lol. "Hey remember Ingrid!?!" .....Nope lol. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    It is comments like this that make it hard for me to take you serious. People have been taking issue with Eve because she's "too sexy". What you said in bold is just a lie. So I'm going not talk to you about this becuase your continue intelluctual dishonesty makes it point less. 

    Bro no one's mad they made Eve sexier they are mad she's sexy at all. Thays a completely different conversation. The conversation we are actually having is about taking real people and changing them, and no ones complaining Eves model was changed here and there to make her sexier, they are pissed she's sexy at all. I'm discussing using models for scans and then changing the models. No one has a fucking problem when the model scanned is changed to make her sexier even tho it doesn't accurately represent the scanned model which seems to be the Crux of the entire argument, using model scans when you're gonna change them anyway. Thats what you said. Why pay to scan a model if youre just gonna change it? Why scan a real person for Lady Demu if youre just gonna change it by making her 9 feet tall and have huge fucking tits and massive hands? Why does it matter they scanned a real person for that Star Wars game and then gave her a harder look then her model head shot with all the makeup and perfect lighting has? That seems to be the argument. It's ok to change the model scan when making them sexier but don't ever do anything to make them "less attractive" apparantly?


    Don't take me seriously, I don't give a fuck. I wasn't really aware we took eachother all that seriously to begin with. Literally arguing about digital people nothing about this is remotely serious imo. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    I'll take an Ingrid over Rufus.

    I'd take all 3 of those over Rufus lol.  His snake strike into suoer horse shit got old. I don't care if Rufus is fat as fuck, I care that he's annoying as shit to fight lol. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    @ChadoukenWait a minute, you got me thinking about something. Where was all the unrealistic body type complaining for her? The thirst for her was unreal and no one seemed to have a problem with it.

    Well because as has been pointeed out multiple times people only take issue when you aren't making them sexier. It's why no one e takes issue with Eves hips being wider then her shoulders because they want to stare at a fat ass no matter how goofy it looks 


    And at least as far as Mega is concerned no one said anything becauese no one has a problem. Outside you guys everyone else seems perfectly fine with a large array of hero types, from  Super Models to normal looking people. This only gets brought up because you guys take issue with someone's art direction. The rest of us have been fine with it. I don't talk shit about Bob or Rufus or Bedman because I don't care lol. Hell for the time the tech put into guys like Bob and Rufus was really impressive, all that jiggle and shit. 


    Like no one brings it up because as Axeman has said the people who actually give this much of a fuck are a very vocal minority. Everyone else doesn't really care that much. Just you guys and loser ass game journo publications like IGN France. 


    I also don't think anyone actually takes issue with you shitting on any character you want, I take issue with the claim that there's malice involved on the Developers parts and they are out to uglify people out of spite or whatever. It's the way people attribute motive to developers they don't know to push an narrative that barely makes sense so they can get hits and clicks on their Twitter and YouTube channels. My issue this time has always lead directly back to that tweet posted 2 days ago or whatever. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    I'll keep it short. Dont assign an opinion to me that I did not express. I have no patience for people putting words in my mouth. Feel free disagree with any position I actually have

    I didn't assign an emotion, opinion, or position to you. I said that seemed like what you two wanted as in "This is my take away fromt his convo" I never said it was your actually position. Like Hecatom your reading what you want and not what I'm actually saying. No wonder you both accuse me goal post moving, neither of you are actually reading my posts. 


    Walk away from the thread and get some air, your emotions seem to be getting in the way. 


  11. 28 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    When I provided meshes on blender of Alloy comparing 1 and 2, you ignored it.
    And now we are having the same combo, again, you are acting as if I never provided proof.

    No didn't. Meshes don't prove she's uglier. It proves she's a little heavier. You didn't prove anything  this with this but what was already agreed to. Meshes don't prove she's been made ugly. Your.claim has 0 bite. You in fact still haven't provided proof she's uglier. 


    28 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    I find humorous that knowing what I want in my ENTERTINMENT makes me vain and shallow.

    No I find your obsession with all females needing to be incredibly pretty vain and shallow. 


    See you don't actually read anything I fucking say or else you wouldn't haven't have typed that dumbass line. 

    28 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    Or are we gonna act that just recently the media and many devs were with pitchforks decrying that Stellar Blade has an attractive character?

    No but we clearly are gonna act like this is new and sudden and hasn't been a thing for fucking decades so we can blow up into this big fucking thing day after day after day. You act like this is new and thats the most embarrassing part, you're just like the people who thinking bitching about DD2 Micros makes you an enlightening individual when people have been making characters of all stripes in every type.of entertainment for centuries. CENTURIES. 


    I really don't give a fuck what the video game media whines and cries about its super pathetic you care as much as you do. I lived through thenntrying to ban videogames and failing you think I give a fuck about IGN France? Why do you? 


    28 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    You can ignore all that if you want, I wouldn't and will complain about it every chance I have.
    You are free to ignore me if you want, because I am done trying to have a discussion about this with you, since is a waste of time, for both of us.

    I won't ever ignore you. I will argue with you every fucking time you make this stupid ass fucking argument. You have to block me if you're tired of having this convo I won't let it run unnapposed just because it annoys you. 

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