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  1. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I would bet that like Bayonetta 2 it was in development, got cancelled by who knows what idiot executive but was far enough in development someone started shopping it around until Nintendo heard and put up the cash. Whether it was always in development with Koei Tecmo or not is a good question. I can see someone originally trying to get them to make a straight Marvel Musou but with the move to the Switch plus the cost they went for a known isometric focus or someone on the staff really digging the Ultimate Alliance games from the past which might be why Nintendo wound up picking it up since I doubt too many publishers with pockets wanted to see if that sort of gameplay works outside of looter fantasy games.
  2. LOL
    Wellman reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
  3. +1
    Wellman reacted to Maxx in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Soooo this may play into the eternals. 

  4. +1
    Wellman reacted to Darc_Requiem in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Why anyone would bother with Marvel Avengers when Ulimate Alliance 3 has a dream roster and is actually fun is beyond me.
  5. +1
    Wellman reacted to CDB2k20 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I still have MAHVEL UA3!!!
    It just blows away Marvel Avengers with ease.
    One of the main reasons that sold me on purchasing a Switch 2 years ago.
  6. +1
    Wellman reacted to MillionX in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    heh, just like Anthem last year... this Avengers game is the burning wreckage that keeps on giving.. I'm sure many youtubers are thankful for its pitiful existence.  
    ...and this long after release... the 2 characters they add are 2 archers....because if there's one thing people want in a superhero game.... give me those REGULAR HUMAN characters that can shoot specialty arrows like it's going out of style....can't get enough of that....along with dozens of robot enemies and what was it... 2 supervillains?

    ...meanwhile in Ultimate Alliance 3, I got Dr. Doom, Morbius, Jean Grey, Ghost Rider, Venom, Loki, Cable, etc.....
    edit-- I was thinking about going back to some Code Vein this weekend... the co-op in that was such a disaster.  I wonder who was the asshole behind that?  There is only 1 game I've played with co-op that is worse, and that was Fable 2.  It's one of those things that is so poorly designed, it leads you to wonder if the people behind it have even played a video game at any point in their lives before.  If I recall...
    There's a quick join kinda option but that was always greyed out (so...why put it there?) have to set up a password, then your friend searches for that password to join. Healing/recovery items are cut in half in co-op if in single-player you have 4 healing items; now you have 2. If either one of you dies, the whole session ends.  Now you have to set up a password and have your friend search that again to start over. Keep in mind this is also one of the many "Dark Souls wannabe" games out there, so the enemies and especially the bosses can be pretty unforgiving situations...there's some bosses where the margin for error appears to be nearly zero, because they do like +10,000,000% damage to you, while you and your buddy chip away at a health bar for centuries. If either of you have passed an area already, this is not available to do in you're also limited in what areas you can play. ("I already beat this stage even though you haven't done it yet, we can't play this one anymore."  Dumb.) Really, I have no interest in ever playing the co-op aspect of this game again.  Pure, "opposite of fun" garbage.
  7. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Nothing like being a JRPG Protagonist tearing down a religion brick by brick. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. 
    fucking death cults 
  8. +1
    Wellman reacted to Chadouken in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I'm at the final mission in Tomb Raider Shadow. I've been picking at it in between RL and Destiny. Gotta say I've enjoyed the new TR trilogy for mindless fun. As an archaeologist it's amusing seeing how fucking wrong they got shit with the Maya in Peru, but it's been enjoyable nonetheless. I really dig the Tomb challenges in this third installment. Puzzles were done really well. Combat still kinda sucks though.
    I'll go back and finish Demon's Souls once I beat Tomb Raider, and then move on to playing the Dark Souls trilogy. I'm excited they're all at 60 fps on PS5. 
    And I still really want to do a Lethal run in Ghost of Tsushima, and check out the multiplayer in that game if I can find some folks to play with.
  9. +1
    Wellman reacted to RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    The LOK love warms dead frozen heart. 
  10. +1
    Wellman reacted to Hecatom in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Oof, personally, I really like both characters.
    They both provided endless diatribe's and monologues that made me love them equally as characters. 
  11. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    quit acting coy like you didn’t do anything wrong. Whether it’s a spoiler or potentially a spoiler you still fucked up. So shut the fuck up. 
  12. +1
    Wellman reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    That is how you draw Wonder Woman. She's a warrior. She shouldn't be drawn like a bikini model.
  13. +1
    Wellman reacted to AriesWarlock in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    Artgerm did a great variant cover for the upcoming Heroes Reborn event featuring Zarda Power Princess.

  14. +1
    Wellman reacted to TheInfernoman in The One Piece Thread: Gear 4th!!!
  15. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to DangerousJ in The Marvel comics and Mcu thread   
    For the 500th time, Flash is Guatemalan lol.
  16. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    I simply bought it on switch because 
    1) I consider my switch my main console now. 
    2) To show Atlus and Nintendo players want more Atulus/Persona/SMT content on Nintendo hardware 
    3) As long as frame rates don’t genuinely interfere with how I play/enjoy the game it’s something I generally don’t care about. 
  17. +1
    Wellman reacted to RSG3 in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    Go straight to Royal. It's the base game but with new shit bolted on so no reason really to play the base version anymore other then it's harder. 
  18. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from RSG3 in The Nintendo Switch Thread   
    Go straight to Royal it is basically P5 remix/international with quality of life additions and new story bits.  
  19. -1
    Wellman got a reaction from RSG3 in The Star Wars Thread: Where we discuss ALL of Star Wars   
    It isn't even about listening to Twitter or social media folk. Gina said some dumb and offensive shit too blatantly to be backed as a potential star or even just an employee. Freedom of speech doesn't protect a company from firing you because you said something in your off time.
  20. -1
    Wellman got a reaction from Hecatom in The Star Wars Thread: Where we discuss ALL of Star Wars   
    It isn't even about listening to Twitter or social media folk. Gina said some dumb and offensive shit too blatantly to be backed as a potential star or even just an employee. Freedom of speech doesn't protect a company from firing you because you said something in your off time.
  21. +1
    Wellman got a reaction from DarkSakul in The Star Wars Thread: Where we discuss ALL of Star Wars   
    It isn't even about listening to Twitter or social media folk. Gina said some dumb and offensive shit too blatantly to be backed as a potential star or even just an employee. Freedom of speech doesn't protect a company from firing you because you said something in your off time.
  22. +1
    Wellman reacted to JHDK in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Being wrong doesn't make you a monster.
  23. LOL
  24. Insightful
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    So Bravely Default II did something cool with Red Mages. I’m not sure if this has been done in other rpg’s by square or the previous Bravely Games as it’s been forever since I played them.
    As most know Traditionally Red Mages are mages who are decent at attacking but can learn mid-level black/white spells. 
    well, in bravely default II they learn a heal spell that has a fixed about (“ara” and “aga” variants heal for a higher set amount), along with an earth based spell and a wind based spell. 
    however, they learn a passive ability that adds status effects to offensive spells. Well, in Bravely Default II (I don’t remember if you can in OG and Second Layer) you can equip a sub-job. So I have a red mage currently who also maxed out the black mage job class as an offensive and status inducing mage. 
    It’s kinda cool. Fire has a chance to cause Doom, Blizzard has a chance to cause Frozen (it’s like poison but the frozen target can’t move for 3-5 moves) and Thunder causes paralysis. The red mages spells Aero can cause confusion and I believe Stone can cause Slow. 
    it’s really neat. I also just unlocked the dragoon, Salve-Master (alchemist) and Painter (not sure what kind of class it is) but no one is equipped to them right now. 
    Out of all the classes I’ve messed around with out of the ones I’ve unlock the only one I don’t really like is ShieldMaster. But likely because it’s 100% defense base. You’re not even supposed to attack with it and I’ve always been a very offensive player when it comes to JRPG’s. 
    my favorite class right now is thief though. They learn an amazing attack called Godspeed Strike that’s based off speed instead of power and after 2 turns have passed you the ability hits them for even more damage. It’s super useful against bosses. I have 1 party member who is leveling thief right now and 2 party members who are using mastered thief class as a sub-job. So life bars are just getting torn to shreds. 
  25. +1
    Wellman reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I’m the hour of you posting this everyone has maxed out 2 job classes on the beach. 
    👨‍🍳 😘 
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